...smelling smoke? -- BRUSSELS -- Muslims, academics and human rights groups have hit out at a looming public ban in Belgium on the full face veil. The vote on Thursday was almost unanimous with 134 MPs in support of the law and just two abstentions.The law, which still needs to be passed by Belgium's senate, will be imposed in streets, public gardens and sports grounds or buildings "meant for...
30 April 2010
Yeah, you dumb bunny...
...it's all about your dick... -- GUANTANAMO -- A Canadian prisoner refused to attend his hearing in the Guantanamo war crimes tribunal on Friday because he felt guards had searched his pants for contraband in a humiliating manner, lawyers said. "He believes it comes too close to his genitalia in the way it's being done." Khadr told her Friday's search had included unprecedented moving and shaking,...
Dear Globe & Mail

Thanks for the detail, boys.Say... did it occur to any of you "professional journalists" that poor little Omar didn't get any of those injuries playing b-ball at the local rec centre?Mr. Khadr, who is blind in one eye and has shrapnel shards in both, kept his face covered and his head down as a 27-minute...
Paging Michael Ignatieff
Exactly what part of chasing after farmers, duck hunters & skeet shooters is gonna help knock down urban handgun crime? -- TORONTO -- Two teens under court orders not to have firearms are charged in a string of violent gunpoint heists of TTC subway collectors.Toronto Police Det. Mike Palermo said two robberies occurred in February 2009, another a year later, a fourth in March and the last...
If you're not measuring...

...you're not managing...Researchers looked at data, including censuses, death registrations and surveys, to compile the estimated number of early deaths in 187 countries in 1970, 1990 and 2010.Hey Britain... how's that nanny-state thing working out for y...
29 April 2010
Here's a thought
Instead of providing the easiest possible way for irresponsible, self-involved crack whores & their ilk to dispose of unwanted babies... how about we just pay them up front not to have them at all?Dr. Geoffrey Cundiff, head of the hospital's obstetrics and gynecology department, said he wanted a way for troubled mothers to leave their babies safely and anonymously at the hospital instead of abandoning...
How is Israel supposed to make peace...
...with these guys... they can't even stop killing each other? -- GAZA -- The Islamic militant group Hamas says Egyptian forces pumped gas into a Gaza smuggling tunnel, killing four Palestinians. The tunnels bring in food, gasoline and other goods, but are also used by Hamas to smuggle guns, ammunition and rockets.Of course, the Pals aren't exactly shrinking violets themselves..."The battles came...
I'm with Langmann
The time is now folks...I think we can prevent all these murders if -- a) Knives had serial numbers and were registered -- b) Knives had lockable sheaths and are locked in a cabinet -- c) Alan Rock writes a bill that states: Self defence is not a valid reason to buy a knife -- d) In order to move their knives out of the kitchen people need to apply for an Authorization...
"Not in my ocean, er... backyard!"
Opposition to the proposal from Senator Edward M. Kennedy, who died in August, had been a major thorn in the Obama administration’s side in advancing the project. The project has also made for some strange bedfellows. Cape Wind is backed by both Greenpeace and the United States Chamber of Commerce.It has been opposed perhaps most prominently by members of the Kennedy family. Senator Kennedy was a...
Eat what you want...
...die like a man...Toronto based chef and BBQ enthusiast Ted Reader will be turning Dundas Square into his own backyard for his own shindig on May 6th. The plan is to grill 300 pounds of ground beef, slather it in condiments, top it off with a giant bun, and earn a spot in the Guinness World Book of Records. He has a team of people holding their collective breath in anticipation, and he’s been keeping...
Looks like Ignatieff and Graves...

...aren't the only folks trying to spark up "culture wars"..."It's par for the course for what we have to do in Albany – fighting the forces of evil," Senator Parker said. Parker shockingly identified the "enemies" he's fighting as other senators."These long-term, white supremacist, you know, Republican...
Colvin testimony takes more hits
Mr. Buchan took over Mr. Colvin’s job as a Foreign Affairs political director in Kandahar in 2006 and received Mr. Colvin’s handover notes outlining issues he had been working on.“There was no reference to the detainee issue whatsoever,” Mr. Buchan said in testimony before the special House of Commons committee on Afghanistan.That view was supported by another committee witness who was also in Kandahar...
28 April 2010
BREAKING: Dozens of CTV staffers...

...rushed to local Emergency Room... all citing mysterious bleeding from every single orifice...(h/t reader scott)(link fixe...
Looks like I've managed to...
...acquire my first homestead-related injury of 2010. Went to pull the lawn tractor outta the garage this morning and noticed the left rear tire was flatter than a Liberal Party policy manual. Couldn't manage to get it off with a regular socket set... so I had to hunt up my breaker-bar.Unfortunately, it was on so tight, I had to beat on that with a hammer... and somewhere in the whole wretched process,...
Michael Ignatieff...
...single-handedly saving Canada from dictatorship...“Intimidation and reprisals are totally unacceptable in our democracy. These tactics are part and parcel of the Conservative culture of contempt and deceit.”Contempt and deceit, Michael?What about hookers, mobsters & bl...
Never mind toys in your cereal...
Blazing Catfur's pulling out all the stops...Prizes! Death Threats, Fatwas & More Are Promised To The Winners! -- Note: Personal kevlar is optional... but recommended.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:My new friend Shatzie wants me to put my... and I hope I'm getting this right... "ass on the line." Apart from the obvious homo-erotic connotation... (a common theme in communications from my left-of-centre...
Omar to get...
...a McDreamy deal? -- GUANTANAMO BAY -- Khadr’s defence team would not talk about negotiations Tuesday but confirmed that they have spoken with prosecutors and were “open to any possibilities that would resolve this case.”Khadr’s prosecution is set to become the showcase trial under the Obama administration, reportedly causing discomfort in Washington and dividing the president’s legal advisors.Go...
27 April 2010
Call the B.C. Liberal government...
...for assistance with a mentally-ill child... lose all your kids..."We're a lot better at it than we were 10 years ago," said Coleman. "We've actually gone to a different form of contract management that is saving us a lot of money that we can actually put back into services for people.You mean like foster care?"Social workers, along with the RCMP, then came to take all three of the younger children...
Liberal Party of Canada calls for...

...mandatory plastic eating utensils... and disbanding of the nuclear family...The number of homicides committed with knives has risen in Canada and equals the number committed with guns. Family members committed 35 per cent of stabbings.Hey... that "family" thing... it worked for Michael Ignatieff.**********RELATED:...
Hanoi Jane Taber...
...takes on the "Vast Rightwing Conspiracy"..."The Conservatives are mounting their own version of a “culture war” as they take on the CBC over allegations of Liberal bias at the taxpayer-subsidized network." "And it’s getting vicious."Yeah... that evil Stephen Harper... he's a regular Pol Pot.Good grief, Janie... "That's not a knife... this is a knif...
You can't really blame Iggy...
...he hasn't lived here long enough to know our laws..."The Liberals promised Canadian gun owners that REGISTRATION WOULD NOT EQUAL CONFISCATION! However, letters sent out last month by the RCMP ordering legal owners to turn in their firearms for destruction, without compensation, within 30 days gives proof of the lie contained within that particular Liberal 'promise'.”Just spitballin' here... but...
The Green Police
It was only when the case finally came to court, and her lawyer advised her to opt for a jury trial, that the local authority suddenly dropped the case. "They acted as if I dumped a body at the recycling centre, not a cardboard bo...
26 April 2010
In David Miller's Socialist Paradise...
...it's apparently every spineless little shit for himself... -- TORONTO -- An elderly man who cried out for help as he was being mugged on a Toronto subway train received no assistance from other commuters, police said Monday.It was not immediately clear how many people were on the train or why they ignored the plight of the 79-year-old victim.But hey... it's not a total loss... apparently the...
When Sociopaths Collide

"Is she really goin' out with him...'cos if my eyes don't deceive me... there's somethin' goin' on around here..."In return for supplying oil, which Zimbabwe desperately needs to keep its faltering economy moving, Iran has been promised access to potentially huge deposits of uranium ore – which can...
Not-so-Tiny Tim

"If a provincial election was held today, which party would get your vot...
Hmmm... kinda sounds like...
..."Mad Dawg Disease"...Everybody knows that when you say “I’m becoming very concerned about unsustainable levels of federal spending,” that’s old Jim Crow code for “Let’s get up a lynching party and teach that uppity Negro a lesson.” -- Funny how that works, h...
Perhaps the question should be...

"Do I actually want my eight year-old child... to be learning the, uh... 'ins & outs'... of anal se...
Undiplomatic Relations
-- SANAA -- Ambassador Tim Torlot is safe, UK officials confirmed. One person - believed to be the attacker - was killed.Western embassies in Yemen are no strangers to attacks. Militants used car bombs and rocket-propelled grenades in a co-ordinated assault on the US embassy last year.But enough actual news... let's change the channel back to Ignatieff and company and their unwavering focus on...
Never a Community Organiser around...
...when you really, really need one...Two state representatives called on Gov. Pat Quinn Sunday to deploy the Illinois National Guard to safeguard Chicago's streets. -- Okay... this has to be some sort of political stunt, right?I mean, how bad can this really be?So far this year, 113 people have been killed across Chicago, the same number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined in...
Bright lights, big city...
...make a wish... -- TORONTO -- A shooting at a west-end party left two teens with non life-threatening injuries early Sunday morning.A 16-year-old boy was shot several times while a 19-year-old man was shot only once, Dawson said.No word yet from Mayor Miller's office... on how many farmers, skeet shooters or duck hunters were involved in the latest mayhem."You would cry too... if it happened...
25 April 2010
Hope, Change and...
...don't wanna hurt anybody's feelings...Despite pressure from activists and lawmakers, President Obama on Saturday again refused to declare the 1915 mass killings of Armenians a genocide.He referred to it as a "devastating chapter," and said that "we must keep its memory alive in honor of those who were murdered so that we do not repeat the grave mistakes of the past."Yet for the second year in a...
Divide and Conquer
So, Michael... what the heck happened to "True Patriot Love"? -- Under the Graves Strategy, it would ensure that the West, the fastest-growing region in Canada, is shut out from yet another national institution. And any Westerner who objected could be called a bigot and a rube and "anti-French", to the delight of those more cosmopolitan ridings where Ignatieff might have a chance.In other words,...
Karmic Kow

The inevitable downside of tormenting farm animals... "Somedays you mince the steak... somedays the steak minces you." -- O...
"What would China do?"
For decades, insurance companies have tried to get their customers to quit drinking and smoking and to slim down and exercise. But imagine what they could have done if they had the power to simply outlaw behavior that drove up costs.Taking away your bacon will be deemed a small price for helping cover the Obamacare deficit.(via maggie's fa...
Hang on... does this mean the NDP...

...has to toss insanely-revered Saint Tommy Douglas under the bus?Just another question you'll never see anyone ask on CTV's Question Peri...
Darwin was Right

Has anybody actually lived... to tell the ta...
24 April 2010
Less than meets the eye
Is it possible that Nazim Gillani had a rabbit up his sleeve all this time? -- OTTAWA -- The man who connected Mr. Gillani with Mr. Jaffer agreed to speak publicly for the first time to explain why he believes his fast-talking cousin’s boastfulness is really to blame for the Guergis-Jaffer affair.Well... boastfulness AND duplicity...In an e-mail that Mr. Gillani wrote that day to potential investors,...
I can't even begin to imagine...

...the kind of sociopathic nonsense the female Blogging Tories have to put up with...Of course, the more pressing question is... what's gonna happen now that Liberal Supporter has finally found his Karla Homolka?And the fun just never ends...It's especially amusing when they start to pull out the multiple...
Mayor Miller's office strangely silent...
...on exactly which gun club the shooter belonged to...A suspected gun-toting man with four court prohibitions from having a firearm and arrested in Dundas Square during a pot protest is tied to the Point Blank Souljahs gang.Point Blank Souljahs apparently splintered from the Regent Park Crew, and have had their share of violent battles, primarily with the Project Originalz, based in the Vanauley...
The capricious and unknowable...
..."Will of Allah"...A wave of bombings in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has killed at least 58 people and wounded more than 100. Most of the attacks occurred near Shia mosques during Friday prayers. At least two went off near the offices of radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr. There were at least six bombings in Baghdad on Friday, with some reports putting the total at 13.Meanwhile seven people also...
I guess I'm dating myself here...
...but remember when pin-striping & flames were things you applied to automobiles...“It's the last frontier. These savvy entrepreneurs are marketing and creating a product, telling women, ‘Maybe you should consider this. Maybe you've never thought about it before, but other women have.'”May...
23 April 2010
"Accurate" information? Seriously?

So when Hanoi Jane Taber teams up with National Liberal Fund director Adam Smith... to rage against deconstruction of the 2 billion dollar "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry"... why exactly do they lead off with a picture of a prohibited assault rifle with an illegal 30 round clip? I'm gonna go out on a limb...
I guess apology means...

...something different... wherever it is this guy comes from..."But in an interview today with The Globe and Mail to explain his apology, Mr. Graves went on to say that polling data shows the Conservative Party “does seem to provide a haven” for people with xenophobic or homophobic views."Hang on a...
The always coveted...
..."Insanely Genocidal"... seal of approval...President Robert Mugabe has backed Iran's "just cause" on seeking nuclear power, as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues his Zimbabwe visit.Zimbabwe's leader said both countries had been "unjustly vilified and punished by Western countries". I can smell the crazy from my backyard.**********RELATED: So what's difference between......say... "violent...
Now, if they wanted to be on the...

...absolutely authentic bleeding edge... they could have had a female character trying to throw off her burqa.Wait a minute... how does that actually work out in the real world? Okay... scrap the burqa thing... let's get back to Riverdale...
I just have one question here. How do you think all...
Whether you call it "profiling"...
...or "targeted policing"... the fact is, they do it... because it works...The extra officers deployed in some of the city’s most troubled neighbourhoods last summer as part of the TAVIS initiative were so effective that Toronto Police will do it again this year.“The Chief found TAVIS was so successful last year that we’re branching out to three areas this summer,” Sgt. Jeff Pearson, TAVIS co-ordinator,...
I can't wait for Michael Ignatieff...
...to tell us why he can't live with these changes...The Tory government is reintroducing legislation to ban the use of house arrest sentences for major crimes committed by “serious and violent” offenders.It would ban conditional sentences and require jail time for crimes such as aggravated assault, human trafficking, luring a child, street racing causing death, arson, fraud, counterfeiting, and extortion.Hmmm......
22 April 2010
I, for one... have nothing but...

...the utmost respect for our new overlord...**********FROM THE COMMENTS: The return of Metrosexual Marty"What brand of lube feathers yer puckered arsehole these days?"Wow... you just never know what's gonna set somebody off. And why is it that the biggest insult the compassionate intellectual left...
Where there's a naked woman...
...there's a way...The promise of Japan's biggest porn star was all it took to convince thousands of Chinese men to hack their way out of China's famous "great firewall.""In China you can get anything you want on the Internet, you just have to want it bad enough," David Wolf, a Beijing-based technology expert told AOL.comOf course, not everybody's, er... "up" to the challenge."It's simple for someone...
Wake up... and smell the candied unicorns

-- "Do you plan to celebrate Earth Day?" -- Another fuzzy-bunny msm poll goes horribly wrong.Hey... remember the last time the Globe attempted to torque the discussion on climate change?Live and don't learn.**********FROM THE COMMENTS: That's not a knife...Good gawd.**********LAST WORD: Seriously......
SPC News of the Week
Just something to consider... the next time the chimp-o-sphere starts screaming about aboriginal poverty...Harry Sharphead is luckier. First Nation governments needn't post financial disclosures on any irksome web-sites, and band council meetings close their doors as often as they open them -- which might explain another reason the Premier might have to be jealous of the chief.For managing a band...
As exultant cries of "HURRY HARD"...
...echoed throughout the locker rooms...The skip of Canada's gold medal-winning Paralympic curling team has been arrested for allegedly trafficking thousands of counterfeit Viagra and Cialis pills. -- I knew there had to be more to curling than meets the e...
No wonder he's always calling it...
...Toronto the Good...Toronto taxpayers face a bill of almost $1 million for a goodbye gift to get Mayor David Miller and several retiring councillors out the City Hall door.Miller’s $167,769.94 golden handshake, plus the severance pay for the four councillors who have announced they won’t run again in the fall and the three councillors running for mayor, will push the taxpayer-funded tab to more...
You don't know...
...what you don't know...We all know that the Americans are picky to the point of paranoia about whom they allow into their country, but when he applied for a Green Card, Sir Paul Nurse had no reason to suspect that he would be deemed an undesirable.The Nobel Prize-winning geneticist had not only lived in America for three years, but is president of Rockefeller University New York – a powerhouse of...
I dunno, maybe they threw...
...like a b...
21 April 2010
Yeah... I'm with the Governor-General

Let's free the Hutus......so they can go out and find the real murderers...Seriously, Michaëlle... we could have "prevented" it? 'Cos I'm thinkin'... not without air support and a couple hundred thousand boots on the ground."Beginning on April 6, 1994, and for the next hundred days, up to 800,000 Tutsis...
IRAN -- you can pay 'em now...
...or pay 'em later... but make no mistake, they're comin' for your kuffar ass...Iran is increasing its paramilitary Qods force operatives in Venezuela while covertly continuing supplies of weapons and explosives to Taliban and other insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to the Pentagon's first report to Congress on Tehran's military. The unit is aligned with terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan,...
Can't we all just... get a bong?
Articulate and likable “hash mob” organizer Matt Mernagh tried to push the line that this type of incident is the result of “prohibition” and that legalized pot would end this. But that has nothing to do with flaunting the law of today.Yeah, Matt, of course... if only dope was legal... that would solve the evil scourge of, uh... what was the question, man? Hmmm... I guess that's what happens when...
The case of the magical, disappearing...

...hookers, mobsters and blow...In an incredible display of glowing nuclear hypocrisy, the smarmy socialists are apparently now attempting to channel Mr Dressup...Liberal MP Mark Holland said the committee needs to stay away from allegations related to personal conduct.Hmmm... sounds like somebody didn't...
Well... on the plus side here...
...it's not like he can... from a public relations standpoint anyway... make things that much worse..."Leave it to a prince of the Church to, utterly without irony, denouce "snitching" (i.e., calling the police to report an actual crime.) He sounds more like a Crip or a mafiosi than a Cardinal."Ou...
Rest in Pieces
Some days you eat the bear... some days the bear cores you like an apple...The man identified as Ahmed al-Obeidi was killed in the northern province of Nineveh, Iraqi military spokesman Maj Gen Qassim al-Moussawi said.The news comes the day after the government announced two leading insurgents had been killed.Insh'all...
20 April 2010
Just another reason...
...to vote Conservative... -- OTTAWA -- The federal government is trying again to stop murderers serving life sentences from applying for early parole. Repealing the “faint-hope” clause, which allows murderers who are sentenced to life to apply for early parole after serving only 15 of the 25 years of their sentence, would give “greater peace of mind” to families of victims and give Canadians...
You could always ask...
...a professional journali...
"Nightmare on Pennsylvania Ave"...
..."The Cha-ching-ining"...Campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs employees to President Obama are nearly seven times as much as President Bush received from Enron workers, according to numbers on OpenSecrets.org.Help me out here, people... Bush was "bought & paid for"... but President Mcdreamy is...
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