Hoggan did a second survey of a group of about 1,000 people it termed “thought leaders,” or top members of business, universities, government and the media, and found that for these people, the environment was the most important issue, followed by the economy.Of course, screw random sampling... AND actual journalism... let's just hear from "our betters".
The tracking of elite opinion was done because it often foreshadows views that eventually spread to the general public.
Way to go, Globe and Mail.
AIRBRUSH UPDATE: From shame to chagrin...
Globe decides to tone down blatant propaganda...

PUNCHLINE: Okay, now I get it...
"Mr. Hoggan, who is also chair of the Suzuki Foundation..."**********
RELATED: Who is James Hoggan?
My appearance Thursday morning was, to my knowledge, just about the only time that The Current has ever invited a climate change skeptic.*
For this I was grateful, even if I wasn’t the headliner on the show that morning: That honour went to James Hoggan, the owner of a public relations firm who was promoting Climate Coverup, his book attacking global warming skeptics.