31 March 2010

From the guy who brought you...

..."Why, oh why... can't we rise above the politics of personal insult in Parliament?"...Michael Ignatieff launched an aggressive attack on status of women minister Helena Guergis today, saying that she’s a liar and doesn’t deserve to be in cabinet.Nice. You kiss Ralph Goodale with that mouth?**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Maybe she should take Iggy to the HRC, she was insulted, called a liar with...

Nothin' like makin' that...

...crazy ol' cat lady look good.**********RELATED: Speaking of ick"If there's one thing you don't want to bring home to your house, it's these little bastards. They are very much like quarter-inch-long vampires.""And I'm talking about the old-school scary-assed vampires, not the new sparkly emo ones with the fucked-up hair and the feelings."**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"We had a bedbug infestation...

Remember when you were 16...

...you had a beef with somebody... out came the weapons?Yeah... me neither. -- OSHAWA -- A Grade 11 student slain outside his school Tuesday was remembered as a friendly athlete whose only enemy was the young man accused of killing him.An 18-year-old classmate was arrested nearby "within minutes" and was expected to appear in court Wednesday morning.Our modern world.**********RELATED: Who killed...

Ontario... just something to think about...

...while you're filling out this year's tax return..,Ontario taxpayers are footing the bill for almost 219,000 new public sector workers who were added to the payroll in just over six years... when the current Dalton McGuinty government first gained power, according to Statistics Canada.The Liberals, rebounding from the recession and with a projected deficit this year of almost $20 billion, has been...

30 March 2010

I'm gonna go out on a limb here...

...and guess the boys down at Millhaven are gonna love this guy... -- TORONTO -- The judge presiding over the third Jane Creba trial recalled the jury on Tuesday to clarify some of her previous instructions, including evidence about whether one of the defendants used to suck his thumb.No big deal, huh... shoot a 15 year-old girl in the throat? And puh-leese... don't gimme some shit about which...

Easy guys... don't pull a think muscle

Hanoi Jane & her BFF Iggy... swing for the fence...The opposition focus today is on the slap down by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the Conservative government’s failure to invite other Nordic nations to yesterday’s Arctic summit. Oh, good grief... even the guy she's been married to for decades... doesn't take "Shrillary" this seriously... maybe because she's just as slick &...

The fuzzy-bunny legacy of...

...Saint Pierre Trudeau...The intention of the proposed law is to reduce the substantial list of asylum seekers living Canada. The backlog of cases now sits at about 60,000.There are about 38,000 claimants whose whereabouts are unknown.Another essential piece of legislation... by that pesky Harper minority government. You know... like closing that dead-time loophole.Try imagine what they could do...

"Once upon a time"

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story...Shrinks know all about myth creation, because most peoples' life stories are personal myths. These political myths, however, are deliberately constructed, mass ad hominen smears on millions - including me. I do not mind non-violent political anger at all, but I do mind smears.Funny how that works, h...

Road to China's economic miracle...

...is paved with... oh... my... gawd... -- BEIJING -- Bodies of 21 babies have been discovered in plastic bags in a river in eastern China and authorites suspect they were dumped there by local hospitals, state media reported Tuesday.An initial investigation showed that eight of the 21 babies wore identification tags on their feet tracing them back to Jining Medical College Hospital in Shandong...

Now, lemme break it down...

...for all you dumbasses who weren't smart enough to make it into Harvard...“It’s pretty simple, folks. We changed Canadian politics this weekend and it’ll never be the same.” – Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff on Sunday, during his closing speech at the Canada 150 conference in Montreal.Save us, oh...

Bright lights, big city...

...traffic court, my ass...A 35-year-old Scarborough motorist was stabbed repeatedly by a knife-wielding man during a bizarre road rage incident that started in rush-hour traffic Monday morning.And although his wounds were initially thought to be life-threatening, the injured man is expected to survive John Hoang, 28, of Toronto, is wanted for one count of aggravated assault. He is to be considered...

29 March 2010

UPDATE: Guy Earle trial

No big surprise here...pretend court... pretend judge... what's an actual honest-to-goodness lawyer gonna do..."I find this difficult because of my obligation as a lawyer to the courts. In 30 years of practice I've never been in a situation like this," said Miller, packing up his law bags."This is high-handed. I can't consent to it. I'd be consenting to an illegal process, so I have to leave."More...

Step 1... take some high explosive...

...strap it to a couple of women, turning them into a variant of cruise missile... geez, that sounds so familiar... -- MOSCOW -- According to the latest reports, the explosive devices were equivalent to 3 kg of TNT. Both blasts were staged in a much similar way. Both took place on subway stations, and not in the tunnels, the moment the passengers were walking in and out of the train. Other measures...

"It's just not fair!!!"

Once again, the raucous rallying cry of the demented socialist loon...The Renton colony has been harassed for the past half-dozen years by a pair of eagles that heron-watchers have dubbed Bonnie and Clyde."Herons have thin legs and sleek bodies. They're built for wading in shallow water and grabbing small marine animals," Krom said. "Eagles have big, hooded bills and enormous talons with tremendous...

28 March 2010

Brave New Peekaboo World

"We would never for a moment view with equanimity large numbers of masked men on our streets. But how quickly we’ve got used to walking around, say, Tower Hamlets in East London and seeing more fully covered women than you do in Amman."**********UPDATE: Hmmm... I'm gonna guess......for the next little while, Burqa-clad women in Moscow, New York, London & Toronto... are gonna get all the personal...

Rhymes with Think-a-palooza

Iggy's very bad week... just splashed right into the crapper... -- MONTREAL -- The federal Liberal party is “in danger of losing its soul” in terms of how it approaches the world, former Canadian diplomat Robert Fowler charged Sunday, ripping the party for pandering to special interests that harm...

Uh, Colin, buddy... call me a whackjob...

...but I'm thinkin'... that might not be "the only problem"..."The only problem is it can get rather hot if you are riding the moped and blast the flames when the wind is in the wrong direction."Though I do admit, you've gotta admire the spirit behind this one.**********UPDATE: Apparently, Colin has very poor......"impulse contro...

27 March 2010

Entitled to his "Entitlements"

A rose by any other name...The company hired Wallding International Inc., a lobbying firm then headed by former Liberal cabinet minister David Dingwall. A routine audit “uncovered evidence” of a contingency fee — paid upon successfully securing a contract.Geez... that's not what the Rizzuto's would call it.Dingwall could not be reached for comment Friday.Yeah... I'm shock...

"Mr. Speaker..."

"...the member has raised a very important question about an American commentator who has come to this country with some outrageous comments... comments supporting the Iraq war, comments supporting the use of torture, and comments referring to Israel as a war criminal..." "But enough about the leader...

So now the lawyer for the defense...

...is suddenly pointing to a "conspiracy of silence" within the black community... "There are many people within the community where Jordan Manners grew up that know exactly what happened on that day."Now that sounds like a fairly definitive allegation.But, if he knows who killed Jordan Manners, or even knows people who have knowledge of this murder... (and I'm assuming he's not talking about his...

26 March 2010

-- POINT --

"I'm a little horrified at the fact that we have people that believe in some of the extremes that she believes in ... I felt like I wasn't even in Canada anymore." -- COUNTERPOINT --"Being surrounded by hundreds of masked women with names like "Hana Kadi" makes me feel EXACTLY the same way!"Yeah, Hana... let's talk "extreme...

Another fuzzy-bunny, dead tree media...

..."let's crap on the military" poll... goes horribly wrong... -- "Do you support a scholarship program for children of dead Canadian soldiers?" -- If we can pay for Karla Homolka to get a degree... gawd... I can't even finish that sentence....Do your part.**********UPDATE: The G&M poll is...

It's not like he's a known terrorist...

...who lied and scammed his way into law school...Cop killer Clinton Gayle has yet to be deported to Jamaica. But Citizenship and Immigration Canada is throwing the book at the law-abiding Mallozzi family?They say they were told to go ahead and buy a house, put down some roots because they would get their two-year extension that would put them in good stead to apply for landed immigrant status and...

25 March 2010

"One Israeli newspaper..."

"...called the meeting 'a hazing in stages', poisoned by such mistrust that the Israeli delegation eventually left rather than risk being eavesdropped on a White House phone line. "Another said that the Prime Minister had received 'the treatment reserved for the President of Equatorial Guinea'."Looks like President McDreamy has decided to go out and get some new friends.I guess he's in good compa...

You learn something every day

For instance, I had no idea whatsoever... they had a law school at the "University of Green Eggs & Ham"..."The lawyer for one of the men charged with killing an innocent passerby on Toronto's Yonge Street two years ago said Thursday it was bar staff and the co-accused who were responsible for the shooting tragedy — not his client.""Outside the bar Paredes admitted pulling a gun from his waistband...

And Winston Churchill wept

A boy of five was left stranded in a tree at school because of a bizarre health and safety policy - which banned teachers from helping him down.The boy was only rescued after 45 minutes in the tree when passer-by Kim Barrett, 38, noticed the child and helped him down herself.Well... thank goodness for...

Got a relative who has cancer?

Then you might just wanna talk to Premier Dalton McSlippery...Politicians and top bureaucrats from provinces across the country have better access to cancer drugs and treatment than their constituents, according to Cancer Advocacy Coalition Canada.Now, that doesn't sound right... what exactly is happening here? I mean, it's gotta be right there in black & white... right?It is unclear if that...

Somebody gonna ask Iggy...

...where he stands on this one? -- OTTAWA -- The Conservative government is promising to cut off monthly old-age security payments to hundreds of federal prison inmates, including infamous serial killer Clifford Olson.The latest available figures indicate about 325 jailed killers, rapists and other...

The first thing we do...

...is hang all the lawyers... -- TORONTO -- The teenaged girl whose testimony was the catalyst in the Jordan Manners murder investigation told her aunt that she had witnessed the act inside C.W. Jefferys Collegiate on May 23, 2007.But the witness’ statement was never heard by the jury at the trial of two 20-year-olds, J.W. and C.D., accused of murdering the 15-year-old Manners.But that's not all...Another...

24 March 2010

Last night's little Coulter Kerfuffle...

...would have been a perfect opportunity for Ottawa Police to try out their new toy...I want one.**********RELATED: Greetings from the University......of "Shut Your Face"...A Form Letter For Speakers from the University of PLEASE FILL IN HERE.Dear Sir, Madam or ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION WELCOMED;May...

Iggy claims "Abortion-quiddick" victory

"Da troot is da troot is da troot"... the sequel..."I think the position of the party, which I reaffirmed this morning, and the general affirmation inside the caucus, that we will reaffirm in government, is that Canada must stand behind the reproductive rights of women overseas."Uh... affirmati...

Do the Math

This isn't rocket science, folks... you wanna discourage unacceptable behaviour... it's as simple as... "slowly let your breath out... and squeeze..." -- BRUSSELS -- Private security guards on board the UAE-owned cargo ship MV Almezaan, aboard, have repelled a hijacking attempt at sea in skirmishes...

The now infamous University of Ottawa...

...bastion of "not-so-free" speech...“I’m pretty sure little Francois A-Houle does not need to travel with a bodyguard,” she said. “I would like to know when this sort of violence, this sort of protest, has been inflicted upon a Muslim — who appear to be, from what I’ve read of the human rights complaints,...

Remember Davis Inlet?

Apparently none of the folks who used to live there do...After a “chaotic” public meeting in Natuashish that drew hundreds, a vote on lifting the troubled community’s controversial alcohol ban was set for Friday.The turnout Tuesday in the remote Innu community, which exceeded participation in the recent band council elections, suggested just how deep feelings go on either side of the issue. The meeting...

23 March 2010

Liberal Pretender Rae hospitalised...

...after sustaining mysterious, massive, penetrating wound... between shoulder blades... -- OTTAWA -- Liberal attempts to ignite muffled anti-abortion sentiment on Conservative benches and foster doubts about the social policies of Prime Minister Stephen Harper have been foiled from within.A motion by Liberal MP Bob Rae... was defeated by a vote of 144-138 yesterday when three Liberal MPs – all...

No more Taser troubles

Indian innovation will set riot-control industry on fire... -- GAUHATI, India (AP) -- The Indian military has a new weapon against terrorism: the world's hottest chili. After conducting tests, the military has decided to use the thumb-sized "bhut jolokia," or "ghost chili," to make tear gas-like hand grenades to immobilize suspects, defense officials said Tuesday.And, no... it's no joke...It...

We, the Whitehouse...

Attorneys general from 13 states, including Florida, sued the federal government today, claiming the landmark health care overhaul is unconstitutional just seven minutes after President Barack Obama signed it into law.The lawsuit was filed in Pensacola after the Democratic president signed the 10-year, $938 billion bill the House passed Sunday night."This is the first time in American history where...

Spinning Liberal Gold

Screw that whole "personal responsibility" deal... we've got abortions...The Liberals are stirring the pot by using abortion rights as a wedge issue between their party and the Conservatives. And so far the Tories are falling into their trap. Opposition strategists believe that every time a Tory says...

Local coppers...

...have faces beaten to applesauce with brass knuckles... community spokesman responds..."He’s also dismayed by the “racist” response to the beating, especially those bandied about on the social networking site, Facebook."I'll tell ya, Chief... I'm a little surprised myself... that anybody even made...

The next book on my list

There are plenty of disappointing books out there... but Mrs Neo has been reading me snippets from "Happy Birthday or Whatever" by Annie Choi. Annie's the real deal and I just felt I had to share...I was going to have the best birthday ever. It would start with a parade — a dizzying spectacle of floats,...

22 March 2010

Yes Lydia, of course...

...that makes perfect sense...Usually these teenage gangbanger killings are so carefully reasoned out.**********UPDATE: Judge addresses "code of silence" -- TORONTO -- The judge presiding over the Jordan Manners trial has directed the Crown to investigate two key prosecution witnesses who disavowed...

Baluchistan Rules

"Okay... the first thing we do... is kill all the educated, articulate, good-looking people."**********RELATED: Another Canadian falls..."On behalf of all Canadians, I would like to offer my deepest condolences to the family, friends and comrades of Corporal Darren James Fitzpatrick, who died Saturday...

Idealogical Cage Match

Hoary old socialist versus the Liberal's "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry"..."You may think it odd that I own a gun. After all, I read and write a little poetry, I am a dab hand in the kitchen, I am no stranger at certain choral concerts, I won this city's book award, and I am a lefty pacifist."Hey, Peace...

"What a sad & embarrassing letter..."

"...even by the standards of the Canadian academy. Does M. Houle write to all University of Ottawa speakers like this? Or does he reserve his telekinetic powers to detect 'pre-crime' only for the ideologically suspect?""I've no idea what Ann Coulter's reaction to this letter is, but I suspect it's 'Go ahead, Princess Fairy Pants, make my day'."**********UPDATE: Ann Coulter replies..."I was hoping...

Look... it's another endangered species...

...a Liberal with a conscience...Many lifelong Liberals, like me, are disgusted with Rae and Dosanjh and their antics. Their agenda is to do whatever they can to attack the Prime Minister and Defence Minister, even if it means tarring the reputation of Canada and the Canadian Forces.It’s odd, I’ve never heard Rae or Dosanjh expend the same amount of energy on matters related to the deaths of 136 soldiers...

Land of the Slave...

...Home of the Unfree...The jamming culminated on February 11 when Iran marked the anniversary of its 1979 Islamic Revolution, the EU draft statement says. Tehran’s interference “affected nearly 70 foreign radio and television services” being retransmitted via a satellite owned by Paris-based Eutelsat, Europe’s leading operator of satellite-based services.They don't trust their women... why would...

Methinks the lady doth...

...protest too much...Reshaping the legislation's image will take place in three phases, White House aides said: the immediate aftermath; the seven months until the November midterm elections; and the several years that follow.I dunno, call me suspicious... this sounds a lot like the Three Mile Island remediation to me..."People have a deeply held skepticism about government's capacity not to screw...

21 March 2010

Even when the Globe & Mail does its...

..."rainbows and unicorns" best... to paint anyone who goes along with this one as an intolerant bigot... the "yeas" still take it hands down..."Do you support Quebec's movement to expel the niqab from much of civic life, which some in English Canada have called pure intolerance?""Some in English Canada?"You...

Only in Canada, you say?

Every month, the most notorious child killer in the country gets $1,169.47 transferred to a trust account in his name.He was approved for not only the Old Age Security (OAS) pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), but the maximum monthly benefits for both — $516.96 and $652.51 respectively.It is a reminder that, criminal as he may be, having killed at least 11 boys and girls, Olson still...

Bright lights, big city......

...a little penetrating trauma...One of three Toronto men stabbed in a fracas outside a City of Vaughan bar early Saturday died later in hospital.Toronto Police, whose jurisdiction is right on the border with Steeles Ave., received a 911 emergency call just after 3 a.m. about people injured outside Coconuts Restaurant and Lounge and alerted York colleagues.Paramedics rushed the three wounded men to...

20 March 2010

Compare & Contrast

Conservative MP loses temper at airport staff... result: -- month long "sky is falling" rampage by opposition parties & print, radio & television media.Liberal Senator charged with fraud over $5,000, breach of trust and obstruction of justice -- buried in back pages of dead tree broadsheet.Funny how that works, huh?(h/t langmann)**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Liberals stealing money from...

So, anyway, I almost scored me...

...a freezer load of fresh venison the other night. Jacklighting? A little poaching you ask?Nothing so exotic I'm afraid.Driving home the other night, about 10:30, pushing 60... (yeah, screw kilometers)... nice dry roads, a touch of moonlight... must've zoned out a little, because the gawds suddenly dropped a largish doe smack onto the right side of my lane... heading inbound.Didn't even have time...

Our modern world

What could possibly go wrong, huh? -- TEXAS -- More than 100 drivers in Austin, Texas found their cars disabled or the horns honking out of control, after an intruder ran amok in a web-based vehicle-immobilization system normally used to get the attention of consumers delinquent in their auto payments.Always a few bugs in the system, I guess.Police with Austin’s High Tech Crime Unit on Wednesday...