...lead-painted baby toys...The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) tested 41 problematic homes and compared them to 10 healthy ones built around the same time and in the same neighborhoods."We have found a strong association between problematic drywall which contains high degrees of sulfur, and the corrosion and health symptoms that people are reporting."Hey, this is Canada... nothin' to do...
30 November 2009
Stand by for another U.N. resolution

No wonder these guys just laugh at us...Pirates currently are holding 11 ships and 264 hostages, according to the EU's taskforce.Let's face it, folks... this is simple economics. In fact, I'll go further... it's a form of hyper-capitalism, in that, there are huge profits to be made for those who are...
A few other...
...not scientifically or statistically provable facts about pot...4. It's made British Columbia and its underground economy far too viable; without it (and Chinese real estate speculation), the province would be just another geographic catch-basin for the country's cranks, flakes and dimwits - like California without either Hollywood or Silicon Valle...
Mr. Colvin claims that for 18 months, he tried to get Ottawa's attention on the subject of torture and that his pleas fell upon deaf ears. The evidence, much of it from the two occasions he has presented it publicly, suggests his memory is flawed. As he is revealed, by his own words, Mr. Colvin discovered the abuse story shortly after or as this newspaper did, and then spun himself into a hyperbolic...
Help me out here, Peace Moonbeam
You let this animal outta the cage... what exactly did you think was gonna happen?His criminal history includes at least five felony convictions in Arkansas and at least eight felony charges in Washington. The record also stands out for the number of times he has been released from custody despite questions about the danger he posed.Clemmons had been in jail in Pierce County for the past several months...
Nah... I'll pass
Does anybody else remember when the system reported actual NEWS?Apparently some guy whose sole contribution to humanity... is that he made hundreds of millions of dollars playing, get this... golf... is trying to cover up what he does when he isn't clubbing balls around the great outdoors.Sorry... just not interested.**********RELATED: Herding the sheepleThat belief is held most strongly in Quebec...
29 November 2009
Not so neutral after all
Swiss voters have approved a right-wing-backed proposal to ban construction of new minarets by 57 per cent, a surprise result that could damage Switzerland's economic ties with Muslim states. “We just want to stop further Islamization in Switzerland, I mean political Islam. People may practice their religion, that is no problem.” “We want to stop the further developments – minarets, (the call to prayer),...
Beria? Beria who?
Hey... you're a little hazy on that whole fraudulent climate data scandal thingee... don't sweat it... Saint Google will steer you right.**********RELATED: Finally... a week laterThe MSM reluctantly discovers "Climategate"...The e-mails, between top climate change scientists, appear to reveal top scientists were suppressing information that contradicted the widely held theory, backed up by the UN's...
Whistle-blower, my arse
"By the kindest reckoning, he would have spent a grand total of a half-day outside the wire in Kandahar...
28 November 2009
If it riles up the Libs & Dippers...
...I'm guessin' it's a good thing.**********RELATED: Pithy QOTW"As one Liberal MP with a cruel streak anonymously confided recently: 'We were in such a hurry to dump Dion that we wound up with John Turner....
Christmas. Who needs it?
Not Best Buy, that’s for sure. After all, Best Buy is loathe to use that hateful word in its advertising. It’s so “religious” and tinged with racism, America, and tradition. It makes Best Buy shudder to think of using that foul word, Christmas. But, advertising for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha? Heck, why not? What could be more welcoming and tolerant?(via sda)...
Our changing world
Have grievance... will travel...Russia's federal security chief earlier said that an explosive device equivalent to 7 kg of TNT caused Friday evening's deadly derailment. Traces of explosives have been found at the scene and prosecutors have opened a criminal case on charges of terrorism.Russia's health minister said that the death toll from the attack remained unchanged. 18 people are still missing...
27 November 2009
Hey Toronto... maybe if you ask nicely...
...David Miller will pay for your cable service too...Who's watching the tube at Toronto City Hall and other city buildings?Just about anyone, it would seem. And an audit report estimates that Toronto could save more than $150,000 a year on its cable bill.RELATED: Meanwhile, out on the streetsToronto police are investigating after another bus in the city's west end was struck with bullets.It was...
Unfortunately for the United Nations...
....Cranky Toddler Nation has their number..."The great nation of Iran will never bow to pressure and intimidation vis-a-vis its inalienable right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy,"Hmmm... maybe, "Stop, or we'll admonish you again,"... just isn't gonna do it.**********UPDATE: Ok, Barry... now you say ...
From the people who brought you...

...the "Glasgow Handshake"...A controversial Scottish brewery has launched what it described as the world's strongest beer - with a 32% alcohol content.Tactical Nuclear Penguin has been unveiled by BrewDog of Fraserburgh. BrewDog was previously branded irresponsible for an 18.2% beer called Tokyo, which...
Canada shows the way
Not sure what everybody else expects here, but I'm guessing you're not gonna turn a couple thousand years of violent, near stone-age theocracy into full-fledged democracy overnight... -- KABUL, Afghanistan -- An Afghan-Canadian academic who returned to Afghanistan to serve as governor of the volatile Kandahar province narrowly escaped an assassination attempt Friday.But, sometimes... you do what...
Stop... please just stop

Oh my gawd, it's true... you can get a hernia from laughte...
A Tale of Two, Cities, er... Provinces, er...
...totally separate countries...The first video (the fourth video on this external website) shows Caledonia resident Randy Fleming walking down the side of Argyll Street South last Victoria Day -- May 24, 2009 -- with a Canadian flag tied to a stick slung over his left shoulder.He saunters on to the edge of the occupied site, at which point he is grabbed by a black-clad OPP officer, escorted a few...
26 November 2009
Mayor Miller's office withholding info...

...on which Toronto area gun club, shooter belonged to...Toronto police have issued an arrest warrant for a man wanted for first-degree murder. Kevin Phouthonesy was shot dead while sitting in his parked SUV with his girlfriend in front of a townhouse complex on Sentinel Road on Nov. 3.On Thursday...
It's all relative, isn't it?
I mean, compared to the CBC, or Lloyd & Lisa... these guys are gonna be the McNeil-Lehrer of the jihadi-sphere...The CRTC approved a request to carry Qatar-based network Al Jazeera English via satellite, in a decision released Thursday, noting that “AJE will expand the diversity of editorial points of view in the Canadian broadcasting system.”Heck... no biggie... here's a timely story they can...
Bread, circuses & media misdirection

Never mind that fraudulent "Global Warming" stuff... stand by for breaking bulletins on gravity holding shit dow...
25 November 2009
Another Ig-noble attempt...
...to stir up scandal... bites the dust...Retired general Rick Hiller, who as former Chief of the Defence Staff was Canada’s top soldier, told a Parliamentary committee that diplomat Richard Colvin’s warnings in 2006 contained nothing to “warrant the intervention” of himself or other top military brass.He ridiculed Mr. Colvin's allegation that all detainees handed over to Afghans were likely tortured....
Your money... his friends

"Convivial gatherings, such as the Scotch tasting, which bring together members from all parties, have proved to be quite helpful in softening members' attitudes towards one another," said Milliken."And it has been quite gratifying to see partisanship set aside and friendships begin, whatever else may...
Maybe basing your defense...

...on an episode of CSI Miami wasn't such a master stroke after all...Christopher Little has been found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of Julie Crocker and Paula Menendez.Superior Court Justice Michelle Fuerst said lawyer John Rosen did everything he could in Little's defence....
While we're going on about "torture",,,
...and, you know, "rule of law"...But the OPP, it was clear, would not enter the occupied land, would not make arrests as they would in the usual course, and had actually "negotiated" with the natives that the lone cruiser which was posted by the DCE entrance was not allowed to respond to calls from residents like Mr. Brown, and that only a "roving" squad car could do that.The roving squad car, of...
Paging Dr Dawg
Oh... my... gawd... respecting cultural diversity... or saving the planet... I'm so confused...Over two days, 200,000 buffaloes, goats, chickens and pigeons will be killed as part of a blood-soaked festival held every five years to honor Gadhimai, a Hindu goddess of power.What's a tired, old lefty to d...
Case dismissed

"I guess the Conservatives have paid their debt to society or been on really good behaviour...
24 November 2009
Yesssirree... it's that evil Optimus Harper

Enter the "Transformers" inspired world of Jane Taber..."Oh my gawd, here it comes... everybody down and cover!!!""Once again if the NDP and the other opposition parties are at all serious about getting to the truth, they will actually hear from those who want to testify before the parliamentary committee,"...
This is the end
Call me crazy... but the fuzzy-bunny "Red Star" starts crappin' on your pseudo-socialist pipe dream... truly... it's all over...Mr. Donolo, I hope you're not wearing a hat because I am about to blow your mind. Six words: A reality show about the Liberals! I'm no political expert. But in my previous life as a television critic, I reviewed hundreds of unscripted programs and I can tell you this: None...
Hmmm... Olympics... glitz, glamour...
...uh, homicide, hungry kids... teenage crack-whores...C'mon now... don't rush me.The real takeaway here is... we're talkin' about La-La Land, the spiritual home of Canada's compassionate, intellectual Liberal tradition... and once again... they're Number One!So the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association must be all over this homegrown travesty, right?Well... not exactl...
Alien invasion... Torontonians in shock..."This is way better than watching squirrels," said Brittany Rosenbloom, a researcher at the Hospital for Sick Children. "It is pretty cool.""I have tons of work to do but this is more fun," said office worker Sobia Khan.**********UPDATE: Brutal species-ist cops end animal odyssey......Liberals demand charges and immediate public enquiry...Before the morning's...
No way, no way, no way...
...screeches Opposition parties... too many facts may spoil the nasty, blood-soaked narrative...A high-ranking Canadian diplomat is jetting back from a Beijing posting to defend his record against allegations that Canada transferred prisoners to certain torture in Afghanistan – but opposition parties may not let him testify.David Mulroney, currently Canada's ambassador to China, served as the government's...
Not sure I understand how this works...
...but apparently, in Liberal Land... "ya dance wit' the one what backstabbed ya"..."I just spoke to Stephane," Ignatieff said Monday. "Stephane is a colleague and friend and has given me absolutely magnificent support throughout my leadership."Francesco Miele, a spokesman for Dion, said the former leader won't be commenting on his wife's tirade other than to stress that "he's always been loyal to...
23 November 2009
Taking the pulse of...
...modern-day Canuckistan...Let’s start by saying there’s never been a better time to be a Canadian mink, or a seal, or a lab rat. Canadians today are more likely to moralize about the treatment of animals than about the lives of our fellow humans. Just 22 per cent oppose euthanasia, but 41 per cent condemn medical testing on animals, the survey found. Abortion is considered morally wrong by 22 per...
None so blind
Sorry folks, from a policy point of view... this isn't about comparing apples & oranges... it's more like apples versus cow flop...
If only there was a law

Citizens of Quebec rise up en masse... demand "Explosive Liquids Registry"... -- MONTREAL -- Two more Italian cafes have been firebombed in Montreal, bringing the number of attacks in recent weeks to seven.Police say a Mafia turf war, an offensive by street gangs, or copycat arsonists could be behind...
Stephane "whipper"... also dipper flipper?
I'm trying to imagine the flop-sweat puddling on Peter Donolos' desk this morning... "Perusing reports of Janine Krieber’s anti-Ignatieff missile, er missive, this morning, I notice a discrepancy in the English- and French-language coverage.""In La Presse, we read that Stéphane Dion’s wife may be thinking about joining the NDP — a point that Chantal Hébert also makes on her L'actualité blog.""In English,...
For the Conservatives...
...this one was about principles... but what the hell were the fiberals & dippers thinking?Everyone expected a squeaker. But thanks to 18 Liberals and New Democrats, the bill sailed through by a comfortable 164 to 137 votes.Most gun control supporters believe Ignatieff was perfectly happy to have eight of his members bolt from their peers to reassure rural Canada that the Liberals hadn't lost...
Hey, Okanagan-Coquihalla...
...does Michael Ignatieff have a way cool surprise for you... Maclean's: ...you described your job since the Olympics as basically “being Ross.” What does that entail? Rebagliati: At a certain point, everybody has to face who they are as a person. Maclean's: How are you making your living these days? Rebagliati: ...This afternoon, I’m going to be driving a pilot truck for a friend who...
A dangerous game
If the Iranians wanted to do something useful... they'd be practicing mass-casualty drills... because, let's face it... Israel doesn't bluff.**********UPDATE: Obama administration responds... "Don't make us warn you again... pretty puh-leese!""Spokesman Wood stopped short of predicting that the grouping's next meeting on Iran, at a date and venue still to be determined, would produce decisions on...
22 November 2009
Don't you fret, Can-West...
...this 17 year-old kid has balls big enough for both of yo...
It's an ill-wind, that...
...blows no moonbats...In an embarrassing blow to the movement to combat global warming, hackers have posted hundreds of e-mails from a world-renowned British institute that show researchers colluding to exaggerate warming and undermine skeptics.**********UPDATE: What the fuckin' fuck?!Are you serious? They just made all this stuff up?At least one e-mail seems to describe how best to destroy e-mails...
Dear Mayor Miller...
...help me out here... how does taking varmint rifles from my rural farming neighbours... do absolutely anything to the bodycount in the center of the universe? -- TORONTO -- A violent morning in the city has left one man dead and five people wounded from gunfire. The bullets started flying around 3:20 a.m. on the street around 1001 Bay St., just north of Wellesely St. and a block from Queen's...
Stephane, cher... where's my jockstrap?
Looks like Janine Krieber got tired of being a "good little girl."Now, if the Liberals ever decide to hold an actual leadership election... instead of, you know... another glitzy coronation... they could do worse than a shoot-from-the-hip, hard-charger like Ms. Krieber.Of course, all that depends on whether Professor Milquetoast is willing to back the straight-up-the-middle-play... which, of course,...
21 November 2009
Okay, that's the last straw...

...I'm sending Neophyte to welding school....
CTV -- Never, ever afraid to ask the...

...hard, incisive questions....
20 November 2009
Yeah, sure... "Canadians" my ass

Now that just doesn't sound right... what Canadians are we talking about here?Hoggan did a second survey of a group of about 1,000 people it termed “thought leaders,” or top members of business, universities, government and the media, and found that for these people, the environment was the most important...
To "Serve and Protect"...
...their political masters...It is the most astonishing thing, but the Ontario government is bitterly defending a lawsuit in which key police witnesses admit most of the allegations, chiefly that the OPP stood by and did virtually nothing as a Caledonia, Ont., family was terrorized during a native occupation that began almost four years ag...
Damn... they're on to us
Donolo unloads Stephen Harper's "not so secret" weapon..."I've got to be candid: I predict that with Kinsella gone, Ignatieff will begin to close that 15-point gap...
Lemme make this as simple as I possibly can... "Never let the muzzle cover anything you're not willing to destroy."If you back your car outta your driveway without verifying that there is no one behind you... and you kill someone... that's simply not excuseable.Similarly, if you pull a trigger, without verifying your target AND backstop... and that round kills an innocent bystander... that's mans...
See Dalton, it doesn't really matter...
...how many glasses of single malt you toss back... you're never really gonna get that unforgettable taste of ass outta your mouth...A closer look at the documents shows that on behalf of the warriors who seized control of the land in 2006, the ORC has paid in the past three years $152,869 in municipal property taxes, $1,533.14 for no trespassing signs and $7,802.27 in property management costs. There...
$500 million dollars a day
Just something to think about... the next time you have to spend 6 or 7 hours sitting waiting in your local hospital emergency roo...
You can't sell this fuzzy-bunny drivel...
...in the bleeding heart of Canadian hippiedom... you know you're in serious trouble. -- VANCOUVER -- More than 80 per cent of British Columbians believe that gun crime is at least a moderately serious problem, but only eight per cent believe that Canada's $1 billion long-gun registry has been effective at preventing crime, according to a survey conducted by pollsters Angus Reid.Hmmm... maybe...
19 November 2009
There's goes Africa... and pretty much...
...the rest of the entire third world...Here's a thought... for arguments sake, let's just get on board with the latest media-perpetuated socialist hysteria around the alleged torture of "ALL" prisoners handed over to the Afghani government.Never mind that one of the tenets of captured Taliban training manuals is for imprisoned jihadis to claim that they have been tortured & otherwise abused by...
Maybe it should be GTTA...
...as in "Going to the Angels"...Homicide detectives are on the scene of what may be Durham's second slaying in less than 12 hours after a woman was found dead in a Whitby ravine.The death has not yet been deemed a murder, but if that is the case it would be Durham's sixth of the year and the second killing since 11 p.m. Wednesday when a 32-year-old man was stabbed to death in Aja...
Three arrests in GTA murder
Appearing in Brampton court today will be Shevon Bailey, 21, and the 15-year-old, whose name is protected under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Immigration officials have been called in to assist with the case of the youth.Isaac Kawakye, 18, was arrested Saturday and charged with the murder.The Sun has learned Bailey was supposed to be under house arrest in Toronto over a previous charge for which...
Nope, guess again... not Afghanistan
Look who's getting a taste of good ol' fashion democracy...The new act will allow Nisga'a citizens to own residentially zoned property in fee simple, the common way in which land is sold in Canada. Holding land under such a title allows owners to take out mortgages and leverage the land for other loans, things they previously couldn't do. They can also lease the land and build equity in their homes.Holy...

If there were any real justice in the world... we would kill this guy 26 times... very, very slowly.**********RELATED: Yeah, CBC... that's what's importantEmrah Bulatci, 25, bowed his head and wept as the jurors delivered the verdict in N.W.T. Supreme Court. He had been charged in the death of Const....
18 November 2009
Oh, no Canada
Here we go again...Tahawwur Hussain Rana, a 48-year-old immigration consultant and businessman, is at the centre of a flurry of international media attention since his arrest last month by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, but only now are details of his Canadian connections starting to emerge.**********RELATED: Canada... land of opportuni...
Iffy starting to channel Mr. Dithers?
Looks like Michael Ignatieff is poised to do another about-face... this time on the "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry...
OHIP, eHealth... now HST
Remember way back when... you know... you used to have a say in what the government did with your money? -- TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty won't agree to hold public hearings on the HST across Ontario, but says he expects voters will pass judgment on the new tax in 2011.McGuinty says people can call talk radio or write letters to the editor about the 13 per cent single sales tax, adding he'd...
That's some "spiritual" advisor
In December 2005, several youths listened to Aulaqi's "Constants on the Path of Jihad" speech on a laptop, six months before they were charged among a group known as the "Toronto 18," which was accused of planning to blow up downtown Toronto and military targets, the Toronto Star reported last mont...
Don't blame me... I didn't...
...vote for him...The effect of earlier confrontations with natives -- particularly at Ipperwash and Oka, was to terrify Ontario's government into a state of near paralysis. Premier Dalton McGuinty is a man heavily disposed towards confrontation avoidance. His solution to potential conflict is often to try and buy off the other party, with juicier employment contracts, for instance, or, as in this...
Do the right thing
Make a difference...Witnesses who followed two gunmen after a west-end shooting, only breaking off when they were themselves shot at, are being credited with the arrests of two men.The witnesses, age 23 and 20, were residents of the area, near the Jane Street and Alliance Avenue, and decided to get in their own car and follow the men to get a licence plate number for police, said Const. Drummond....
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