Yessirree... that's some "Religion of Peace"... -- JERUSALEM (AP) -- Palestinian gunmen opened fire Tuesday on an Israeli car in the West Bank and killed four passengers on the eve of a new round of Mideast peace talks in Washington. The Islamic militant group Hamas claimed responsibility.One of the victims was pregnant, said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.**********RELATED: In other Obama...
31 August 2010
Another Jane Taber tongue-bath

...must be Tuesday...The prospect of a fall election doesn't scare Michael Ignatieff. He's ready and so is the Liberal Party. “I’m not afraid of an election. I’ll fight an election,” he said.Hmmm... just spitballin' here... but isn't that the absolute minimum expectation you might have of the purported...
The all new & vastly more compassionate...
...Canuckistani Criminal Code...Charges have been laid in connection with Saturday's disturbing shooting in the parking lot of Surrey's Guru Nanak temple.Radio India managing director Maninder Gill has now been charged with a series of firearms offences, including two counts of discharging with intent.Hmmm... kinda sounds like a plating factory dumping effluent out the back door. Come to think of...
Well, I guess "major attitude" IS a strategy
Faisal Shahabuddin, a member of the mosque's board when asked to explain how two members of the congregation had allegedly gotten themselves involved in the terror plot, stated, "Why should I explain if we don't know it's true?"Let the healing beg...
Oh, c'mon now... you're tellin' me you've...
...never heard of a duct tape fetish? -- CHICAGO -- NBC News reported that US concern about the incident was "low", but the authorities wanted to make sure that this was not an attempt to test airline security prior to a future atta...
30 August 2010
Another Canadian falls

Cpl. Brian Pinksen, a member of 2nd Battalion, Royal Newfoundland Regiment, based in Corner Brook, Nfld., was wounded by an IED while on patrol in the Panjwaii district of Kandahar on Aug. 22.Cpl. Pinksen was treated and flown to a military hospital in Germany, where he died earlier Monday from his...
Airbrushing the Politburo
“Not convicted” is very different from “acquitted”. In fact the Mickster got his facts dead wrong in the direct quote. Charges were not pursued against seven of the 18–but the 11 who went to trial were all convicted. There have been no acquittals.One finds it hard to escape the conclusion that Postmedia News rewrote their story to remove Mickey I.’s glaring error of fact–at the request of his handlers?...
It must be eating him up inside...

...but Jack Layton is gonna let the chips fall where they may...His refusal to whip his caucus, as Michael Ignatieff has done with the Liberals, virtually assures the motion will fail and Bill C-391, which was introduced by Tory MP Candice Hoeppner to end the long-gun registry, will succeed.Gotta confess,...
Rossi lands Constantly Carping Kinsella?
Rumours are swirling that the Rocco Rossi team will announce, as early as its Monday morning policy announcement, that it has landed a big political fish for its campaign team.Uh, Rocco... you have gone over his resume... right?**********UPDATE: Rossi gets "Shit from Hell"Yeah... that'll fix everythi...
Bright lights, big city...
...I guess it's all relative, huh? -- TORONTO -- A witness told CP24 that police officers approached the man as he got off a bus. An officer reportedly fired several shots as the man turned. One witness said THE VICTIM HAD A KNIFE on board the bus.The victim? THE VICTIM!!!?Are you nuts? The actual victims here would be the bus driver and the terrified passengers on the bus.The guy with the knife......
29 August 2010
Mr Iggy Roboto digs deep
The real joke here is... they all like to say that Ignatieff is... "the smart one"...On the final day of his cross-country tour, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff thundered over a quip Prime Minister Stephen Harper made at the end of an ATV joyride last week in the Arctic.Harper, in Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T., on Thursday raced up and down an airport runway on a borrowed all-terrain vehicle. One reporter...
Maybe I'm just overly... what's the word?
Why exactly is it... that "sensitivity" always turns out to be a one way street? -- Des Moines, IOWA -- "We could see that the victims were white. And we could see that the offenders were African-American, but we could not see what provoked or caused the assaults."Without that, we were not in a position as a police organization to leap to that conclusion without the victims telling us that, and...
28 August 2010
Just something else to think about...'re writing that increasingly outrageous "municipal taxes" cheque to Mayor Miller & friends... -- TORONTO -- The stench of this deal hits one’s nostrils from miles away because every part of the purchase of the circa 1899 Harris House heritage home at 450 Pape Ave. to create subsidized rental work and living spaces for artists stinks to high heaven.Despite staff originally not recommending...
Bright lights, big city...
...cotton candy... and sucking chest wounds... -- TORONTO -- A 22-year-old man is in hospital after he was shot in the chest near King and Dufferin streets – mere blocks away from revellers at the Canadian National Exhibition.Police received reports of a shooting outside 100 Tyndall Ave. at 7 p.m. Friday evening.No word yet, from Mayor Millers office... which gun club the shooter belonged to.**********UPDATE:...
Okay... let's be honest
You've blown into Amsterdam, cruised the red-light district... and kicked back at the hashish cafe... it'd just be a waste if you simply went back to your hotel...The opera took three years to write and the project is spearheaded by the Klingon Terran Research Ensemble, a group that actively researches Klingon culture and historic documents.Of course they ...
27 August 2010
You can almost smell the multi-culturalism

Another day, another fuzzy-bunny Globe & Mail poll goes horribly wrong...UPDATE: Apparently, it does take a villageLooks like somebody... and their commmunity... sprang into action... poll suddenly jumps to 43 to 57 percent.Well... as long as they stay off the highwa...
Hey, Paul... try to imagine... we feel...The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, which endorsed Obama in 2008, gave the president an “F” for his first year in office.Paul Helmke, president of the group, said, “We’re disappointed in Obama.”**********UPDATE: Of course, to be's not all hisses & bo...
Bright lights, big city...

...gimme more of those good ol' "family values"...Toronto Police said they raided the York Mills Rd. home and found the loaded Beretta Parabellum handgun in the diaper box.Kaino Wright, 25, and Chantel Hamilton, 25, both of Toronto, each face eight firearms-related offences.No word yet from Mayor Miller's...
See that's weird... they had me back at...
...that video of Omar & his jihadi-buddies making improvised explosive devices... -- NEW YORK -- Omar Khadr’s defence faces an uphill battle when his trial resumes, now that the prosecution appears to have demolished the theory that a particular battlefield photo disproves the charge of murder against the Canadian-born terror suspe...
Bright lights, big city...
Hey -- is that firecrackers? -- TORONTO -- Two people were injured in a shooting which took place just south of Kensington Market on Thursday evening.Multiple gunshots rang out near Grange and Augusta Avenues around 7 p.m., Toronto police Staff Sgt. Mark Barkley told shooting took place nearby the Atkinson Housing Co-op, which borders Dundas Street on its north si...
26 August 2010
On today's edition of...
...Canadian Idolator...Mounties seized 50 electronic circuit boards during raids on Wednesday which they say could be used as remote-control triggers for bombs. Police also say one of the men was trained overseas to make explosive booby traps.Hiva Alizadeh, 30, appeared in an Ottawa court today following police raids and arrests on Wednesday. Mr. Alizadeh is charged with terror conspiracy, having...
Bright lights, big city... more "codetalkers"

Oh no, don't tell me... it's that "inner north-west" area... again... -- TORONTO -- Four men were shot Wednesday night in a gun fight in the city’s inner north-west, less than two kilometres from the site of another gun battle that injured a man earlier this summer.Reports of the incident stated...
Well, Ferruk... I'm guessin' that'd be...
...because they were planning a terrorist attack...Prominent members of Ottawa’s Muslim community will meet with a team that specializes in defusing police-community tensions to allay fears and explain why the RCMP arrested two men suspected of planning a terrorist attack on Canada.Uh, you guys are aware that we kinda frown on that whole "bloody jihad" deal, right?Of course, Ms. Faraqui speaks for...
Darwin was right
-- WAINFLEET, Ont. -- An alleged attempt to steal copper wiring from a Wainfleet transformer turned deadly early Wednesday morning for a 33-year-old Welland man.Alleged, huh? You mean he wasn't on one of those midnight hydro-substation tours?Man, you can just smell the journalism.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"His two accomplices were 'CHARGED...
25 August 2010
Ah, Toronto... you weenies wonder why...
...we mock you...“I am from Scarborough-Rouge River,” Scarborough Councillor Raymond Cho said. “We have a lot of natural areas. So many properties are right up against the forest. They are invaded by snakes and snails.""Women are afraid to go into their back gardens.”Yeah, Raymond... snakes & snails... that's Hogtown's biggest problem.Hey, maybe you could call in the army... aga...
In other homegrown "broad strata" news...

Scary, right-wing Christian fundamentalist... wait a minute... -- OTTAWA -- The RCMP dismantled an alleged Ottawa terrorist cell with suspected links to al-Qaeda on Wednesday morning, making two arrests in the nation’s capital without incident.The men are suspected of preparing a terrorist attack...
Bright lights, big city...

No word yet from Mayor Miller's office... which gun club the shooters belonged to...A 24-year-old North York man is clinging to life after being shot in the face late Monday.The victim was rushed to Sunnybrook hospital after he and another man, 36, were hit by gunfire outside a townhouse complex on...
Liberal MP goes with bold, new strategy...
...looks constituents right in the face... calls them morons...Liberal Wayne Easter from P.E.I. said he happily changed his mind and will now vote to keep the registry. In fact, he never wanted to scrap the registry in the first place, and only voted to do so to, "provoke debate" about the needs of rural Canadians.I guess that's why the Liberal Party has been supporting all those Conservative budgets,...
Whaddaya know... I guess a bird in hand...
...really is worth three homicidal maniacs in the bush... -- PORT COLBORNE, Ont. -- A Port Colborne, Ont., man whose home was attacked has ended up facing charges himself.Small point of clarification here... first of all, his house wasn't "attacked"... it was fire-bombed... in short, they were trying to obliterate the building. With this man in it.Call me a little anal-retentive, but that's attempted...
24 August 2010
Job Call -- Clarington, Ontario
The good news is... apparently "people skills" are optional...Be sure to mention how many tattoos you have, any history of animal torture and arson, and your score on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist.Tell them you're applying because you read about how Clarington employees get to harrass harmless local taxpayers like the Jaworski family...Yet another example of today's extremely "uncivil" servi...
Honestly, Sheila... we'd really like to... you out here... but the Fiberals already spent that 2 billion dollars tracking down farmers, duck hunters & skeet shooters...a href="">Auditor General Ms. Fraser...
Gotta have priorities, right?
Hey... now that England is pretty much crime-free... why not? -- COVENTRY -- Police in England have been dispatched to a Coventry woman's home after a security camera recorded her throwing a cat into a trash bin. Police are concerned for the woman's safety and posted two officers at her house. They also defended the fact she hasn't been arrested.Of course... things are a little different here...
Uh, Feisal... context, buddy, context
Meet the go-to guy for the infamous Ground Zero Mosque..."We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al Qaida has on its hands of innocent non Muslims." Yup... that's Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.Let the healing beg...
23 August 2010
Too many Chiefs... not enough...
...common sense...Delegates at the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police conference have voted resoundingly to support the long-gun registry, and now plan to lobby to save it from being scrapped. Bill Blair, Toronto's police chief and the association's president, said Monday police now hope to wage a public relations campaign in the coming weeks to boost public support for the registry.Amazingly,...
"Ozzie and Harriet were spared"
Simply more proof that... there sure are a lot of messed up people in the world...People were doing crazy things, like they do in wartime," Simmons says. "People were having a lot of sex with people they didn't know. It was just such a crazy time."Yeah, dumbo... just wait'll the HIV & AIDS numbers start to climb the charts... you don't know from crazy.But heck, broken families be damned... let's...
Here comes the science
Additionally, while technology plays a major role in the DEA’s efforts, much of its success is increasingly dependent upon rapid and meticulous understanding of foreign languages used in conversations by speakers of languages other than Engli...
Peace, love... the whole damn thing
“I pray, I beg your pardon, that Mr. Sarkozy has a heart attack,” said the 71 year-old priest.And he's not the only one who's beseeching a higher power...“I wish my classes were more supportive instead of being so difficult.”Yeah... let's just wish upon a star.That'll fix everythi...
I dunno folks... it sure seems to me...
...Pakistan's already hoovering up billions of dollars in western aid...Now, seven months later, Pakistani officials are telling a very different story. They say they set out to capture Mr. Baradar, and used the C.I.A. to help them do it, because they wanted to shut down secret peace talks that Mr. Baradar had been conducting with the Afghan government that excluded Pakistan, the Taliban’s longtime...
Rewarding bad behaviour
You sure don't need a Ph.d to figure out what a bad idea that is...The persistence of corruption in grantee nations has drawn concern to a program generally hailed as innovative, which has forged a total of $7.2 billion in multiyear aid agreements with MCC in 20 countries.Yet MCC has not suspended or terminated aid to any country solely because of corruption issues.I just don't get ...
The Obama Doctrine
It's easy... all you have to do is declare victory... and bug out...An American soldier was killed by a rocket strike near Basra today, in the first US fatality since the last combat troops left Iraq. The announcement came amid growing concern that the withdrawal of combat forces will allow security in Iraq to further deteriora...
22 August 2010
Bright lights, big city...
...yet another crime not prevented... by the "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry"...A 23-year-old Brampton man was gunned down in his home late Saturday. And while few details were immediately released, neighbours suspect the slaying was drug-related. Neighbours said they believed McLean lived in the modest house with his mother, grandmother and sister. “He was always outside at the front of the house,”...
How about we spend the next...
...2 billion taxpayer dollars... chasing after the urban thugs who are actually pulling the triggers?...Are Canadians who live in rural areas and small towns second-class citizens? That's the question we should ask our MPs as they gear up for yet another effort to kill the long-gun registry.Will they do the right thing and abolish it?Here's what it boils down to: Will big-city folk, the vast majority...
Like what, Lizzie...
...your strident & unapologetic cheerleading... for folks who are blowing up our soldiers? -- TORONTO -- “This is not the same country that I've known. We are seeing changes that are so deeply dangerous and they are fundamental to the very fabric of our democracy, and we must not let that happen,” May said.Un-freakin'-believable.**********UPDATE: What exactly are the Greenies
Remember when you were a kid...
...somebody pissed you off... you put a cap in their sorry ass?...Yeah... me neither...Toronto Police suspect the city’s latest gunshot victim, a 15-year-old boy, was the intended target of a weekend shooting at a townhouse complex in the High Park area.I dunno, Officer... have we ruled out some ol' farmer trying to keep coyotes off his sheep?**********FROM THE COMMENTS:A townhouse complex called...
21 August 2010
Sorry, Peace Moonbeam... why don't you try floggin' that nonsense down on Queen Stre...
Common sense suggests...
...the ship didn’t materialize out of the goodness of someone’s heart. It was paid for, and whoever forked over the money clearly expects a hefty return. Happily admitting the exploited folks on board would clearly seem to be encouraging that trade. Is it also possible that, among the 500, a few hardened Tiger sympathizers are hiding, hoping to implant themselves in Canada’s Tamil community so they...
20 August 2010
What's flat, black and glows in the dark?
I'll give you a hint... it ain't gonna be Tel Aviv...What is more likely, then, is that one day next spring, the Israeli national-security adviser, Uzi Arad, and the Israeli defense minister, Ehud Barak, will simultaneously telephone their counterparts at the White House and the Pentagon, to inform them that their prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has just ordered roughly one hundred F-15Es, F-16Is,...
They forgot they had a baby?

-- HOUSTON -- A two-year-old Toronto boy has died after being left in a blistering hot car for two hours in a suburb of Houston, Texas.I got nuthi...
Reconsidering Islamic Justice
They vote to convict... we could drop a live grenade down Omar Khadr's skivvies...A Saudi judge has asked several hospitals in the country whether they could damage a man's spinal cord as punishment after he was convicted of attacking another man with a cleaver and paralyzing him, local newspapers reported on Thursday.Those guys at Gitmo... I'm guessing half of them will have to be pushed out the...
19 August 2010
Just something to think about, Ontario...

...the next time you're sitting waiting for seven hours in your local hospital emergency room...The thing I don't get... I heard these destitute folks paid $50,000 apiece to get on that boat.So why exactly is all this coming out of my taxes?It would end up costing taxpayers more than $300,000 a month...
C'mon... what's all the fuss about?
It's not like she tried to... whoa... just hold up a freakin' minute...A woman charged with attempting to murder her 19-year-old daughter has been released under conditions. The 38-year-old was accused by police in June of a so-called honour crime when her daughter arrived home late one night.The Afghan-born Kaleki is charged with attempted murder, assault with a weapon and aggravated assault.Three...
Hope, change and... beads are holier than your beads...A substantial and growing number of Americans say that Barack Obama is a Muslim, while the proportion saying he is a Christian has declined. More than a year and a half into his presidency, a plurality of the public says they do not know what religion Obama follows.Oh,...
Pay me now... or pay me later
The government says the camps are "sources of illegal trafficking, of profoundly shocking living standards, of exploitation of children for begging, of prostitution and crime".The operation has been condemned by human rights groups, who say it is deliberately stigmatising a generally law-abiding section of society to win support among right-wing voters.**********RELATED: In other "multi-culti" newsAn...
From the folks who brought you...
...Mohamed Atta...Pressed on whether the developers were willng to rule out accepting donations from the governments of Saudi Arabia or Iran, he repeated, "I can't comment on that."Yessirree... let the healing beg...
18 August 2010
What's Judy Sgro been up to lately?
Well... the good news is she isn't pushing that "stripper agenda" so hard...Two independent sources have told QMI Agency that Sgro has paid back $100,000 to the federal treasury, another MP whose identity has not been revealed is reported to have paid back $60,000.Despite calls made over several days to Sgro’s Ottawa and Toronto offices asking for comment and clarification, the longtime MP remains...
In other "more basketball courts" news...

Another crack CBC investigation reveals... "Mike Harris is killing our kids!!!"...It's not surprising to see higher rates of youth homicide in recent years, she believes, given the cuts to social programs instituted in the '90s by the Harris government."These are, as many people would argue, the children...
And Aqsa Parvez wept

Seriously... kites... that's where the cultural battlelines are being drawn?
-- TORONTO -- The city has summarily banned all kites from Milliken Park, a 32-hectare green space and unofficial home of a game that sees skilled kite-masters manoeuvre their flying contraptions to slice their opponents'...
From the comments:

The Obama Whitehouse is... yet again... engaging in what my Brit friends would call "playing silly buggars"...C'mon Barry... man-up and release the birth certificate... take your lumps... and end this thi...
Ground Zero Mosque moving?
Maybe... maybe not..."Sources tell CBS 2’s Kramer that Gov. Paterson is concerned that Mayor Mike Bloomberg, a staunch supporter of putting the mosque at ground zero, and President Barack Obama, might be advising mosque leaders to dig in their heels and insist on the present location."**********RELATED: Let the "healing" beginContacted at his New York office El Gamal initially didn’t have much to...
17 August 2010
In other "coals to Newcastle" news...
The second largest oil-exporting nation in OPEC is so technologically challenged, it has to import fully one third of its domestic gasoline supplies..."It seems that people are panicking, and also despite the fact that the government tries to reassure them, the reality is that access to petroleum is not the same as before."And President McDreamy's not worried about them fooling around with splitting...
Sharpening stones to be regulated

Mayor Miller's office set to announce "new & improved" draconian regulations... regarding use and ownershop of swords, spears and various other edged implements... -- TORONTO -- Three women were stabbed in the back with a machete during an apparent domestic dispute late Monday.The suspect was...
Here's the thing, dumbass...

...there's a reason it's called "prison"... and not "circle of friends"...Of course... let's not forget... this is Canada..."A man serving a life sentence for raping, killing and torching a 15-year-old Ontario girl while he was on mandatory supervision for one of Manitoba's most shocking sex crimes...
Mexico ain't the only place... don't drink the water..."The controversial new method is said to be less expensive and more environmentally friendly than running highly polluting crematoria or using up valuable land for graves."Wait a minute... THE SEWAGE SYSTEM?You flush Grampie & Grammie down the toil...
Red Star caught red-handed

Professional journalists... your ethical and intellectual superiors...Yeah... I'm shocked.**********UPDATE: The "Red Star" replies...“We’re trying to track it down to which computer it came from, which may be impossible to do,” said Mr. Hepburn.Wait... the Toronto Star is the only organisation in the...
16 August 2010
Hope, change and special rules...

...for special people..."How else can you explain why a small Greek Orthodox church congregation in the same neighborhood--which existed prior to 9.11 -- still doesn't have clearance or permission to reestablish it's presence in lower Manhattan?"...
Talk about having your goat and eating it too... -- KABUL -- The Taliban waging a vicious insurgency in Afghanistan have signalled a willingness to cooperate with international forces, the United Nations and rights groups to investigate civilian deaths.A committee "should be formed to assess the very issue and conduct investigations into the civilian casualties across the country", the Taliban...
Hang on Haydat... does that include...

...all those wonderful folks from the PFLP?...“What people don’t understand is that it’s impossible for anyone with a questionable background to get into Canada. If they are not genuine refugees, they will go back. But we have to give them a chance.” -- Haydat Nazami -- "They will go back?"... that's...
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