31 May 2009

No wonder nobody wants to engage...

...these dishonest little wankers...There is, apparently... no limit to how low they will go.And the forged comments continue...[*]RELATED: Ah yes... Alexander Pannetta(via sda)**********LAST WORD: A little more selective outrage...It is shameful, however, that Obama did not take a moment Monday to...

That's odd, the terrorists don't usually...

...give you advance warning like this... but let's take them at their word and start bringing up reinforcements... -- AKWESASNE, Ont. -- Mohawk Warriors from the Akwesasne reserve near Cornwall, Ont. say they will storm a Canada Border Services Agency post on Monday and shut down the international...

Yeah... you can just "feel the honour"

Looks like there's a bit of a speedbump in the road to... implementing Sharia Law... in Ontario...Minutes earlier, the jury returned a verdict of guilty on two counts of first-degree murder against 23-year-old Sadiqi, who gunned down his 20-year-old sister, Khatera, and her fiancé, Feroz Mangal, 23, in the early hours of Sept. 19, 2006 while the couple was sitting in her parked car.Prosecutor Mark...

30 May 2009

Justice delayed...

...is justice denied...Anyway... I guess it wasn't the CIA after all.**********RELATED: Yeah... who needs democracy anyway?President Barack Obama will offer his personal commitment to “change the conversation” with the Muslim world in a long-awaited speech in Cairo this week.It's not like a robust...

A criminal lawyer's...

...rainbow-filled, unicorn-inhabited world......versus, you know... stark, unbending scumsucking reality..."Terri-Lynne McClintic turned Michael Rafferty in to police -- telling officers about the abduction and murder of Victoria 'Tori' Stafford -- only after she learned he was dating another woman...

29 May 2009

Thank gawd he didn't say...

..."black hole"...tar baby - n. - "A situation or problem from which it is virtually impossible to disentangle oneself."[After “Bre'r Rabbit and the Tar Baby,” an Uncle Remus story by Joel Chandler Harris.]**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"When the opposition parties refer to Alberta Oil Sands as Tar Sands are they attacking the "people of color" that work in the Oil Sands?"**********UPDATE: Actually,...

"It's an Obamination," says Iran

Oh, in that case... it looks like those brave "holy warriors" are totally off the hook...A provincial official in Iran has accused the United States of being behind Thursday's bombing of a mosque that killed at least 19 people.Jalal Sayah, deputy governor of Sistan-Baluchestan province, said three people had been arrested following the attack. "According to the information we obtained they were hired...

Hey.... this is fuzzy-bunny Canada

It's worth a shot...Convicted killer Richard Raymond Babinski -- claiming that Ojibway blood somehow courses through his mother's family tree, this sudden revelation coming only after spending years in prison -- sat at his parole hearing in Kingston, his long hair in a braided ponytail, a Native elder at his side, and called himself a "concrete Indian."Some 300 km away in Toronto, in a second-floor...

"I'm from the Government..."

"...I'm here to save you..."For Mr. Milke, the auto bailouts are typical of political decisions that benefit relatively few people at the expense of millions. But because the risk of a cross-Canada taxpayer revolt is small compared to the potential payback from voters in hard-up communities in Southern...

28 May 2009

Live and don't learn...

...that's us... -- WOODSTOCK -- The spectre of Karla Homolka’s “deal with the devil” has arisen in the Victoria (Tori) Stafford case because the two people accused of the girl’s slaying will now get separate trials.Under the Criminal Code, abduction carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison while kidnapping carries a maximum of life.No.No way. Not again.**********RELATED: The first...

"And if you can't be..."

"In Jer-u-sa-lem... bomb the one you're with." -- TEHRAN, May 28 (Reuters) -- An explosion at a prominent Shi'ite Muslim mosque in the southeast Iranian city of Zahedan on Thursday killed 30 people and wounded 60, the semi-official news agency ILNA reported.The attack was carried out on a public holiday honouring the first Shi'ite Imam, Ali Ebne-Abitaleb, after whom the mosque is named. Zahedan...

They'll just slip it in, and hope...

...the sheeple don't notice...McGuinty confirmed yesterday that the change is on his radar. That's something that's been talked about," the premier said. "It's not something that's been actively considered at this point in time." "It wasn't part of our original proposal," he said before pointedly leaving...

Be it ever so humble

"Lost in the liberal tumult of ecstasy over her nomination is the simple fact that Judge Sotomayor had the undoubted blessing of attending private schools." "All her life."**********RELATED: Hit me with your empathy stick"Her most high-profile case involved New Haven’s decision to toss out tests used to evaluate candidates for promotion in the fire department because there were no minority candidates...

Did you hear the one about...

...the judge from Planet Crazy? -- EDMONTON -- Hart told court a security official at the remand centre called MacDonald the "most difficult inmate" among the 860 housed at the downtown facility. Court heard MacDonald has used illegal drugs, assaulted virtually every inmate bunked with him, "feces-bombed" other inmates, flooded his cell, urinated on the floor, set fires and assaulted and spat...

Norks v. World

This oughta be interesting...On Thursday, the South Korea-U.S. combined forces command increased the surveillance to level 2 from the present level 3, Defense Ministry spokesman Won Tae-jae said. He said that was the highest level since 2006, when the North conducted its first-ever nuclear test.The...

If there was no Joe Biden...

...you'd just have to invent him...He received spontaneous applause just three times, once for making fun of his boss, President Barack Obama, after wind knocked over a teleprompter screen."What am I going to tell the president when I tell him his teleprompter is broken," Biden joked, hitting a theme that has been fodder for conservative talk shows. "What will he do then?"...

27 May 2009

I'm so confused, wasn't it just last week...

...that the Puffin King was screeching about loosening the government purse strings?And wasn't Iggy also demanding more action on the auto bailout?Canada's contribution to the bailout of two Detroit auto makers could soar to more than $13-billion with the increasing need for cash by General Motors Corp.,...

I know there are people...

...who get absolutely insane, every time I mention Toronto's burgeoning crime problems. They start screaming about racism... or calling me a nazi. Of course, the fact is, I don't make any of this stuff up. It's all taken directly from local news sources, word for scary word.I guess some folks feel it's best to just avert their gaze... to pretend there is no problem. Unfortunately, shooting the...

I'm from the Government...

...I'm here to save you...After catching him, Mr. Chen said he and his employees tied the man up and put him in a delivery truck, intending to hold him until police arrived. But someone else called 911 first.Mr. Chen said he spent 24 hours in a holding cell at 52 Division, paid $7,500 bail, and that the suspected shoplifter – also charged – got out of custody before he did.So where do you draw the...

Yet another "Act of God?"

-- LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) -- A large bomb has exploded in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore and an official says it has caused a large number of casualties.The blast mid-morning Wednesday was powerful enough to shear walls off buildings in the main business district of Lahore.Khoro Pervaiz, the commissioner of Lahore, cited "a large number of casualties" though a tally was not exactly known.**********UPDATE:...

26 May 2009

Sometimes it's better to be lucky...

...than good...The proprietor of a Caribbean restaurant on Morningside Ave. near Lawrence had just finished preparing some jerk chicken outside in anticipation of the dinner rush. He came back into his diner when the hair on the back of his neck stood up.He heard a clicking sound, like the one made when someone cocks a gun.As he turned around, he got the shock of his life - a man was standing behind...

Help me out here, Michaelle...

...is hunting only inhumane when the rest of us do it?When it was over, the Governor General wiped her bloody fingers with a tissue, saying it is difficult to believe anyone would characterize the traditional hunting practices as inhumane.Or... is hunting still a bloody, unnecessary ritual... but we're...

You don't mess around with Keith

-- JOHNSTOWN, N.Y. -- A New York toddler still in diapers has a growing reputation as a pool shark with a mean bank shot - even though he has to stand on a chair to reach the table.Two-year-old Keith O'Dell Jr. from upstate New York has pool shooting videos posted on YouTube, has his own website and is the youngest member of the American Pool Association. His parents say his learning hasn't been...

What part of...

...40 billion dollar deficit does Michael Ignatieff not understand?It’s a generous nanny-state concept. Work just eight weeks anywhere in Canada and, if terminated, the Liberals want you to collect unemployment benefits for up to 50 weeks. Graduating students with a summer job that contributes to Employment Insurance, rejoice. Start work after exams, finish in the spring and by Labour Day, 360 work...

25 May 2009

Bright lights, big city...

...fatal beating...Three teenagers were charged Monday with second-degree murder in connection with the death of 67-year-old Kim Ngu Lieu, who was attacked in Montreal North last weekend.Ngu Lieu was at a bus stop at the corner of St. Vital and Henri Bourassa Blvds. late in the evening on May 17 when police allege the three youths surrounded her, brutally beat her, and tried to steal her purse.Who...

Remember when you were a kid...

...and you could rent teenage girls by the hour? Yeah... me neither.A 40-year-old man is under arrest and a 15-year-old girl is in protective custody after York Regional police infiltrated a prostitution ring.Members of the police Drugs and Vice Unit were told Friday that the teen was allegedly working...

UPDATE: That controlling, dictatorial...

...Stephen Harp... uh... wait a minute...As his government grapples with the ailing economy, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has lost his economic development minister, Michael Bryant, in a move blamed both on a notorious speech Mr. Bryant gave espousing “reverse Reaganomics” and on his leadership ambitions.A source close to the Premier's Office said that Mr. Bryant's wave-making speech given to at...

Okay, Mr President...

...your move..."North Korea had been expecting the new U.S. administration to mark a shift from the previous administration's stance, but is realizing that there are no changes.""It may have decided that a second test was necessary."**********UPDATE: Two words, Barry... Chinese VetoCBC, yet again,...

Tonight's CTV Moonbat Moment

In yet another shameless and incredibly hypocritical defense of Canada's first wannabe American Prime Minister... CTV featured a soundbite from Warren "Special K" Kinsella... the man one Liberal organiser recently described as "Human Shrapnel."Apparently the Puffin King is the political equivalent of, and I quote... "Wayne Gretzky" or "Celine Dion."Yet another journalistic coup for Sandi Rinaldo and...

24 May 2009

Well, that's one mystery solved

I guess we know what Dalton and company needed that new health care premium for.Ontario's auditor is probing spending at the delay-plagued provincial agency responsible for developing electronic health records. eHealth Ontario has spent $146 million on consultants since 2003, despite commitments to reign in billings for outside expertise.And overall agency spending has ballooned to $839 million while...

The "Human Right" to have...

...whatever your little heart desires...The human rights case launched by a federal scientist who claimed his former boss hired Chinese researchers because of their willingness to tolerate abuse has been dropped quietly.The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal had been scheduled to hear this month the case of Ming Zhou, 46, a Chinese-born scientist who alleged Chander Grover and the National Research Council...

Iron Men, Wooden Ships

I once had a friend... a computer programmer, who married a farmer's daughter (no, this isn't the start of a joke). These two had been together for a decade... had a nice new house and a couple of lovely kids... but my friend's father-in-law just couldn't wrap his head around a man who sat and typed all day for a living.The fact that my buddy likely grossed at least four times the farmers annual...

23 May 2009

"No support, no minister"

I guess Michael Bryant finally got tired of Dalton crappin' all over him... -- TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty says he will take over as Ontario's economic development minister once Michael Bryant steps down from the post.McGuinty says Bryant told him Friday that he will be leaving politics to become CEO of the new Invest Toronto corporation, chaired by Mayor David Miller.The colourful minister...

In other "Tales of Transformative Justice"

Mayor's office, yet again, strangely silent... on which scout troop, er... gun club... he belonged to. -- TORONTO -- A 13-year-old boy was found with a loaded handgun in Toronto's northwest end, police said this morning. The boy was being investigated as part of a shooting investigation in the...

Yet another celebration of diversity

Whatever happened to... "One People, One Law"?One inmate named Darcy, who murdered his in-laws and his wife, says, “I'm not going to let their deaths be in vain.”Murderers, rapists and contract killers, they have spent much of their adult lives behind bars. But this place, known as Kwikwexwelhp, has no bars. It barely has fences.And while a typical Canadian would likely be angered and appalled by...

22 May 2009

Henry VI, 4.2.59

"The first thing we do... is hang all the lawyers."**********UPDATE: Bias, what media bias?It was fortuitous that I included the full text of the original article here in the comments. Apparently the Red Star has disappeared the original article that refers to McClintic's lawyer's comments about "helping...

Student Services...

...sure aren't what they used to be..."It is not a moral standpoint but a fiscal one," an official said. "Prostitution is not an illegal act in Germany, but not paying tax on earned money is."Consequently we are assessing her case and it looks likely she will have to pay around half of the sum she gained."It also emerged she will most probably be liable for a hefty VAT bill too, even if not registered...

21 May 2009

Toronto City Council announces...

...draconian "gas and matches" prohibition within city limits.**********UPDATE: Bullets fly at Scarlett & Weston**********LAST WORD: No one steps up... shooter walksThe shooter was chased by a Toronto Housing security guard before he disappeared into a ravine bordering Humber River.About 30 minutes later, a 34-year-old man was cornered when he became stranded on a dirt mound in the middle of...

Paging "His Blondeness"...

Hey, Mayor Super Dave... maybe we should be working up a "National Crazy People Registry"... "He seemed a little off," said one man, who lives nearby and didn't want his name used. "I think he might be mentally ill.""I'm scared of him," said another neighbour, who also didn't want her name used.Unfortunately, Mayor Miller is too busy chasing after Olympic target shooters to focus on doing something...

Under current Canadian law...

...GE foods do not need to be labelled...It would be a watershed moment - there are currently no genetically engineered animals approved for sale as food anywhere in the world - and opponents are predicting a wave of consumer outrage.In other "we have the technology... almost" news..."If all households were stocked with the more efficient equipment, Canadians would cut five of the 6.3 terawatt-hours...

What part of...

...they want to kill your infidel ass... are you just not getting? -- NEW YORK CITY -- The men ordered and accepted delivery of materials they believed were bomb-making ingredients, authorities said. But investigators said they made sure the materials the suspects received were inert. The four men are in custody and are expected to be arraigned Thursday in White Plains federal court on terrorism-related...

20 May 2009

I guess Christine Elliott...

...hasn't actually read Ezra's new book... "Why on earth would we want to expose ourselves by plunging recklessly into such a controversial issue?" said the 53-year-old Whitby lawyer, who is married to federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty.Hey Christine, how about... because it's the right thing to do?Ezra Levant's Shakedown, and his three-year advocacy, have been the "blast of the trumpet" against...

Those popping noises you hear...

...are hysterical, conflicted heads... exploding all over the leftosphere... -- "Aboriginals on the west coast of Vancouver Island are planning to kill one per cent of sea otters per year for ceremonial reasons." -- Aboriginal cultural needs... or protect an endangered species... oh Gaia... hear...

Yet another running gunbattle...

...in Toronto... must be Wednesday...Two men are in hospital following a shooting in North York Tuesday night.Police were called to the north end of Wendell Ave., just south of Highway 401 near Weston Rd., around 10:30 p.m.**********RELATED: The new entrepreneurs...A 15-year-old girl lured from her group home, provided with fake identification and forced to serve up sex in a Mississauga strip club...

Stranger and stranger

Two people have been arrested in connection with the case of missing 8-year-old Victoria "Tori" Stafford, according to reports.The Woodstock, Ont., girl went missing on April 8 and was last seen walking away from her school with an unidentified woman.Police sources close to the case confirmed a man...