30 April 2007

Suck it up terrorhead...

You got a problem with the "will of Allah"? -- Washington -- Canadian terrorism suspect Omar Khadr lost his last bid Monday to have the U.S. Supreme Court review his murder case before he faces trial at Guantanamo Bay.Ya just gotta believe, baby!RELATED: Allah works in mysterious ways...The interior ministry in Iraq says it has received intelligence that the head of al-Qaeda in Iraq has been...

Is anybody else getting tired of...

This seemingly endless, manufactured Fiberal outrage?As Joël-Denis Bellavance reported in La Presse on Saturday, documents obtained from Canada’s Foreign Affairs Department show that the Liberal government was warned in 2003, 2004 and 2005 that torture was an ongoing practice in Afghan prisons. Yet Paul Martin nonetheless signed a 2005 agreement by which our soldiers would transfer detainees to Afghan...

Virginia Tech "massacre"...

Could have been much worse...Maybe not for the families and friends of those killed... but take a step back and look at "the Big Picture."In short, every six and a half years, give or take a couple of months, Americans get massacred. The difference this time is that the body count is so much lower. Why? Because the weapons were just guns.But maybe next time we won't be so lucky. Maybe the killer won't...

Another aboriginal tantrum...

144 years after the fact..."It belongs to us," James Bryant, a spokesman for the hereditary chiefs of the Allied Tsimshian Tribes of Lax Kw'alaams and Metlakatla, defiantly declared as the collection's new owners shifted uncomfortably in the audience.The collection's history dates back to its acquisition in 1863, at Old Metlakatla, near present-day Prince Rupert, where it was given up - or stolen,...

If martyrdom is the goal...

Then the so-called "Spring Offensive" is a whopping success...Nato-led forces and Afghan troops have killed scores of Taleban fighters in the western province of Herat, a coalition statement says.It said 87 had been killed in a 14-hour battle on Sunday, 49 died two days earlier and one US soldier died.Despite the dervish-like spinning of CTV and the CBC, the only way to interpret this latest conflict...

Anybody got their Koran handy?

I'm just dying to know which hadith covers this situation. -- PARIS (Reuters) -- Sitting in a cafe near the Champs Elysees, the 26-year-old French-born woman of Algerian descent looks like any other Parisian. But two months ago, she did something none of her friends have done. She had her hymen re-sewn, technically making her a virgin again.This 30-minute outpatient procedure, called "hymenoplasty"...

"What you were part of...

... 40 years ago changed Canada forever,” cried Justin Trudeau as he won the nomination for the riding of Papineau.Yup, no argument there... and the country hasn't fully recovered to this day."In 1968, when Trudeau went from rich, socialist professor who had never held a real job in his life to prime minister, Canada’s national debt was a modest $11.3 billion; the federal deficit was zero." "When...

29 April 2007

The next logical step...

For any self-respecting Mullahocracy... is rounding up all the sissies...Iranian police have warned barbers not to give men western hair styles or use make up on them. Iranian television has said the crackdown on un-Islamic clothing has entered its second phase now where mobile police units will patrol Tehran to look for those who are not observing Islamic dress properly.And while we're at, say the...

Australia steps up

Tells celebrity criminal to piss off...Rapper Snoop Dogg has been banned from entering Australia after failing a character test, according to officials."He doesn't seem the sort of bloke we want in this country," Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews told Sydney's Macquarie Radio.I've never understood the "bad boy" thing... how anyone can profess to admire these obscenely wealthy, narcissistic, substance...

"Accepted wisdom..."

Can kill you. -- From Saturday's Globe and Mail -- Those studying the vitamin say the hide-from-sunlight advice has amounted to the health equivalent of a foolish poker trade. Anyone practicing sun avoidance has traded the benefit of a reduced risk of skin cancer — which is easy to detect and treat and seldom fatal — for an increased risk of the scary, high-body-count cancers, such as breast,...

28 April 2007

More business sense...

And hopefully... less bolshevism, bestiality and bowel movements...Look out... there's a new Czar at the Communistic Broadcasting Corporation. -- CanWest News Service -- Since 1997, Casgrain has served as chairman of Skyservice Investments Inc., a Canadian aviation company. He was also the executive vice-president of Brascan Financial Corp. between 1976 and 2002, and he worked at NBS Technologies...

27 April 2007

Fiberal high-flier...

Goes down in flames.27 Apr 23:30 - Just watched CTV news do a complete puff piece on Lafleur. Sandie Rinaldo gravely intoned that, "Lafleur took money, for work of little or no value", somehow forgetting to mention that Lafleur was actually handed contracts worth tens of millions of dollars by his Liberal government friends... the only expectation being, that he kick back money to the Fiberals themselves.No...

The wheels on the taxpayer...

Go round and round...The Necessary Angel Theatre Company received a gift of $50,925 of our money!Was that necessary for the well being of Torontonians? Probably no more so than the $2,000 for the Toronto Vegetarian Association, the $3,500 we gave Solo Chicken Productions, the $10,000 that went to the Toronto Fashion Incubator, the $4,000 to the Toronto Free Gallery (not free for us), the $4,500 to...

If I had a billion dollars

Lemme see... if I had a billion dollars in my hot little hands and I was truly interested in preventing suffering and saving human life, would I... (a)... blow it all on a huge database and associated computer infrastructure to track rifles owned by farmers, deer hunters and gun collectors(b)... hire more cops, or...(C)... drop it all into cancer researchWell, right at the moment, this one seems...

With apologies to Jeopardy...

What well-known public figure pursued an agenda of... "exclusiveness, racial superiority, injustice and arrogance while trying to destabilize Poland".Well, according to Farhan Mujahid Chak, the federal Liberals' candidate in Edmonton-Mill Woods-Beaumont... the answer is not, as one might expect, Adolph Hitler... but Prime Minister Stephen Harper.And exactly who is Farhan Mujahid Chak? Surprise, surprise......

Genealogy Friday 4

To anyone interested in genealogy, a cemetery is not a drab, depressing reminder of ones mortality. Indeed it is often a place of celebration. Finding a well used family plot can add generations to your research in one fell swoop... and being able to search often far off cemeteries online is a huge timesaver. And that's what you can do at the Ontario Cemetery Finding Aid.It's pretty much self explanatory....

26 April 2007

Algerian Islamofascist...

Gets on board the "soul train"...Samir Saioud, also known as Samir Moussaab, was killed in fighting in Si Mustapha, east of the capital Algiers, security sources told APS news agency.Saioud was believed to be the number-two of an al-Qaeda-linked Islamist group, the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC). Earlier this month, the group claimed responsibility for a series of car bombings in the...

Where's Mark Holland...

When you really need him?The grants were given to some groups with apparent Liberal ties and without a formal application process. Critics also questioned how an animal welfare and baseball group qualified for funds aimed at helping new immigrants settle into the province.Funny... Mark Holland tries to portray himself as a corruption-fighter... someone who will sniff out wrongdoing. Well, if this...

In between praying...

Five times a day...Up to 70% of files exchanged between Saudi teenagers' mobile phones contain pornography, according to a study in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom.I'm thinkin' that hijab thing may be backfiring bigtime.The study quoted in Arab News focussed on the phones of teenagers detained by religious police for harassing girls.The really telling number here is this startling statistic...The...

Everything you need to know...

About China. *** "China denies poisoning pets... promises not to do it again" *** RECIPROCITY UPDATE: Plenty of "homegrown idiocy" too...No mention of any of this last night, naturally. Just cliched guilt tripping and feel-good feel-badness. An embarrassing waste of everyone's time, which will accomplish precisely nothi...

Waiting for the explosion

In Deseronto. -- Local News - Thursday, April 26, 2007 @ 10:00 -- "My personal feeling is that we're sitting on a ticking time bomb."So says Deseronto Mayor Norm Clark. At a public meeting where residents aired concerns about personal safety and plummetting property values, Clark was doing his best to calm peoples fears.The biggest problem is those fears are entirely reasonable. Look at who...

25 April 2007

Brit Islamobombers give it up

Think it could never happen in Canada?Four men have admitted being involved in a conspiracy to cause explosions on dates in 2001 and 2004 during a hearing at Woolwich Crown Court.Junade Feroze, 31, Zia Ul Haq, 28, Abdul Aziz Jalil, 34, and Omar Rehman, 23, all pleaded guilty to an offence under the explosives substances act.RELATED: Same planet, different worldsDon't worry Canada, our magical "diversity"...

While we're at it...

Let's burn all the copies of Huckleberry Finn too...Murals in the rotunda of the British Columbia Legislature depicting native women as bare breasted and native men as subservient will be taken down more than 70 years after they were painted.Brought to you by the Liberal and New Democratic parties of...

24 April 2007

The pain I feel...

For Richard Steele...As judge Ian Nordheimer issued his ruling dismissing Mr. Steele's application Tuesday afternoon, the 20-year-old launched into a profanity-ridden tirade, telling the judge “You just opened up my family to danger you don't understand... you just helped them kill me.”Mr. Steele then turned to the crown lawyers, calling them a “piece of shit,” before being led out of the courtroom...

Bubble-wrapping the baby...

May not be such a great idea after all.Recent high-profile studies have found that children exposed to unqualified praise are less likely to push themselves academically, and that children who are coddled and overprotected are growing up anxious and irresponsible.This makes perfect sense to me.My son has been a huge football fan since he was six years old. He's been, despite their record, a faithful...

Guess who's coming to dinner?

I'll give you a hint... it isn't Sidney Poitier. -- OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper rejected a Liberal suggestion yesterday that Canadian troops should transfer Taliban prisoners to Canada to save them from being handed over to Afghan authorities.Fresh off his bizarro side deals with Eco-Lizard May and Danny Millions, it seems that Steffi is now sussing out the latest sorely needed block...

23 April 2007

Someone at the EU...

Was riffling through a world atlas... and suddenly the excrement hits the air-conditioning.I can imagine the mindless, scurrying panic... "Yumpin' yimminy Olaf, they're right over there!!!"EU foreign ministers have agreed to implement sanctions against Iran after its refusal to halt uranium enrichment. The sanctions go further than those already agreed by the United Nations.The EU has agreed to a...

Uh, guys... just one other thing

Deseronto Mayor Norm Clark reminds Mohawk thugs of a pretty basic principle... "You don't shit where you eat.""There is a black cloud hanging over Deseronto," he said Sunday. Developers have already said they are going to invest their money elsewhere, Clark added, and that affects businesses and could lead to a drop in housing values.Clark said he understood and agreed with the native need to settle...

Who doesn't love a good...

"I was awake during surgery" story?As the cancer patient lay on the operating room table, she felt the surgeon remove her intestines and splay them over her abdomen. Terrified, she was awake but unable to provide a signal — a wiggle of a toe, the bat of an eyelash — to communicate the excruciating pain she was suffering.Ok, ok... that wasn't fair... let me administer the antidote.Technorati Tags:...

22 April 2007

David Miller's Toronto...

Can be a pretty cold place these days...Investigators allege that as Richards turned his car around to drive south two men approached. One suspect struck up a conversation with Richards while the second allegedly walked up to the car and fired one shot.The first suspect, who first approached Richards'...

Wouldn't it be ironic...

If noted Surrender-Monkey Jacques Chirac turned out to have bigger balls than Tony Blair?Taleban insurgents holding two French aid workers hostage in southern Afghanistan have issued an ultimatum.In an internet statement, they called for French Nato troops to withdraw and for imprisoned rebels to be freed in exchange for the captives. "In case of refusal, action will be taken against them promptly."...

Here's where the two billion dollars...

The Fiberals flushed down the toilet on the Farmer Bob Rifle Registry should have gone... cancer research. -- HONG KONG -- Scientists in China have identified a gene variant which appears to protect Chinese people from various types of cancer.Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. It accounted for 7.6 million, or 13 per cent, of a total of 58 million deaths worldwide in 2005, according...

The myth of the cab-driving...

Foreign-born Neurosurgeon..."Some of them are driving cabs because they don't pass the level of standard in Canada... just because we need more doctors doesn't mean we should lower our standards.""Nobody ever talks about them being underqualified... the problem is not that we're not getting them into the system; the problem is they're flopping out."I've always had my doubts about this latter day urban...

My beads... are holier than...

Your beads. -- BAGHDAD -- Gunmen in northern Iraq stopped a bus filled with Christians and members of a tiny Kurdish religious sect, police said, separating out the groups and taking 23 of the passengers away to be shot.Police said the execution-style killings of the Yazidis — a primarily Kurdish sect that worships an angel figure considered to be the devil by some Muslims and Christians — appeared...

Democracy... in the Middle East

Pop quiz... when is a dictatorship actually "a democracy"?Answer... When Baath Party leader and President Bashar Assad says it is... Unlike the polls in Nigeria or France, there is almost no contest and voters are not showing much interest. But in Syria, in effect ruled by one party, there is no room for real politics, says the BBC's Kim Ghattas, a situation reflected in widespread apathy among the...

And on the seventh day...

He had a schizoid break..."First of all, let's stop listening to the goddamn economists. Twenty per cent of the economy will disappear.""It will cost more than World War I and World War II put together." "We'll go into a kind of depression we've never, ever had in all of history."Yup, we all saw it coming... as his apocalyptic pronouncements grew ever more paranoid and delusional. Not listening...

21 April 2007

If you're a copper...

And some guy tells you he's gonna rob a bank... aren't you under some sort of obligation to keep an eye on him and maybe try to prevent it? If you've been following the aboriginal rail blockade in Deseronto, in Eastern Ontario this week, you might not necessarily come to that conclusion.Shawn Brant, fresh off a major disruption of Canada's busiest rail corridor, is promising more of what he likes...

Everyday Feminine Protection...#2

Lock and load, ladies...Tough isn't a word necessarily associated with Miss America, but three thieves arrested after their truck tires were shot out by 82-year-old Venus Ramey might beg to differ.Ramey, who won the elite beauty crown in 1944, confronted one of the three robbers on her farm in Waynesburg, Ky., about 140 miles south of Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported."He was probably wetting...

Thank you, Ontario taxpayers...

For handing the world’s largest producer of cereal products millions of taxpayer dollars.Jeff Chow, Kellogg plant manager in Belleville, said his company has received “great support“ from the province of Ontario, the Quinte region and the City of Belleville. Chow said he can’t wait to start producing Kellogg products at the new plant.“Construction is well under way and we should be under operation...

20 April 2007

Shssssh... it's a secret

Go to CTV.ca and you'll see the title for an article that reads, "Demonstrators block Ontario rail crossing"... but wait a minute... something's not quite right.Oh shoot... looks like they forgot to mention it wasn't seniors supporting "leash laws" or something like that... it was another illegal "aboriginal...

Never mind Empire...

Should Brits worry about the country itself flying apart?Following hard on the heels of a reported shift to the right in French politics, the United Kingdom is apparently coming to a fork in the road on its immigration policy...Immigration could lead to the political break-up of Britain, according to think-tank Civitas. Shadow home secretary David Davis said: "We know that unchecked immigration is...

Preem admits, "I'm no leader"

"Please save my bacon, Oh Wise Federal Leader", cries Dalton McGuinty. -- Deseronto, Ont. -- Aboriginal protesters vowed Friday to maintain their planned 48-hour blockade of eastern Ontario's main rail corridor despite a court injunction ordering them off the railway crossing.The tense situation prompted Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty to urge the federal government to intervene at the “earliest...

Is it still racist...

If a black man says it?"The Beckles shooting was a defining moment for us," recalled Staff Inspector Dave McLeod, who, less than 72 hours later, took the helm of what was dubbed the black intelligence unit. Its focus: the black-on-black shootings that were fuelling the worst wave of gun crimes the city has ever seen.So what happens a black police officer from Toronto takes an assignment on a "crime-washed...

Justice - Aboriginal style - again...

**********LATEST GESTURE: Oh yeah, that'll solve things..."CN has obtained an injunction from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice that has been served on the protesters by the sheriff's department requiring them to dismantle the blockade forthwith," said CN Rail spokesman Mark Hallman.**********Hey,...