31 December 2006

A bright shining new year

From my favourite British detective series...What's worse than choking to death on your own vomit? --- Choking to death on somebody elses...Happy New Year to you and yours. Be smarter than you were last year... that's all I'm hoping f...

One question... to be answered honestly

At the risk of stirring up a hornets nest, I'd like to know what percentage of heterosexual parents would be truly happy to find out that their son or daughter was homosexual... c'mon now, fess up.--- I'm thinkin' the answer is... zip... zero... as in none.That, of course, is only my hetero-biased opinion. Any otherwise oriented persons are welcome to jump in here... not literally, if you please....

Problem with pests... call TRS

Jack and Gilles may head for the hills... but real Canadians don't bug out...So says a man known as "Edge"...Written in felt pen on the cover of his helmet in Pashtu is "Taliban Relocation Service," a tribute to fallen comrade Master Cpl. Jeffrey Walsh...Unlike certain so-called leaders of some marginal...

Eco-warrior Liberals strangely silent

Remember how the Liberals went ape when Stephen Harper dared to publicise the case of a Canadian citizen jailed in China? -- It's funny, but I've yet to hear a peep out of Steffi and his pack of small noisy dogs, about the way China is laying waste to the global environment.It is often darkness at noon in Datong, just 160 miles west of Beijing, where vehicles drive in daytime with their headlights...

30 December 2006

Nah... I'm thinking round-trip this year

Need somewhere exciting to vacation this year... how about Mina, Saudi Arabia?*****2006: 345 die in a crush during a stone-throwing ritual2004: 251 trampled to death in stampede2003: 14 are crushed to death2001: 35 die in stampede1998: At least 118 trampled to death1997: 343 pilgrims die and 1,500 injured in fire1994: 270 killed in stampede1990: 1,426 pilgrims killed in tunnel leading to holy sites1987:...

Set 'em up, we'll knock 'em down

Mullah Omar, from his hidey-hole somewhere in Pakistani tribal lands, issues another heroic directive, yet again pledging other people's lives...The statement was released as NATO and Afghan forces killed more than 12 Taliban fighters in the volatile south and was timed for the Muslim religious festival of Id al-Adha.The message urged the Taliban to “sacrifice” their lives and “never submit or accept...

Adolph, Ghenghis and Vlad the Impaler...

There's a fresh face around hell's hamster wheel of infamy tonight...In the months after he seized power on July 16, 1979, he had hundreds of members of his own party and army officers slain.In 1996, he ordered the slaying of two sons-in-law who had defected to Jordan but returned to Baghdad after...

29 December 2006

Old dog, new tricks

It ain't over til it's over... over there.He's a dad of three grown kids, a husband to Suzanne for 26 years and was playing with his 18-month old grandson last night. But things are going to change Jan. 6 when the Scarborough native, who has lived in Sudbury since the 1980s, will head to St. Jean, Que. for 14 weeks of basic training before five more weeks of officer training.By June he hopes to be...

28 December 2006

If you're a career criminal...

Thank a Liberal... you know, the guys who financed giving federal prisoners the vote. The same guys who currently oppose Stephen Harper's tough new stance on crime and more specifically, criminals... yeah, those Liberals.OTTAWA — About 850 convicted criminals — including a suspected biker-gang affiliate who fired 15 shots at police officers and a man who killed a gun salesman execution style — are...

A most fickle deity

Much like their fellow jihadis in Afghanistan, at the first sign of significant resistance... the Somali Islamofascists fade into the woodwork."We have been defeated. I have removed my uniform. Most of my comrades have also changed into civilian clothes," one former SICC fighter told Reuters. "Most of our leaders have fled."Ah well, I'm sure they'll be around somewhere, doing what they do best......

26 December 2006

The cancer runs deep

Like most countries in the Middle East, Iraq just doesn't get democracy. --- Despite ousting Saddam, there seems to be this irresistable urge by anyone in any sort of position of authority, to put a jackbooted foot on somebody's, or maybe just anybody's, neck.Radical surgery on the body-politic seems to be the only solution.More than 1,000 UK troops have stormed the headquarters of an Iraqi police...

25 December 2006

They just don't get it

It's the first thing they teach you in law school... never ask a question if you don't already know the answer...Craig Oliver and the rest of the leftbots at Pinko Central must be pullin' their hair out.Well, maybe not Craig... but I bet he's stampin' his feet.Technorati Tags: Stephen Harper, CTV,...

"I don't know what's the reason..."

Lemme help you here George... it just might have something to do with that "indiscriminate, mindless slaughter thing" you guys are apparently locked into...“No tourists are coming,” said Mr. Baboul, 72, who opened the shop in 1967. “I don't know what's the reason for that. There are no problems, Bethlehem is safe, but tourists are afraid to come.”Don't get me wrong, it's still pretty horrific when...

To friend and foe alike...

A few measly minutes into December 25th and before I head upstairs to bed, I'd like to wish a Merry Christmas to the folk who have dropped by, emailed, or left comments here on my virtual doorstep. I started writing here a few months back, not knowing what to expect. I have discovered how oddly satisfying it is most days to be able to throw open the virtual shutters and scream into the deepening...

23 December 2006

Ghosts of Christmas Past

It's probably not a good sign that this item conjured up images of family get-togethers past...Festivus has three components:1) The Festivus pole, undecorated (tinsel is distracting)2) The airing of grievances: you tell your family and friends how they have disappointed you in the past year.3) Feats of strength: a Festivus party isn't over until a guest or family member has pinned the host in a wrestling...

Hey Akhtar, say hi to Allah for me

Rest in pieces, pal - Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Osmani was the latest Taliban commander to be sent, parcel post, to Nirvana... "The vehicle was completely destroyed, there was nothing to recognize," Collins said. "But we have various intelligence assets that we monitor, that we look at very closely, and of course we work with the intelligence agencies of the Afghan government and through those sources...

22 December 2006

What... everybody's got enough virgins?

Taliban fighters have apparently gone to ground, rather than square off with Canadian forces in this latest operation... NATO troops have encountered little resistance in their execution of Operation Falcon's Summit, which was billed as a major offensive into Taliban country in Afghanistan.An estimated...

Baby Jesus: The Blog

I am the Son of God, a maker of miracles and the Future Messiah. I’m also good with tools.Likes: Carpentry, Fish, HugsDislikes: Moneychangers, Cruelty, Shaving11:51 "You’re going to do what to my penis?" "Dude, do not make me smite you."Technorati Tags: Jesus, Son of God, politically incorr...

Tis the season for, well... something

Don't have a "festive holiday" tradition? That's ok... just make one up.Twas the night before Kwanzaa And all through the 'hood,Maulana Karenga was up to no good. He'd tortured a woman and spent time in jail. He needed a new scam that just wouldn't fail. ("So what if I stuck some chick's toe in a vice? Nobody said revolution was nice!")Read the whole thing, click on some of the links... then come...

21 December 2006

Massive layoff of Conspiracy Theorists

It will be a day of mourning for the all-too-energetic, Black Helicopter, Bush bombed the WTC, etc. - Conspiracy Theory industry...The C.I.A. has reviewed more than 100 million pages, released 30 million pages and created a database of documents, Crest, that is accessible from terminals at the National Archives. The National Security Agency, the eavesdropping and code-breaking agency, has released...


Ontario Attorney-General Michael Bryant has a typically Liberal approach to the ongoing "Courthouse Christmas Tree" flap...Bryant said he spoke to Ontario Chief Justice Brian Lennox yesterday about whether a Christmas tree placement policy is needed for the 165-plus courthouses in the province of Ontario. "And we agreed that once the season is finished we will sit down in January to have this discussion,"...

Hey Steffi... start tap dancing

Tell me again...where exactly is Stephane Dion on senate reform?*** Fully 64 per cent of respondents liked the idea of being able to choose senators for future vacancies in the upper chamber, according to a Decima Research survey, made available exclusively to The Canadian Press.And a whopping 72 per cent supported limiting senators to eight-year terms.“While other options, including abolishing the...

20 December 2006

Jack and Gilles should take a pill

**********UPDATE: Nobody here is talkin' about turning tail...Members of Charlie Company Combat Team, consisting of two troops of Canadian Leopard tanks, a company of light armoured vehicles, three platoons of infantry, a company of Afghan National Army soldiers, as well as artillery and support -...

The Sheeple have spoken

Pop culture rules... Britannia drools. Jack is still the most popular name for baby boys in the UK, while Olivia has become the favourite for a girl, the national statistics agency has said.Floral names have also done well with Lily, Daisy and Poppy all in the top 30, the agency revealed.How the mighty have fallen. Apparently, rather than naming their children after ancestors or family members,...

Another reason why

The ongoing price of political correctness... letting a murderer skate?Some newspaper reports have suggested Mr Jamma, a prime suspect in the fatal shooting, stole his sister's passport and wore a full niqab (a veil that totally obscures the face) to evade checks at Heathrow airport between Christmas...

19 December 2006

Walking Tall

OTTAWA - Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he could not live with himself if he reduced Canada’s military mission in Afghanistan to further his own political self-interest and that he’s even prepared to lose the next election if it means standing by the military.I can't think of a single thing to add...

Live and don't learn

Until you die...Gun battles have erupted between armed Palestinians loyal to Hamas and Fatah in the Gaza Strip, killing at least three people and wounding a dozen others. Rival Palestinian fighters clashed at three locations on Tuesday, breaching a ceasefire agreed on Sunday. At least five children were among the wounded.This isn't a country, it's a Bermuda triangle of psychosis.A Fatah official told...

18 December 2006

Who is Mamdouh Stephanos?

Let me be a little more precise... who exactly is Mamdouh Stephanos to Stephane Dion... I mean, in addition to being his financial lifeline?When you're in the political fight of your life, what sort of collateral, besides your immortal soul that is... do you pledge for a chilly $350,000.00?Liberal MP Stéphane Dion - Total money borrowed: $655,000Name of Lender1. Mamdouh Stephanos: $200,0002. Mamdouh...

Dion... Mr. Dithers in short pants

Disproving the widely held perception that the Liberals couldn't possibly be any more lost than they were this time last year... Stephane Dion seems intent on making Paul Martin look arrogantly decisive.Rather than call Duceppe's bluff by not welching on the commitment that former prime minister Paul Martin and his successor, Stephen Harper, have made to Afghanistan and the deeply committed young...

Who gives a krap about Kurds?

The loony-left is too busy screaming about George Bush and Stephen Harper to waste any time on a little genocide... Mr. Hussein and six co-defendants have pleaded innocent to charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity for their alleged roles in the 1987-88 military offensive against the Kurds, codenamed Operation Anfal.The prosecution estimates that 180,000 Kurds were killed when Mr. Hussein's...

Tense? Well, that's one word

Hamas is rejecting the call for elections to jumpstart the paralyzed Palestinian government... and finding creative ways not to say the word "murder."“We confirm that the Palestinian government refuses the invitation to early elections because it is unconstitutional and could cause tension among Palestinians,” Mr. Haniyeh said.I'm not sure what sort of "tension" Hamas mouthpiece Ismail Haniyeh is...

Putting the "Pro" in procreation

This little gem takes "daddy issues" to a whole other level...But perhaps if donors were not paid and anonymity were no longer guaranteed, those still willing to participate would seriously consider the repercussions of their actions.They would have to be prepared to someday meet the people whom they helped create, to answer questions and to deal with a range of erratic emotions from their offspring.An...

17 December 2006

Jesus Christ... don't say the "C" word

Much like Jack "Home for the unspecified and totally insignificant holiday" Layton, a good Liberal never uses the "C" word...Last year, during the Christmas election campaign then-prime minister Paul Martin bought a wreath. Asked by a reporter if he was buying a holiday wreath or a Christmas wreath,...

16 December 2006

So much for the law of the land

Chalk up another victory for Dalton McGuinty and the PC Brigade... Reinforcing the oh-so-familiar Liberal position that in Ontario, there is one set of laws for aboriginals and another set for the rest of us, the OPP arrested two men as they approached the disputed and occupied land in Caledonia.Bear in mind that these men were arrested for simply approaching taxpayer owned land, with the sole intent...

15 December 2006

If you kiss enough ass...

Do you eventually just not notice the taste anymore?Hey Mikey, you suckhole... you forgot Zoroastrians.Attorney General Michael Bryant said he dropped by the courthouse yesterday to "say hello to people, to wish them all a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah and a good Kwanzaa and otherwise to have a...

Minister of Sunning Himself on a Rock

Dwight Duncan, whose appearance, attitude and accomplishments belie his official title of Minister of Energy, has reluctantly admitted he has been asleep at the switch...TORONTO — Costs associated with operating Ontario's electricity agencies have soared more than 50 per cent since the old Ontario Hydro was dismantled in 1998, a Globe and Mail analysis has found.Energy Minister Dwight Duncan conceded...

14 December 2006

Somebody pinch me...

I'm afraid I'm dreaming...TORONTO, Dec. 14 /CNW/ - The Muslim Canadian Congress has expressed dismay at the decision by Ontario judge to ban a Christmas tree from her court."This is stupidity and takes political correctness to new heights," said Farzana Hassan, President of the MCC."We should ban political...

The mantra of Conservatism

If I hear one more thing about funding "advocacy" or sex-change operations, or 25 percent raises for politicians, I swear I'm gonna scream...Ok, deep breaths, gotta calm down... say it slowly...It's about taking the bullhorn away from the extremists and giving a voice back to mainstream, moderate voices in this country. And it's about time.It's worth the trip to Uncommon TruthsTechnorati Tags: Conservative...

Dalton Milktoast defends... something or other

Unlike Prime Minister Stephen Harper... it sure wasn't Christmas. Again, the use of language by Canadian Press that has absolutely no relation to actual events. CP breathlessly exclaims..."Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty slammed a Toronto judge"...The actual words used..."I think that's unfortunate," McGuinty said. “We enjoy the wonderful privilege of building a pluralistic and multicultural society.”“At...

Mysterious Outbreak of MacStiffy

And I'm guessing cigarette sales were up too...Smokers in Glasgow who sought medical help while trying to kick the habit were accidentally prescribed Viagra instead of an anti-smoking drug. The blunder was caused by a technical problem with a computer system that automatically selects a list of drugs when GPs fill out a prescription.One Glasgow doctor said yesterday: "Thankfully the side effects of...

Feeling no pain

This is a potentially huge discovery... imagine the implications, for instance, for terminal cancer patients.Researchers have discovered a gene mutation which prevents otherwise healthy carriers from feeling pain.The University of Cambridge team made the discovery after studying three related families with a rare genetic disorder in northern Pakistan. Technorati Tags: gene therapy, chronic pain, ...

13 December 2006

Not so safe-injection site

The latest lefty outcry over capital punishment...STARKE, FLA. — A man convicted of murdering the manager of a topless bar 27 years ago was executed by injection Wednesday, appearing to grimace before dying 34 minutes after receiving the first dose of chemicals.The moonbats are losing their minds because this piece of filth didn't check out with a smile, peacefully drifting towards the light, or...

How does this guy get around...

... without trippin' over his balls? I don't know what I admire more... Sgt. Abdoul Guindo's gung-ho attitude, or his wacky sense of humour.He's been bombed, strafed and mortared at least 12 times, maybe more. "I prefer the phrase 'living legend' to 'crap magnet,'" he said, cackling.This guy represents our commitment to 'doing the right thing' despite the danger to his own life. I'd love to put...

Try this one out on your boss.

Well, looky here... Dalton's got no problem with extending the legislative session at Queen's Park to give himself a big fat raise.TORONTO — Premier Dalton McGuinty is defending a proposed 25 per cent pay raise for Ontario politicians as “the right thing to do.”That's also what Premier McShifty said about a 3 million dollar severance payment to the guy who resigned over malfeasance at Ontario Hydro.It...

Better to have it & not need it...

Than to need it & not have it...In the last day before its recess Friday, the US House of Representatives and Senate approved loan guarantees to Israel and the doubling of US arms stored in Israel for emergency use.Don't kid yourself... they're gonna need it.Technorati Tags: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, holocaust, I...

12 December 2006

It was a dark and stormy night...

That madman Stephen Harper... he never just "states" anything, it's always a furious explosion... ALEXANDER PANETTA - Canadian Press - OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper has lashed out at the Bloc Quebecois and accused it of political opportunism for threatening to trigger an election over Afghanistan.In a stark contrast... Mr. Duceppe warns... Mr. Duceppe told... Mr. Duceppe said... If you are...

7 Glocks, 6 Tasers and 2 Berettas

Here's an item that jumped out at me...No, that's not a parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas. It's a list of Kanesatake Mohawk Police weapons that have disappeared.Holy crap... that's more than a little disturbing. The aboriginal community must be screaming for answers. Nope... better just to blame...

A Tale of Two Planets

Find the politician who doesn't have a backbone...Mr. Harper is having none of your political correctness when it comes to Christmas. Taking part in a tree-lighting ceremony in Ottawa, Mr. Harper made clear he considers this the Christmas season -- not the holiday season, festival season or other non-denominational...

11 December 2006

Leave Farmer Bob out of this...

Let's put taxpayer billions into law enforcement... instead of the "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry." It's simple... more cops can ding more scummers.A company with a licence to import otherwise illegal weapons for use in the movie industry has been busted for distributing hundreds of guns to Lower Mainland criminal gangs.Charged in the investigation so far are: Marc Gougeon, a Montreal native who was...

Cheat and Steal

And the Liberals will give you THREE MILLION DOLLARS...While Parkinson's $3-million severance angers and outrages some, Mr. McGuinty said it was the cheapest way to get rid of Parkinson.What Dalton chooses not to talk about, is how that money, plus the undocumented $127-million pissed away on Ontario Hydro credit cards, could have gone into health care... or feeding granny.Actually, who cares about...

Bernardo cruises... Granny loses

Hey Dalton... my Grandma should eat at least as well as serial killer Paul Bernardo...Seniors in subsidized retirement homes — including war veterans who served their country — receive a per capita allotment of $5.46 for three meals a day.That works out to more than $1.50 less than inmates in Ontario prisons who get $7 and it’s an irksome reality to many in the field of geriatric care. I blogged about...

Libs say, "Screw Democracy, more Quotas"

Anybody asking Liberal riding associations how they feel about this...New Liberal Leader Stephane Dion is pledging to hand-pick women to run in selected ridings across the country in an effort to fulfill a campaign promise.What ever happened to selection based on ability or merit? Don't the Liberals want the best qualified candidate... rather than simply basing selection on gender? I've gotta ask,...

09 December 2006

Always get their man?

"If only he'd videotaped it," said Constable Dudley Do-Right... Sounds like these Mounties couldn't get laid in a no-charge whorehouse...This woman apparently called 911, but the RCMP told her there was nothing they could do. She was murdered a short while later.Then the killer walks... despite confessing.Willier,...

Flipping that two-headed dinar

C'mon Mahmoud, don't be greedy... it's either one or the other. The conference, scheduled for Sunday and Monday, was organized by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called the systematic killing of some 6 million Jews a "myth" and "exaggerated." Some 67 foreign researchers from 30 countries are scheduled to attend the two-day meeting.The Iranian president has called for Israel to be "wiped...

All in the family

The probe into the Jane Creba shooting surfaces some interesting details... The gun and drug trafficking charges against Steele are based exclusively on selected wiretaps that were among 250,000 recorded in Project Green Apple.His mom, Valarie Steele, a social advocate, former president of the Jamaica Canadian Association and an adjudicator with the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal, has been charged...

Nature vs Nurture

In Canada... and it's not what you think..."We have to decide what level of risk is acceptable in genetic engineering. For most environmentalists, no risk is acceptable. I can't accept that. It's the kind of thinking that would outlaw the use of the wheel."Technorati Tags: genetically modified, Bacillus thuringiensis, Frankent...

Uphill battle in Afghanistan

This is not good news... the headline reads "Blow for Britain as Helmand's 'cleanest' governor is sacked".President Karzai of Afghanistan has fired the Governor of Helmand province, a severe setback to Britain’s strategy in the lawless region at the heart of the Taleban resurgence.British officials regarded Mr Daud as the cleanest governor in Afghanistan and hoped that his extensive experience in...

08 December 2006

Geez Brian, how's the neck?

Just how long does it take a career Liberal politician to slam on the brakes and repudiate everything he's ever held sacred..?"Michael Walker and the Fraser Institute are the most right-wing, Looney Tune institute [or] think-tank that has ever set foot on the soil of Canada," Tobin told reporters in 1999.At least 24 hours... the damn paperwork is incredible.h/t Gerry NichollsTechnorati Tags: Brian...

Harper's like the Black Death

An unnamed Liberal spokesperson, today compared Stephen Harper to the Bubonic Plague, which swept through the medieval world killing millions of people..."What the frig is this guy up to?" cried the shadowy figure, who insisted on anonymity. "If this Angel of Death keeps on actually doing stuff, we'll never get back in." "This is not how the game is supposed to be played," he sulked... in reference...

French Fried

Ah, France... that bastion of "who really gives a shit"...Mr Martin said that the MPs were “not suggesting that baby bottles be filled with wine.” The aim was to steer young people “toward a moderate consumption of our quality wines.”Said Xavier Bertrand, French Health Minister... “Some people are telling me that it could have been worse. They did not call for cans of beer and wine in the school canteen.”I'm...

Is it just me...

Or does this seem a little harsh...A local Islamic religious leader, Sheik Hussein Barre Rage, told the Associated Press on Wednesday that residents in Bulo Burto will be beheaded if they refuse to pray five times a day.Those who do not follow the law "will definitely be beheaded according to Islamic law," the news agency reported. These guys could have taught Genghis Khan a thing or two about discipline.Thank...

07 December 2006

"It's disagraceful. . . It's dishonourable."

Bill Graham is famous for talking through his ass... pun not initially intended, but hey...Graham accused the Tories of habitually lying during question period about the track record of the former Liberal government.He referred specifically to the Tories' oft-repeated assertion that the Liberals did nothing while Maher Arar was being tortured in a Syrian prison.Don't be a Silly Billy... the facts...

Hydro, we don' need no stinkin' hydro

**********UPDATE: Liberal party favours - $127-million on credit cardsTORONTO - The president of Hydro One resigned yesterday and walked away with a $3-million severance package only four days after Ontario's Auditor-General raised concerns about the use of corporate credit cards at the company.**********All puff, no blow...Meanwhile, the province has put the brakes on a wind power mega-project proposed...

A matter of principle

Unless, of course, I knew we were going to lose...Thank you for that, Stephane.He said he was helped in his decision by the fact that the motion is procedural, asking only whether the government should act to end gay and lesbian marriage.If it had gone to directly striking down same-sex marriage, Mr. Dion said he would have whipped the caucus because the unions are protected by the Charter of Rights....

Dion distilled

This is how to disassemble a fallacy... talk about surgery with words...Someone needs to provide me with a rational explanation as to why I should vote for a party leader who can barely express himself in intelligible spoken English, and to add insult to injury, also insists on retaining the citizenship of another country. This isn't about the fine print legality of dual citizenship, or even the fact...