30 April 2011

Ask yourself... if the Mainstream Media...

...even had so much as a picture of Stephen Harper walking down the street in front of a shabby Chinatown brothel... you think it wouldn't be front page news? -- Professional journalists... your ethical & intellectual superiors.**********UPDATE: That's some "massage clinic"The setup at 787 Dundas...

Hang on a sec... we give bail to terrorists?

No such thing as a bad boy, anymore... -- BRAMPTON -- A Toronto security guard, Mohamed Hersi, 25, who is accused of terrorist activities was released on $200,000 surety at Brampton court on Friday. The University of Toronto health sciences grad was arrested last month as he was about to board a flight at Pearson airport to Egypt and then Somalia.He was charged with planning to participate in...

29 April 2011

I've gotta see what Lloyd & CTV...

...do with this hot tamale, er... potato... -- TORONTO -- Jack Layton was found laying naked on a bed by Toronto Police at a suspected Chinatown bawdy house in 1996, a retired Toronto police officer told the Toronto Sun.The stunning revelation about the current leader of the New Democratic Party...

I can't wait for Jacko and the Dippers...

...to shut down all those nasty nuclear... wait a minute...Toronto’s iconic wind turbine on the edge of Lake Ontario has been brought to a grinding halt by a combination of a bearing failure and, ironically, high winds.The lazily spinning, three-bladed turbine at the Exhibition grounds has been frozen since mid-March. It’s the latest hiccup for the project which was launched in 2002 when 427 investors...

"Picture an NDP minority government..."

"...swollen with dozens of inexperienced and wide-eyed MPs – some of them recruited from university campuses and NDP youth groups because they thought campaigning would be a hoot, and be over before they had to start their summer jobs — trying to put together a cabinet and a governing program while desperately pleading for ongoing support from a tired, angry and disillusioned Liberal rump, sharpening...

Call me a sceptic... I just have this...

...tiny, nagging suspicion, that... despite all his unceasing, frenetic pre-election slagging... Michael Ignatieff, come next Tuesday, will be only too happy to be Jacko's little organ-grinding dance partner...In his attack, Ignatieff said the NDP's $70-billion platform would dig Canada farther into deficit, and Layton's plan to immediately hire 1,200 doctors and 6,000 nurses at a cost of $25 million...

Gotta have priorities, I guess

-- TORONTO -- A high school created a century ago as a unique testing lab for would-be teachers and a haven for the academically gifted has to pack up and find new digs after the University of Toronto said it will need the downtown space for itself.The University of Toronto Schools has had a special...

28 April 2011

The rough & ready Globe and Mail...

...always first on the scene with important breaking news... -- Apr 28, 2011 -- The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency on Thursday said for the first time that a target destroyed by Israeli warplanes in the Syrian desert in 2007 was a covertly built nuclear reactor, appearing to counter assertions by Syria that it had no atomic secrets to hide.Wait a minute... -- Sept 29, 2007 --...

He's willing to rewrite the Constitution...

...to appease the Separatistes... what wouldn't Jack Layton promise the rest of us? -- OTTAWA -- The NDP platform, which is 26 pages long, contains 19 pictures of Jack Layton and 12 pages of text. Even so, those 12 pages list 146 bullets’ worth of policy, with another 59 sub-bullets, for a grand total of 205 policy promises. The platform’s title is Giving Your Family a Break: Practical First Steps....

Deputy Prime Minister Michael Ignatieff...

...it does have a certain ring to it... -- OTTAWA -- Liberal Senator Larry Campbell told Postmedia News on Tuesday that if Harper were returned to power on May 2, it could be time to discuss merging the NDP and the Liberals.Hmmm... if Iggy has to choose between being Deputy PM... or slinking off to Hah-vuhd with his tail between his legs... which do you think he'll choose?Ignatieff also told reporters...

What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

-- UNITED NATIONS -- An attempt by the United States and its European allies to condemn Syria in the United Nations Security Council was rebuffed on Wednesday.Western nations failed to secure the simplest of Security Council measures: a press statement calling on Syria’s leaders to stop the violence against their own people.Never mind a statement... looks like Bashar is getting champagne &...

27 April 2011

Tonight's CTV Moonbat Moment

Oops... the corpse that used to be Lloyd Robertson just slipped up and asked the Prime Minister if he could work with "an NDP-led Coalition." -- He immediately pulled it back... but it was a golden moment. I should have been counting all the times ol' Lloyd used the words "dictatorial" & "controlling."Not even a pretense of objectivity. Amazi...

If a thousand years of selective breeding...

...and a dash of... divine right of Kings... spits up a half-baked Chuckie Buggerlugs... I'd say it's way past time to reshuffle your playlist... -- ROSTOCK, Germany -- Karin Vogel wakes up in this graffiti-pocked east German city and drives to the hospital where she is a therapist who counsels...

A funny sort of...

...Middle Ages democracy... -- CAIRO (AP) -- A majority of Egyptians believe laws in their country should observe the teachings of Islam's holy book, the Quran, according to the results of an opinion poll by a U.S.-based research center.In a result that doesn't bode well for the country's lingering sectarian issues, the poll showed that only 36 percent of those questioned believe it is "very important"...

The coming culture wars

France draws a line in the sand... -- AFP -- French police fined a woman for wearing a full-face Islamic veil, the first reported enforcement of a ban on the garment on the day it came into effect, a police source said Tuesday.Interior Minister Claude Gueant insisted on Monday that the ban would be fully applied, in the name of "secularism and equality between men and women... two principles upon...

Aren't these the very same folks that Iggy...

...was sucking up to... during the Leadership debate?The brutal crackdown by Syrian President Bashar Assad may finally be getting the attention of world leaders -- but apparently not enough to stop Syria from becoming the newest member of the U.N. Human Rights Council.Yeah... that's who we should be listening to... the United Natio...

26 April 2011

Well... it could've been way worse...

...at least she used ink... and not the blood of a hundred cats... Margaret Atwood scrawls a list of nouns and adjectives on a dinner napkin, in two columns: On the right (interestingly enough) are negative leadership characteristics (“dictator,” “mean,” “always right, like God” — gee, whoever could she be talking about?) and on the left are their more desirable opposites. And … well, for some reason,...

Obviously... Ontario gets it...

...but then again, they've been sheep-dippered once before...The Nanos poll released Monday also suggests the Liberals are trending down in vote-rich Ontario, showing their lowest level of support (29.3 per cent) since the start of the current campaign. That leaves them trailing well behind the Conservatives...

So, lemme see... a Harper majority, or...

...holy hemp butter... Finance Minister Olivia Chow?!?!? -- OTTAWA -- Under that scenario, the NDP would still come in second in seat count to the Conservatives, but the support of the third-place Liberals would give Mr. Layton a working majority in the House of Commons. “We’re in terra incognita...

25 April 2011

Think it couldn't ever happen here?

Think again... A Montreal mosque was viewed by the U.S. military as a hub for Islamist militants, according to newly leaked “secret” intelligence documents from Guantanamo Bay.The Pentagon's “Matrix of Threat Indicators” lists the Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah mosque in Montreal as one of nine global houses...

Band on the Run

Or... you can vote for Tim Hudak... and scrap this thing entirely..."Exempting these vehicles will save many Ontario drivers time and money while posing no risk to the environment or the air we breathe," Environment Minister John Wilkinson says in a statement.Gotta love Premiere McSlippery's timing he...

"The Liberals use the 30-second clip..."

"...to attack the NDP on a variety of issues: Inexperience, nonsensical economic policies and, intriguingly, not being principled on the long-gun registry vote." "So, apparently, the Liberal Party of Canada, God’s gift to democracy, consider allowing free votes in Parliament to be … unprincipled." "Good thing they’re here to make Parliament work and counter the Tories’ disrespect for our democracy."*********NDP...

What professional journalists...

...apparently cannot ever do... you know... call things by their proper names..."Fifteen-year-old Toronto resident Klayton Wynter died Saturday evening at an area hospital after "AN INCIDENT" in the mall's parking lot."So that's what we're callin' it these days... "an incident"? 'Cos what I'm seein'...

If Michael Ignatieff is working his way...

...backwards from World War I... how long will it take him to apologise for the "Highland Clearances"...And he said Parliament should issue an apology for the decision by British Columbia authorities to refuse to let Sikh passengers disembark in Canada from the liner Komagata Maru in 1914.Heck... he's...

24 April 2011

So Nonny... you're there @ the computer...

...all by yourself at 3 o'clock in the morning... desperately trying, yet again... to attract my attention with what you probably imagine is witty repartee... The sad & indisputable fact is, though... I apparently have a more or less permanent lease on that vacuous and, no doubt by now, painfully...

You truly do... get the kind of government...

...you deserve...What Steer represents is just the latest dash of reality in a recipe for disaster that has been pressure-cooking since the Liberals under Jean Chretien steered clear of stirring this ugly pot.The Liberals and the NDP, meanwhile, think they can rehabilitate scorpions, and turn seasoned criminals into social workers.Some 41,000 missing deportees -- all deemed unworthy, criminal, or...

23 April 2011

Speaking of Audacity

President Obama declared today's 41st annual Earth Day proof of America's ecological and conservation spirit — then completed a three-day campaign-style trip logging 10,666 miles on Air Force One, eating up some 53,300 gallons at a cost of about $180,000. And that doesn't include the fuel consumption of his helicopter, limo, or the 29 other vehicles that travel with that c...

Remember back... you were a kid...

...somebody made you angry... it was time to slash & burn? -- Yeah... me neither. -- TORONTO -- A 33-year-old man remains in hospital with critical injuries after he was hacked with a machete during a brawl outside a North York nightclub early Friday.Two other men, aged 26 and 27, were treated at Sunnybrook hospital and were later released following the 2:50 a.m. melee at the Las Brisas...

22 April 2011

Yet another Middle East Massacre...

...must be Friday..."A four-year-old girl was reportedly among the victims, shot in the head by a sniper according to opposition activists."**********UPDATE: Bashar goes ballisticSecurity forces in Syria have shot dead at least 12 people at funerals for anti-government protesters killed on Friday.At least seven people were reportedly shot dead in the Douma and Barzeh, both districts of Damasc...

Ask Professor Zinfandel

"This is the list of the 10 Most Sophisticated Electorates in the World According to Michael Ignatieff. Quebec goes at the top. Michael Ignatieff can fill in the rest."**********UPDATE 17:00:Just back from the local advance poll... that's 2 more votes for Conservative incumbent Daryl Kramp. Scrutineers say the word is that Prince Edward & Hastings Cty. stations have been quite bu...

Sucking up to somebody else's gawd?

I'm sorry... all this very public faux-religiosity... just smacks of pandering to me... Thanks to the miracle of Canadian diversity, an out-of-place leader trying to look at ease while wearing someone else’s religious headgear can come across as open-minded and accessible to a broader range of multicultural...

21 April 2011

Come back, Stephane...

...all is forgiven...Waking up in Montreal to stunning polls showing the NDP is suddenly the first choice of Quebeckers, Michael Ignatieff is campaigning in two urban ridings where not even big-name candidates in the province can assure Liberal wins.To counter rising interest in the NDP, the Grit Leader points to his star candidates as evidence his party has people who are ready to fill key cabinet...

More rainbows & unicorn farts...

...from the folks who were looking to make Elizabeth May a Senator...Indeed, the NDP’s traditional role is that of “social conscience,” prompting a discussion of issues that would otherwise be ignored by the two major parties. Jack Layton thus has carte blanche to promise a chicken in every pot, or pot in every chicken, if NDP members are so inclined.In this election, however, that is no longer true....

But, but... Michael Ignatieff says we're...

...living in a brutal dictatorship..."Canadians share second place among the most contented people on the planet, according to a global survey that asked respondents to rate their own lives."**********RELATED: Iggy slips, Liberal Party organ......slams into hyperdrive..."Mr. Harper has been setting...

20 April 2011

Blessed are the Peacemakers...

...whoever they might actually be...Ignatieff — long known to be a supporter of the decision to invade — was part of an academic advisory team that helped U.S. state department and American military officials conduct strategy sessions.He was one of the leading liberal voices supporting the war and his...

The Million Dollar Man

If only there was a political party with the balls to start cracking down on crime... -- TORONTO -- Efforts to deport a habitual criminal with 76 convictions have cost taxpayers as much as $1 million — and he may still remain in Canada for another year.Uriah Walford Steer, who is in a Montreal jail while fighting deportation, is slated for an immigration detention review on April 30.Steer, 39,...

What Canadians can expect...

...for their 300 million dollar Iggy-engineered election...The fact is, the only reason we're going to the polls now... is Iggy and his coalition buddies setting up that initial vote of non-confidence. Now he tells us... election be damned... he gets a chance, he'll do it again.So there it is, folks......

I blame Marvel Comics

The eminently forseeable consequences of... NOT ACTUALLY BEING... one of the X-men...“With the training and the confidence that comes with it, I’m sure he probably thought he could overpower the gunman.” -- Of course, that should actually be gunmen... as in two of them. Let me say that again... two armed thugs.Now I don't care how strong your kung-fu is... fists against multiple armed assailants......

19 April 2011

I guess there's so many Snowbirds...

...down there... they're turning NDP... -- ORLANDO, Fla. -- Florida officials are investigating an unemployment agency that spent public money to give 6,000 superhero capes to the jobless.Workforce Central Florida spent more than $14,000 on the red capes as part of its "Cape-A-Bility Challenge" public relations campaign. The campaign featured a cartoon character, "Dr. Evil Unemployment," who needs...

Why wait for May 2... when Special K...

...can simply look, yet again, into his crystal ball...First off, the Liberals and the NDP had a shot at working together, about two years ago, but they blew it. The forces of the Left allowed themselves to be scared away off of cooperation/ coalition/ merger by Harper – despite the fact that Harper...

The soothing, dulcet... "Call of the Minaret"

I do believe I'm feelin' more peaceable already... -- TORONTO -- “Why doesn’t he show his Jewish cousins being fried by the Nazis?” — “There is no absolute free speech. With freedom of speech there are rules.”Imam Steve Rockwell, who hosts The Call of the Minaret on Vision TV — and will appear...

No word yet from Toronto City Hall...

...on Rosedale's recently proposed... "Burn the Witches" initiative..."Mr. Ho has suggested renaming a major road — 14th Avenue, which stretches from Markham-Pickering Townline Road in the east to Highway 404 — for the same reason: The name resembles the Chinese term for 'sure death...

18 April 2011

"Real men" don't worry about perjury

I'd love to see Michael Ignatieff giving sworn testimony...You can publicly lie to a whole country... I imagine you can lie anyplace, anytime."Liberals say they will post an online poll Monday asking Canadians which new Harper quote on health care they should use to replace one 'that was inaccurate'.""Inaccurate",...

Oh, c'mon... gimme one good reason...

...the social & economic juggernaut that is Italy... shouldn't be calling the shots for their European, uh... "partners"... -- (Reuters) -- France temporarily shut its border to trains from Italy carrying African migrants and protesters on Sunday, a move Rome formally protested, accusing Paris of violating European principles.That'd be, what, Silvio... the principle that a country should have...

Just another reason...

...to vote Conservative..."Step one is to weaken the country, have a weak government in Ottawa, and that is another reason why Canadians, we believe, must choose a strong, stable, national Conservative majority."Harper was responding to comments made by Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe, who said the two conditions for another referendum on Quebec separating from Canada are Bloc representation...

C'mon America... you've had the foreplay...

...now... bend over and grab your ankles.[*]**********RELATED: Never mind the money......what about the cowardice & hypocrisy?"The United States of America is different. And as president, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action."Well, Barry... you're waiting plenty now...Shelling and sniper fire by forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi killed...

17 April 2011

The edgy, topical Globe & Mail...

...absolutely unafraid to ask the really, really hard questions...Oh look... now they're actually going to provide an option to disagree...**********BREAKING: Tomorrow's Globe Poll......a sneak preview...Will you vote for Michael Ignatieff because...a) He's a hunka, hunka burnin' loveb) Can't resist...

16 April 2011

Ontario... that horrible racist shitehole...

That headline just makes me ill... that even here in my home province, those reprehensible white supremacists... -- EDMONTON -- An Ontario man who took a Somali man to an Edmonton park at gunpoint and then shot him to death was handed a life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years Friday.But,...

You want the good stuff... ask a Lawyer

Yeah, Rodney... tell us all about "The Good Ship Lollipop"...Holloway agreed that the Sun Sea's arrival was part of a complex, well-organized and likely profitable operation, but "the intention appears to have been to bring the ship to Canada and report to a port of entry, not to enter Canada clandestinely."Now, Rod... I'll confess I don't have an LL.B on my business cards... but I do know total horse-puckey...