"...to attack the NDP on a variety of issues: Inexperience, nonsensical economic policies and, intriguingly, not being principled on the long-gun registry vote."*********
"So, apparently, the Liberal Party of Canada, God’s gift to democracy, consider allowing free votes in Parliament to be … unprincipled."
"Good thing they’re here to make Parliament work and counter the Tories’ disrespect for our democracy."
During the English-language debate, the NDP Leader landed what some are calling a knock-out punch when he accused Mr. Ignatieff of having the “worst attendance record in the House of Commons of any member of Parliament.”**********
“If you want to be prime minister, you’d better learn how to be a member of Parliament first,” Mr. Layton charged. “You know, most Canadians, if they don’t show up for work, they don’t get a promotion. You missed 70 per cent of the votes.”
LAST WORD: Deck chairs... Titanic
"In Mr. Chrétien’s era, Ontario was the pathway to Liberal majorities. Now, Mr. Ignatieff will work frantically to prevent it from being the pathway to a Conservative one."