31 May 2010

"Note to useful idiots..."

"...Update your will; Israel calls all bluffs."**********RELATED: A study in contrastOn a day of denunciations and demonstrations, Stephen Harper stood by Benjamin Netanyahu Monday and signalled that Canada’s support for Israel has not wavered, expressing regret at the loss of life during the raid on Gaza-bound ships, while calling for patience.Hang on a second... where's Waldo?Across the aisle of...

Would your father...

... cover up a murder for you? -- TORONTO -- A six-year-old girl watched helplessly from her carseat as her mom allegedly lunged forward from the backseat with a "large" kitchen knife and butchered her dad as he drove along a residential street near High Park over the weekend, Toronto Police said...

That's why they call it war...

...and not "Circle of Friends"...Senior Israeli defence officials said 10 activists died on the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish cruise ship carrying 581 people, after commandos came under fire, including with weapons that the activists had snatched from the boarding party.Earlier, the military said "more than...

I guess stereotypes have to...

...come from somewhere... -- ROME -- In Italy, you’re nobody if your phone isn’t tapped. Or, as Beppe Grillo, Italy’s leading political provocateur and blogger, put it: “This is a nation where if you can’t be blackmailed, you’ll never get ahead.” In Italy’s sluggish justice system investigations can take years, and news from leaked wiretaps can often have important political and economic ramifications.Nice...

That damned bloodthirsty murderer...

...George W. Bu... wait a minute...In Pakistan, drone attacks are Obama’s weapon of choice. He has expanded the use of drones to include low-level targets, such as foot soldiers.The pace of drone strikes has increased to two or three a week, up roughly fourfold from the Bush years. Although drone strikes have killed more than a dozen Qaeda and Taliban leaders, they have incinerated hundreds of civilians,...

I guess it's true what they say...

...Jesus forgives... pretty much anything...The future Pope Benedict XVI refused to defrock an American priest who confessed to molesting numerous children and even served prison time for it, simply because the cleric wouldn’t agree to the discipline.Wow... talk about "wag the god, er... do...

30 May 2010

80 year-old Veteran - 1...

...degenerate ex-con junkie - 0...Walking slowly from the police car that brought them home, the couple returned to their home at noon. They slowly climbed the steps to their front door and went inside.A couple of months ago, the man — a Korean war veteran with three children and six grandkids — had been robbed at gunpoint at his home by three intruders, his son said. The robbers took $150, he said...

Mayor Miller's office reportedly working...

...on banning non-plastic cutlery within city limits... -- TORONTO -- A man in his mid-20s, has been stabbed to death in what appears to be a bizarre domestic dispute in the city’s west end.A man and a young girl apparently witnessed the deadly attack inside a vehicle on Windermere Ave., north of The Queensway and west of High Park, around 2:30 p.m. Saturday.“The victim was stabbed in his neck...

Knowing full well, he will never, ever...

...get his hands on the actual levers of power... Taliban Jack seeks to set a cat among the puffins...Yes, yes, Jacko... "play" and "talk"... because in the final analysis... that's what you're really good at.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Hope Jack is practicing safe coalition."If it's anything like...

29 May 2010

Kids in the Crosshairs

More fun & games in Dalton McGuinty's failed socialist paradise...The single mother of nine kids, who didn't want her name or her son's name used, said seven of her children were home when the gunfire erupted and there were also several cousins inside the Spadina Ave. and College St. house.The boy's mother claims his son is "a good boy," who loves to play basketball and has "never been in trouble...

From the folks who brought you...

...lead-painted baby toys...Mounties in Vancouver took over the investigation and watched as 352 kilos of ketamine — known as “Special K” or “K” on the street — moved to the Toronto area, LaPorte said.The drugs accounted for about one million doses worth up to $15 million on the streets, LaPorte said. James Dong Kim, 39, and Chung Wei Lee, 32, were charged with importing ketamine, possession of ketamine...

Dear Iggy

-- Q: -- How can you tell when a politician is lying? -- A: -- His lips are moving.-- Oops -- "I have rented a property in London, rather than buying one, so I have made no gain from buying a property with help from the taxpayer."-- Oopsie -- In an interview with the Times newspaper, carried...

28 May 2010

And Shakespeare wept

Remember when you were a kid... and grown-ups encouraged you to express... your inner gangsta?>>>>>Yeah... me neither.But hells bells... that ain't gonna stop anybody...Can watching theatre really deter youths from joining gangs? The Toronto Police Services Board thinks so, and gave the...

Say what you will about Comrade Layton...

...unlike Orwellian aristocrat Michael Ignatieff... Jacko lets you know exactly where... and with whom... he stands.( -- thx again to reader michael -- )**********RELATED: "It's gonna be a party..."Apparently there's room for everybody down at the big rainbow-coloured te...


...the victimless crime...Elham Dashtirahmatabadi was found inside High Times — a book, Internet and drug paraphernalia store she owned with her husband at 187 King St. E. — by a police officer who was flagged down by two customers at about 2 p.m. on Tuesday.Good gawd... killed for a crack-pipe? You can't smoke a cigarette in a restaurant... but flogging drug paraphernalia is okay? Welcome to Dalton...

27 May 2010

A story you won't see on CBC tonight...

Scratch a Fiberal... find a dishonest little weasel...The Liberals shielded one of their own Thursday from answering questions about alleged lobbying at the same committee where they have grilled former Tory MP Rahim Jaffer over similar accusations.Liberals Marlene Jennings and John Mckay, who do not usually sit on the committee, ran down most of the clock at the meeting with long speeches on why...

"Look out the left, the captain said..."

..."The lights down there, that's where we'll land..."David Rosenberg from Gluskin Sheff said the White House appears to have reversed course just weeks after Mr Obama vowed to rein in a budget deficit of $1.5 trillion (9.4pc of GDP) this year and set up a commission to target cuts. "You truly cannot make this stuff up. The US governnment is freaked out about the prospect of a double-dip."Hope, change...

Hey Dalton... bite me

Don't know if most folks are aware of it... but the McSlippery Liberals have done away with the 20 year "rolling" exemption on their Drive Clean pogrom (and no, that's not a spelling mistake). Oddly enough, it doesn't impact anybody who has an 88 or earlier fire-breathin' big block muscle car... just not so good for the rest of us who don't go out and buy a new sled every few years. Anyway, had...

Never a rubber bullet around...

...when you really, really need one...For University of Toronto adjunct professor Peter Rosenthal, a lawyer who has participated in several trials involving Taser deployments, anything that can stun people or crowds should be considered dangerous.Hey, Peter... you mean like Michael Ignatieff trying to explain why MP's shouldn't have to make their office budgets public?Yup... this infernal device oughta...

In other "broad strata" news

-- Dallas, TX -- Smadi admitted that he drove an SUV loaded with what turned out to be an inert bomb into a parking garage under the 60-story Fountain Place on Ross Avenue. He then got into an undercover agent's car and dialed a cellphone to detonate the bomb. Agents then arrested him.Now... call me wacky... but I'm thinkin' it's only a matter of time before one of these "holy warriors" decides...

26 May 2010

Bright lights, big city...

...if only there was a law...A Toronto man is in serious condition after being shot in the stomach Tuesday night.Police discovered a bleeding man on Pengarth Court, near Lawrence Avenue and Allen Road around 11:40 p.m. He was rushed to Sunnybrook hospital for emergency surgery.**********RELATED: The more, the merrier...A 26-year-old man has been shot in the abdomen in North York.Toronto medics were...

Gotta have priorities I guess

“Human rights issues are gay rights issues ... who is Pride Toronto to say what is a legitimate critique and what is not?”That's all very well & good... but I just have to ask... where are the "Queers against Homophobic Palestinian Terror"?Civil rights campaigners in Israel are trying to stop the deportation of a Palestinian homosexual back to the Gaza Strip, where they say he faces death threats."Nobody...

Ask a Community Organiser

I guess we all have a little unthinking warmonger inside of us...From 2006 to 2008, President George W. Bush made a larger deployment of Guard troops under a program called Operation Jump Start. At its peak, 6,000 Guard troops at the border helped build roads and fences in addition to backing up law enforcement officers.Those Guard troops contributed to the arrest of more than 162,000 illegal immigrants,...

Never mind pesky facts

Just gimme another sweet chorus... of "Abraham, Martin & Dawg"...The demography would have shocked the guns-are-for-bigots brigade. The participants were overwhelmingly young, roughly equally split between the genders and decidedly multicultural -- whites likely being in the minority. There wasn't a camo-clad angry old white man to be seen amidst the hundreds of attendees.Just another story you'll...

25 May 2010

Dozens killed as systemically racist...

...Toronto Police storm-troopers raid Jane-Finch corridor... no, wait a sec...Hospitals were offering emergency services only and the government appealed for blood donations after hospitals warned stocks were dangerously low.Gunmen erected barricades of barbed wire and junked cars in an effort to repel...

So Dalton... does this mean...

...I catch some degenerate junkie burglar breaking into my house at 2:00am... I get to blow him out of his Air-Jordans... or is killing someone in self-defense only for former Liberal cabinet ministers?a href="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/all-charges-dropped-against-former-ontario-a-g-michael-bryant/article1579931/">I...

"If at first... you don't succeed..."

..."try a donkey-bomb"...PLAN B: Terrorise some little girls.Two days before the incident, the previously unknown "The Free of the Homeland" group issued a statement criticizing the camp's organizer, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), for "teaching schoolgirls fitness, dancing and...

Stop thinking.... stop right now...

...just send money...Many Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza live a middle class (and in some cases an upper class) lifestyle that western journalists refuse to report on because it doesn’t fit with the simplistic story they were sent to write.Funny how that works, huh?Even the Al-Jazeera news agency refers to the large reserves accumulated by the Arafat family or hidden in the coffers of the...

So... does that mean we can...

...hang 'em from the yardarm? -- ROTTERDAM, Netherlands -- Five Somali men went on trial in a Dutch court for the 17th century crime of “sea robbery” Tuesday in Europe’s first piracy trial since a surge of attacks on shipping off the Somalia’s lawless coast.Apparently the pirates are pleading "root causes".**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Where's a Russian destroyer when you need one?"**********RELATED:...

24 May 2010

Another Canadian falls

Trooper Larry Rudd, 26, was killed by an improvised explosive device at 12:30 p.m. local time Monday near the village of Salavat, about 20 kilometres southwest of Kandahar city.He will not be forgotten.**********RELATED: The Taliban's media allies......doing their best to sway Canadian public...The...

A "Social Media Relations" Copper?

Or, Officer Twitter... dare I say it... you got a sociopath with a gun... you don't start comparing playlists... you call in SWAT and they drop him like a crazy girlfriend...“The only way we’re going to stop someone from getting shot is by convincing the person holding the gun to put it down,” said Const. Scott Mills, the force’s social media relations officer.It seems, though... Officer Mills is...

BREAKING: More shocking coverage of...

...gravity holding shit down...More than 200 foreigners have been kidnapped in recent years; most are released unharmed.Two Chinese oil workers were freed this month after being kidnapped in the south east of the country.In another region, however, a German married couple, their infant son and a British man are still missing after being kidnapped almost a year ago.Geez, idyllic, brotherly Yemen......

It's true what they say....

..."community standards" do vary from place to place...Jamaica's Prime Minister Bruce Golding has denounced unrest in the capital city Kingston as a "calculated assault on the authority of the state".He vowed that criminals would not triumph, after supporters of an alleged druglord took to the streets to stop him from being arrested. One police station has been set on fire and two others shot at by...

23 May 2010

Forget about personal responsibility...

...we've got all those wonderful social workers...They have begun to authorize teachers or counselors, preferably male, to distribute condoms to students if the teachers complete a 30-minute online training course called "WrapMC" -- for Master of Condoms.Remember... if you build it, they will, er... co...

Bright lights, big city...

Toronto police pulled an oil drum out of the Toronto harbour today that they believe contains a murder victim encased in cement. “At this point I’ve got a good idea who’s contained within that barrel, but I’m not at liberty to speculate,” said Det. Vander Heyden.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"I suppose...

22 May 2010

Globe & Mail shocker...

...apparently Canadians no longer give a crap about their kids...Hmmm, that doesn't sound right... let's pick this apart...Statistics Canada figures reveal that Nunavut has the highest number of infant deaths – 15.1 per 1,000 live births in 2007. Manitoba has a high rate of infant mortality, at 7.3...

From the people who brought you...

...annual bills for OHIP...In addition to all of that, the new HST imposes taxes on taxes. The province already charges us 14.7 cents a litre in gas tax. The HST will be charged as a tax on that tax.Similarly, our electrical bills contain a repayment of debt accumulated by years of mismanagement of the provincial hydro utility. Yes, we're going to pay tax on the debt payment, too.That's why we call...

He's 12 going on .38

While Michael Ignatieff and the Liberals try to defend 2 billion dollars spent chasing farmers, duck hunters & skeet shooters... GTA pre-teens are packin' heat...Further investigation tied the boy to a Wednesday night robbery involving at least three males at a Food Basics on Westney Rd. N., Selby alleged.“It’s interesting that we (allegedly) get him with a gun the next day.”The boy was slapped...

21 May 2010

Of Kirpans, Burqas, Turbans & Kilts

Can we assume they're all similarly prohibited? -- ALBERTA -- Hamish Jacobs is fighting for the right to show a little leg.The Raymond, Alberta high school student wants to honour his Scottish-Canadian heritage by wearing a kilt to his school’s graduation ceremony, but his principal has told him...

Coming right up, after the commercial...

...more breaking news about gravity holding shit down...Sweeping accusations of impropriety are being levelled against the B.C. Liberal Party and Premier Gordon Campbell's administration at the BC Rail corruption trial.In the first week of evidence in the prosecution of three former bureaucrats, the defence has portrayed the governing Liberals as fostering a political culture of dirty tricks and deceit.Yeah......

"One of these days, Alice... to the moon!"

More empty rhetoric from Shrillary & the McDreamy administration...While it was “premature” to discuss exact options or actions that will be taken in response, Ms. Clinton said it was “important to send a clear message to North Korea that provocative actions have consequences.”Yeah, listen up Crazy Dwarf... you guys don't stop doing bad things we're gonna tell Uncle Bunky on you... again.It's...

I'm not crazy... and so am I

The statesman is considered a close affiliate of the Iranian president and has previously caused a stir by saying that Iran was "a friend of the Israeli people". He later retracted this statement and issued a contrary one saying Israel should be destroyed.I guess we'll just have to wait... for the capricious & unknowable "Will of Alla...

20 May 2010

Hey, Toronto

Just something to think about... you're writing those cheques to David Miller for your municipal taxes...Toronto will pump more than $11 million into two failing pensions this year and is likely on the hook for similar payments over the four years.“It’s $50 million over the next five years,” Celine Chiovitti, the city’s director of pension, payroll and employee benefits, told the government management...

Hanoi Jane Taber trots out...

...the O.J. defense... "Free Michael Ignatieff... so he can find the real bullies"...“Canadians have to say, ‘Yeah he’s not so bad. They’ve written all this bad stuff about him. He’s not so bad. He’s a human being."Just spitballin' here... but if the high-water mark of your campaign aspirations is simply...

Remember when you were a kid...

...somebody pissed you off... you'd up and blow 'em away?Yeah... me neither.Toronto police have arrested and charged a man in connection with the shooting death of a teen in the west end around two weeks ago.Police arrested Lavare Williams, 18, on Wednesday and charged him with first degree murder in the death of Mitchell Leton Celise, 17, of Toronto.Police have also issued a Canada-wide arrest warrant...

Easy, easy... no need to panic, folks...

...Michael Ignatieff can do all the "hard thinking" for you...Main Street, say hello to Harvard Drive, Chicago Place, and Berkeley Boulevard. The latter are roads that begin in the elite universities and bring "someone better than you" to power in Washington, D.C. It's okay to be ordinary, a "swiller...

Derailing the Gravy Train

The call for oversight & accountability gets markedly louder...A former auditor general is asking why members of Parliament are refusing to permit a special audit of their expenses, saying they are acting as if they have something to hide."Well, I'm mystified," said Ken Dye, Canada's auditor general from 1981 to 1991."Why are they being reluctant to being transparent? I think they’re condemning...

He was gonna, what... make soup?

C'mon Gil... Ol' Willie got caught with a pail full of, well... human head... and you're shaking the technicality tree? -- VANCOUVER -- Defence lawyer Gil McKinnon argued Pickton's six second-degree murder convictions should be overturned, because a B.C. Supreme Court judge made an error during...

19 May 2010

Imprisoned mad-dog bikers...

...demand equal say in revamping Corrections Canada policy manual...Sure... that could happen.Is it just me, or does anybody else see the inherent contradiction in this "unanimous motion"? Aren't these the folks (or a goodly number of them, anyway) who have sworn to break up the country?Call me crazy......

"I'm from the government..."

"...I'm here to save you"...No one can say the McGuinty government doesn't have priorities..."Mr. Aykroyd gets a kick out of telling Americans it’s banned in his home province of Ontario, where the Ghostbusters and Blues Brothers star maintains a summer residence."Scary dogs... scary bottles... your...

In another election...

...that sent waves of anxiety through political leaders here in Washington, Rand Paul, one of the early leaders of the Tea Party movement, won the Republican Senate primary in Kentucky on Tuesday night.More bad news for President McDreamy... it seems the herd may be veering right..."Oh, say can you...

18 May 2010

Too many Chiefs...

...not enough sanity... -- WINNIPEG -- Terry Nelson, the well-known chief of a southern Manitoba First Nation, is accused by a band member of arming himself with a rifle during an altercation last weekend.Hmmm, wait a minute... Terry Nelson... that name sounds so familiar...Curiously, the CBC seems...

You get exactly the type of government...

...that you deserve...If anything should bring politics into disrepute, this decision is it. Forget Rahimelena or Afghan detainees. Neither scandal hits Canadians where it counts – in the wallet. If the House of Commons were a business, MPs would be either facing a shareholders’ meeting from hell, a meltdown of its stock price, or a lawsuit.Inde...

The answer to that age-old question...

...who shoots a 15 year-old kid in the face...Meet Sheronnie Thomas.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:Makes you happy he's black, eh?Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 3:13 PM, May 18, 2010Ah, yes... the compassionate, intellectual left... once again, in the person of Mr. Anonymous... responds with...

Dear Michael...

...you just keep on campaigning for defenseless little Omar Khadr and those poor Taliban prisoners... I dare you...Once again... the capricious & unknowable "Will of Allah."**********UPDATE: Canadian soldier identifiedCol. Geoff Parker, 42, was a member of the Royal Canadian Regiment, and hailed...

Harvard Egghead resorts to...

... venerable "I know you are, but what am I" strategy...And Michael Ignatieff... apparently forgetting earlier promises about taking the political "high road"... is just getting started...“Our opponents attack us without ceasing and, occasionally, they pretend to run the government of Canada.”Hmmm......

17 May 2010

The end of personal responsibilty...

PART XXXIV -- Woman with round heels seeks $600,000 corporate payday for personality flaw... “The plaintiff wept uncontrollably at her workplace . . . and became incapable of performing her employment duties,” reads the statement of claim.Our modern world.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Anyone who carries on an affair, does so with the full knowledge of the possibility of the spouse finding out in...

'Cause Marci said so!

Turning lemons into lemonade... or maybe water into wine..."If I were him, and had been falsely called a Baptist minister in a book, I promise you I would not stop lording it over all my friends, insisting that they call me The Reverend Ezra."Oh, c'mon now... the Toronto Star just loved this bo...

Of course... the "Usual Suspect"

Hanoi Jane Taber... the Sherlock Holmes of political journalism...“I sincerely believe that the Giorno letter is at the heart of this thing because it will show the true nature of Stephen Harper – because he obviously approved it.”See, the thing is, Janie... you don't really need a mysterious, unnamed...