...I'll keep it...Hamilton sex trade worker Jennifer Hall was taking a shower in the bathroom when the shooting took place. She testified previously she peered out from the shower curtain to see Jackson holding a gun and trying to force his way into the bathroom.She said Jackson told the victim "I'm here to rob you, take your money and drugs."Sex, drugs and smoke a hole.P.S. -- Gotta love the politically-correct...
27 February 2010
Nothing like a little...
...Breakfast Club... to get the creative juices flowing...Before Thursday's dinner, Sheikh Nasrallah and President Ahmadinejad discussed "the latest developments in the region, and Zionist threats against Lebanon and Syria", Hezbollah's al-Manar television reported."If the Zionist regime decides to repeat its past mistakes, the region will finish it off," al-Manar quoted the Iranian leader as saying.Both...
A caring, tightly knit "community"?
Just not when it comes to justice for the slain...A second Crown witness who originally told police that she watched Jordan Manners being murdered testified Friday that she never saw the slaying but was repeating rumours sweeping the school.The real anomaly here... is that witnesses actually talked to the cops in the first place.**********RELATED: The Jane-Finch "code of silence"Pieters said the...
Just something to consider...
...the next time you hit that voting booth...Early this week, Conservative legislation to eliminate the two-for-one pretrial credit took force, meaning that had Mr. James been arrested today, he would have spent up to four more years in jail.Or... I guess... you can go with these gu...
26 February 2010
You don't know, what...
...you don't know..."At a time of major difficulties in supporting the cost of our health-care systems, [the researchers] have shown that a non-invasive, simple, safe and cheap intervention, possibly done by a paramedic before hospital admission, can significantly increase myocardial salvage."Who'da thunk ...
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Sounds like good ol' France could use some...The French media, at least on the center and the left, picked up the Soumaré case after blogs and Facebook pages lit up with chatter about the case this week.Despite a secular and egalitarian tradition in France, only seven of some 860 members of the French and Assembly come from non-white backgrounds.Suddenly Canada doesn't look like such a terrible place...
Still crazy after all these years
Libya's Muammar Gaddafi has called for a jihad, or holy war, against Switzerland, as an ongoing diplomatic row between the two nations heats up. The Libyan leader made his comments while speaking at a meeting to mark the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. "Let us wage jihad against Switzerland, Zionism and foreign aggression."**********RELATED: In other "R.O.P." news... -- KABUL, Afghanistan ...
25 February 2010

Which Canadian political party... oh, what the hell... go read it all yourself..."To recap: Hamas sees women as property. Hamas sees homosexuality as a capital crime. Hamas sees murdering "some women" as justifiable. Hamas sees murdering "some children" as justifiable."And the answer is...**********RELATED:...
If only there was a law...

...or a gun registry... wait a minute... -- TORONTO -- A violent team of thieves already suspected of robbing three banks in recent months has committed another five heists and are getting more dangerous, according to police.Hold Up Squad Inspector Bruce Crawford said three armed, masked men charged...
Scheming, knuckle-dragging...
...irredeemable neo-conservative... has a new boss...David Peterson has hired Mike Harris to work with him in the Toronto business law firm Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP."Even though we spent many years on opposite sides of the House, I have always respected Mike, and I am delighted to have him with us at Cassels Brock."Funny how that works.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"OMG! Civilized discussion...
Thank the gawds for the...
...stupidity of criminals...The suspects were apprehended quickly because they had taken a cellphone from Swan’s house that contained a GPS tracking device.Now fry th...
24 February 2010
Oh, c'mon you sissy...

...what could possibly go wrong?...oh yeah... that.It marked the third time the 12,000-pound animal had been involved in a human death.Steve Huxter, who was head of Sealand's animal care and training department then, said Wednesday he's surprised it happened again.Live and don't lea...
And justice for none

-- KAMLOOPS, B.C. -- A father who was found not criminally responsible for murdering his three children could be granted an absolute discharge if it's determined he doesn't pose a threat to the public, says the chairman of the B.C. Review Board.Only in Canada, you say?**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"It...
And to add insult to, well...
...injury AND bullshit... apparently Mr Millions wants Canadian taxpayers to pick up the tab...The impression Mr. Williams left, that the technique he sought in Miami is not available in Canada, is reinforced by his statement that he will consider applying for reimbursement for his medical costs in Florida.I guess that's how you get to be a millionaire... by spending other people's money.**********FROM...
23 February 2010
I know what Kathy Shaidle's getting...

...for her birthday...
C'mon Arnie... cowboy up. And, speaking of the "Dynamic Digging Duo"... the devil is truly... once again... in the detai...
Good news for Canadian soldiers
"Kandahar means Afghanistan. If we have a peaceful Kandahar, we will have a peaceful Afghanistan," Tooryalai Wesa, governor of Kandahar province, said in an interview. "The history and politics of Afghanistan is always determined from Kandahar."Yet until recent months, a combat force of only 1,000 Canadian troops was in place to defend Kandahar. That allowed the Taliban to control large parts of the...
"Here's an idea... "
"...if you're that concerned about children's health, perhaps you shouldn't be feeding them processed rat assholes (or whatever hotdogs are made of) in the first place."**********RELATED: The glorious future backonsColour me skeptical... but I just caught my 86 year-old father-in-law trying to turn off the television... with a cordless pho...
Like a rottweiler on a scummy lawyer...
...it's a good start... -- OTTAWA -- Canadian prisoners can no longer count their pre-trial custody time "two-for-one."The changes to the justice system included in Bill C 25, which still allow for judges to count time 1.5-to-1 in extenuating circumstances, came into effect Monday.That's my Prime Minist...
Franken-google it's not
Get ready for the start of the next hula-hoopish craze...If it's Google Street View infamy you seek, why waste your time with a half-hearted wave to that passing Google car when you could make a real, uh, splash, with some scuba gear and pitchforks?Two people in Bergen, Norway, are enjoying their five minutes of Internet fame this morning after Street View shots emerged of them ambushing a Google...
Wanna get away with murder?

Just make sure you go absolutely screamin' apeshit over the line... and nobody (legally anyway) will hold it against you...It was a crime so horrendous the judge found he could not be held criminally responsible for his acts, because no reasonable or rationale person could do such a thing.“I find that...
Oh, Danny Boy

Yeah, yeah... that was then... this is the "f@ck you peons" now...Funny how that works.**********UPDATE: Even Big Mother calls bullshitCanadian cardiac surgeons say there was no need for the premier of Newfoundland and Labrador to cross the border for world-class health care.The treatment Danny Williams...
The compassionate, intellectual left...
...apparently has no problems getting past comment moderation at the Globe & Mail..."When this fascist, warmongering scumbag breathes his last lying breath, the world will be a better place.""Until then, one can only hope his pain was severe."2/22/2010 11:30:45 PMThank you Peace Moonbeam.**********RELATED: Back at the Whitewash-house"It's like they're bringing al Qaeda lawyers inside the Department...
22 February 2010
Have Gun... Will Travel
-- OTTAWA -- A teen was shot to death in his west-side home early Monday morning in one of three home invasions to take place overnight. A total of six people are in custody and police were searching for three others.Paramedics said a 19-year-old man, identified by friends and family as Michael Swan, who lived in Barrhaven until a short time ago, suffered several gunshot wounds in the spacious,...
More Pavilions, er... Jihadis at Folkfest

An obvious "problem child" spouting extremist views, Hasan made numerous statements that were not protected by the First Amendment and were grounds for discharge by violating his military oath, investigators found.In searching for explanations for why superiors did not move to revoke Hasan's security...
Yet again... the liberal bigotry...

...of low expectations...Let me call in Chris Rock for some backup -- "He speaks so well! He's so well spoken. I mean he really speaks so well!" Like that's a compliment. "He speaks so well" is not a compliment, okay? "He speaks so well" is some shit you say about retarded people that can talk.Bravo.**********RELATED:...
With friends like this...
...who needs feudal 14th century theocracies? -- Riyadh -- Saudi Arabia is planning to bring in a new law to allow women lawyers to argue cases in court for the first time.Which begs the question... what have female Saudi lawyers been doing up 'til now... their male colleague's laundry?That's actually a pretty good possibility...Under a system of male guardianship, Saudi Arabian women are required...
From the people who brought you...
...lead-painted baby toys...US analysts believe they have identified the Chinese author of the critical programming code used in the alleged state-sponsored hacking attacks on Google and other western companies, making it far harder for the Chinese government to deny involvement.A separate team of US contractors has traced the launch of the spyware to computers at Shanghai Jiaotong University and...
21 February 2010
Climbing the all-too Canadian...
...mountain of suckass political correctness...Even media people are seeing through this nonsense, which is not the case when it comes to the saccharine emotionalism of athletes dedicating their achievements to dead relatives. It's one thing to mark a recent passing of a child or an anniversary of a deceased parent. But now we have -- no joke -- "this ski run is dedicated to my grandfather who died...
Bright lights, big city...
...Hogtown swallows up another life...Five teenage boys face murder charges in the week-old beating death of a 20-year-old man in east Toronto. Jin Tao Zhu was found dead inside a home at 1234 Gerrard St. E., near Greenwood Ave., shortly before the noon-hour last Monday, Toronto Police say. The slaying is the city’s eighth murder of 2010.Charges against the five teens who all live in the Gerrard...
20 February 2010
Maybe, just maybe... Gawd-Lite ain't...
...gettin' the job done...For some, a major attraction of Islam is the religion’s, er, aggressive aspect. There’s no messing around with Mo; he runs a tough shop, which might explain the high number of prison conversions. By comparison, your Jesus-based faiths are a little low on testosterone...**********FROM TIM'S COMMENTS:"Catholicism used to be the sort of Church you’re talking about, Tim. I...
Why actually do something...
...when you can just pull out the eco-speak...“We have encouraged our third-party transportation providers to be aware of the issues associated with fuels generally, and in the context of our attempts to decrease our own greenhouse gas impacts, we have asked them to lessen their use of fuels which they know would be counter to this goal, where feasible.”Say wh...
Happy Birthday ...
...to one of the most useful 'puter tools I kn...
19 February 2010
Spoiled multi-millionaire dilettante...
...says therapy has made him realise he wasn't the perfect husband...Since then, he has been linked to 19 mistresses, fined for careless driving, separated from his wife, left professional golf, lost several endorsement contracts and sought treatment for a sexual addiction.C'mon, buddy... don't be too hard on yourself... who hasn't been caught between the sheets with 19, er... well, shit... I sure...
Cross my heart and...
...hope you die...Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted as saying by Iranian media: "The West's accusations are baseless because our religious beliefs bar us from using such weapons ... We do not believe in atomic weapons and are not seeking that."Reassuring rhetoric... from the folks who sent waves of children onto bloody battlefields against their Iraqi neighbours.You know what, Ali......
"If it's not a crook..."
"...you must unhook..." -- GENEVA -- Lawyer Antoine F. Goetschel feels uncomfortable talking about one of his recent clients. And it isn't just because he lost the case. Goetschel is Europe's only animal lawyer and the figurehead for a movement that wants to expand Zurich's pioneering legal system across Switzerland.Voters will decide in a March 7 poll whether every canton should be required to...
18 February 2010
The Last Post

Remembering John Henry Foster Babcock...“When they asked me how old I was, I said 18. Well, when we got to England you had to be 19 to go to France,” recalled Mr. Babcock.“I was waiting to be 19 and my service record came through, and they found out I was 16, so they put me in the young soldiers’ battalion.”View...
The 41 percent solution
Now... if you're going to institute multicultural quotas... shouldn't that apply to athletes as well? -- VANCOUVER -- "I have been chatting with people and I've heard from quite a few people that they, too, feel that it was a spectacular show. And they only wish that they had a bit more portrayal of the multiculturalism in Canada."I want my government mandated optics... N...
The audacity of penetrating trauma
Chalk up another couple KIA for President Bam... -- (CBS/ AP) -- Two sons of high-level Taliban military commander in North Waziristan, Pakistan may have been killed in a suspected U.S. missile attack Thursday, a regional source tells CBS News.Missile strikes targeting militants have escalated in Pakistan's volatile North and South Waziristan tribal regions since December when a bomber backed...
Your money... their friends
His B.C. brethren are apparently traipsing along in Premier McSlippery's muddy footprints...The Liberals' original notion was that EHR would be up and running by the end of 2008. The current target for completion is three years hence, a full five years behind schedule.They forecast it could be done for $150 million, all but $30 million of which was supposed to come from the federal government.The...
"A Brief History of..."
"...Pretty Much Everything...""It's something like 2100 pages long, and about 50 jotter books," he writes. "I'd say I worked on and off it for roughly 3 weeks." He set the history lesson to Jacques Offenbach’s opera "Orpheus in the Underworld," music now thought of as the Can-Can.Gotta love ...
As the worm turns
Looks like the Pakistani intelligence apparatus has finally decided to take its cranium out of a certain bodily orifice... -- KABUL, Afghanistan -- Two senior Taliban leaders have been arrested in recent days inside Pakistan, officials said Thursday, as American and Pakistani intelligence agents continued to press their offensive against the group’s leadership after the capture of the insurgency’s...
17 February 2010
Oh, man... a little bit of "Hitler youth"...
...and everybody's all over your ass... go figure...The letter, which was made available to Reuters by a source familiar with the initiative, is extremely rare because in the past it has mostly been Jewish groups and not Catholic academics who have written to popes about the issue.The 18 Catholic scholars from United States, Germany and Australia, used the word “implore” twice in the letter, saying...
Drugs... the "victimless" crime
-- NEW YORK -- U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said the heroin kingpin ordered the executions of a Toronto man on July 20, 1994, sending a hit team and financing it. But the team ended up shooting two innocent people.Ma had pleaded guilty to two counts of murder on September 20, 2007. His co-defendant, Bing Yi Chen, was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Jan. 4.Evidence at trial showed that Ma, Chen...
You've come a long way, baby
Finally... equal treatment under the... cough, cough... law...Hishammuddin's comments signal that the mostly Muslim country is now prepared to flog Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, a mother of two, for drinking beer, despite the international criticism that the case has garnered.Damn scoffl...
16 February 2010
Brave Jihadis march off to Allah...
...take half dozen children with them... -- LONDON -- The commander of Britain's forces in southern Afghanistan says a missile that struck a house killing 12 people hit the intended target.The dead included six children. Afghan officials say three Taliban fighters were in the house.Maj. Gen. Nick Carter told reporters Tuesday the rocket had not malfunctioned nor been incorrectly targeted.And the...
Paging Rahm Emmanuel...
Hey, buddy... if pinko rag Huffpo is generating buzz about Dems tossin' your boss under the bus... it might be time to pull up the drawbridge..."Grim explained that congress is in a "whatever works" mode and incumbents are willing to campaign against the president it if doing so means keeping their seats."No honour among thieves, huh?**********RELATED: Hope, Change and......screw the dumbass greenies..."Promising...
Oh, thank goodness... it was just...
...that evil, knuckle-dragging Stephen Harper... again.Another First Nations spending scandal?That was then...Most recently, the school's senior financial officer was fired days after excoriating senior administration for taking inappropriate leave payments and filing inflated expense reports.This is now...“I felt that there was a lack of understanding in how important this institution is,” he said....
Why do people always confuse...
...a proficiency in writing exams... with being smart..."The authorities in Boston searched Dr. Bishop’s computer at the time and found a novel she was working on about a scientist who killed her brother and atoned by excelling at her work."Yikers.**********UPDATE: Turn, turn, turnAs if she needed to pin the weirdness meter any harder to the right.Seriously -- if the shooter were a political conservative,...
You know they're servin' up...
...the creme de crazee... when even infamous sock-puppet Khurrum Awan decides to take a pass...Somehow, his brief remarks were among the least controversial at a conference about the "Media War on Islam" on Sunday at a Toronto-area Islamic centre, in which the Christmas Day underwear bomber was described as the tool of an Israeli plot; Barack Obama was referred to as "Mr. Black Man"; al-Qaeda was...
This is refreshing...
...no fuzzy-bunny, "buy the world a coke" waffling here...“Prime Minister Harper has made it quite clear for some time now and has regularly stated that an attack on Israel would be considered an attack on Canada.”In other "we're not gonna take it anymore" news... -- OTTAWA, ONTARIO -- (Marketwire - Feb. 15, 2010) - The Public Prosecution Service of Canada today announced that it has filed a notice...
15 February 2010
Looks like my good buddy...

...cough, cough... Liberal Supporter is back in action...Hmmm... that sounds so familiar.I usually just ignore this sort of thing... as it reinforces everything I have to say about the lunatic left... but it appears as though our potty-mouthed pal has decided to troll around the Blogging Tories salting...
Former Kahnawake council chief...
...repudiates community's repugnant "ethnic cleansing" initiative..."No one's going to tell me who I can bring into my house and who I go to bed with," said the 66-year-old Mr. Delisle, who is ready to challenge the expulsions as a Canadian human-rights violation."Just because I'm a Mohawk doesn't exclude me from the Charter," he said. "I'm still Canadian.""And I think this is an injustice. It's a...
14 February 2010
Not the old "dog ate my thesis"...

..."but, honestly, I'm good for it" defense..."Colleagues say that the reason Professor Phil Jones has refused Freedom of Information requests is that he may have actually lost the relevant papers."I'm thinkin'... if it didn't work in Mrs. Smith's fifth grade autocracy... should we really let this one...
What war-torn, third world...
...wait a minute..."Pedestrians were attacked in the street. Cars were vandalized. Store windows were smashed. Paint was thrown at businesses."**********RELATED: Meanwhile, back in Ontario..."No soup for you!"Oh Cana...
Brave New World

"Resistance is futile... you will be assimilate...
13 February 2010
From the folks who brought you...
...President B.O. McDreamy...It has been a crazy week in Illinois politics, perhaps one of the craziest. The main questions that have been flying around in Democratic circles have been: Who knew what about Democratic Lieutenant Governor nominee Scott Lee Cohen, and when did they know it?And we're not talking parking tickets here...When Cohen became a candidate, he disclosed that a 2005 domestic battery...
The inevitable price of war

A Canadian soldier has been killed and four others injured during a training accident at a range northeast of Kandahar City.The death of Cpl. Joshua Caleb Baker brings to 140 Canadian soldiers and two civilians who have been killed in Canada’s eight-year mission in Afghanistan.He will be remember...
12 February 2010
So anyway, I'm a little confused...

...as tragic as this may be... I was under the impression that you had to scrape & claw your way to the top... before you could even get near competing in an Olympic event. "I think they are pushing it a little too much," Australia's Hannah Campbell-Pegg said Thursday after she nearly lost control...
With friends like this...
...who needs sucking chest wounds? -- TORONTO -- The Crown alleges that J.W. dragged the 15-year-old victim down the stairs, after which C.D. rifled his pockets to remove some items before they fled.Malcolm told defence lawyer Lydia Riva that when he arrived at around 2:20 p.m. to see the Grade 9 student lying on his stomach at the foot of the stairs, he noticed three girls standing nearby, looking...
Thank you, Prof. Peace Moonbeam

The compassionate, intellectual left and the "serial-killing robot soldier" feeding frenzy...Yeah, genius... it's all about boot camp.Funny how none of the uber-lunatic leftbots... or usual media suspects... is asking Count Ignatieff if his elitist alma mater is responsible for producing homicidal ...
Some days I just feel old
Talk about deja-vu..."One time I saw David wearing earphones while typing on his laptop. The screen was divided into four windows: one for Word, one for MSN messenger, and two different YouTube videos (one was a song that he had playing through the headphones, and the other was 'How to build a paper hang glider'.")"And the dog was sleeping on his lap."Earlier this year, after establishing a few ground...
Iggy reaches back into St Pierre's...

...socialist bag-o-tricks...Liberals are attempting to show that the Conservatives have a systemic mean streak, but in aligning himself with Mr. Clark, Mr. Ignatieff is taking a political risk.Albertans know Mr. Clark as “Red Ed” for his leading role in crafting the National Energy Program when he was...
11 February 2010
More prison... less "correctional services"
Okay, it's time... no more weight piles, televisions, counselling... or high-speed internet...The Sunday Times newspaper reported last month that Colin Gunn — a gangland boss convicted of conspiring to murder a couple in 2004 — warned on Facebook that "I will be home one day and I can't wait to look into certain people's eyes and see the fear of me being there." In other cases, escaped convicts have...
Those who do not...
...learn from history...... "What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe."- Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf) -are indeed condemned to repeat...
Bright lights, big city

When's the last time you read a sentence with the words "torture-murder"... that didn't also include the word Rwanda? -- TORONTO -- Five alleged members of the Little Rascalz gang admitted yesterday they played roles in the torture-murder of Omar Wellington in retaliation for a soured gun deal.The...
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