31 March 2009

Climbing down from Conficker panic

If you've used Microsoft update in the last 6 months... apparently, you're gonna be fine..."This is the electronic equivalent of being told there is a major storm that has a 20 percent chance of hitting." "It's not time to hide in the bunker. But it might be prudent to look out the window."It seems Microsoft put out a patch for the Conficker Worm last October. Unless you totally ignore updating...

Yeah, man... it was like...

...another total miscarriage of justice..."Well... except for the eyewitness account, the DNA evidence and the testimony from the cop in his cell."**********RELATED: B.C. gang wars heating up again? -- ABBOTSFORD -- Homicide investigators are on the scene of two murders here today that occurred...

There are none so blind...

...as those who will not see...Those who shouted the loudest for the heads of the AIG execs had the dirtiest hands. President Obama was outraged at their greed. But he alone signed their bonus provisions into law. And during the recent presidential campaign, no one forced him to accept over $100,000 in AIG donations. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, Connecticut Democrat, was the fieriest in his denunciations...

30 March 2009

Paging Peter MacKay

I dunno... maybe it is rocket science...The Black Thunder looks like a regular D9 bulldozer but is equipped with a number of cameras that transmit images to the operator, who controls the vehicle with a wireless remote control. The unmanned D9 participated widely in Operation Cast Lead as well as in...

Lemme see if I got this straight

He got the boot... after driving the Torstar bus right into the ditch... but none of that matters to Premier McSlippery?**********UPDATE: See, it's not really lying......"it's muddying"...“This calls for some clarification. I take responsibility for muddying the waters,” Mr. McGuinty said in Question Period today. “We will honour that commitment.”And if you catch him... he gets a mulliga...

Pulling the magical handle

Hey guys, how about we maybe just go with a little more straight talk... and a little less digital pixie dust?"Liberal 360" is the name of the party's new voter database system, which was purchased from a Massachusetts-based company called the Voter Activation Network. VAN is used by the Democrats at the federal and state levels, and it developed the volunteer management tools for the massively successful...

Tick-tock, tick tock

The most interesting part of this whole thing, was watching Buzz Hargrove on CTV... trying to wrap his head around what had just happened...If a Chrysler-Fiat union cannot be completed, Washington plans to walk away, leave Chrysler destined for a complete sell-off. No other money is available.For GM, the administration offered 60 days of operating money to restructure. A frantic top-to-bottom effort...

29 March 2009

Why fix stuff for real?

When it's so much easier to just pretend you're doing something..."If I wanted to live in North Korea..."**********UPDATE: "Gored" by his own OxAs most of you know, just over two years ago, my organization, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, found that the knuckleheaded leader of the global warming alarmism movement, Al Gore, consumes 20 times more electricity in his home than the average...

From the people who brought you...

...lead-painted baby toys...In an abstract for a second report released on Sunday by two Cambridge University researchers - entitled The Snooping Dragon: Social Malware Surveillance of the Tibetan Movement - investigators said while such attacks were not new, these particularly stood out for their ability to collect "actionable intelligence for use by the police and security services of a repressive...

28 March 2009

Yeah... that 2 for 1 "dead time"

How's that workin' for ya?On Thursday, his son pleaded guilty to 49 charges, including mischief, criminal harassment and threatening.In custody eight months, 17 days and given 2-for-1 time served, Justice Kathleen Caldwell yesterday sentenced Ralph Scala, 37, to three years probation and ordered him to compensate his victims and not to live in or visit his neighbourhood, Det. Michael Gurman said.No...

I can't wait to see the MSM...

...try turn this woman into THE VICTIM...Officers discovered the lifeless body of Jadon Bernard, who was only 18 months old, inside a silver Honda CRV parked in the garage.Investigators allege the tot’s mom, Nadine Bernard, 34, killed her son and then attempted to end her own life.I'm sorry... but there's a special place in hell...**********RELATED: Peel homicide cops on a roll...An acquaintance...

27 March 2009

Just blame it on Stephen Harper

It's funny... I checked with all my neighbours... and nobody around here has noticed a sudden exodus of women for parts unknown...Ms. Brown, meanwhile, has a ready answer for those critical of her career choice."I have job security," she said.Yup... not to mention... herpes.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:...

Where is your God now?

When you care enough to send the very best..."We operate in many places near and far, and carry out strikes in a manner that strengthens our deterrence." The BBC's Paul Wood in Jerusalem says Israel's response is following a traditional pattern, set when it attacked a suspected nuclear reactor in Syria in 2007, of first refusing to confirm an alleged strike and then giving a nod and a wink.Hey Mahmoud......

I am atheist...

...because I don't believe in faith, which I believe is the common dogma shared by traditional religion and secularized religions. This means that my atheism is somewhat foggy; because you can't prove that there isn't a God any more than you can prove that there is one, both are un-testable. By railing against God, especially the Christian God, these authors are missing the real target, faith.(via...

Revisiting the "Oracle Project"

There's been a lot of noise in the leftosphere recently... about Stephen Harper being responsible for the Canadian end of the financial crisis.Was the Prime Minister really blindsided?**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Harper called it right a year beforehand but the media will bury that fact because they love their Iggy...

15 Billion Dollar Ontario Deficit

Here's the line that jumps out and pokes me in the brain..."43 cents: The government spends 43 cents of every program dollar on health."Yeah... I wonder how stuff like that could happen.**********RELATED: One foot on a banana peel... -- OTTAWA and TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty derailed his own efforts to sell Ontarians on a politically challenging budget Friday, triggering confusion and...

26 March 2009

Ask a "Non-Urban"...

..."Non-Two Spirited" Canadian...The long-gun registry has been a bane in the North where hunting and sport shooting are part of the culture and popular pastimes for both residents and visitors.The root objection to the gun registry is that it targets the wrong people. It's a rural solution to an urban problem.Implemented as a crime-preventative measure, the long-gun registry has simply been an unwieldy...

You know you're really getting...

...under somebody's skin... when they set up multiple dedicated Blogger accounts... just so they can troll your comments.Meet Nonny-Mouse... aka Liberal Supporter...For the record, Nonny has already "pwned" me... cos' you know, everybody is his "beotch".Boy... all of this just sounds so familiar.**********UPDATE:...

Hey, Paul... here's a thought

Maybe your, uh, clients... could stop maiming, murdering and generally preying on the rest of us...Wouldn't that help out with this thorny jail problem?“These are people awaiting trial, presumed innocent, and held in crowded tension-filled holding jails,” said Paul Stern, a Toronto criminal lawyer....

25 March 2009

Oh, good grief...

...no wonder post-secondary education in Ontario is so messed up.**********BEST COMMENT EVER:"Now can someone describe what kind of a freak would consider themself "Other."An Honourable Mention goes to...I believe "Other" represents a preference for farm yard animals."Agrisexual" is the more common...

And somewhere in a dark corner...

...of Parliament's deepest, darkest basement... Stephane Dion throws back his head and howls...The NEW Liberal Party... they're flexible too...Only three weeks ago, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff insisted he would never support the fund without some advance idea of how it would be spent. He was adamant despite Prime Minister Stephen Harper's warning that the fund constituted a confidence matter...

Of course, totally eliminating...

...all gun crime in Toronto, has made it all worthwhile...The City of Toronto is bleeding from a nine-month-old self-inflicted gunshot wound to the foot, and some councillors aren't shying away from salting the wound.Yesterday, the Toronto Sportsmen's Show announced they were leaving the city-owned Exhibition Place for the province's Metro Convention Centre, where they'll be allowed to promote and...

24 March 2009

Day Trippin'

Just back from a run down to CFB Trenton with Neophyte's G-Dad.G-Dad's an airplane buff and ex-pilot who trained out west with the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan during WWII. The Museum wasn't open today, but we scoped out the static display and an F-18 through the fence... and watched the...

Puffin King, Chicken Dinner

Swear an oath of eternal fealty... and I hear he'll bless your livestock...For $1,100, you can talk to Michael Ignatieff at a cocktail reception and then sit really close to him at the dinner that follows. Pay $500 and all you get is the rubber chicken.This latest Grit tactic is being employed for the...

Hang on a second

This isn't war... it's Charles Manson on steroids...At least 25 people have been killed by a suicide bomber in the north-eastern Iraqi province of Diyala, police say.The bomber targeted a crowd of mourners at a Kurdish funeral in the town of Jalawla, 115km (70 miles) north-east of the capital, Baghdad.Dozens of people are reported to have been wounded in the explosion.And you're telling me your deity...

It has been brought to my attention...

...that the Halls is not the fastest loading kid on the block.After paring down my sidebar, with a little measurable improvement, I have come to the conclusion that I may be inadvertantly clogging up the pipes with large image files.Since starting to blog two and a half years ago... I've been dropping jpegs into posts without really worrying about file size... from this point forward, I'm going to...

23 March 2009

The "Just Society"...

...craps its pants... yet again..."I sat across the aisle from Stefanie's parents and relatives and distinctly remember wincing: Their gentle, beloved and loving girl was in her grave at 14, and the administration of justice was concerning itself with whether M.T. had a cushion.""So much is upside down...

Here comes the science

Your tax dollars... their "homeless friends"... -- TORONTO -- The city is giving $100 pre-paid Visa cards to people who agree to pretend they're homeless when Toronto conducts its needs assessment of those without shelter.In an e-mail sent out last week to different social agencies and individuals,...

"Train 9 from Outer Space"

The death of someone before their time is always tragic... but, I'm sorry Jessica... the "Monster Train" theory... that just ain't gonna cut it...Perhaps the white roses stand for the two young men rendered helpless as a GO Transit train "sucked" their friend beneath it in spite of their screams and attempts to bang on the cars as the train rumbled westward."He said they just got off the GO Train....

Uncommon sense

"There's virtually nothing that a Conservative immigration minister can do without eliciting charges of being anti-immigrant or xenophobic from the Liberals and the NDP and I think that's really unfortunate," said Kenney. "One of the things we should recognize in Canada is that there's a very broad political consensus in favour of immigration. The reality is this: our record is much better than the...

The Web Police "gets all Lucy"...

...on her ass... Connie Fournier has the latest...I was just talking to an officer from the Kingston City Police. Apparently, Richard Warman has contacted them and asked them to investigate Mark and me because Edward Kennedy was not banned for comments he made about Warman.The only way Edward Kennedy could be more open about his identity is if he had a google map to his house in his signature line.He...

22 March 2009

Because Trudeau, Mulroney...

...Chretien and Martin just weren't enough..."Quebecers do not deserve to be in a permanent opposition in Ottawa. Their place is in power," Ignatieff said, pausing for applause."The time has come for Quebecers to get their place back in Ottawa."Thus spake the Puffin King... you know... the guy who didn't...

21 March 2009

Paging Premier McSlippery

SAFETY BREAK!!! Nobody waxes... nobody gets hurt...“It's huge,” she said, adding that her customers don't think their bikini lines are anyone's business but their own. “It's just not right.”**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Who gets to be the lucky fellow to inspect the ladies for illegal Brazilian wax jobs...

Blaze on

"The Cat came back... the very next day"... Funny how that works.I guess it's all fun and games until somebody loses a secret identity.Yeah, CC you dumbstick... come and get me.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"I was surprized that CC would comment on BCF's "outing", given that he's very protective of his...

Toronto "RED" Star...

...reports on "disputes" in the big city...A 27-year-old man was taken to hospital following a shooting in Scarborough early this morning. The victim was not being cooperative at this point and no suspects have been identified, police said.And I'm actually a little surprised they're not calling this...


Seriously... who knew?" -- LONDON -- Some people are attracted to donkeys but that does not mean it is right.”Well, Anjem... I've gotta tell ya... that's way more information than I was lookin' for.I suppose it's too much to hope you're gonna stop right there.And he darkly hinted that Britain faces...

20 March 2009

Four Canadians killed

...in Afghanistan... -- KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN -- Two separate explosions claimed the lives of four Canadian soldiers Friday as they took part in a massive military operation aimed at disrupting the Taliban before the start of what is predicted to be a particularly deadly fighting season.Fighting...

Obama Whitehouse strangely silent...

...on "pushing Israel into the sea"...Mr Obama's message was released to coincide with the festival of Nowruz, when Iranians mark the arrival of spring.In it, President Obama said he wanted "to speak directly to the people and leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The United States wants the Islamic...

It takes a village...

...full of idiots...“In sum, I wasn’t the extremist radical; they were. I wasn’t the one abridging ‘human rights’, they were. I wasn’t the fringe element who needed political ‘re-education’ about our country’s values; they were. I wasn’t a humourless crank; they were — as they proved en masse when they hit me with more than 20 vengeance lawsuits, human rights complaints and complaints to the law society...

These are a few of her...

...favorite things...I just can’t imagine feeling this way about Laura Bush or Hillary Clinton, can you? Neither seemed to be physically in love with herself the way Michelle is. No wonder her body lends itself so nicely to political myth.And who would actually commit such nonsense to paper?Ms Quan has been hailed as “the only chick-lit writer to discuss indentured labour... and the proper purse in...

Oh, c'mon... there's so much local talent

"Performers and vendors are invited to be part of the Deseronto Waterfront Family Festival June 20."Recommended dress is "Kevlar & Tails".**********RELATED: Yeah right... the racist system...A 16-year-old faces nine charges including two counts of criminal negligence causing death in relation to...

19 March 2009

Hoist by her own...

...niqāb...The West Vancouver resident converted to Islam after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and runs a website, Jihad Unspun, that says it provides information “devoid of the constraints of mainstream media.”Or "the constraints of civilisation", huh Bev?In'shallah, baby.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:...

More cheap shots...

...from the sheep seats...Opposition MPs criticized Breitkreuz's choice to attend saying it was an insensitive decision as Toronto faces problems with guns on the streets.On Thursday, CSSA Executive Director Tony Bernardo told CTV News that his organization was withdrawing its invitation to Breitkreuz.Bernardo...

Song sung Blue

The more I hear of Tim Hudak... the more I like the song..."It took from Confederation to 2002 for the Ontario government to take the provincial budget to $68-billion. This year, thanks to Dalton McGuinty, government spending will skyrocket past $100-billion. And don’t forget, Ontario is already carrying a total debt burden of more than $170-billion.""But I’m hard-pressed to find an Ontario family...

Perhaps a little "resistance training"...

...isn't a bad thing...The decline of traditional news media will accelerate the rise of The Daily Me, and we'll be irritated less by what we read and find our wisdom confirmed more often. The danger is that this self-selected "news" acts as a narcotic, lulling us into a self-confident stupor through which we will perceive in blacks and whites a world that typically unfolds in grays.So perhaps the...