30 November 2010

Holy Abraham, Martin and Dawg!!!

Oh, c'mon, never mind the US State Department... or the supposedly world savvy McDreamy administration... who among us doesn't actually know that the Middle East... with the notable exception of Israel... is a corrupt, totalitarian sh!thole?The fact is, despite massive ongoing U.S. aid programmes......

Remember back when you were a kid...

...you had a beef with somebody... you smashed them lifeless with your car? -- Yeah... me neither. -- -- TORONTO -- A few hours later, the York University student was dead. He was run down early Saturday by an SUV police say was deliberately driven into him by one of a group of people he and his friends had gotten into an altercation with at the club.Naveen Ariaratnam, 26, a former resident...

29 November 2010

That evil, double-dealing Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...The McGuinty government’s relations with the incoming mayor of Toronto are off to a bumpy start, with Ontario’s Finance Minister calling on Rob Ford to stick to his penny-pinching ways when it comes to provincial funding.Finance Minister Dwight Duncan suggested that Mr. Ford, who campaigned in the mayoral race on reducing “waste in the system,” should be agreeable to lowering the...

Illustrating the Liberal "flameout"

Apparently, the higher-ups at the Globe & Mail... decided a picture of Stephen Harper being shot in the head might be a little excessive...So they settled for immolation.FROM THE GLOBE COMMENTS:**********LAST WORD: Remember the last time......the Globe & Mail tried to pull this kinda shit?"So...

I don't get it

How exactly, does..."Haiti is a violent and extremely corrupt place"... even qualify as news?Ditto, Afghanistan...The shooting — the highest toll for NATO forces since nine Americans died in a Sept. 21 helicopter crash — was the latest in a series of shootouts in which Afghan security forces have turned on their NATO partners. There have been a number of incidents in which Afghan police officers turned...

28 November 2010

Seems folks at the national broadcaster...

...have their hands on more than our wallets... -- OTTAWA -- Canadians paid out to settle workplace harassment lawsuits at the CBC but the state broadcaster is refusing to say how much money taxpayers spent to settle the claims.At least 30 invoices were submitted to the CBC for harassment claims...

Wikileaks... the promised deluge begins

Hope, change and oops...Pages from the German newspaper Der Spiegel were leaked early, before a mass publication of thousands of secret cables by the whistle-blowing website. Der Spiegel also quoted the State Department as saying that President Barack Obama "prefers to look East rather than West," and "has no feelings for Europe".Yeah... I'm shocked.**********RELATED: The game is indeed afootThey...

Yes, of course... I too, blame Stephen Harper

Adult club owners say Ottawa is shutting the door on foreign dancers and they could be forced to recruit students to strip from GTA colleges and universities.If the plan is approved there could be scouts in schools by the spring, he said, adding about 20% of the city’s 5,000 dancers are students.“Right now we are obtaining legal advice on what we can do,” Lambrinos said. “The government is creating...

27 November 2010

"Saturday night's all right for..."

...well, you know. -- TORONTO -- Five people were shot in three separate incidents across the GTA early Saturday morning in the latest spate of gunplay to rock local streets.A steady hail of bullets has been heard across Toronto for the last couple weeks.Though many shootings, like those Saturday morning, were non-fatal, over the span of a week ending Wednesday, four people were killed by gunfire:...

Is "Gross National Happiness" an idea...

...whose time has come? "A study conducted by the Canadian Centre for the Study of Living Standards has concluded what many Canadians have long believed: That Toronto is the most miserable city in the country."Hey... what's not to love?**********FROM THE COMMENTS: My best buddy Nonny......in his daily rant... (thank you comment moderation)... shrieks that he too can get doggie treats at his local...

26 November 2010

Live and don't learn...

...that's us..."Here I was, an educator and great promoter of his books, looking for help with the generation he claimed was most important, but because I was not spending money (other than the $45 I spent to hear him lecture), I was waved off."Well, Jenn... don't take it too hard. It could have been worse... just ask journalist Licia Corbella.I approached Suzuki to get a quick quote about the importance...

Hey, what the hell!!! This is Ontario...

...you can't just appoint a school principal... without carefully considering the colour of their skin...Some questions still lingered about why a white male, George Brown Jr., was chosen as her replacement, a move parents and community members felt was 'insensitive'.“I'm sure he’s a nice man, but the optics are bad and it couldn’t have happened at a worse time,” said Winston La Rose, executive director...

25 November 2010

The Venison Strikes Back

Up to Smith's, er... Smiths Falls today to look at tractors with a farmer buddy... and let me tell you, it was colder than an ex-wife's heart. Pretty country -- but the highlight of the trip had to be getting t-boned by a deer on the ride back home.Our animal friend just appeared outta nowhere... crossing the road, we think... emerging behind an oncoming car and exploding against the driver's door.It...

Remember when you were a kid...

...and cars would just roar up your street spewing the devil's hot breath? -- Yeah... me neither. -- A man was killed in a drive-by shooting in Scarborough Wednesday night, the latest in a string of shootings that have plagued the city over the last week.There were few details available about the city’s 56th murder of the year.This is the eighth shooting since Nov. 16. Four of them were fat...

24 November 2010

Well... maybe some bullets just dropped...

...randomly down from the heavens...Homicide detectives say it's too early to determine if a teen's murder is tied to his charge of trying to kill someone last year.Billy Nathanson, 19, was shot to death in an ambush involving two male suspects outside his father-in-law's home around 9:45 p.m. Monday as he returned from work.The victim was on $15,000 bail on charges of attempt murder, discharging...

I wonder what Aqsa Parvez would say

Toronto Police has opened its doors wide to all applicants in an effort to be more representative of the communities it is serving. In this ongoing effort, it is also seeking to enlist its first hijab-wearing officer, Superintendent Cyril Fernandes had told Focus this summer.What exactly is the message here? More to the point... would a non-hijab wearing Muslim woman get the same consideration?...


What's a little radioactive peekaboo between friends, huh?"Just as long as they don’t spy on Muslim Terrorists making international phone calls to the U.S.""That would be wrong."**********RELATED: Go ahead and protest......they're still holding all the testicles, er... cards...Once Harbor Police arrested...

Call me wacky... but I'm thinkin' I've got...

...a pretty good idea who Clifford, Willie, Paul & Russell will be voting for... -- OTTAWA -- A bill to do away with the faint hope clause that allows murderers like notorious B.C. serial killer Clifford Olson to apply for parole has been sent packing from the House of Commons.Opposition parties...

23 November 2010

In other "healing power of the media" news

That was then...El-Gamal allegedly cursed at Vassiliev, called him the Arabic curse word "sharmouta" and punched him in the face, breaking his nose and cheekbones.When he was arrested, El-Gamal denied he socked Vassiliev, but conceded, "Vassiliev's face could have run into my hand."This is now...NBC will honor the Ground Zero Mosque developer Sharif El-Gamal as one of its People of the Year on Thanksgiving...

Another Jane Taber tongue-bath...

...must be Tuesday...“Mr. Harper cannot keep standing by while the wealthy tax cheats and the biggest corporations ... essentially take tax dollars out of the pockets of hard-working Canadians,” the NDP Leader told reporters Tuesday. “It’s not right.”Yoo-hoo, Janie... over here...Last year, Chow claimed...

Snake, huh?

Land of the Brave... Home of the Unemployed..."It's not anything she did," said Jim King, the national executive director of Am Vets. "She got bit by the same snake that has bit a lot of people." King would not say whether the organization had had other layof...


In Canada, you’d better watch what you say if you want to criticize The Man. You’d better make sure every word is the literal truth, and that you can back it up with records.Ask Ezra Leva...

Time to exempt rapists & murderers...

...from the Young Offenders Act...Two teenaged boys are awaiting their day in court on murder charges for last week’s execution of another youth at a North York apartment building.Tyrone Bracken, 16, was found shot to death last Wednesday in the stairwell of a Toronto Community Housing Corporation lowrise at 135 Neptune Dr., southwest of Bathurst St. and Hwy. 401.**********RELATED: Homicide squad...

22 November 2010

A little "green around the gills"

Following closely on Climategate and the collapse of the carbon credit exchange... Saint Al is now sheepishly climbing down outta the ethanol tree...Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore said support for corn-based ethanol in the United States was "not a good policy", weeks before tax credits are up for renewal.U.S. blending tax breaks for ethanol make it profitable for refiners to use the fuel even...

Call me wacky, I'm guessing she's already...

...on the list...**********RELATED: The more, the merrier?Striking down Canada’s polygamy law would make the country a magnet for polygamous immigrant families and open the door to societal harms resulting from the practice, a lawyer for the B.C. government said in opening remarks for a landmark c...


-- "Hey bigcitylib, why don't you come out and meet all us violent, racist terrorists? See for yourself how crazy dangerous we are!" -- C'mon out... the Cat Fur will be flyin'**********UPDATE: I have two words for......Taliban-sucker Nonny-mouse who has... yet again... bombarded the blog with his anti-semitic nonsense (thank you, comment moderation)... Bibi Ais...

Remember when you were a kid...

...the morgue kept filling up with 16 year-old kids?-- Yeah... me neither. --Toronto police are investigating after a 16-year-old boy was shot in the west end, Sunday.The intersection of Dufferin and Dupont has been shut down as police investigate. This is the second time a teenager has been shot in the city this week. On Wednesday, Tyrone Bracken, 16, was shot to death at an apartment building...

21 November 2010

In other "Religion of Peace" news

-- BERLIN -- German authorities have launched a large-scale search in Berlin for two suspected suicide bombers, according people close to the investigation.Concerns of an imminent attack prompted a public warning by Germany's interior ministry this week that terrorists plan to strike one or more...

20 November 2010

Orwell was right

What if you called 911... and nobody came? -- Caledonia, ON -- As then-OPP deputy commissioner Chris Lewis wrote Haldimand County Mayor Marie Trainer in March of 2010, there had been “a verbal agreement” among the OPP, the Haudenosaunee and the Six Nations Police that, as “an interim measure,” Six Nations “would police the DCE property, as well as the 6th and 7th Lines.” That “interim” measure...

Bright lights, big city...

...more bodies hit the pavement... must be Saturday... -- TORONTO, On. -- Two shootings in the city have left one person dead and four injured. A shooting at a bar killed one man and two others were sent to hospital. Police told 680News they responded to a call just before 3 a.m. Saturday at 3030 Don Mills Road.Earlier, police were called to a double shooting in the city's west end. A call...

Ross ain't here, man

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said the party is "sorry to lose Ross" as a candidate.Rebagliati announced in October 2009 he would seek to run as a Liberal candidate in the B.C. Interior riding. The decision withdraw was made for "personal and family reasons," Rebagliati said in a release."The time has come for me to focus on new life challenges."Geez, Ross... like what... maybe being a responsible...

19 November 2010

Stop... or I'll yell stop again

-- BRAMPTON, Ont. -- He insists he was just defending his property. The authorities accuse him of acting like Rambo.And now John Hutchins is facing assault with a weapon charges for chasing down and "subduing" a young thief he caught in the act.**********FROM THE COMMENTS: Both sides now..."Basically, if we can't trust the cops to get the right perp every time, I ain't gonna put my faith in...

Move along folks...

...nothing uni-dimensional to see here...The prize piece in their display window is a coffin decorated with images of mostly naked, muscular young men in athletic poses inspired by Italian Renaissance paintings.“We believe you should be able to have a coffin that lets you embark on your last journey in a way that reflects how you lived your life,” undertaker Thomas Brandl told Reuters on Thursday.A...

And Tommy Chong wept

So, you're saying what, bro... dope & hookers are only part of the solution? -- AMSTERDAM -- If the idea ever becomes reality — it would be legally complicated and politically divisive — it would be the latest of the country's liberal policies to be scrapped or curtailed as the Dutch rethink the limits of their famed tolerance.Amsterdam has resisted enforcing some of the conservative trends....

18 November 2010

Take a pill, Ontario... and just remember...

...if you don't like what the McSlippery government is telling you today... -- Wednesday November 17 -- Education Minister Leona Dombrowsky is steering clear of the debate and repeatedly refused Wednesday to say what she thought about the proposal.It's up to the board to make a decision about whether it wants to pay kids for good grades, she said....just wait 24 hours... -- Thursday November...

I miss Canada

Something is very wrong with Canadian campuses these days. Left-wing students and outside agitators get away with shouting down speakers they disagree with, smashing windows to prevent lecturers they don’t want to hear, even chaining themselves to a stage and screaming “racist, racist, racist” at the University of Waterloo to prevent Christie Blatchford from talking about her new book. Student unions...

In other "affordable housing" news

While detectives have not established what motivated the teen’s slaying, tenants of the complex said local youth, calling themselves the “Goons,” have been locked in a battle with gangsters from the Lawrence Heights “Jungle” to the south-west.One resident said the boy’s name was Troy, and that he had...

Too big to fail... my hairy, pimpled arse

GOING, GOING...Thursday, Sep. 30, 2010 -- Although he scrupulously avoided the word “default,” Mayor Gregor Robertson said on Thursday that Millennium Development Corp. paid only $192-million of the first payment due on Aug. 31....GONE...Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010 -- After several weeks of tense negotiations that nearly led to an all-out legal battle, the troubled Olympic village has been put into...

University Prez threatens legal action...

...against local Imam... wait a minute...**********RELATED: Ask a Liberal......for all the good it'll do ya.Education Minister Leona Dombrowsky is steering clear of the debate and repeatedly refused Wednesday to say what she thought about the proposal.It's up to the board to make a decision about whether it wants to pay kids for good grades, she said.Yeah... that payoff thing.It worked out so well...

Just keepin' it real, yo

Aye Jay has put together 48 pages of the biggest names in hip-hop, everyone from Biggie to 2pac, and placed them right at the tip of your Crayola. Thick black outlines of 50 Cent, DMX and many more await your stylistic eye. Toss it on your coffee table before pouring gin and tonics and cracking the...

17 November 2010

Ex-movie star & ex-Ignatieff BFF...

...takes aim at federal Cabinet Ministers...Dhalla said she also took offence to the defence department advertising on websites that promote violence, such as hockeyfights.com."The buck stops obviously with the ministers, whether they have contracted those (the advertising) out, the buck stops with...

It's like they're sitting around thinking...

...okay... food & water shortages, no order, no shelter... now... how could we possibly make things worse? -- Port-au-Prince, HAITI -- There was turmoil on Monday in two cities in the north of Haiti, Cap-Haitien and Hinche, with protesters setting cars and a police station on fire, as well as throwing rocks and bottles at UN troops. One protester was shot to death by a UN soldier.In Cap-Haitien,...

"Have a Holly-Jolly..."

...wait a minute..."A whole corridor of the mall was cordoned off with police tape. Tristan Cox and Francis Koroma face charges, including robbery while armed with a firearm, unauthorized possession of a firearm and aggravated assault."Oh, man... if only there was some sort of giant magical database.**********RELATED:...

16 November 2010

You can almost smell the rainbows...

...and candied unicorns... -- OTTAWA -- He led two rebellions against the government of Canada, set up a provisional government for Manitoba and took part in the execution of Thomas Scott, but the NDP's Pat Martin says Louis Riel has been wronged by the history books and it's time to set things right.“Louis Riel is a hero, not a traitor,” Martin told a news conference in Ottawa Tuesday.Apparently,...

I'm gonna go out on a limb here...

...and guess that's more money than we spend on "victim services" for a whole year...B.C. spent more than $102-million dollars to put serial killer Robert Pickton behind bars for life.Seventy-million dollars was spent on the RCMP investigation, including the meticulous sifting of dirt and debris on Mr. Pickton's farm – where the DNA of 26 victims was found.Yeah... here's the thing... you had me, back...

Say... how's that "Hopey-changey" thing...

...workin' for ya...Thirteen demonstrators organized by the GetEQUAL campaign for gay rights -- including nine veterans, a Catholic priest and other advocates -- were arrested after shouting they were "proud to serve" and vowing: "We will not disappear."Oh, Barry.**********RELATED: That racist Stephen Harp......wait a minute...Once again, does anyone know what Mr. Ignatieff is talking about? Is he...

From the very same Liberal Eco-crats...

...who brought you... "We're gonna shut down all those nasty coal-fired generating plants... in 2007...Environment Minister John Wilkinson says he won’t even consider banning TV and computer trash from landfills until the province’s electronic waste diversion program is in stronger shape.Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) is improving but it would be premature to expect that all provincial residents...

15 November 2010

In other Eco-Fraud news...

The Climate Exchange was created by a professor named Richard Sandor. In 2002, Time magazine called him a “Hero of the Planet” for that act.But as the exchange’s own website suggests, companies bought and sold carbon as a public-relations exercise — to greenwash their operations in the eyes of the gullible media.Don’t worry about poor Prof. Sandor, though. The Investors Business Daily reports he managed...

Coming soon... to a neighbourhood...

...near you... -- TORONTO -- A newly released intelligence report says hardline Islamist groups want to build a “parallel society” in Canada, which could undermine the country’s social cohesion and foster violence.The de-classified Intelligence Assessment obtained by the National Post says extremists have been encouraging Muslims in the West to reject Western society and to live in “self-imposed...

Brave new world

"By buying your ticket you gave up a lot of rights," countered the TSA supervisor.**********RELATED: It gets better... -- HARTFORD, Conn. -- A driver who's serving a manslaughter sentence for striking and killing a 14-year-old boy is suing the victim's parents, blaming them for their son's death because they allowed him to ride his bike in the street without a helmet.**********LAST WORD: From...

Live and don't learn...

...the enduring legacy of Mark "The Mouth" Holland. -- OTTAWA -- A Liberal MP is continuing a lawsuit against former OPP commissioner turned federal Conservative candidate Julian Fantino even though a good part of this lawsuit is based on another lawsuit and criminal trial now long over.Mark Holland, the Liberal MP for Ajax-Pickering, launched his suit against Fantino in August 2008 seeking $350,000...

14 November 2010

Just another tiny bit of fallout...

...from the McDreamy administration's "War on Islamophobia"...“The Christian people should leave their beloved land of our ancestors and escape the premeditated ethnic cleansing,” he said in a statement to CNN. “This is better than having them killed one by one.” Many Christians have already left Iraq; almost 150 were recently granted asylum by the French government. Those who cannot afford to do...

Bright lights, big city...

...maybe "priority" isn't really the word you're looking for...“The victim has not co-operated with police at this point, but we’re hoping that will change,” said a police spokesman.Lawrence Heights has been deemed a “priority neighbourhood” by the City of Toronto for projects including affordable housing. "Affordable housing", huh?Isn't that what Toronto gives to the whole Khadr kl...

13 November 2010

12 November 2010

"Help me if you can, I've got to get back..."

"...to the House At Pooh Corner by one..."Prof. Carasco, a one-time NDP candidate who teaches family and immigration law at Windsor, has asked the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario to stop the search for a new Dean, appoint her to the position and award her compensation for “injury to dignity” of $60,000 from the school, and $15,000 from her colleague, hate-speech expert Richard Mo...

Oh my gawd... all those poor creatures...

...being driven into extinc... wait a minute... -- KENORA, Ont. -- Rose Allin has had enough. It's one thing for the deer to scrounge around in her yard, eating all her flowers.It's quite another for them to come up to the front step and ring her doorbell.“I just wish they'd stop," she said, looking very cross.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"She should build them a basketball court."**********LAST...

I'm gonna go out on a limb here...

...and guess that Bob and Iggy are... despite the pretty words... gonna have a hard time settling for a "yes"...“Look, I do note that the Liberal party, Mr. Ignatieff, Mr. Rae have indicated for the past several months that they favour a training mission,” he said. “If they have any specific ideas they want to share, I’m not resistant to having debates on that matter in the House of Commons."**********UPDATE:...

11 November 2010

Less Powerpoint... more hollow-point

Looks like, yet again... we're dealing with the not-so-invisible hand of the market...“What I can say is that in the organized crime division, for several months, there have been several multidisciplinary teams on the ground in different locations.”Sure thing, Clouseau... how's that working out for you? Better than for the Rizzuto gang, I guess.And despite CTV's efforts to pump up the story... the...

Ottawa's Million Dollar Babies

Hmmm... I'm thinking that's roughly the combined salaries of about 20 auto workers... and, bear in mind, that doesn't include "their excellencies" regular paycheques...Last year, Chow claimed $530,000 in expenses, Layton claimed $629,000.Chow's sensitive, caring-for-the-average-working-stiff response when asked about her above-average expenses? "It's within the law," she told the Toronto Star curtly.So,...

Lest We Forget

Do you know someone who enlisted in World War I in Canada? -- Search the WWI CEF database -- Do you know a Canadian killed while serving his country? -- Search the Commonwealth War Graves database -- My wife's grandfather, a member of the Canadian Cyclist Battalion, (pictured, in the kilt)...