31 January 2010

How do Patrick Weir & Carmen Rogers...

...sleep at night..."While the defence argued that Brotherston Sr. was acting in self-defence during a life-and-death struggle with (crack-cocaine addict and dealer) Taylor, who had a gun and a knife, Crown prosecutors Patrick Weir and Carmen Rogers insisted the prolonged beating and extensive injuries suffered by Taylor were not the result of self-defence."The inmates are truly running the asylum.**********RELATED:...

Gotta love those Globe headlines

I'm just waiting for... "sitting on a throne made of human skulls"...You have to wait 'til the end of the article to get to the meat of this little vignette."While past Liberal governments never shied from stacking the Senate with party hacks, organizers, bagmen and supporters, Mr. Ignatieff said Canadians...

30 January 2010

So which of my uber-compassionate...

...leftoid fanboy trolls is responsible for flooding the comments here with dozens of little love letters like this?I'm guessing... it's probably the same lost little boy who decided to spoof a bunch of comments here as "Carolyn"... and then accused me of stalking him/her.My money is on this moron......

In other "pants on fire" news...

Two weeks ago, the Times of London rocked the global-warming movement by revealing that one of their pet claims — that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035 — was not only based on nothing but speculation, but also lifted incorrectly by the IPCC. The UN body has a bigger problem today, as the Times now reports that the head of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri, knew about the error for months,...

Another small victory for...

..."We the People"...U.S. President Barack Obama has abandoned plans to bring Khalid Sheik Mohammed – the self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks – from Guantanamo to Manhattan for a criminal trial close to where the World Trade Center's twin towers collapsed.Facing a revolt from New Yorkers...

In Dalton McGuinty's socialist paradise...

...there's no such thing as a bad boy...A 14-year-old boy facing sex charges in Toronto is the sole resident of a $350,000 Mississauga group home and gets $150 a week for allowance, officials say.The boy, who has the latest computer games, receives his allowance in addition to having his meals prepared and laundry washed, sources said.Sources said a number of CAS group homes in the GTA are for use...

29 January 2010

Funny how the Canadian media...

...can turn themselves inside-out over poor little Omar... but nobody ever recalls the Papa Khadr - Teflon Jean connection.**********RELATED: I'm waiting for the CBC......to do a documentary on their egalitarean society..."The Palestinian method is a departure from the more common approach, using religious schools to indoctrinate young men to be suicide bombers. Those schools are only open to boys."...

This guy shouldn't see daylight...

...without looking through bars... until he's old & gray... "Next time -- well, there will be no next time -- but next time I hear someone trying to blow something up, I'm just going to walk away," Abdelhaleem told the court.If the hypothetical plot then succeeded, he said, he would walk into a police station and inform authorities: "I knew all about this and did absolutely nothing to stop it."Seriously?What...

The Lynch Mob gets caught with...

...their pants down..."After months of wrangling with the federal government’s chief censorship body, the CTF was able to obtain records from the CHRC revealing that Chief Commissar Jennifer Lynch spent much more on flights and hospitality than she revealed online, and that what she disclosed was at times nearly half of the actual cost."FIRE... THEM... ALL...(via blazing cat f...

28 January 2010


Screw the Supreme Court of Canada... we're gonna go with Aboriginal Justice...In 2008, the Brants and Miracle were ordered to return control of the land -- on which sits Miracle's Mohawk Liquidation Centre -- to the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte. "What is it they say, possession is 99 per cent of the law?"Well actually... I think that's the "Mugabe Doctrine"... in Canada, most of us actually try to...

Polishing that Pink Apple

Well... all those vampire shows are pretty popular these days... that's gotta help...“Liberals cannot win a government unless they have a significant gap in their favour with women voters.”And if there's one thing we know about the Liberal Party... it's that they're all about the ladies...-- OTTAWA...

That's my Prime Minister

-- OTTAWA -- The Conservative government is rekindling the controversial debate over youth justice with a plan to impose stiffer adult sentences for young murderers and rapists and lift publication bans for serious sex offenders, QMI Agency has learned.That seems pretty straightforward... I mean who could possibly argue against that?But, of course... The memorandum also predicts the Liberals...

I have just one question here

In all of those three dozen inquest exhibits... did the jury get to see a single picture of the battered, bloody corpse of Kathleen Hart... because in the weepy, con-sucking CBC article... she gets a total of ONE SINGLE SENTENCE... "He was serving a 17-year-sentence for manslaughter for the beating death of his common-law wife."Now, despite this... and contrary to all logic and reason... guess who...

27 January 2010

Paging Syed Soharwardy

Oh brother... have I got a deal for you..."The DTT Report recommends the disestablishment (closure) of 18 churches in the Diocese, the move of 13 of them to another nearby church to build a congregation large enough to carry out the church’s mission with enough funding from its members to support it.""The thirteen church buildings vacated will be made available for sale or lease."It's true... when...

36 convictions... and counting

If they caught him three dozen times... wandering around with a loaded gun in his pants... would he be a dangerous offender then? -- West Tatamagouche, N.S. -- She became furious once she learned of Mr. Naugle's record. The officers were talking about him, and when they got to the police station she asked whether they knew him.“They said, ‘oh yeah, we have a nickname for him, the police know him...

The ever-increasing body count

Two men and a woman are dead in three separate incidents in the GTA overnight.Toronto Police were called to the Victoria Park Ave. and Ellesmere Rd. area around 5 a.m. Wednesday for a man suffering multiple stab wounds to his abdomen.Rumour has it, Toronto Councillors are considering mandating the use of "plastic cutlery" throughout the GTA.**********UPDATE: Brampton murder victim id'dVachon Tatchell,...

The Toronto "Red" Star

"We only hire the best & brightest."And it's not like this is even her first offence... I wonder if the compassionate, intellectual Star offers their employees "Anger Management" classes.You have to wonder why the People's Paper would put up with Comrade Zerbisias screechy cant... ...which she admits...

26 January 2010

There's a lesson in here somewhere

"In the same way that a ghetto childhood can help a boxer become heavyweight champion of the world, the Trabant's East German background gives it a clear advantage in its bid for the Worst Car of All Time title." "The now-fallen communist state provided ideal conditions for the creation of a truly awful...

For... and Against

The Socialist opposition has come out officially against a ban, saying it would be difficult to enforce. It says it is opposed to full veils in principle, but some members have expressed fears about any ruling that could stigmatise Muslim women.You gotta cover all your bases.**********RELATED: Maybe proroguing isn't......their biggest problem... -- OTTAWA -- A Liberal MP says he believes the...

"Dave, er... Iggy's not here man"

Despite the imposition of a code of silence on Mr. Rebagliati by the federal Liberal Party, for whom he plans to run in the next election, the former Olympian spoke openly about his desire to see marijuana legalized."Prohibition didn't work; this isn't working," he said after running with the torch, which some have even said resembles a giant joint. He was ultimately allowed to keep his gold medal...

25 January 2010


If you're planning to blow shit up... you might just wanna do it north of the 49th parallel..."Another suspect in the so-called 'Toronto 18' case has pleaded guilty to terrorism offences Wednesday – and will released from prison as early as Thursday."...'cos it looks like Uncle Sam is through foolin' around...Two Tamil-Canadians who were caught by the FBI trying to buy anti-aircraft missiles and other...

Every network seems to have one...

...but what exactly are the qualifications to become a television station "Health Reporter/Guru"? -- NATPOST -- MS specialists blame the over-heated response in large part on that CTV documentary and an accompanying newspaper report, calling the stories one-sided depictions of preliminary, unproven research, including the treatment Dr. Zamboni evocatively terms the "Liberation" procedure."There...

Bright lights, big city...

...another Hogtown homicide... -- TORONTO -- A 43-year-old man was found beaten to death in downtown Toronto apartment Sunday afternoon.Toronto Police were called to the building on Cameron St., near Queen St. W. And Spadina Ave., around 1 p.m. to investigate a reported assault.Clayton Hill, 35,...

Another CTV Moonbat Moment

Here's some more of that carefully scripted nonsense that passes for news these days... when they're not screaming about Stephen Harper barbequing babies..."the beloved mittens held so dear by so many..."The big deal here is that, apparently, someone is counterfeiting Olympic geegaws.Damn, Sandie... do I have to let go of my media-manufactured prorogue outrage... and shift it over to these "beloved...

24 January 2010

Speaking of Socialist Outrage...

...and selective memory... anybody else see Dear Leader Layton working the prorogue patsies on Parliament Hill yesterday? -- SUN MEDIA -- Rae’s NDP won power Sept. 6, 1990. On Dec. 19, 1991, Rae prorogued the House. They didn’t come back until April 6, 1992. He then prorogued again, Dec. 10, 1992...

23 January 2010

Who says there's no death penalty...

...in fuzzy-bunny Canuckistan? -- TORONTO -- A Markham man accused of the gangland-style hit on two men found stuffed in the trunk of the car in Pickering likely won’t be facing his rap alone, police announced Friday.John Le, of Germain Cr., Markham, is charged with two counts each of first-degree murder, kidnapping, forcible confinement and using a firearm in the commission of an indictable offence.Bright...

"I'm from the Community..."

"...I'm here to Organise you...""The collectivist only needs to conceal any hope of finding prosperity beyond the generosity of the State, and keep the lower class convinced that government is the only moral actor in the economy." "Review the speeches of Barack Obama, and search for anything that suggests the poor should look anywhere beyond the government and its social programs for salvation."Thank...

You've come a long way...

...baby-boomer..."There are others who are still out there who have been trained and who are clean skins -- that means people who we do not have a record of, people who may not look like al Qaeda terrorists, who may not be Arabs, and may not be men."Feminism... thy name is Yemen.**********RELATED: Meanwhile... back at the ranch"Even his friends say Imam Soharwardy has often been the author of his...

22 January 2010

Two Thumbs Up

When's the last time you heard an Auditor-General say something positive about the government? -- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- Auditor General Sheila Fraser wrapped up a five-day visit to Afghanistan on Friday, impressed with what she saw but concerned about the fate of Canadian projects after the pullout next year."There's really a strong development component to the mission, which I don't think...

Live and don't learn

Hey, guys... I've got an idea... let's head on over to Ezra's place... and ask him to shove a microscope up my ass..."Khurrum Awan and Mohamed Elmasry hurt their reputations by attacking Maclean’s – and the Canadian value of freedom. They were almost universally denounced.""Awan is about to find out that real courts are a lot more even-handed than the kangaroo courts he manipulated."This is gonna...

What a difference...

...a year makes... -- WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has decided to continue to imprison without trials nearly 50 detainees at the Guantánamo Bay military prison in Cuba because a high-level task force has concluded that they are too difficult to prosecute but too dangerous to release, an administration official said on Thursday.Ah yes... Hope, Change... and Crawford, Tex...

Sure... I guess "you could say it"...

...if you were on a paranoid, peyote-fuelled flight from reality...Mr. Fineman, a frequent MSNBC political analyst, said Mr. Brown's truck could have been part of a racist code to Massachusetts voters. "In some places, there are codes, there are images," he told Mr. Olbermann. "You know, there are pickup...

Wake up and smell the science

Who says the parole board doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground? -- ST. JOHNS (CBC) -- CBC News obtained 17 pages of parole board rulings for Aggek, dating back to the late '90s.The board noted repeatedly that Aggek was likely to commit a violent offence if he was released into the community.But they let him go anyway.Must feel good to be right, huh?Goodness gracious... looks like I'm...

21 January 2010

Just another victim...

...of our heartless, elitest society...A 22-year-old paraplegic who has launched a $17-million lawsuit arising from his incarceration in the Toronto (Don) Jail on drug charges now has another court date in sight: He has been charged with dealing cocaine, marijuana and Ecstasy from his room at St. Michael's...

Choose... now

"It comes down to this one question: who sets Canadian foreign policy and directs the spending of Canadian taxes?""Stephen Harper thinks he does. R&D's rogue staff thinks they do." "Only one of them can be right."**********QOTD: "Stop outsourcing your rage."Words to live ...

So Dalton...

...if this thing tanks... do we get our 7 billion dollars back? -- QUEENS PARK -- Hudak warned that the agreement, which McGuinty will unveil Thursday at The Exchange Tower, could end up being "a massive multibillion-dollar giveaway to a foreign-based conglomerate without even the most basic of public reviews.""At its core, it is a preferential, sole-sourced deal that is likely in violation of...

Soften the Rules?

“We think we must widen, for the Haiti crisis, the definition of family. So that Haitian families can bring in brothers, sisters, nephews. We must soften the rules for humanitarian reasons,” Mr. Ignatieff told reporters after a caucus meeting Wednesday.Every day, somewhere in the world... there is a...

20 January 2010

Oh, what the heck, I'm sure he's...

...learned his lesson..."Another suspect in the so-called “Toronto 18” case has pleaded guilty to terrorism offences Wednesday – and will released from prison as early as Thursday."Well, cheer up... it could have been worse..."Convicted terrorist Parminder Singh Saini will not be allowed to practice law in Ontario."Yike...

Your obligatory MSM...

..."Multicultural Moment"...So the sentence starts..."More than 200 ethnic groups generally live peacefully side-by-side in the West African country..." but it unfortunately ends..."...although 1 million people were killed in a civil war between 1967 and 1970 and there have been outbreaks of religious unrest since then."Oh yeah... the headline?"Muslim-Christian clashes kill 460 in Nigerian city"Sorry...


You're away for 34 years... that's what happens.But what about "proroguing Parliament" you ask?"We are in the 17th Parliament since 1958. In that time, there have been 40 sessions of Parliament – about one session per year, or two to three per Parliament." "That means there have been 23 prorogations...

19 January 2010

The Divine Right of Kings

C'mon... we all know President McDreamy is supposed to automatically get whatever he wants...The President was not happy about the situation in which Ms. Coakley finds herself. “He was both surprised and frustrated,” Mr. Gibbs said. “Angry?” one reporter asked. “Not pleased,” Mr. Gibbs replied.Are you allowed to have tantrums in Camelot?**********RELATED: It's raining paybackIn a perfect political...

"I don't need solutions..."

"...I'm a Liberal..."While Mr. Ignatieff was happy to criticize Mr. Harper, his new team and their approach to handling the economy, he would not say how he would slay the deficit should the Liberals form government.Instead, he said it was Mr. Harper’s $56-billion shortfall and therefore it was his...

But of course...

...10 million destitute, illiterate, starving people spread over 10,000 square miles... who wouldn't be itching to invade?France accused the US of "occupying" Haiti on Monday as thousands of American troops flooded into the country to take charge of aid efforts and security. The French minister in charge of humanitarian relief called on the UN to "clarify" the American role amid claims the military...

Survivor: Extreme Moral Preening

"Even by the standards of Third World dysfunction, what country is such a basket case that it needs outside help to set up a goat farm?"And Dawg... maybe you could read the whole thing before you start fulminating about drooling racists?"Wake me up when Neo isn’t a) indulging in his masturbatory sexual fantasies b) drooling over dead Blacks in Toronto."Posted by Dr.Dawg on January 18th, 2010 at 1:23...

I guess John Lennon had a point...

...maybe you'll just have to "Imagine" it...These guys are always screaming about Israel being the stumbling block... but the truth is, they can't even get along with each other...The Islamic Solidarity Games, due to be held in Iran in April, have been called off because of a dispute with Arab countries over what to call the Gulf.The games had been postponed in October in the hope of striking a deal.The...

18 January 2010

So that means, what...

...he'll be out on parole a week from Tuesday? -- BRAMPTON, Ont. -- Toronto 18 terrorist Saad Gaya was sentenced Monday to 12 years in prison, minus seven-and-a-half years credit for pre-trial custody.Ol Saad tried to pull this kind of shit in any Islamic country in the Middle East... they'd have julienned his ass six ways from eternity.No wonder these guys laugh at us.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"At...

Who will John McCallum and...

...the Liberal Party be weeping for this morning? -- KABUL -- The Taliban quickly claimed success: “We have sent 20 suicide bombers to Kabul,” Zabidullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, said in a telephone interview.“We have launched this attack against the puppet government. Our fighters have killed many, many people.”Memo to Canadian troops... please be gentle.**********UPDATE: That tyrannical,...

17 January 2010

Remember how the OPP...

...bent over & grabbed their ankles in Caledonia?Well, baby... you ain't seen nuthin' yet...•Woman: "The JDL, the Zionists have a list with Richard Gere with a penis."••Me: "With a what?"••Woman: "A picture of Richard Gere with a penis beside him."••Me: "Where have you seen this list? I haven't seen this list."••Woman: "Google it."•You have a special contingent of police bodyguards... maybe you...

Another Canadian falls

A Canadian soldier on a joint foot patrol with Afghan soldiers was killed Saturday after stepping on an improvised explosive device in southern Afghanistan.The military identified him as Sergeant John Faught, 44, of the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry based in Edmonton.He will...

16 January 2010

Mission Irrelevant

"Peter Kent isn’t feeling the love from his little brother these days."Hey, Janie... as long as you're playing these infantile games... your next incredibly important mission, should you choose to accept it... is to corner Iggy's invisible, abandoned first wife & children and ask them how they really...

More Bang for your Tourist Buck

How long you figure it'll be before somebody comes away with a sucking chest wound? -- LOS ANGELES -- Alfred Lomas, 45, a former gang member and the creator of the tour ($65, lunch included), said this drive-by was about educating people on city life, while turning any profits into microloans and other initiatives aimed at providing gang members jobs.But aside from its unusual logistical challenges...

15 January 2010

Waziristan Idol

-- WASHINGTON -- The U.S. State Department has updated its 1998 file photo of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, digitally altering it to account for a decade of age and possible changes in his facial hair.I have to say... for a bloodthirsty mass-murderer... he cleans up not too bad...