31 December 2009

Band of Brothers

The military has identified the four Canadian soldiers killed in a blast that also killed a journalist.They are Sgt. George Miok, 28, Cpl. Zachery McCormack, 21, both of Edmonton, Sgt. Kirk Taylor, 28, of Yarmouth, N.S., and Pte. Garrett Chidley, 21, of Cambridge, Ont.They will be remembere...

Bury my Heart... on Bullshit Mountain

"There is no list of over 500 murdered and missing white women killed by indigenous men, there is however a list of over 500 murdered and missing indigenous women, most of those women were killed by white men." "I am inviting a lot of the families of murdered and missing women to be standing on the road with pictures of them," Roseau River Anishnabe First Nation Chief Terry Nelson said by phone Wednesday.Uh,...

I guess killing an uppity kuffar woman...

...was just the icing on the cake...Four soldiers and one journalist, all Canadians, were killed yesterday by an improvised explosive device in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The names of the dead soldiers won't be released until their families have been notified.Just one more thing to think about while Iggy...

In other "Homegrown Terrorist" news

McSlippery government makes yet another huge payout to cover up its malfeasance...Government lawyers acknowledged early on that normal policing, where officers conduct investigations and make arrests in a timely manner, didn't happen during the occupation.Both Queen's Park and the OPP were concerned that “provocative action” by the police could escalate the crisis, and relied instead on special guidelines...

30 December 2009

Protocols of the Elders...

...of Palestine House..."Lumpy Grumpy & Frumpy posted some nice shots of the Nazis for Gaza Freedom March in Toronto.""The same guy holding that flag and giving the Nazi salute is later seen waving the flag of Hezbollah, which is an illegal terrorist organization according to the Canadian government."Another...

In other "crime is down" news

Try imagine the horrified outrage... if Toronto Police had fatally tasered 62 people in 2009...A young man was found shot to death in the street outside a west Toronto pizza shop on Tuesday night.A TTC driver led emergency crews to the scene, on Gilmour Ave. in the Dundas St.-Runnymede Rd. area, shortly...

Just another reason

-- VIENNA -- Iran is close to clinching a deal to clandestinely import 1,350 tons of purified uranium ore from Kazakhstan, according to an intelligence report obtained by the Associated Press on Tuesday. Diplomats said the assessment was heightening international concern about Tehran's nuclear activities.No need to worry though... the United Nations has this one covered... Iran is under three...

29 December 2009

Yeah, yeah... I know I'm just...

...a knuckle-draggin' right wing neanderthal... but what part of unrepentant, homicidal jihadi are we not gettin' here? -- SANAA, YEMEN -- "Mohammed Attik al-Harbi, also known as Mohammed al-Awfi, and Said Ali Shari were sent home to Saudi Arabia, where they were admitted to an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and later set free, US and Saudi officials said."Little bit of finger-painting,...

A jagged tear in the thin Blue Line

-- OTTAWA -- An Ottawa police officer has been stabbed to death in an early-morning incident at the Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital.The incident occurred outside the main emergency room entrance of the Carling Ave. hospital inside the covered ambulance bay.Police have not released the identity of the slain officer pending notification of next of kin. A further update will be provided by police...

28 December 2009

The compassionate, intellectual left

I guess the trick with these guys is to lower your expectations... like when they go to the porn store website and forge your identity...And that's not all... looks like my silly little friend went to the trouble of forging my blog and linking to a porn site as well...Yup... you can almost smell the...

Now, I'm just spitballin' here...

...but aren't the courts supposed to keep innocent people... rather than, say... convicted cocaine dealers... out of prison? -- TORONTO -- The lanky, fast-talking street person had evaporated into the streets of downtown Toronto last July, after his arrest on cocaine-trafficking charges, and missed...

Call me wacky, but I'm guessin'...

...this ain't gonna be about takin' nail clippers away from old ladies on airplanes..."The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman, will host a conference next week (27-31 December) for Israeli Heads of Missions."You recall all your ambassadors... worldwide... that's serious busines...

I say we pass around the hat...

...and buy this dumb bunny a one-way ticket to some dreamlike egalitarian paradise... like say, Yemen.You ever wonder why none of these folks ever has anything bad to say about their Muslim heroes?Iraqi security forces say they defused nine bombs in the city of Karbala as hundreds of thousands of Shia...

27 December 2009

Ask an Obamite

From pumping your own gas... to "Be Your Own Sky Marshall"...Ms. Napolitano, who said repeatedly on the Sunday programs that the system had “worked” because passengers jumped on Mr. Abdulmutallab as he tried to ignite a highly explosive powder mixture, PETN, also called pentaerythritol tetranitrate, that he had taped to his leg.The enduring genius of Janet Napolitano.**********UPDATE: Speaking of...

I'm from the Government...

...I'm here to save you, er... spend your money...As of August, Ontario taxpayers had invested $6.5 million in setting up the passport alternative to meet new U.S. travel identification requirements. That means each EDL issued so far cost taxpayers more than $430, but drivers paid only $40 on top of a regular $75 licencing fee.The ongoing financial genius of Dalton & Compan...

R.O.P. - I guess it also stands for...

...Religion of Plutonium... -- ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Police are trying to determine whether five Americans detained in Pakistan had planned to attack a complex that houses nuclear power facilities.The young Muslim men, who are from the Washington, D.C., area, were picked up in Pakistan earlier...

26 December 2009

Back from the Boxing Day trenches...

...and Neophyte is now the deliriously happy owner of an ($50.00 off) Xbox360... he's immersed hip-deep in Halo as we speak. Picked up a flatscreen tv that can also be hooked up to the laptop... so I'm pretty pleased myself. Mrs N & I will be making another trip shortly to look for an mp3/fm tuner music player... lately, she's been listening to podcasts at night to fall asleep. I've heard good...

25 December 2009

24 December 2009

Your money... his friends

The world according to Dalton Claus...The Ontario Government will pay the former CEO of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation almost $750,000 to end a wrongful dismissal lawsuit she launched against the province.**********RELATED: Yessirree... good ol DaltHe looks you right in the eye and lies his ass offThere may not have been coal in your stocking but there's still plenty in Ontario's power...

Infamous socialist broadsheet...

...pisses away everything it ever stood for..."Since peaceful carrots and sticks cannot work, and an invasion would be foolhardy, the United States faces a stark choice: military air strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities or acquiescence to Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons...

23 December 2009

Go ahead... vote for the socialists...

..I dare you...A millionaire businessman has been jailed for two and a half years for taking on a knife-wielding burglar who held him and his family hostage in their home.Munir Hussain, 52, was told he was wrong to take the law into his hands and attack Walid Salem, 56, after the masked intruder threatened...

The compassionate, intellectual...

...Party of Iffy...Although, Ms. Guergis does not comment on her husband’s situation, it has not stopped the Liberal opposition. She is faced, at times, with nasty heckling: “Are those ‘lines’ you are reading,” MPs will yell in reference to lines of cocaine. As well, there are references to the minister, who is very attractive and soft-spoken (she won a local beauty pageant in the early 90s), having...

"Let them eat Social Workers"

Hey Toronto, you eat anything today... thank a farmer..."The number of hog farms in the Greenbelt decreased by 27 per cent in the Greenbelt versus 11 per cent province-wide; Greenbelt beef farms decreased 24 per cent versus 13 per cent across Ontario while the number of Greenbelt dairy farms dropped 5 per cent more than the provincial average...

22 December 2009

Bad news for Al Gore and all...

...the other carbon disciples? -- WATERLOO -- In his research, Lu discovers that while there was global warming from 1950 to 2000, there has been global cooling since 2002. The cooling trend will continue for the next 50 years, according to his new research observations.As well, there is no solid evidence that the global warming from 1950 to 2000 was due to CO2. Instead, Lu notes, it was probably...

See, what you wanna do...

...is play the system for as long as you possibly can...A man pleaded guilty to second-degree murder today in the shooting death of 15-year-old Jane Creba on a downtown Toronto street crowded with Boxing Day shoppers four years ago.Jeremiah Valentine, 27, was charged after a gunfight erupted on Yonge...

Hey, Jacko... you think maybe...

...there might be a reason for that whole separation of Church/State thing? -- OTTAWA -- The New Democratic Party called Monday for the restoration of $7-million in government funds to KAIROS, a mainstream Christian religious organization.Call me wacky, my Dipper friends... but how about we consider letting Canadian taxpayers off the hook here?Maybe this thing could be funded by... I dunno......

"Yes, Virginia..."

"...there is a Heroin Fairy... meet the Canadian taxpayer.“There are approximately 5,000 chronic addicts in the Downtown Eastside,” she noted. “So there is so much more we have to do."And hey, Vancouverites... stand by for the city's much anticipated & wildly celebrated "Alcohol for Alcoholics" initiative.Now, I'm just spitballin' here... but how about we spend our limited healthcare dollars on...

Yet another CTV Moonbat Moment

Did anybody else catch the excerpt of the CTV interview with Stephen Harper? My favourite part was the voiceover where they talked about the Prime Minister "lashing out" over the "beating" he took in Copenhagen. It was just so transparently false... I almost fell outta my chair.CTV... Land of Misfit Toy...

21 December 2009

The compassionate, intellectual left

Ever wonder what these guys do when they're not out at 2:00 am spray-painting marxist tripe on walls in dirty downtown alleys?**********FROM THE COMMENTS: Blessed are the Peacemakers"Readers of The Nexus may recall that, a few days ago, Robert Peter John Day issued a challenge to Steve Janke.""The...

Remember when you were a kid...

...and murdering people wasn't actually considered a viable social solution? -- TORONTO -- A 23-year-old man was arrested after he walked into 53 Division police station at Yonge St. and Eglinton Ave. early Friday evening, said Det.-Sgt. Mike Barsky, of the Toronto Police homicide squad.Investigators found the strangled body of a 19-year-old girl at the man's apartment, he said.Investigators alleged...

18 December 2009

Democracy... wouldn't it be nice?

An altercation ensued, but the country’s top civilian defence official was told by the police and soldiers that they take orders from senior generals and judges, not government ministers.There is lot more to these machinations than meets the eye and the stakes are very high for Canada, the U.S. and the rest of the West. Although the generally pro-Taliban Pakistani media has defined the NRO debate...

It's only (taxpayer) money, right?

You wanna brush up on "Human Rights 101"... you've absolutely gotta scoot on over to Kampala."What did Langry’s total travel and hospitality expenses cost taxpayers of this nation in 2007?" "Answer: $73,024.40."Fire... them... all.**********RELATED: Uganda: bastion of human rightsThe bill, proposed in October, would vastly expand an existing law banning sex between people of the same gender. Among...

Debbie Does Dildoes

Urgent... some might say... insatiable...Who says the Liberal Party of Canada doesn't have any clearly articulated vision or policies?They sent the letter to Carolyn Bennett, a Liberal MP and physician who they knew once cared for one of the sisters' relatives. It impressed the MP. “I frankly didn't...

17 December 2009

Ask a social worker

See, where I come from... that's called "aiding & abetting"... • TORONTO • A 16-year-old boy whose mother put him on a Canada-bound plane with the goal of having him illegally immigrate will be allowed to stay, at least temporarily, after the Toronto Children's Aid Society suggested the boy's safety would be at risk if deported to his home country of St. Lucia.Despite the fact that the boy's...

Lets just cut off foreign aid entirely, huh?

The next time the so-called "loyal Opposition" starts screaming about Stephen Harper supporting the corrupt Karzai administration... you might wanna remind them that the word corrupt applies to pretty much the rest of the third world. -- ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan's top court struck down a 2007 decree protecting President Asif Ali Zardari and other senior officials from past graft charges, in a ruling...

16 December 2009

Not Oprah's Book Club

I've just finished reading... "To Hellholes and Back"..."We’ve become soft. Like Jell-O. You. Me. Everyone. America. Americans. Too fragile to breath in someone else’s cigarette smoke, ride a bike without a helmet, or play Texas hold ’em without a pair of wraparound sunglasses." "We’re turning into...

15 December 2009

Where Al Gore goes to get...

,,,his magical numbers...So as we can see, of all the stations available in the antarctic, GHCN has chosen to use a single station on the Antarctic Peninsula to represent an entire continent of the earth for the past 17 years. But it’s not just any station, it’s a special one. Rothera Point has the single highest trend of any of the adjusted station data.I’m sick to death of advocate scientists pretending...

In Dalton McGuinty's socialist paradise...

...there's no such thing as a bad boy...With 62 convictions already on his rap sheet, many of them drug-related, this 32-year-old man recently appeared in bail court at Old City Hall and was released on a $1,000 surety -- no deposit, and therefore no financial pain -- and given the liberty of house arrest after being charged, yet again, for trafficking in crack cocaine.And he was given this break...

Why bother thinking for yourself...

...when Barbara Hall is willing to do it for you?**********RELATED: The compassionate, intellectual leftRick Mercer’s advice to Liberals: “First rule of photoshop – no posting of penis pics on politicians’ heads.""Second rule – no assassinations."Hmmm... I guess rules... over at the Igantieff Party...

14 December 2009

Another Hogtown Homicide

The murder of a 62-year-old woman is just the latest in a series of violent incidences to befall the seventh floor of a Dundas St. W. and Scarlett Rd. apartment building.Antonia Catherine Zammit was found dead early this morning in her seventh-floor unit at 3725 Dundas St. W.Directly across the hall is where 14-year-old Adrian Johnston lived with his mom until he was shot and killed in May. And just...

Talking trains ruthlessly exploited

Horrified toddlers take to streets... as compassionate, intellectual left reveals nasty conspiracy to keep Thomas down...Shauna Wilton, a professor of political science at the University of Alberta, also highlighted the class divide which sees Thomas and his friends at the bottom of the social ladder...

You could file this one under...

..the road less taken..."Basically, it was a column about Kwanzaa that put me on the path of political punditry. I submitted it as my usual Toronto Star religion column, and it got spiked.""The editor said, 'Look, Kwanzaa might be a fake holiday invented by a convicted felon, but why put a damper on people's fun?...

The Tao of Iffy

Wasn't everybody originally trying to sell this guy as... the smart one?...“'After four years of drift, four years of denial, four years of division and discord — Mr. Harper, your time is up,' the Liberal leader harrumphed on Sept. 1." "After four months of discussion, rarely has a political statement proven to be so laughingly wrong."**********RELATED: "Flee, flee... run away!!...

13 December 2009

Door Number Two

Lemme see... you could get thousands of your pinko pals to jet over to Denmark and throw rocks at cops... or you could do something useful...Oyster® will combine high efficiency and survivability with low cost operations, maintenance and manufacture to produce reliable cost-competitive electricity from the waves for the first time.Scotland... it ain't all fried Mars bars and exquisitely executed head-butts.**********UPDATE:...

11 December 2009

"Like most Canadians, I'm embarrassed"

Does Toronto's Mayor truly speak for you? Apparently, he's having a whale of a time badmouthing the feds on the pinko-party circuit in Copenhagen.Yeah... that'll help Toronto.And when the chimp-o-sphere... in the person of Deputy Dawg... starts screeching about "Torturegate"... do you stand up and applaud?Or do you ask yourself... isn't it the previous Liberal regime that negotiated all that prisoner...

"President Obama's Nobel address..."

"...while at times was simplistic and pedantic, and much too long, was significant and heartening. Set aside the fact that it was, in several respects, Bushian in tone and content.""What made this speech notable was that the president did not go before a foreign audience and undermine the moral achievements of America, as he has repeatedly done in the past...

10 December 2009

A cunning... one might say...

...extremely wily opponent...The attacks in West Wickham, Kent, began in February. One motorist lost the use of their brakes as they pulled off their drive, and another's failed while they were driving into busy Bromley.Over the next seven months, the phantom vandal struck eight more times - indiscriminately hitting three Mercedes, a BMW, three Fords, a Nissan and an Austin.The crime spree escalated...

Preserving the peace...

...in Oslo Thursday came with a price -- $60 million worth of security preparations. Norwegian police said they had more than 2,000 officers on the streets, along with snipers, canine patrols, and helicopters in the air, in the biggest security operation they have ever mounted for a single perso...

Hey, Iggy... who's drivin' that little...

...red clown car anyway?The Liberal-dominated Senate voted yesterday to remove the mandatory minimum sentence requirement for some drug offenders from Conservative legislation - for the first time substantially altering a key plank in the government's tough-on-crime agenda.The amendments come six months after the bill was passed in the House of Commons with the support of Liberal MPs, but only weeks...

How does that song go?

"I believe solar panels are our future..." -- COPENHAGEN -- National aid budgets dedicated to reducing global poverty would be raided to establish a “climate fund” to help developing countries to adapt to climate change, under a British plan tabled yesterday in Copenhagen.Money earmarked for education or health would be diverted into projects such as solar panels and wind farms.But hey... that's...

Fire... them... all...

There's just no pleasing these guys... first they hold up "tough on crime" legislation... now they're crappin' on consumer protection... -- OTTAWA -- Key Liberal senators voted Wednesday to weaken the government's consumer product safety legislation — putting at risk the proposal to give Health Canada inspectors the power to recall dangerous products quickly.Somebody remind me... why exactly are...