03 March 2009

Be there now

Hey, Peace Moonbeam... time to put your money where your slogan shouting mouth is...
Once-soaring energy investment funds have plunged and many analysts expect the amount of private money entering the sector worldwide this year to fall for the first time since its boom began in the early part of the decade.

That has already led to layoffs at some alternative power companies and a scaling back of plans for new development, particularly in capital-intensive wind and solar projects.
Who cares about filthy, dirty money anyway? This is all about principles, right?
Stockholders are getting pounded as well. Alternative energy investment funds, which climbed sharply from 2005 to 2007, have slid to 40 percent of their peak values. The WilderHill New Energy index of "clean" power companies sank from more than 450 in December 2007 to around 170 this month.
Funny how the Woodstock generation is suddenly freakin' out about eatin' catfood in their golden years.

Perfect timing for the appearance of "The One".


RELATED: Darwin was so right

Every so often, Mother Nature just has to "thin the herd."
