An encore performance...The chairman of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. plans to resign as early as today in a pre-emptive strike by the McGuinty government aimed at heading off a potential scandal over lavish spending on travel and entertaining, sources say.One source said the government was looking at whether to replace the entire board, and talks were still under way last night. The boardroom...
31 August 2009
Raging leftosphere strangely silent... racist accusations hit Toronto newspaper..."We never stop to look at the vast majority of our youth that have handguns in their hand," she told a small crowd at Saturday's rally. The rally was sponsored by the Black Action Defence Committee and aimed at crime in the black community."There are...
Save your money, guys...
I think the CPC already has that one covered...The Canadian Press reports the Liberals are expected to launch a $2 million ad campaign after Labour Day. Sources say the campaign is aimed at helping voters get to know the Liberal leade...
30 August 2009
Systemically racist Canadian bureaucrats...
...once again targetting poor, misunderstood immigrant entrepreneur... thank goodness for lawyers...A deportation order for an alleged Calgary gangster has been stayed.A Federal Court justice ruled late Saturday to grant an emergency stay for convicted cocaine trafficker Jackie Tran. Mr. Tran, 26, has been fighting deportation to Vietnam since his drug conviction in 2004.Justice officials allege...
29 August 2009
Mad Skilz
You won't ever actually need this skill, hopefully, but learning how to throw a knife and hit your mark definitely leaves you with a feeling of action hero accomplishment. Here's how to do it the right wa...
Well, it ain't a murder rap...

...but we'll take it...It's also notable that Smith took this taxi to the Jane and Finch area, where police say he had his co-accused in Abdikarim's murder, Wendell Damian Cuff, come out and pay $50 for it.Just another urban criminal geniu...
A cool, sodden day... at "the Halls"... perfect for yet another round of tearing stuff apart & hopefully... fixing it.In today's episode, with the help of a friend, a sh@tload of optimism and a case of beer... I attempt to remove the blower cage and motor from the backup electric furnace that powers the air-exchanger... that allows our woodstove to warm our butts. It seems the blower unit itself is sliding...
28 August 2009
Who knew?

The Toronto "Red" Star has stunning breaking news... apparently Michael Ignatieff and the Liberals... are now suddenly in favour of an elected, representative Senate.(/sar...
Hit the road, Jack

"What will happen if Layton 'dumps' Harper?"Well... he messes up too badly, he could always go back to his old job at Star Fleet Comman...
Some day... Prince, er... flu... will come...The problem with dire warnings, though, is that the complacency scientists are in part trying to break may be caused by the very studies they tout – the crying wolf syndrome. The avian bird flu predictions in 2005 included estimates of millions dead. Worldwide, 282 people died.In Tuesday's report, released by President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology,...
“Is now the time to remind everyone,” emails KP, “that Obama’s babysitters Ayers and Dohrn dedicated their communist manifesto to Robert Kennedy’s assassin, amongst others...
27 August 2009
Gotta go where the votes are, right?

"The announcement hasn't officially been made but there's no point in hedging on this," May told the New Glasgow News. "I have to leave Nova Scotia for the next election campaign."Oh... please, please, please... let it be Beiru...
Apparently, the first woman you drown... totally deductible.**********RELATED: Via Ghost of a Flea"The Left Sure Is Mad at Andrew Breitbart for some of the things he's Tweeted about the death of Ted Kennedy. It's almost as if Andrew got drunk and drove off a bridge or something."**********WELCOME READERS OF HOARY OL' SOCIALIST STOOGELEFTYeah, poor ol' Ted Kennedy... what did he ever do to deserve this, huh?See, over in the leftosphere......
Every once in a blue moon...

...the Big Karmic Ball takes a fortuitous bounce...A woman kidnapped as an 11-year-old girl nearly two decades ago from outside her South Lake Tahoe home surfaced Wednesday when she and the couple now accused of snatching her walked into a Concord police station, authorities said today.This is all the...
Systemically Racist Toronto Police...
...once again harassing unfortunate little child soldiers...A 15-year-old boy is scheduled to appear in court today, accused of a daylight shooting that saw bullets fly across a busy northwest Toronto street.Investigators allege the teen was walking along Sheppard Ave. W., just east of Jane St., when he made "derogatory gestures" toward a teenaged boy and two young men standing outside a Toronto Community...
Hey Dalton, as a purportedly staunch...
...Roman Catholic, I've just gotta know... how does your spiritual leader, the Pope... feel about all this? -- TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty says he believes the Ontario government should be in the baby-making business. IVF costs should be covered for women up to 42 years old, as well as for gay and single parents and those with HIV.And heck, I almost forgot... what about Ontario taxpayers?...
I guess they ran out of...

...scary taser stories....
Is handing a megaphone... a terrorist really a good idea? -- ENGLEWOOD, N.J. -- The governor of New Jersey and two lawmakers are protesting Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi's expected stay in the Garden State next month, saying families of the victims of the 1988 Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland, shouldn't have to play host to the attackers' benefactor.Gov. Jon Corzine , U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez and U.S....
26 August 2009
Creature from the PETA Lagoon
Anyone feel like a hotdog? -- RICHMOND, Virginia -- An executive for an anti-animal cruelty group says her 16-year-old blind and deaf dog died after she accidentally left him in her hot car for four hours.The National Weather Service says the temperature had reached 91 degrees (33 Celsius) by noon that da...
An especially Inconvenient Truth
Is it getting uncomfortably hot in here?As for Gore’s prospects of becoming a billionaire, they rest entirely on one big bet: That government legislation will create the mandates that his businesses need to boom. Without those mandates, his businesses — few of which are viable in a traditional free market economy — will go bust. As will the funds entrusted to him by the charities, endowments and pension...
Legendary philandering, alcoholic...
...millionaire, who took over famous brother's Senate seat and ended up killing young female campaign worker... ah, screw it...President Barack Obama, of whom he was an active supporter, said he was "heartbroken" to hear of his death.Of course, there are always at least two sides to any story..."I found it hard to believe the Senator had been in a major automobile accident. His face bore no traces...
Man... who'da thunk it?
Place full'a geriatric stoners boltin' shit onna trucks... realises lifelong dream...Gray said that Oshawa generated 14,000 votes for a Kiss show, whereas Toronto only lodged about 5,000."We won fair and square," said Gray. "We had motivated citizens who really want to see a Kiss concert come to Oshawa, and it now appears we're going to have that concert after all."T-shirt/head shops... now reportedly...
25 August 2009
McDreamy Administration...
...considering options... "time out" and a "stern talking to" reportedly still on the table..."The celebration of his return was extremely disturbing, and we have made it quite clear to the Libyan government - both publicly and privately - that we're going to be watching very closely how they receive this man."Of course... not everyone is as critical as myself.**********RELATED: Meanwhile... back...
Alright... the journalistic arm of the...
...Liberal Party of Canada... announces this fall's election wedge issu...
It's not the destination that matters...'s the journey...A fallen soldier from the Big River First Nation will be remembered as a brave role model and loving father.United States Army Sgt. Darby Morin, 25, died early Saturday when the driver of the vehicle he was travelling in lost control, causing a rollover near the Afghanistan-Pakistan...
Remember, after the twin towers fell...
...all that talk in the Islamic world... about respecting a strong horse? -- "Moreover, if we as a society, voluntarily send these messages of impotence and self-defeat to our enemies, why on earth do we deserve any of our remaining freedoms?" -- ...
24 August 2009
Don't be standing under any... at Stornoway...Ipsos pollster Darrell Bricker said the Liberals would be better advised to hold their fire and give Ignatieff, a former journalist and Harvard academic who returned to Canada to run for Parliament in the 2006 election, more time to build a national profil...
Shooting in Scarborough...
...must be Monday... -- TORONTO -- A 33-year-old man is recovering in hospital after he was shot in a north Scarborough apartment building this morning, Toronto Police say.The victim was taken to Sunnybrook hospital with at least two gunshot wounds after making his way out of the 20 Stonehill Court building, near Warden and Finch Aves., where he flagged down a taxi just after 5:30 a.m., Sgt. John...
Perhaps the community isn't as...
...organised as it could be...The trail of guns led from Chicago to Guelph where a year ago a coked-up man went berserk and fired shots into his neighbour’s apartment and car.Then it continued to Ottawa where, just before last Christmas, a 26-year-old man was fatally shot after answering a knock on an apartment door.A month later, in Vaughan near Weston and Rutherford Roads, three residents were held...
Duty, honour, country
Is there nothing you can't buy... in Iraq? -- BAGHDAD -- Attackers paid $10,000 to get a bomb-laden truck past checkpoints and next to the Iraqi Finance Ministry in last week's attacks, one of the suspected masterminds said in a confession broadcast yesterday. He said attackers paid $10,000 to a facilitator who knew the Iraqi security forces manning the checkpoints on the roads from Muqdadiyah...
23 August 2009
Dear Occupant...
...this is to inform you that you have the clap...The Brazilian Health Ministry has created a Web site to let people inform partners they've got a sexually transmitted disease via an emailed virtual postcard. One of the cards shows a young man reclining in his underwear. It reads: "Hi! I don't know if this is the best way to tell you, but I've learned that I have an STD."Our modern worl...
Too bad they can't heal...
...any of those pesky dead people...Two convicted murderers who walked away from a Manitoba native healing lodge earlier this week are back in custodyBernard and Stonechild were both serving indeterminate sentences for second-degree murder — Bernard for a 1983 killing in Edmonton, Stonechild for a 2001 Edmonton killing.The reserve where they were recaptured is about 200 kilometres from the healing...
22 August 2009
Dear Muammar
Gordon Brown faced fresh questions tonight after it emerged that he discussed with Colonel Gaddafi detailed conditions for the Lockerbie bomber's return nearly six weeks ago, while senior Labour figures warned of an economic backlash from angry Americans "costing our country dear".**********RELATED: Tough on terrorPresident McDreamy lets it all hang out...“I think it was highly objectionable,” U.S....
Just a humble "Community Organiser"...
...with some pretty unsavoury friends...Tony Rezko, court records show, had a net worth of $53 million in 2003 -- the same year LaSalle Bank gave him a $5 million-plus mortgage for his mansion in Wilmette.If the walls could talk, they'd tell stories about the parties Rezko threw there, including campaign fund-raisers for ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich and President Obama.Now, with Rezko behind bars and his...
Belleville - the good news is...

...police are cleaning up the streets...A 26-year-old Belleville woman is the latest person charged as Belleville Police target the city’s sex trade.Police said a woman was arrested after soliciting an undercover officer downtown just after 2 a.m. She was released after promising to appear in court.The...
Who knew?

Poland... land of conscienceless killers....
Paging the ghost of P.E.T.

"Canadian policy toward immigrants should be based on what...
21 August 2009
..."Operation Shoot Myself in the Face" in... three, two, one...The basic theme is that Islamic slavery — to the extent it was bad at all (and it's not really clear that Elmasry thinks it was) — was an enlightened, almost consensual, win-win exercise in regional multiculturalism. In his characteristically absurd elevation of Islam over Christianity, he makes no mention of the fact that religious Christians...
An emerging Canadian tradition

Investigate, my arse... get me a lawyer... -- TORONTO -- A Canadian woman who was stranded for months in Kenya over false claims that she was an impostor is suing Ottawa for $2.5 million for her ordeal.And regardless of all the talk of litigation... the investigation will proceed.Sources say the...
20 August 2009
The Greater Toronto Area...
...the fun never stops...A Canada-wide warrant has been issued for a Toronto man wanted in a Mississauga murder.Andres David Buritica-Marin, 25, was shot to death on June 2. Peel Region officers had been called to an apartment building on Shipp Drive just after 10pm that night. When they arrived, they found Buritica-Marin in a vehicle behind the complex.Investigators believe it may have been a drug...
Remember all the fuss...
...the media and the opposition parties were making about visa requirements for Czechs and Mexicans?Prior to 2007, Czech nationals were previously required to have visas when visiting Canada.But since the restriction was lifted, the number of Czechs filing refugee claims soared to roughly 3,000 last year, compared to just five in all of 2005 when the earlier visa rule was still in effect.Immigration...
How does that song go?
"The lead-painted children's toys... are our future..." -- BEIJING -- More than 1,300 children have been sickened in a lead poisoning case in China’s central Hunan province, the second such case involving a large number of children in the past month, state media said Thursday.The official Xinhua News Agency said 1,354 children who lived near a manganese processing plant in Wenping township were...
Guy stuff

So you've got all this spare time... and the engine out of a T-34 battle tank....
19 August 2009
Belleville lives up to its motto...

..."the friendly city"...Belleville police made good on a year-old promise Tuesday by naming two individuals charged with communicating for the purpose of prostitution.Marie Rouleau, 42, and John Young, 40, both of Belleville, face charges following an incident in the city's downtown Sunday night. The...
Socialised medicine...'s about procedures... not results...Coroners are refusing to test for an infection which causes vCJD - despite government pleas that it could help protect the public, the BBC has learnt.The Coroners' Society of England and Wales has told officials that if they were to request consent from relatives to carry out research it would compromise their neutrality and breach the trust they have built...
Tuesday's CTV Moonbat Moment
I'm betting you had no idea Lloyd Robertson was an ardent animal lover. Anyway... during Tuesday night's CTV news broadcast there was a story on someone running around shooting feral horses. Not nice... but let's face it... not on the scale of, say... hundreds of people being buried alive by an avalanche, or the earlier story about a murdered 12 year-old boy.So, after the bit had run and the camera...
Hey, Toronto...
You don't actually have to go out clubbin'... to take a walk on the wild side...A gunshot rang out at Coxwell subway station during the evening rush hour today after a struggle between two men in what police suspect may have been a robbery. Police were called just before 6 p.m. to the station where the two males involved had already fled the scene and no one is believed to be hurt.**********RELATED:...
18 August 2009
I hear they're gonna go with...

..."colder than an ex-wife's heart"... -- TORONTO -- Molson-Coors Canada is taking down billboard ads in British Columbia that take a jab at Toronto residents.The ad for Coors Light beer declares the beer is "Colder Than Most People From Toronto."**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"All Toronto radio talk...
Just something to remember...
...the next time Lloyd, or the CBC quotes some raggedy-ass "Holy Warrior" about NATO atrocities, or Israeli overkill... they invariably lie...The chief spokesman for the Taliban in Pakistan, who was arrested on Monday, has confirmed that the group's leader is dead, Pakistani officials have said.Once again, the jihadis get caught with their hand in the big media cookie jar.Earlier on Saturday, Hakimullah...
Yeah... it's tempting, my friend...
...but I think I'm just gonna stick with "Big Pharma" on this one...Last month, a Dene healer called for the medical community to consider traditional medicine when dealing with the swine flu pandemic. "Let us combine our medicines together,'" Besha Blondin, a healer from Déline, N.W.T., urged."We need to kind of establish a partnership process for … Western medicine system as well as the traditional."Well,...
17 August 2009
From the folks who brought you...
...lead-painted baby toys...Hundreds of people angry about the lead poisoning of their children attacked a metal smelting plant suspected of causing the problem.About 100 police officers were sent to Shaanxi province's Changqing township after villagers broke into the smelting plant Monday. The attack comes after medical tests revealed at least 615 children in two nearby villages have excessive levels...
Dying with Dignity
You wanna kill yourself, dude... what's wrong with barbiturates and a bottle of single-malt? -- TORONTO -- A 27-year-old man is still clinging to life in hospital after plunging from the top of a second-floor escalator late yesterday.Toronto Police said the man had climbed on top of the escalator railing inside 10 Dundas St. E. around 11:40 p.m."By all accounts, we have a 27-year-old who was attempting...
I'm from the government...
...I'm here to save you..."The trouble isn't that Obama 'wants to pull the plug on grandma.'" "It's that under socialized medicine (which I happen to live under, and you don't)... Grandma might not get plugged in in the first place."And, let's face it... it isn't just Grandma we have to worry about. Now, I'm just spitballin' here... but the next time I walk into an emergency room with a sick fevered...
For all the systemic racism...
...we keep hearing about... it's sure a popular place to end up...As many as four children a week are showing up without parents or loved ones at Niagara Falls border crossings to file refugee claims to stay in Canada, U.S. immigration workers say.And some suspect unscrupulous consultants could be behind the scheme to send child refugees here for a hefty fee so that one day they can sponsor their...
16 August 2009
Just another reason why...
...Afghanistan so desperately needs a western-style democracy...An Afghan bill allowing a husband to starve his wife if she refuses to have sex has been published in the official gazette and become law.The original version obliged Shia women to have sex with their husbands every four days at a minimum, and it effectively condoned rape by removing the need for consent to sex within marriage.Now an...
Another Hogtown drive-by...
...must be Sunday. -- TORONTO -- There has been another drive-by shooting in the city, leaving one victim shot in the stomach.It happened just before 3 p.m., Sunday, on Mount Olive Drive in the Kipling-Finch area.**********UPDATE: Dead and goneToronto’s latest homicide victim met his fate under the blazing sun yesterday, outside a housing complex where another man was shot less than two weeks...
Ah yes... Chicago, Illinois
That's the place they've got all those "community organisers" isn't it...The two largest public school systems in Illinois are under scrutiny, with federal prosecutors investigating links between important admissions decisions and political clout.The University of Illinois and the Chicago Public School system are involved in separate cases that involve possible manipulation of the admissions process...
Same old, same old

Well... as long as they got around to the important stuff... like legalising dop...
They don't fear the law...
...they don't fear the police... maybe they need to learn to fear their "victims"... -- HARLEM -- The place may have looked like an easy mark, a high-cash business with an owner in his 70s, known as a gentle, soft-spoken man. Mr. Augusto, whom neighborhood friends call Gus, rose from a chair 20 to 30 feet away and took out a loaded Winchester 12-gauge pump-action shotgun with a pistol-grip handle....
15 August 2009
Suaad Mohamud - the untold story

Hmmm... perhaps it wasn't the Conservative brownshirts after all...Leading the pack in this regard has been the Toronto Star's Christopher Hume who, as already noted, uncorked an unhinged rant citing the episode as evidence that Canada has become an "apartheid" state.But who is the Canadian Vice Consul...
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