30 September 2011

Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you

Canada's aging & increasingly infirm population will only further stress a precariously situated system that presently consumes over half of all our tax dollars... and, is indeed... perched on the knife edge of total implosion...Writing for the majority, Chief Justice McLachlin said that addicts are extremely sick individuals whose urgent need frequently leads to them to inject drugs with dirty...

I think I smell Nobel Peace Prize #2

Who says Barack Obama doesn't believe in the death penalty?Of course, Samir Khan stepped way over the line..."Khan edited the slick Western-style Internet publication “Inspire Magazine” that attracted many readers."No trial, no judge, no jury... that's one way to streamline the system.Good on ya, Killer.**********UPDATE:...

That democracy thing is just pie in the sky...

...but maybe, just maybe... somebody's gonna poke a thumb into Ahmadinejad's eye...For 30 years Syria and the Assad family have been Iran’s entree into the Arab world and the Levant. If Assad falls, Iran is the biggest loser in the Arab Spring, no matter what happens in Egypt or Bahrain. Hizbullah will be the second-biggest loser.Hey... it's all go...

29 September 2011

It ain't even close to democratic...

...but it's a start..."Saudi King Abdullah has overturned a court ruling sentencing a Saudi woman to be lashed 10 times for defying the kingdom's ban on female drivers, a government official said Wednesday."**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"The streets of Mecca will be filled with Arab Amy Winehouses or...

Apples, er... Bananas & Oranges?

Hang on a second... if this is all about hate-speech and hurt feelings... don't you have to apply the same standard right across the board? -- LONDON, Ont. -- Police have charged a 26-year-old man over an apparent racial incident in which a banana was thrown on the ice while a black player was taking...

28 September 2011

Don't worry, Ontario...

...whatever's wrong with your kids... Dalton's gonna fix that too...During the leaders debate, Premier McSlippery continually trotted out the soundbite about improving education in Ontario. Seriously, though... how hard can it be to pass "Circle of Friends 101"?"Today’s faculties of education have...

27 September 2011

That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...As hard as the mainstream media tries to kiss the Car-Salesman-in-Chief's sainted ass... the facts speak otherwise..."While the Justice Department's motion is backed by declarations from high ranking officials at the Pentagon and CIA, the government lawyers make clear that their marching...

We moved out of Toronto a decade ago...

...so my son wouldn't be fed into the big city public school meat grinder...Not a day goes by... I don't congratulate myself.Of course, I recognise that's not a choice anybody can... or even would... make for themselves. It's certainly easier to find a job, any job, in a city of two million souls......

Spoken like a "community organiser"

A billion here... a trillion there... pretty soon you're talkin' real money..."Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner didn't dispute a Harvard economist's estimate that each job in the White House's jobs plan would cost $200,000, but said the pricetag is the wrong way to measure the bill's worth." Hmmm... $200,000 a pop, huh? Apparently the left hand doesn't know what the other lefter hand is doing...The...

26 September 2011

If religious accommodation is job #1...

...where's the McSlippery government on, for instance... Christmas trees......Ontario government employees have been told to be “sensitive” and accommodate their Muslim co-workers during the month of Ramadan when they fast and pray from dusk to dawn, according to a confidential memo.A document called...

25 September 2011

Just another Liberal Supporter

I swear... you've just gotta love the compassionate intellectual left...There's a lotta stuff I won't even pretend to understand... like a fascination with anything Nazi... invariably accompanied with a light dusting of anti-semitism. It's a strange dynamic... a marathon slew of childish insults interspersed...

24 September 2011

Here they go again...

...getting all Stephen Hawking on my ass...More importantly, superluminal neutrinos – or any other particles – contradict special relativity. If you could shoot superluminal neutrinos, they would move along spacelike paths in the spacetime and the Lorentz symmetry would allow you to boost the SpS a little bit so that the neutrinos would be moving backwards in time (there is no qualitative difference...

23 September 2011

22 September 2011

For the latest racist "Death Squad" news...

...you can count on CTV... -- TORONTO -- Ontario's Special Investigations Unit has identified a man who remains in serious condition after being shot by police in downtown Toronto.The police watchdog says Ankur Patel, 24, approached a paid-duty officer at a construction site on Shuter Street, near the Eaton Centre, on Monday afternoon.The SIU says Patel was shot at least once by the officer.Wait...

They're really that "smart" & economical...

..shouldn't these miracle machines actually pay for themselves?Ontario homeowners can expect to see another fee added to their hydro bills in 2012 as the province begins billing for the costs associated with rolling out and maintaining millions of smart meters.That's why we call him McSlippe...

21 September 2011

Don't make me file an FOI application

Dear Corrections Canada... please let me know where his remains are being interred... so I can go piss on his grave...Canada's Professional Journalists... your moral & intellectual superiors..."Editor's Note: Comments have been closed on this story because an overwhelming number of readers were...

Your money... his friends

CAUSE...The David Suzuki Foundation received between $100,000 and $250,000 from the government-affiliated Ontario Trillium Foundation in 2010. -- AND EFFECT...In the video, Suzuki praises McGuity’s green initiatives, saying “I happen to applaud the future he’s leading us into.”Hmmm... fanatical eco-nauts & shamelessly manipulative politicians climbing into bed and slathering themselves with...

20 September 2011

Tonight's CTV Moonbat moment

Just listened to CTV's Lisa Laflamme & Bob Fife condemning Stephen Harper's "massive" plan to... and I quote... "put more Canadians in jail."Oh... my... gawd... Conservatives are arresting Canadian citizens for no reason whatsoever? It's like some sweaty-balled third world banana republic. No wonder Bob and all those opposition politicians are so upset.Wait a minute... what's that? They're...

Don't need a Weatherman...

...to know which way the hot air is blowin'..."The New Democrats have not decided their next step because they have been waiting to see what transpires, Mr. Mulcair said."Well that, and... with the Harper majority... any actual resistance and Mulcair & friends'll get crushed like tiny, insignificant...

19 September 2011

Meanwhile... in other "crime is down" news

No, no... not those two other weekend, uh... "incidents"...Toronto police are looking for three female suspects after a teenage girl was shot Sunday in the city's north end.Police said the 15-year-old girl was shot in the abdomen outside the Baycrest Arena on Neptune Drive in the Allen Road and Highway...

Professional journalism "community"...

...surprised, shocked... indeed, stupified... to discover that Conservatives will not be implementing Jack Layton's last wishes...Heck... this isn't just about policy... we're talking... gasp... serial murder... "Things will die. The Wheat Board will be wound down. The long-gun registry will be put...

17 September 2011

A job so tough, so complicated...

...you wouldn't even wanna consider it... without completing highschool...At 19, Pierre-Luc Dusseault made history in May by becoming Canada’s youngest-ever MP; instead of working at a golf course this summer as he’d planned, his first full-time job was representative for Sherbrooke.Let's face it, Quebec... it IS funny.The NDP dumps placeholder candidates into as many ridings as possible, so they...

So when you see Dalton McGuinty...

...in all those election ads, strolling through those factories... touting his massive taxpayer-subsidised investment in the "green energy" industry... is there ever a moment when you ask yourself... "What if he's wrong?" Look what happened south of the border with the Car-Salesman in Chief..."We have incurred significant net losses since our inception, including a net loss of $114.1 million in 2007,...

Welcome to the Colonel Klink school...

...of building a better world..."STRATFORD - The tornado that devastated Goderich last month left more than uprooted trees, damaged buildings and crushed cars in its wake.""'It also left valuable lessons in emergency management', says Perth County's community emergency response co-ordinator."Valuable...

16 September 2011

A double-booking at the Granite Club?

I guess the Premier of Toronto has way more important stuff to do that day...“The Ontario PC Party is announcing that if Dalton McGuinty is unwilling to make the trip to northern Ontario for the debate, we will foot the bill for him to participate via video-conference from north Toronto,” the Conservatives said Thursday in a news release.What's up with that? I guess all us "dumb as dogshit" hillbillies...

More Fife & Drum

CTV News... in the name of protecting ordinary Canadians from "wasteful" spending... is, yet again, going after Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Walt Natynczyk...Passenger logs obtained by CTV News under the Access to Information Act show that in January 2010, Natynczyk used a CC-144 Challenger to fly to...

Sleep tight America

Applying a little "Hope & Change" to the nation's Global Positioning Satellite system... what could possibly go wrong? -- Washington, DC -- The White House confirmed Wednesday that its Office of Management and Budget suggested changes to the general’s testimony but insisted such reviews are routine and not influenced by politics. And it said Shelton will be permitted to give the testimony...

15 September 2011

I dunno... sounds a little imPOTUS to me

Okay, I think we've officially crossed over into "needy girlfriend" territory... -- RALEIGH, North Carolina -- US President Barack Obama told fired up supporters Wednesday that if they loved him, they must help pass his jobs bill, injecting more urgency into his push for key legislation.One supporter from the raucous crowd shouted to Obama that they loved him, and in a standard response from his...

14 September 2011

Sometimes, you've just gotta draw a line...

...to delineate unacceptable behaviour. And let's face it, there's few more obvious jumping off points than, say... flirty emails...But I digress. What I meant to say is that I'm totally behind Dear Leader Nycole here... no ifs ands or buts...The interim leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons, Nycole Turmel, has joined the chorus calling on MP Bob Dechert to resign as the parliamentary...

Mummy... what's "gentle moolytashum?"

The Toronto District School Board... solving the world's problems... (witness International Day of Zero-Tolerance on Female Genital Cutting/Mutilation)... one day at a time...Of course, no matter how worthy the agenda... there's always some tightass, interfering "stick in the mud"... who can't get with...

Then they went and had that huge funeral...

...so I guess we'll never know how close we came... to another "Weekend at Bernie's"..."This has been a difficult time for New Democrats everywhere, with the incredible loss of our leader, Jack Layton. It’s up to us now. In just a few short weeks, we have an opportunity to meet Jack’s challenge."If...

13 September 2011

Yet another sacred right

I'm beginning to understand why the Taliban is so sure they can kick our soft, spoiled asses...**********RELATED: Meanwhile, south of the 49th......is there any problem so big... some selfless lawyer can't fix it?**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"And here, we have the inalienable right to overeat like a...


-- TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty has the second-worst fiscal record of Canada's 10 provincial premiers, according to a new report from the Fraser Institute. The Ontario leader finished in ninth place, just in front of Prince Edward Island's Robert Ghiz. UPDATE:   The Empire...

A Tale of Two Stories

As everybody knows... a good headline sets the tone for the whole article. A skillful writer can have folks leaning this way, or that, before they even finish that first paragraph. The first headline here is a classic. Despite using the word "flirted"... it still manages to confer a certain gravitas...

12 September 2011

'Allo, 'allo... I'm not sure I follow here

The lamestream media herd sneaks in and spikes the kool-aid /// then starts bitchin' when they wake up with a hangover? /// Thank goodness for the sagacity of online commenters...And call me cynical... but this postmortem, er... postmortem... smacks, not of journalistic integrity, but one last attempt...


1. Your original birth certificate is available. Your birth-province respects your right to know about your ancestry. -- 2. Both of your adoptive parents had the same relationship with you. Sarah's father never met her mother, and Bill is unrelated to Sarah. -- 3. Obscuring your ancestry was not in anyone's interest. -- 4. You are not the product of a social experime...

11 September 2011

In the beginning - 1964

**********In the interim - 2001**********Today and forever more...**********UPDATE: Why would anyone be surprised? -- MONTREAL -- "Protesters (the Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada) denouncing so-called American imperialism burned a United States flag in front of the U.S. consulate in Montreal...

10 September 2011

Apparently, the Liberal campaign co-chair...

...thinks Ontarians are a bunch of morons...“I never thought I’d have to explain something so obvious and something with so much common sense." -- Yes, of course Greg... if only the average man on the street was as smart as, oh, I dunno... a Fiberal party pooh-bah.Not that I can't see the reasoning here. A while ago, I heard that 52% of Torontonians self-identify as being members of a visible minority....

If they put a fraction of the...

... time, money and effort... into helping their Palestinian brethren better themselves... as they put into plotting death & destruction of innocent bystanders...But on Monday, when the crowds are gone, the families of the 40 passengers and crew members who were killed when the plane was hijacked...

The socialists don't seem to remember...

...Osama's boys don't play by our rules...So when the Party of Jack trots out... "Hope is better than fear"... they forget that the response from the other side is... "The Americans love Pepsi-Cola..."we love death."**********UPDATE: How do you top 9-11?"On Friday, cops had personal radiation detectors...

09 September 2011

With apologies to Richard Prior

Now honey, who ya gonna believe... Dalton and company... or your own damn lyin' eyes? -- London, ONT -- “We came here to do business,” Mr. Lee told reporters, “so we don’t want to be involved in political affairs and the election campaign.”Shaaa-zaaammmm...But there he was in a chemistry lab at...