31 January 2011

30 January 2011

Fumbling towards democracy?

Unfortunately, like the rest of the Islamic Middle East... Egyptians seem to be a little unclear on the concept...Hundreds of demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails at police near the heart of five days of protests, and policemen responded with live rounds of gunfire, witnesses said.The death toll approaches 100... and no sign of things cooling off.**********RELATED: Where is President McDreamy?After...

29 January 2011

Never a long gun registry around...

...when you really need one... -- TORONTO -- Gunfire broke out at an early morning party in Rexdale Saturday leaving a man with six wounds, Toronto Police say. Officers found the victim on the 17th floor of a Kipling community housing building just north of Finch.The man had surgery early Saturday at Sunnybrook hospital for the wounds which are not expected to be life-threatening, police said,...

Friends don't let friends...

...vote Liberal...“One thing that has really hurt Holland … is that he is the face of the soft-on-crime policies of the Liberal Party. Voters in Ajax-Pickering are not happy with his conduct. We’re hearing that loud and clear from the community and it will be a big issue in the campaign.” [....

Math for Bureaucrats

Four years behind schedule... thirty million dollars over budget... but hey, kudos on that cool name... -- OTTAWA -- CBC went tens of millions of dollars over budget and several years behind schedule in an attempt to build a state-of-the-art computerized television system dubbed “Project Vision.” -- Yup... all for a projected savings of a million dollars a ye...

28 January 2011

I know, I know...

...at first, I just thought it was CBC... building on the riotous success of "Little Mosque on the Prairie"...The Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld an incest conviction, as well as convictions on 46 counts of forgery and uttering forged documents, for a woman named B.D. in a decision released Thursday. The forgery-related charged stemmed from her attempts to obtain false birth certificates for seven...

27 January 2011

Whatever it takes, huh?

And they just keep on telling us... "Iggy's the smart one"... -- OTTAWA -- The Liberals are "ready to fight" for struggling Canadian families, leader Michael Ignatieff said Tuesday, as he promised his party is focusing on targeting everyday troubles Canadians face from affordable child care, access...

Everybody watches the TV shows...

...and thinks it'd be way cool to be a cop...When police showed up to arrest him about eight hours later, they found the .357 Magnum handgun, 19 bullets, four spent casings and a black hoodie similar to the one witnesses said he was wearing during the shooting in the trunk of his car.The reality is just a little bit different...“I just want to know who’s framing me,” the jury will hear he told detectives,...

26 January 2011

Emperor Gilles I...

...commences Operation "Kick Myself in the Face"...**********UPDATE: The National Post weighs in"Needless to say, Mr. Harper should say no. This will cost him seats in Quebec, but very likely win him just as many in the rest of Canada -- especially if Michael Ignatieff or Jack Layton give any measure...

I blame Sarah Palin

Another story you're not likely to find headlining CBC's "The National"...The PLO's chief spokesman, Saeb Erekat, is recorded as telling senior US official David Hale in 2009: "We have had to kill Palestinians to establish one authority, one gun and the rule of law … We have even killed our own people to maintain order and the rule of law."**********RELATED: Little unclear on the concept......between...

Bright lights... big city...

...you can have it...Gayle and I talked it over. Lloyd wasn't home, so we couldn't ask him if he wanted help. And we'd figure he'd say no thanks, even if we could ask him. People are self-reliant here, and often prefer to be left to their own devices. We finally figured no one ultimately minds a kind gesture, and Gayle blasted the snow and my son and I shoveled around the edges. It was the Maine version...

25 January 2011

More exciting news for Vegans

The irony is that not even if Taco Bell used Taco Meat Filling in their packaging and ads they would be right: The USDA says that any food labeled as "meat taco filling" should at least have 40% fresh meat. According to the Alabama law firm, their stuff only has 36% meat. Perhaps they should call it Almost Taco Meat Filli...

Turn your back on Elizabeth May...

...I double-dawg dare you...So how exactly did Genghis Khan, one of history's cruelest conquerors, earn such a glowing environmental report card? The reality may be a bit difficult for today's environmentalists to stomach, but Khan did it the same way he built his empire — with a high body count.WAIT!!!...

So tell me, Peace Moonbeam...

When exactly... did Canadians start putting the words "home" & "invasion" together in one sentence? -- GTA -- Homicide investigators are probing the death of a 17-year-old boy who was rushed to hospital from a home in Mississauga, Ont., on Monday night.**********UPDATE: Murder victim identifiedThe 17-year-old teen identified by friends and neighbours as Shandi "Shotty" Taleb.**********RELATED:...

24 January 2011

Yeah... there's just that one small wrinkle...

...they still have to iron out..."However, the two sides still have to work out issues involving borders, waters, oil revenue, and the fate of the oil-producing Abyei region."Meanwhile... in other "man's inhumanity to men" news...An explosion occurred this afternoon at Moscow's international Domodedovo Airport, with reports of at least 35 dead and some 130 injured. Of the injured, 20 are said to be...

Uhm... overruled?

“With tweeting you have 140 characters so there is very little you can cover,” Mr. Edelson added. “You are losing the context and not giving substantive descriptions of what’s going on.Expressing a desire to put the Williams hearing behind them, the lawyers refused to discuss the personal impact of the case or any details of their dealings with Williams.Wait a minute...But Mr. Clifford did recently...


The squalid, immovable wisdom of the compassionate, intellectual left..."Clearly, people must not be allowed to have things to call their own and use as they see fit."In other "postcards from the edge" news...“It was, like, you meet a guy and fall in love with him.” But, he said, “then you commit yourself...

You don't wanna be standing under...

...any open windows... down at the CBC building...**********THE COMPASSIONATE, INTELLECTUAL LEFT REPLIES:"you think CBers(sic) will mad?"Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 8:23 AM, January 24, 2011Those guys with the radios? I don't get it....AND REPLIES..."oh dude, lay off the ridilin(sic)....

22 January 2011

21 January 2011

What if turning the other cheek...

...ends up with your lifeless, well-done carcass being front-page news? -- Port Colborne, ON. -- “I hear some people, some being police officers, some being Crown attorneys, some being ordinary people, say we don’t want vigilantism, to which I can only give an emphatic 'pardon me'?” Mr. Burlew said. “When you’re under attack, it’s not a vigilante act. Vigilantism talks about vengeance and retribution....

Iggy: The 2011 "Awww, F@#k It" Tour

Another day... another home run...“Quebeckers are saying out loud what a lot of Canadians think,” Mr. Dufour said. “This may explain why many politicians in the rest of Canada have such a hard time with it.”Hang on a second... we're strip-searching octagenarian grandmothers on their way to Epcot......

What... no drag queens?

No wonder people were upset...King City Public School pulled the plug on “Opposite Gender Day”, where kids as young as six would be allowed to come to school dressed as the opposite sex, following an outcry from parents.**********RELATED: Today's CTV moonbat momentJust watching Craig Oliver & Hanoi...

20 January 2011

In other "crime is down" news...

Apparently, even violent thugs are thinking outside the box... -- AJAX -- They handcuffed the home’s six adult occupants using plastic ties and locked them in a basement room while they ransacked the house looking for money. Police declined to say whether they took any cash or valuables.Police say the home invasion was not a random a...

19 January 2011

Ignatieff launches last-ditch, multi-city...

..."Operation Kick Myself in the Balls 2011"...There are indeed places on Mr. Ignatieff’s 20-riding tour of the country where a message of investment in “learning” over tax reductions would receive an enthusiastic response. But a roomful of executives, just a block from Bay Street, is not one of them. They just know to be civil about it.**********RELATED: Go ahead... vote LiberalI dare you.**********THE...


...what is it they say? -- OTTAWA -- Threatening e-mails and phone calls resulted in the cancellation Tuesday evening of a film that exposes Iran’s efforts to build nuclear weapons and promote terrorism.Oh, yeah... that it's everything...The threats followed a formal complaint last weekend from...

We have to bring down the full weight...

...of the government on farmers, deer hunters & skeet shooters... and all our urban gun crime problems will be over...Those who love guns rarely demand that you share their admiration, but those who hate guns demand that you share their aversion. Firearm-philiacs make no attempt to persuade, let alone oblige, anyone to have a love affair with guns, but firearm-phobiacs use the law at every turn...

18 January 2011

Less Ban Ki-moon...

...more Seal Team Six...Attackers seized 53 vessels worldwide in 2010, according to the International Maritime Bureau's piracy reporting center in Kuala Lumpur. All but four were taken by Somali pirates."More people were taken hostage at sea in 2010 than in any year since records began" in 1991.Live...

In other Islamophobia news...

...wait a minute..."A suicide bomber wearing a vest laden with explosives attacked a crowd of Iraqi police recruits today in Tikrit, killing at least 42 people and wounding more than 100 others, officials said."Hmmm... when exactly, will the Toronto Red Star be running a hit-piece on the creator of semtex?Or... how about a column about the local Muslim goings-...

So... queue-jumping is apparently...

...just part of the plan...“We don’t know how far advanced it is, but their intent is pretty clear — to set up a base-in-exile here for the leadership. Some leadership is already here,” a well-placed federal government official told the Ottawa Citizen.**********RELATED: Anybody here speak "Weasel?"In discussing Tuesday's incident, [Liberal] Immigration Minister Kathleen Weil referred cautiously to...

See, the thing is, folks... that whole...

..."Neighbourhood Watch" deal... we don't actually mean to imply it's just some sort of prurient spectator sport... Maybe the journalistic focus here should be the dangers of living in insular, fear-ridden Scarberia..."Neighbours heard the screams of a Toronto woman with dementia who died after wandering...

17 January 2011

Bright lights, big city...

...I'll save my own teenager, thank you very much...The Canada Revenue Agency has yanked the charity status of a Toronto-based organization after finding out the group provided fake bank statements.Operation Save Canada's Teenagers had its charitable registration revoked by the CRA on Saturday, after an audit found "serious non-compliance with the requirements of the Ac...

As the parent of any toddler knows...

...to avoid a repeat performance, you don't reward bad behaviour... -- OTTAWA -- Smugglers are preparing to ship at least 400 more Sri Lankan refugees and potential Tamil Tiger rebels to Canada from southeast Asia, intelligence officials have told the government.“There are two separate smuggling syndicates organizing two boats,” from two unnamed southeast Asian ports to the British Columbia coast,...

16 January 2011

Never a Long Gun Registry around...

...when you really need one...An 18-year-old Toronto man who was shot in the stomach early Sunday is expected to survive, according to Toronto Police.The man was taken to hospital with serious injuries. Sgt. Kelly Dory said the man is not co-operating with investigators.Obviously, the police must continue to keep turning the screws on local farmers, deer hunters & skeet shoote...

My apologies to Jane Taber

Apparently, Hanoi Jane isn't actually the biggest Liberal apologist & sycophant in the land..."Those who consider decades of analysis of political philosophy, international relations and nation building a more important qualification for Prime Minister than devotion to family need not worry. Ignatieff...

15 January 2011

Yeah... "bad luck"... and the media

Apparently, unplanned pregnancies have nothing to do with dropping trou and having indiscriminate, unprotected sex...But whether it's socio-economic factors or just plain bad luck, Frayser High School seems to have caught national attention for its huge pregnancy rate.Critics like Memphis' Girls Inc. executive director Deborah Hester Harrison places some of the blame for the rapidly growing number...

14 January 2011

Dear Toronto Red Star

Here's the thing... even supposing you could cobble together a time machine, travel back to 1929... and smother little Gaston Glock in his crib... let's be honest... it wouldn't actually make a single iota of difference in terms of saving human lives, would it?Surely you can't be postulating that this inanimate hunk of metal & molded polymer has some sort of dark, magical powers? So, let me ask......

13 January 2011

It's a bright, shiny Casey & Finnegan world

An advisory council that includes former Liberal minister of public safety, Anne McLellan, will come up recommendations for reducing negative attitudes toward... [fill in your persecuted group here].Meanwhile... in other "buy the world a coke" news...**********RELATED: Back in the real worldToronto...

"I have not yet heard..."

"...that the murderer in Tucson chanted, 'Rush Limbaugh Akhbar!' even once."Yup... colour me shocked...This collective j’accuse has now become a story of its own, and largely because, after the passage of another 24 hours, nothing at all had emerged from the mass of data on Jared Loughner that linked the assassin with tea parties or talk shows of any persuasi...


-- OTTAWA -- The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has ordered the Correctional Service of Canada to pay $9,500 in compensation to a man serving a life sentence for the 1983 murder of an Ottawa police officer.Hey, Peace Moonbeam... rehabilitate this.**********RELATED: It's a Mr Rogers world“You gotta lay the blame for some of these damages on the insurgents that turned these farms, buildings and...

12 January 2011

Ignatieff spokesman still a little unclear...

...on how banning snowplows will reduce urban crime in Toronto...Peter Tolias, the president of Tolias Landscaping and Plowing, the company that owns the plow, described what followed as “a two-hour rampage” through city streets before police finally cornered the driver.Tolias said two of his employees were working beside the vehicle, a heavy duty Chevy pickup truck with an attached plow and salter,...


"Thank God. I feel so much better. Now we can just kill them, then chop them up and eat them. A great victory for swine everywhere."**********RELATED: Duck, duck, gooseThe NCC hoped to smooth things over by clearing foie gras from its menu, but what if it has only emboldened the protesters? Atlantic Canada chefs have been known to cook tasty lobster dishes, and it could be argued that having food...

Never a magical, 2 billion dollar...

...long gun registry around... when you really need one...Hang on... they didn't know there might be a little problem here?Seriously?Martin said he read through Roszko's criminal history while gathering material for the search warrant. Roszko was well known to police for being violent and was under...

11 January 2011

I blame that homicidal Sarah Pal...

...wait a minute..."That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida," Mr. Kanjorski said. "Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him."**********THE COMPASSIONATE, INTELLECTUAL LEFT REPLIES:"Giffords would be denied coverage by Sawah's(sic) insurance company death panel, because the hole through Giffords head...

Wake up... and smell the science

This sounds like the kind of thing that would have happened... if my best friend from the 70's had gone on to grad school... Robert Mason, a material scientist, will show little clay pots from 12th century Middle East but he is not sure whether they were bongs or bombs.In the show he took a replica pot to a head shop where an employee proved they could be used to smoke hash.Which, of course, leads...

In other Toronto Bomb Squad news...

Police are investigating suspicious packages left on a busy sidewalk outside the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and just steps away from the Toronto offices of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.Two black suitcases and a yellow pail were left beside a green car parked on Front Street West on Tuesday morning. Keys were left in the car’s ignition.**********UPDATE: 13:15... not a live bombPolice...

10 January 2011

Fixing Vancouver

All you need is drugs...Vancouver's latest medical marijuana dispensary will open today on Fraser Street.The Imedikate Medical Cannabis Dispensary, at 6128 Fraser St., is the sixth such dispensary in the city and the first in south Vancouver.Imedikate director Jacob Hunter said a physician would be available to assess individuals whose family doctor was not supportive of such treatment but who might...

The professional journalists...

...at the Globe & Mail... never afraid to ask the really hard questions.**********THE COMPASSIONATE, INTELLECTUAL LEFT REPLIES:"speaking of 'victomhood'(sic), head on over to FOX tv. You stupid fucks are good for entertainment anyway."Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 10:55 PM, January...

09 January 2011

Too many Chiefs... not enough oversight

-- BISHOPVILLE -- The Glooscap First Nation band council remains a family affair.Kristen Halliday, son of council member Michael Halliday, won a byelection Saturday to fill a seat on the council, which has been caught in a controversy over high band council salaries.The council, which governs the 304-member band, now consists of Chief Shirley Clarke, her sister, Lorraine Whitman, their cousin...

That homicidal, racist George W...

...wait a minute....A suicide bomber blew himself up in a bathhouse in a southern Afghan border town as men gathered to wash before Friday prayers, killing 17 people, a provincial official said. A Taliban spokesman in the south, Qari Yousaf Ahmadi, said the attack targeted the second-in-command of the border patrol in the area.Well, heck... as long as there was a good reason...**********RELATED: ...

08 January 2011

In other "buy the world a Coke" news

My tragedy can kick your whiny, inconsequential tragedy's ass... -- WINNIPEG -- Some groups are already upset that the Holocaust is to get a permanent space when the museum opens in 2013, while other genocides will share a "mass atrocity" gallery."It's about fair and equitable treatment of these tragedies," Taras Zalusky, executive director of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, said from Ottawa.The...

2011 Week 1 - Toronto the not so good

Three murders in seven days...One woman is dead and another is in custody after Toronto Police officers were called to an east-end apartment on Friday morning.Homicide officers were scouring a Toronto Community Housing apartment building at 4301 Kingston Rd., near Bellamy Rd.**********UPDATE: Murdered woman id'dThe victim of the city’s third homicide has been identified as 59-year-old Zaniffa Balkaran....

Shouldn't this have actually been a case...

...for the Non-Human Rights Commission? -- NORTH BAY, Ont. -- A northern Ontario French Catholic school board discriminated against three members of the Raelian religious sect when it ended a contract with them to provide teacher training, a human rights tribunal has ruled.The group, which was founded in 1974 by former French journalist Claude Vorilhon, believes life on Earth was started by space...

07 January 2011

Omar Khadr fan club starts to figure it out

Wait a minute... where was Mark Holland when the Toronto 18 was gonna blow up Bay St. and behead the Prime Minister...The federal Liberals are urging Public Safety Minister Vic Toews to give Coptic churches in this country the money they need to install security cameras and alarm systems to prevent...