"I can confirm that we believe the incident at Glasgow airport is linked to the events in London yesterday," Constable Rae said at a news conference. "There are clearly similarities and we can confirm that this is being treated as a terrorist incident."A British government security official said the methods used in the airport attack and Friday's thwarted plots were similar, with all three vehicles...
30 June 2007
In other Aboriginal news...
No good deed... goes unpunished. -- PINE RIDGE, South Dakota (AP) -- Tribal police Thursday shut down a volunteer blockade aimed at keeping beer out of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where alcoholism is rampant, and arrested three organizers who refused to leave.**********RELATED: It's like that time travel paradoxFacts don't matter to the lunatic left... you're always gonna end up being...
Whatever you do...
In Dalton McGuinty's politically correct nanny-state... don't actually call a thing by it's proper name... Native protesters swept in at 9 p.m. Thursday night and protest leader, Mohawk Shawn Brant, said they were armed and willing to use force if police intervened."We've made no secret that we have guns within this camp."While the media continues to soft pedal Shawn Brant's domestic blackmail and...
Iraq : Big on capital punishment...
AND cutting out the middleman...The Iraqi Aid Association (IAA), a Baghdad-based non-governmental organisation working with displacement, children and youth issues, says dozens of Iraqis have been killed after using the internet to access erotic sites.Fatah Ahmed, spokesperson for the IAA, said: "We have received information from many sources that militants are operating spies inside internet cafes...
Breaking stuff and killing people
Canadian SpecOps gets a new commander.A formal transfer of command at Ottawa's Cartier Drill Hall placed the 44-year-old Col. Day in charge of the Forces' tactical and anti-terrorism units, which are in the midst of a 10-year expansion that will see their size doubled.The Special Operations Forces command, or CANSOFCOM, includes the JTF2 commando unit, a special helicopter squadron, a chemical- and...
Gonna get all "root causes"...
On yo' ass... Fallout from Jordan Manners shooting takes down administrators at Toronto's C.W. Jefferys C.I.The school's principal, Charis Newton-Thompson, and vice-principals Stan Gordon and Silvio Tallevi, were given changed duties earlier this week after Julian Falconer, chairman of an independent safety panel examining the school, reported findings to the director of education for the TDSB.Because...
29 June 2007
On the road to Shariah
A Manchester magistrate who refused to deal with a defendant because she was wearing a full Muslim face veil could face disciplinary action.Zoobia Hussain, 32, of Crumpsall, who is charged with criminal damage, plans to write and complain, her lawyer said.A statement from the Judiciary of England and Wales said: "Mr Murray is concerned about questions of identity when the full veil is worn in cou...
Algonquians now claim Parliament Hill
"We're going to bring some people to Parliament Hill, put a camp there and stay there until we get an answer to resolve the problems that we have in our community," Chief Matchewan said.The fact that thousands of Canadians will descend on the proposed campsite for this weekend's Canada Day festivities will not deter the chief."That's our land there; they have to know that. Those thousands of people...
Double your fun
Looks like somebody was playing for keeps... The discovery of the second bomb, about 20 hours after the first, suggested a co-ordinated and more sophisticated plot than was initially thought — similar to the July 7, 2005 suicide bombings where four bombs exploded within an hour of one another on London's busy transit system.Hopefully, because police they have these vehicles and devices intact, there...
Chugging that Liberal Kool-Aid
Sure... everything's just hunky-dory, until suddenly you're lying in a crumpled heap, staring at raw, bloody stumps... where your legs used to be."Sure, it's disturbing, and obviously it reminds everyone of 7/7," said Ian Hiskos, 32, eating at a cafe across the block from the police cordon on Haymarket. "I try not to think about these things."Every knowledgeable security expert in the world agrees...
Slicing and dicing
It's a beautiful day... to celebrate diversity. -- CAIRO, Egypt -- The death of a 12-year-old Egyptian girl at the hands of a doctor performing female circumcision in the country's south has sparked a public outcry and prompted health and religious authorities this week to ban the practice.The case sparked widespread condemnation and was closely followed in Egyptian papers, which also reported...
The majesty of the law
TORONTO AND DESERONTO, ONT. — Ontario Provincial Police, who shut down Canada's busiest highway early Friday morning west of Kingston due to native protesters in the area, have decided to reopen Highway 401.So what sort of penalty is there for shutting down the busiest transit corridor in the country and threatening an armed battle against the provincial police... Hours later the OPP issued an arrest...
It's just like Osama said...
**********UPDATE: An experiment for my Stageleft socialist friends...Try this yourself some time... get a bunch of your buddies AND their deer rifles and TRY blockade a four lane highway for a couple of days.One caveat though... if you're a middle aged white guy with a regular job and a family... the local SWAT Team is gonna drop you like a crazy girlfriend if you don't immediately disarm and assume...
28 June 2007
Armed Terrorists threaten OPP
Try doing this with a bunch of your buddies... and see how long it takes the local SWAT team to knock your dick in the dirt. -- DESERONTO -- Mohawk protesters, who said they had guns and wouldn't back down, began preparations for blockades of the main CN line and Highway 401 near this eastern Ontario town late Thursday, despite widespread calls that an aboriginal day of action be peaceful.Once...
National Day of Action, my ass...
It's the other 364 days of "business as usual" we really ought to be worried about. -- NAPANEE -- Provincial police seized a $40,000 load of what they have termed illegal cigarettes just a few kilometres outside the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory earlier this week.If convicted, the minimum fine the man will face for possessing 23 cases of unstamped tobacco is $37,950, police report. ********** ***...
It's safe to say...
Thomas Walkom has never walked down Driftwood Avenue..."Few things are more crucial to a nation's sovereignty than its control over legalized violence."Is this guy for real?Uh, Tom... I'm gonna go out on a limb here... but I'm guessing that it ain't the U.S. Secret Service that's murdering all those black kids in Toronto.Maybe we could just focus on "illegal" violence for a bit.If that's ok with ...
Who's sicko now?
What does the President of the Canadian Medical Association have to say..."This is a country," Dr. Day said by way of explanation, "in which dogs can get a hip replacement in under a week and in which humans can wait two to three years."I don't know where Michael Moore gets his "once upon a time" information from... I'd love to tell him about the 7 hour wait I had in the local ER with a sick fevered...
There's standing on principle...
And there's stepping on your own johnson. -- CANBERRA, Australia -- A boxer who cited his Muslim beliefs in refusing a doping test because he didn't want to expose himself to drug testers was given a two-year ban Thursday by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority.ASADA said Omar Al-Shaick failed to provide a urine sample during an unannounced, out-of-competition test in Brisbane on June 13,...
You must be dreamin', honey...
"Just go back to sleep." -- PORT ST. LUCIE -- A woman was arrested Tuesday after her husband woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible headache and later learned he had a bullet lodged in his head.His wife drove him to the hospital where doctors said a bullet had lodged behind his right ear. You've gotta wonder what was going through her mind when he got up and started to bitch about...
27 June 2007
Un... Freakin'... Believable
Some days I just think the world is upside down..."The findings are disturbing and indicate that the Correctional Service has not rigorously fulfilled its mandate to keep all inmates safe and act on recommendations related to inmate deaths," said correctional investigator Howard Sapers.Call me wacky... but how about, we move the safety of the general law-abiding citizenry to the top of this list?...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
I wonder if Liberal Environment Minister Laurel Broten is familiar with those words...Robbie Robinson, a retired architect whose backyard abuts Broten's Etobicoke home, says in a submission to the OMB that he fears the construction of the garage, which will include an auto lift, will be higher than a neighbouring home and jeopardize a 14-metre tree that sits between those two properties.Robinson told...
G.I. Sirjana
A sign of the times... the Brigade of Gurkhas going co-ed. -- KATMANDU, Nepal -- More than 1,500 Nepalese women have signed up with private firms to train for a possible career with the British army after it allowed them to join the Brigade of Gurkhas for the first time in nearly two centuries.Twenty-year-old undergraduate Sirjana Rana said she would barely get $150 a month in Nepal after completing...
Rebel without a brain
Canada's own version of Ismail Haniyeh is still making vague threats about disrupting "something or other" this holiday weekend. -- DESERONTO, ONT. -- Mohawk protester Shawn Brant has emerged as a lonesome voice of hard-line native militancy, plotting major economic disruption as his way of making Canada sit up and listen.Any move Friday to block thousands of commuters on Highway 401 or the CN...
Land of Misfit Toys
Iran, one of the largest oil exporters in the world, has started to ration gasoline in response to a possible blockade of the country in retaliation for it's hardline stance on developing nuclear weapons.And unlike here in Canada, citizens aren't shy about showing their displeasure.At least one petrol station has been set on fire in the Iranian capital, Tehran, after the government announced fuel...
China responds...
To recalls of poisonous and counterfeit products, not with shame and apologies... but with a counter-attack. -- BEIJING, June 27 (Reuters) -- China has seized two fruit shipments from the United States and warned it would apply greater scrutiny to U.S. cargoes, even as it tightens the screws on manufacturers of unsafe food at home.The country's quarantine bureau said in a statement on its Web...
26 June 2007
Read 'em and weep...
Isn't it funny, how simply bringing unpleasant facts to light... also calls out the yappy little dogs of the loony left. I guess I don't understand how the Liberals longtime policy of sweeping this stuff under the politically correct carpet... was ever supposed to help resolve any of these issues.In the province's 2005 Report on the Health Status of Aboriginal People, Dr. Chandrakant Shah reported...
The wheels on the bus...
Could kill you... just something to think about if someone offers you a deal on cheap Chinese-made tires...Federal officials have told a small New Jersey importer to recall 450,000 radial tires for pickup trucks, sport utility vehicles and vans after the company disclosed that its Chinese manufacturer had stopped including a safety feature that prevented the tires from separating.Wait, it gets better...Ms....
Circus Jerkus
My wife, who is a much more tolerant person than I could ever hope to be, just said to me "Isn't it ironic that an event that was originally designed to promote acceptance of the gay community, has turned into such a freak show."As per usual, she nailed it.Now, unless I'm mistaken, that seems to be the message our own Blogging Tory Diogenes Borealis is sending out as well...Another Gay Pride weekend...
Where profit stomps on history
Heritage... the homegrown variety anyway... is a dirty word in David Miller's Toronto...A group of CPR pensioners protested yesterday plans to allow furniture giant Leon’s to move into the historic CPR roundhouse instead of establishing a large railway museum.The city’s Culture Division hired a developer to look for tenants for the building, which is on the city’s waterfront by the CN Tower, and Leon’s...
25 June 2007
Creationism my ass...
Ya just gotta love science... -- WASHINGTON -- Researchers studying Neanderthal DNA say it should be possible to construct a complete genome of the ancient hominid despite the degradation of DNA over time.Debate has raged for years about whether there is any relationship between Neanderthals and modern humans. Some researchers believe that Neanderthals were simply replaced by early modern humans,...
Stand by for cars that top out...
At five miles per hour, whiskey bottles with lockable caps and tobacco that needs special matches to catch fire... Is there any end to ass-backwards solutions that allow people to not take responsibility for their lives, their children and their future?Aboriginals in Labrador are hoping a new fuel that doesn't intoxicate gas sniffers could help solve a persistent problem among young people in their...
Gallbladders, penises tied up...
With string... these are a few of my favourite things..."I noticed this thing, and so I pulled it out and these five fingers come out, this arm comes up, and then you see the jaw bone and teeth, and nose and eyes," said Ed Filman."What it turned out to be was a skinned monkey, and from my understanding, they were going to eat it."...
I want my Manimal
Well, hang on to your chromosomes baby... looks like we're in for a wild ride...So far, our mixtures are modest. To make humanized animals really creepy, you'd have to do several things. You'd increase the ratio of human to animal DNA. You'd transplant human cells that spread throughout the body. You'd do it early in embryonic development, so the human cells would shape the animals' architecture,...
Youth crime wave...
In Hastings County, Ontario...Police were called to the area of Humewood and Crestview just after midnight Friday, where youths were egging houses in the area. Officers found four youths, who were forced to apologize to the home owners. They were then cautioned with regards to mischief and returned to their parents.No murders... no stabbings.Hmm... what could be so different about Toronto?**********UPDATE:...
Great news for junkies...
And the implacably promiscuous. -- TORONTO -- Ontario has become the first jurisdiction in North America to offer HIV tests that provide results in just 60 seconds and will double the number of sites across the province where anonymous tests are available, Health Minister George Smitherman announced yesterday.Not so great... for the rest of us.Like the old saying goes, "The squeaky hedonist gets...
24 June 2007
The Bombay Trots
When people tell you not to drink the water while traveling in foreign countries, trust me... they're not kidding. -- NEW DELHI, June 25 (Reuters) -- Within sight of Delhi's gleaming new metro train, Nawal Kishore slips the body of a baby into the waters of the Yamuna, one of the world's filthiest rivers.It's just another day at work for the 40-year-old man, who has been disposing of the bodies...
Anglicans... two thumbs up
**********UPDATE: The story has been changedSame G & M link, without any explanation, now goes to this Michael Valpy article that says the vote went the other way...A razor-thin majority of Canada's Anglican bishops on Sunday overrode the wishes of their laity and clergy and vetoed a resolution that would have allowed for blessings in church settings of committed homosexual unions.It needed a...
Scotland's Sporran Registry
Not even the wild-ass Scots can escape the wrath of political correctness...Kilt wearers could face prosecution if they do not have a licence for their sporran under new legislation which has been introduced in Scotland.The laws are designed to protect endangered species like badgers and otters, whose fur used to be favoured by sporran makers. Can draconian no-underwear penalties be far behind?**********RELATED:...
Another angle
"Advertising works on me," he continued. "I overeat. I love to drink. I have very base, petty, vengeful thoughts. I’m not just saying, ‘Here’s what’s wrong with the world.’""I’m saying, Here’s what’s wrong with m...
Necktie party for Chemical Ali
Jack Layton's probably frothing at the mouth, but let's face it... if you weren't going to give this guy the big jump... then who would actually swing? -- BAGHDAD -- Two decades after Iraq's military laid waste to Kurdish villages, the Iraqi High Tribunal on Sunday sentenced Ali Hassan al-Majid, known as “Chemical Ali,” and two others to death for their roles in the bloody campaign against the...
A little bit of toilet training...
And she'll be off to university...A two-year-old girl from Hampshire has become the youngest ever female member of British Mensa.Georgia Brown, from Aldershot, Hampshire, astounded experts by scoring 152 in an IQ test - putting her in the top 2% of the population for her age. Psychologist Joan Freeman, who tested Georgia, said she thought the toddler could have scored even higher but needed a nap...
23 June 2007
Go big... or go home
Nobody can say the Tyendinaga Mohawks aren't dreamin' in colour...It starts at the northern border of Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory and spans northward to the upper one-third of the township, covering 33,280 acres or 52 square miles. This tract of land, Bardy believes, was alienated in 1820 when the government built a road to Toronto through the area.Technorati Tags: aboriginal, land claim, Tyendinaga...
Gangbangers are so cool
But where are my people... where do the, uh... Honky Bonkers or the Anglo-Saxon Assassins hang out? -- Toronto -- A 13-year-old boy was rushed to Hospital for Sick Children after he was stabbed in the neck in a gang attack outside the Christie TTC station last night.Toronto Det. Reg Wright of 14 Division said the boy was among four who were stabbed in an attack launched by the Latin Kings gang,...
This idiotic fascination with celebrity...
It's a shame that Belinda Stronach has breast cancer... it's not something I would wish upon my worst enemy... but I know 324,486 people, in this particular instance, who aren't going to be all that impressed.Let's see what Statistics Canada has to say...There were 324,486 cancer deaths over the five-year period. Of this total, 171,655 were males and 152,831 were females. Female deaths from cancer...
Read it here...
Because it isn't gonna make it onto Canadian television news. -- KABUL, Afghanistan -- Dozens of militants were killed in southern and eastern Afghanistan overnight in clashes with U.S.-led foreign troops and Afghan forces, officials said on Saturday.Little pouty-faced Bob Fife only does the leftbot two-step.**********UPDATE: The Captain has moreSo far, the operation has resulted in 55 dead terrorists...
Driving Miss Crazy
If you think this isn't happening in Canada, you must be crazy.Tens of thousands of people are paying fraudsters to sit their driving test for them, the BBC has learned.The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) says imposters charge up to £500 and can have taken more than 200 tests each. There are already cases reaching the courts.On Monday, two men from Oldham, Greater Manchester, were convicted of obtaining...
Funny, CTV completely missed this
They went instead, with the video closeups of soldiers grieving family members slumped over their loved one's caskets.So what actually happened today?NATO's International Security Assistance Force said about 60 insurgents attempted to attack Afghan and ISAF forces Friday in the Bermel district of Paktika province, near the Pakistan border. The insurgents fired on aircraft, and NATO and U.S.-led coalition...
22 June 2007
Pakistani clerics rush to...
Bestow new honours... on Osama bin Laden... A group of Pakistani religious leaders led by a pro-Taliban figure has said it will bestow a title on Osama bin Laden in response to Britain's decision to grant a knighthood to Salman Rushdie.Hey guys... if there's some sort of problem here... how exactly does holding an impromptu "Academy Awards of Jihad" set things right? This silly piece of tit-for-tat...
The difference here is...
In Canada... the Tigers get to party with their favourite Liberal Members of Parliament...Media reports in Sri Lanka say that two men arrested in London under Britain's anti-terror laws have suspected connections to the rebel Tamil Tigers.What's that... surely these arrests are anomalous events?Well, not really.In April, police in Paris arrested more than 16 men for alleged involvement with the Tigers.Similar...
And that, my friends...
Is the most important consideration here..."Obviously it sends a very positive message about diversity," Simon Fraser University criminologist Neil Boyd said of the police board's decision.Well, maybe the chief can jazz up all their technology... cos' it doesn't sound like he's much of a street cop.Much of the officer's career has been spent on the technical side of policing. Among other achievements,...
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