31 May 2007

Rewarding criminal behaviour...

With 125 million taxpayer dollars... and it's still not enough. -- CALEDONIA, Ont. -- “The only positive thing about it is it was an offer,” Mohawk Chief Allen MacNaughton said in rejecting the offer. “It being an initial offer, we realize initial offers are never accepted anyway. I guess it's a starting point to talk about things, and I guess the only positive is it's obviously a recognition...

That explains a few things...

Hmmmm... the symptoms of chronic lead poisoning "include neurological problems, such as reduced IQ..."Warning signs are being posted in the bathrooms of Ontario's Legislature warning staff and visitors the tap water isn't fit to drink.Testing ordered by Speaker Mike Brown during the past couple of days has revealed tap water in the historic Legislative building is contaminated with lead.Bravo for...

Whitewashing murder

Like Toronto's "Summer of the Gun" in 2005, the murder of Jordan Manners is all about young black men killing young black men.... but nobody wants to acknowledge that.There's the usual media beatification of everyone involved in this sad, sordid affair... who was gifted, who was sociable, blah, blah, blah.And good grief, let's not assign any blame...Lawyer Courtney Betty, acting for the family, said...

Readin, writin' and...

Assume the position...Schools in England have been given the legal right to search pupils who are suspected of carrying knives.The Department for Education and Skills will also give heads guidance on how to use airport-style metal detectors to screen young people.The guidelines state that a pupil can be refused entry to a school if he or she refuses to be screened.Little bit different here in Canada,...

Step 2: Send his spammin' ass...

To federal prison... -- SEATTLE -- A 27-year-old man described as one of the world's most prolific spammers was arrested Wednesday, and federal authorities said computer users across the Web could notice a decrease in the amount of junk e-mail.“He's one of the top 10 spammers in the world,” said Tim Cranton, a Microsoft Corp. lawyer who is senior director of the company's Worldwide Internet Safety...

30 May 2007

Be afraid

Be very afraid...I've never been a "benefit of the doubt" sort of guy... when my spidey sense starts to tingle, I go with it.That said, you sure don't need supernatural powers to see which way the wind was blowin' here...A newly released inspector general report backs eyewitness accounts of suspicious behavior by 13 Middle Eastern men on a Northwest Airlines flight in 2004 and reveals several missteps...

Musharraf in deep dung denial

As if he didn't have enough problems already, Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf has yet another fight on his hands... -- ISLAMABAD -- They started by taking on Islamabad's music and video shops, shutting them down and destroying CDs and DVDs they found objectionable. They went on to abduct a suspected brothel owner to put her out of business and force a Pakistani cabinet minister to offer her resignation...

An idea whose time has come

I am, I confess... a huge suckhole at the dentist. It isn't the pain, because my dentist, who I've been going to for thirty years, is the Nijinsky of Nitrous and Novocaine.It's simply some bug in the primitive lizard part of my brain that screams, "This is bad... get up and run... NOW!!!"This may be a possible soluti...

Once again, Microsoft dives into...

Those murky hardware waters... -- SEATTLE -- Microsoft Corp. has taken the wraps off “Surface,” a coffee-table shaped computer that responds to touch and to special bar codes attached to everyday objects.Surface is essentially a Windows Vista PC tucked inside a shiny black table base, topped with a 30-inch touch screen in a clear acrylic frame.Tag this a "social networking" devi...

If we send the rest of the family...

Can we get a group rate?Canadian Omar Khadr faces the possibility of indefinite imprisonment at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, even if he is acquitted of murder and terrorism charges at his war crimes trial later this year...**********UPDATE: Omar Khadr... cannon fodderProving yet again, he's not the sharpest tool in the drawer, Khadr has dismissed his lawyers right before his big court date...Khadr’s decision...

29 May 2007

The crazy, old man of Europe

Here's another reason why all the European countries run away and hide... when Turkey shows up at the EU playground...Turkey's prime minister has said the US and Iraq should destroy bases of separatist Kurdish guerrillas in northern Iraq. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, said in a television interview: "We expect the United States and Iraq to destroy, scatter bases of terrorists there."Turkey...

Officers later flipped a coin...

To see who got to tell the unlucky recipient about her, uh... goodtime-ous interruptus...Bomb squad officers called in to blow up a suspicious package found it contained a packet of chocolate buttons and a vibrator.Post Office staff in Hasland, Chesterfield called in police when they heard the package making a noi...

Time to rethink Injustice system

House arrest AND community service!!! Why, that's barbaric... -- TORONTO -- Two Toronto men have both been handed two-year conditional sentences and two years of probation for a high-speed collision that killed a taxi driver.Not so surprising though, for a judicial system that gives a 12 year sentence to someone who kidnaps, tortures, rapes and murders three Ontario children.Next time it could...

The Punch & Judy School of Politics

This is absolutely everything you need to know about politics in the Middle East...Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has overwhelmingly won another seven-year term of office, in a ballot in which he was the only candidate.The interior ministry said he won the backing of more than 97% of Syria's 12 million voters in Sunday's referendum."This great consensus shows the political maturity of Syria and...

A little bit off the top

Of course... this is exactly what Hastings County has been missing...Mystery and speculation surround an upcoming Front Street business that some say could be a topless hair salon.Located at 384 Front St., Lil Off the Top has been advertising for hairstylists with open minds and "a sense of adventure," and little experience is required.Belleville Police have heard the topless salon rumour and are...

Well... that's a relief

No need to fret about whether there's any sort of racist element to the fraudulent, toxic Chinese products being exported to places like Panama and India... turns out the Chinese industrial juggernaut isn't just poisoning foreigners... -- BEIJING, May 29 Reuters -- Families of Chinese patients killed by a fake medical ingredient maker linked to widespread deaths in Panama have sued the southern...

28 May 2007

Speak up Canada

A couple of sociopathic thugs from a welfare hellhole murder the kid down the street. Should we alter the law of the land to penalise law abiding Canadians? ********** FINAL TALLY: Seventy percent of respondents think David Miller and Dalton McGuinty are total dickhead...

It bears repeating...

David Miller can't count to 10 without removing his mittens...Did Stephen Harper shoot Jordan Manners?According to his Commie-Pinkness the Mayor... Harper might as well have pulled the trigger himself.If we follow Mayor Miller's logic, the only reason Jordan Manners is dead is the federal Conservatives' unwillingness to ban handguns.Well, while, we're at it, why don't we get those nasty Tories to...


This, dare I say it, is a pretty cool development...Turning science fiction into science fact, American doctors are preparing to chill volunteers into a state of suspended animation that could keep them asleep for months.Medical teams in Los Angeles, Boston and Pittsburgh are racing to become the first to test out new theories of “induced hibernation” which could save lives and also help to send man...

27 May 2007

Second suspect in custody...

Suddenly, all pictures and references to the alleged shooter's name • which have been all over the MSM websites today • must disappear..."Two 17-year-olds are charged with murder in a shooting at a north-end school that left a boy dead and prompted calls for tighter gun controls and better security...

If this kid's a Young Offender...

Then I'm a Hottentot...One arrested, one on the run...******* **** ****, 17, is wanted for first-degree murder by police and is described as 5-foot-9, 200 pounds and has short black hair.That's some poor, little defenceless kid... thank goodness for the Youth Criminal Justice Act.p.s. - Take a good...

It's the criminals, stupid

Ask yourself... which Canadian political party is holding up "get tough on crime" legislation in the Senate, which mandated "mandatory minimum" sentences for use of firearms in a crime?Canada has also had a handgun registry for more than 60 years.All of these restrictions existed before Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government was elected in January 2006.Since then the Tories have introduced...

26 May 2007

I've stumbled across...

The very heart and soul of liberalism...School boards, colleges and corporations make a public show of summoning grief counsellors to reassure the public rather than to comfort the grief-stricken, say Dr. Ogrodniczuk and other critics. "It's become a social phenomenon," he says. "They're showing to the public that they care, that they're here to help - even if what they're offering is not really useful."All...

You want politically correct...

Go talk to Jack & Olivia and swan-necked Steffi... and not the actual "ass in the grass"... like Jack Hooper.How does the Canadian spy service deal with countries that have a record of human rights abuses?"Here's the deal. Everybody would like to believe that we have an array of choices that are good choices and bad choices. But we're going to a dance where every girl is ugly, okay," he said this...

Cops identify shooter...

Refuse to talk about possible gang connection...Toronto police have the name of a young man who they believe shot and killed 15-year-old Jordan Manners in the stairwell of his high school, CTV reported Friday, but they don't know his whereabouts.Police would not comment on whether the shooting was connected with a spat between rival gangs, the Bloods and the Crips, that has taken hold of the area.**********UPDATE:...

25 May 2007

The real reason is revealed...

The latest megalomaniacal pronouncement by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, clearly illustrates the accepted wisdom that putting crazy people in charge of stuff is a really bad idea... "If Iran's right to nuclear technology is confirmed, all nations of the world will gather under Iran's political banner.Yeah, Mahmoud... I guess ya got us.Let's hope this nutjob strokes out pretty soon.Technorati...

Canada should grow a pair...

And do the same with the terrorist Khadr gang...Race hate preacher Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal, who influenced one of the 7 July bombers, has been deported from Britain, the home secretary said.He left Gatwick for Jamaica at 1200 BST, accompanied by two police escorts and an immigration officer.He was jailed in 2003 for soliciting the murder of Jews and Hindus. London bomber Germaine Lindsay was "strongly...

And that's a Fatwa...

On you, and you, and you...Council voted 9-5 Thursday to ignore a letter from Secular Ontario, an organization striving to eliminate the Lord’s Prayer from municipal procedural bylaws.“We have 151 years of tradition and we’re going to throw it out the window,” said Dan McCaw, reeve of Wollaston Township. “This county was put together by church people.”The Belleville law firm O’Flynn Weese advised...

Fighting for change

For anyone questioning whether our troops should be in Afghanistan, this is part of the crazy-quilt of stone-age injustice, that Canadians and other NATO soldiers are trying to make right.The story is slightly fuzzy but the attacks started four or five months ago and stopped two months ago. They were likely in reprisal for some slight from 50 years ago and the people living in this remote area, on...

Third World corruption...

Is destroying whatever miniscule amount of credibility the United Nations has left.On Wednesday, the BBC's Martin Plaut said he had found that the UN had begun an internal investigation in early 2006 into allegations that Pakistani peacekeeping troops had traded in gold and sold weapons to Congolese militia groups they were meant to disarm.Witnesses said Pakistani officers had also supplied weapons...

Yup... there's a Spring Offensive...

It's just a little different than the Taliban imagined. -- MA'SUM GHAR, AFGHANISTAN -- Canadian troops have launched their most ambitious assault on the Taliban in nearly two months.Shortly after dawn on Friday, a multi-national force including Canadians, Afghans, Portuguese and British, began an operation designed to flush out Taliban believed to be in the area near the Arghandab River.I sure...

24 May 2007

Phil Fontaine...

Is off his meds again. -- OTTAWA -- The violent 1990 standoff at the Oka native reserve near Montreal triggered a spike in public support for aboriginal issues, Phil Fontaine, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, said Wednesday."The highest level of support for our position was during (the Oka) crisis," he recalled, in reference to the dispute between the Mohawk residents and the Quebec...

Can I do this from my phone too?

If identity theft is the huge problem the media says it is... maybe the phone company shouldn't be allowing corporations to spoof other people's phone numbers.A recent telemarketing-style poll, asking people how Daryl Kramp has performed as the area MP, caused major concerns for the local Conservative member.It was not the results of the poll which caused Kramp to cringe but, instead, the fact that...

The propaganda war begins...

Black activist and school board trustee Stephanie Payne, best known for her fight to keep the musical Showboat out of Toronto, has jumped into the latest shooting incident in northwest Toronto to defend the indefensible... Payne said C.W. Jefferys is one of the safest schools in Toronto and parents realize it is a "very safe, compassionate school."Geez, Steph, not to be a party-pooper or anything......

Whatever you do...

Don't use the "R" word...Another young black man is shot to death -- just east of the notorious Jane-Finch corridor -- but magically, the mainstream media goes out of its way to whitewash the reporting."But how is race relevant?", cry the loony leftbots.Apart from this being just the latest in an epidemic of murders of young black men in Toronto? Well, let me tell you.The Globe & Mail makes...

23 May 2007

Please let this one be true

Word has it that Karla Homolka, her husband and new baby boy are looking to move to Jamaica and escape the media spotlight.Not as satisfying as watching her swinging from the gallows, but...**********RELATED: Happy Mothers Day -- TORONTO, May 24 /CNW/ -- It's not clear how Karla Homolka spent her first Mother's Day. Falling as it did just nine days after her 37th birthday, it would have been...

Give em an inch...

They'll take the box the tape measure came in... -- TORONTO -- Federal and provincial negotiators have walked away from negotiations to end an aboriginal occupation in Caledonia, Ont., to protest another occupation in nearby Hagersville.The Six Nations say the land was awarded to them in 1784 in recognition of their help to the British Crown during the American Revolution.I just wish someone could...

All aboard that love train...

The best part is... you can let somebody else pay for your ticket...Controversial immigration rules aimed at stopping sham marriages are unlawful, says the Court of Appeal. The rules applied to all such individuals, irrespective of the status of their partner.So, what's at issue here?Nobody knows the scale of sham marriages, although senior registrars suggested that before the new legislation there...

Here's a Heritage Moment...

You won't see on TV anytime soon...He is a pretty damn interesting character notably because of that great magical symbol of the Metis - The Bell of Batoche, which incidently showed up at a drinking party at his house back in 1995. It has since disappeared from public view and rumours abound to its whereabouts but everybody knows who has it. Billy Jo thinks it contains the spirit of Louis Riel and...

Canadian Research points to...

Fountain of Youth...Resistance, it seems, is not futile after all.A new study conducted at McMaster University shows that lifting weights -- or resistance training -- can reverse the effects of aging on muscle cells, opening up possibilities for future medical developments that could change the overall process of human aging. Read the study here.Technorati Tags: health care, McMaster University, Fountain...

Mass murder

The price of Canadian political correctness... -- Ottawa -- Government officials delayed the process for obtaining a wiretap warrant against the key figure in the Air India bomb plot because of religious concerns, a former intelligence officer told a commission of inquiry Tuesday.It took five months from the time CSIS initiated the process for a Federal Court to approve the wiretap warrant on...

22 May 2007

Are Palestinians forking crazy?

My father used to tell a story... I was a toddler and he was watching me amble across the living room with a piece of stainless steel cutlery in my mitt... not realising that I was steering for an electrical outlet. He figured it out just a little too late... and despite leaping off the couch, had to settle for watching me get blown ass backwards across the dining room floor. No real damage, apart...

Maybe testing for virginity...

Shouldn't be their first priority here... Having her virginity regularly tested makes South African Nsomawethu Tshobeni feel good. "At 31 I'm very proud to be a virgin, and when I attend the test regularly it gives me self-esteem as a woman," said the nurse who works in the coastal city of Durban.A revival in the traditional practice among young Zulu women in South Africa is portrayed by supporters...

Anarchy bites aboriginal arse?

No one really seems to be saying... but is this why a man was shot in Caledonia last week? -- CALEDONIA -- A smoke shop that was the site of a shooting Thursday afternoon was set up without Six Nations band council or Confederacy approval.Is Jeffrey Henhawk -- the man who set up the smoke shop -- also the man who was shot?The council rents the land to a Six Nations farmer, but Henhawk is a...

21 May 2007

Mark Steyn for President

When it comes to cutting through the bullshit... nobody does it better..."This is what the legislative process is all about" -- and in the sense that it's a sloppily drafted bottomless pit of unintended consequences on a potentially cosmic scale whose sweeping "reforms" will inevitably require even more sweeping reforms of the reforms in a year or two's time, he's quite right.**********NOTE: Before...

At the feet of "The Master"

Dylan Avery wanted to be famous... and let's face it, playing fast and loose with the facts, like his hero Michael Moore... is one way to get an audience.He sat down and started writing a FICTIONAL SCREENPLAY about he and his buddies finding out 9/11 was a government conspiracy. Fictional. Sort of an The X-Files episode. Avery mentions this in every interview he does. Of course, part way through the...

Splash one

Precisely targeted attacks continue to pay dividends... US forces in Iraq have killed the alleged mastermind of a guerrilla attack in which five US troops died, military officials have said.Azhar al-Dulaimi was believed to be behind a raid in which guerrillas posing as US troops attacked a military base in Karbala. One US soldier was killed and four others abducted and later gunned down."We found...

Death dealing kids...

Now just part of the big city landscape... -- Toronto -- A wild shootout on the streets of Kensington Market early yesterday sprayed bullets down a residential street, tore holes through several cars and left a teenager near death."It's possible there was some kind of a gun battle that had taken place," Toronto Police Staff-Sgt. Tom Sharkey said.Gee Sarge... ya really think so? You've only...

20 May 2007

Is it really a long weekend...

Without a big chunk of hash and the all-time definitive report on UFO sightings..? The Project Blue Book Archive (PBBA) will contain all of the available documents of the Air Force investigations from the early AMC period through the end of PBB. In addition to these nearly 15,000 individual UFO reports, PBB administrative files are included, providing an overview of and insight into, PBB operatio...

For anybody who pissed away...

Their adolescence actually studying, obeying their parents and not ingesting all sorts of weird chemicals... it's not too late to get it on. You too, can go back in time... just like Mr. Peabody and Sherman.Here is your chance to be my neighbour but just remember, when I’m playing Buddy Guy at 800 watts and that sweet bass is infiltrating your home and caressing your couch laden ass you must not...

There's no whore...

Like overfed, disingenuous Michael Moore...Michael Moore has launched his latest controversial documentary in Cannes, saying he feared it would be seized by US authorities before it was seen.Sicko, in which the director attacks the US health system, has had its first screening at the French film festival. "The point was not to go to Cuba, it was to go to American soil, to Guantanamo Bay, to take the...

19 May 2007


I'm sure the families of the 7 dead and 13 horribly maimed Afghani bystanders are with you all the way. -- KABUL, Afghanistan -- A suicide attacker detonated himself next to German soldiers shopping in a crowded market in northern Afghanistan on Saturday, killing 10 people and wounding 16, officials said.Chancellor Angela Merkel reacted decisively to the deaths of the 3 German soldiers...“These...