RELATED: "Ma-ma-ma-my religion!"
"Hmm. Greater Mumbai forms one of the world's five biggest cities. It has a population of nearly 20 million. But only one Jewish center, located in a building that gives no external clue as to the bounty waiting therein."**********
"An "accidental hostage scene" that one of the "practitioners" just happened to stumble upon?"
"I must be the luckiest jihadist in town."
UPDATE: He's baaa-aaaack...
Apparently, my buddy "liberal supporter" aka "cc-nonymous" is getting a little frustrated. Earlier tonight, he bombarded me again with a dozen of his nonsensical trolls... and when I deleted them all... he decided to chuck in a little "racist provocation."
Yessiree... he's one class act.
And apparently, there's a bit of a split personality thing going on here...
He just can't help himself.