Demonstrating that famous progressive contempt for anyone who disagrees with their agenda... Liberal dream teamer Michael Ignatieff shits all over the widow of a man killed on 9/11... -- "Sideshow? I was a victim of terrorism. My husband was murdered. I don't like to be a victim of politics. The issue here is the security of Canadians," Basnicki remarked.UPDATE: Where's Iggy on Harkat?As long...
28 February 2007
Do as I say... not as I do
I saw this item on Global News the other day and wondered if it was going to be picked up by the larger mainstream media. Just something to think about, the next time the CBC tries to "warn" you about, the danger of, well... anything. -- TORONTO -- Despite Ontario's strict prohibition on smoking in the workplace, employees at the CBC's downtown Toronto headquarters are legally lighting up inside...
Dion couldn't whip cream
**********UPDATE: Steffi ready to do, uh... "something." -- just not to Paul Martin or Bill Graham. -- OTTAWA -- Liberal MP Tom Wappel will face unspecified "consequences" for breaking party ranks and voting with the minority Conservative government on an anti-terrorism law vote, Liberal leader Stephane Dion said yesterday.However, several of his colleagues, including three Liberals who also...
27 February 2007
I vote Kathy Shaidle...
For Federal Finance Minister...Seriously, there is a solution to the Indian problem: give every card carrying Canadian Indian a million dollars ca...
Al Gore... hypocritical whore
All hail the SHINING ECO-HERO..."Gore’s 20-room, eight-bathroom mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service."Much like the Gospel of St David. RELATED: Heroes sometimes fail"As for David Suzuki, no one seems to think it should be...
Kill em all...
Let Allah sort em out... -- KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN -- Taliban fighters say they have executed dozens of suspected informants, as they hunt for the spies who helped NATO target several of their leaders in recent weeks.Muslim custom requires a quick burial after death, but the Taliban told the families of the executed men to leave them hanging for up to three days, as a warning to others who might...
26 February 2007
Down boy... down!
Fresh off his " -- Nationalise the Oil Sands and piss off the West 2007 Tour -- " Liberal pit bull Mark Holland has now turned to biting his friends and neighbours... -- OTTAWA -- Two Liberal colleagues are in a dogfight over two different bills aimed at cracking down on animal cruelty.Senator John Bryden has authored a private member's bill that would dramatically stiffen penalties for those...
25 February 2007
Too many chiefs...
Not enough research.Discussions in the media and among the public are tainted by the general sentiment that "the Indians have been treated badly," as if all Indians have been treated the same, and are equally deserving, and have identical histories, and have identical legal claims.h/t to -- SDA --UPDATE: Unhappy AnniversaryStep aside McShifty... let's have some leadership...“There's a tool (Mr. McGuinty)...
So, even two thirds of...

The commie-pinko rabble at CTV, believe it or not... are in agreement with Stephen Harper on the terrorist threat...I'm thinkin', the way things are goin'... if I saw Stephane Dion on the street today and he said, "Good morning" to me... I'd turn around real quick and head for my tornado shelter.RELATED:...
Rolling the bones...
I guess you gotta have faith. -- If you took the entire population of Jerusalem at the time," says Dr. Taber, "and put it in a stadium, and asked everyone named Jesus to stand up, you'd have about 2,700 men. Then you'd ask only those with a father named Joseph and a mother named Mary to remain standing. And then those with a brother named Yose and a brother named James. Statistically, you end up...
24 February 2007
Bob Rae only swings one way
C'mon guys, he got naked with Rick Mercer... that should count for something.With Bill Graham's recently announced resignation, the parliamentary seat in Rosedale is apparently up for grabs... but not just for any candidate.Who you nuzzle at night is apparently an important job qualification... to gay United Church minister Rob Oliphant anyway."I've been a Liberal all my life. Bob Rae has been a Liberal...
23 February 2007
Safety Break!
Nobody works... nobody gets hurt.Veteran cartoonist Robert Weber had sketched two children chatting at a bus stop with the caption, “My parents named me Zbigniew because they were drunk.”Let's see whether the Poles break out the guns and molotov cocktails.RELATED: Accommodation OR surrender?When it comes to specific questions about faith at work, though, managers often have to improvise. IBM was...
Ahmadinejad pisses on United Nations
Again.While the Canadian Supreme Court remains determined to err on the side of individual rights and freedoms, Iran takes another path. Madman "Apocalypse Now" Ahmadinejad is so sure the Hidden Imam is just around the next corner, he's willing to battle the rest of the civilised world "to the end." -- "The Iranian people are vigilant and will defend all their rights to the end," Iranian news agency...
22 February 2007
Liberal dominated Senate...
Gives Dion a good spanking...If it wasn't for bad luck, it seems Stephane Dion would have no luck at all. -- OTTAWA -- A Senate committee says controversial provisions in the anti-terror law should be extended for three years, but it has also suggested more safeguards for civil liberties be built into the Anti-Terrorism Act.The special Senate committee says the two elements of the act dealing...
Like OHIP cards... only better

They did such a great job with those new OHIP cards... I'm sure this will work out just fine...The Ontario government plans to start issuing new "high-security" drivers' licences by the end of the year, the Star has learned.The government believes it can convince the U.S. to accept the new licences...
21 February 2007
Worth every megaton
Which megalomaniacal Islamo-Prez is willing to risk national incineration for nuclear bragging rights?"Obtaining this technology is very important for our country's development and honour. It is worth it to stop other activities for 10 years and focus only on the nuclear issue."Yes... once again it's Madman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the man who is waiting for the return of the Hidden Imam, the man who...
No room at the trough...
As Federal and Provincial Liberals sweep the Golden Sow Awards...The Canadian Taxpayers Federation offered up its dubious golden sow trophies on Parliament Hill yesterday and named Liberal Sen. Colin Kenny as its national prize-getter for leading a $150,000 fact-finding defence committee trip to Europe.Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty won a lifetime achievement award for his election vow not to raise...
David Suzuki wants his mummy
**********ECO-RAGE UPDATE: Mt Suzuki blows againAlbertans have always had the highest standard of living of any province in the country. What the hell do you need all this unlimited expansion, for God's sake, that's crazy," Suzuki told reporters Friday.**********I saw Saint David and his huge global warming campaign bus on the Rick Mercer show the other night. For the love of Gaia... somebody please...
20 February 2007
Forget about your RRSP...
Have I got a sizzling hot stock tip for you... • MEXICO CITY • Feb 20 (Reuters) • Mexico's armored-car makers predict 2007 will be a record year, their business boosted by reports of severed heads and heavily armed drug gangs murdering police.
Mexico counted more than 2,000 gangland-style killings last year, including grisly decapitations. Killings in northern and western states have continued...
The shooting is the least of it
Is there anything anyone can possibly do, to make the situation in Afghanistan more of a mess? The answer, apparently, is yes... -- In its most recent effort to clamp down on Taliban activity within its borders, Pakistan has announced that all 2.4 million Afghan refugees, most living in camps, must return home by 2009.This will take the pressure off Pakistan, in a directly inverse proportion to...
It's a problem alright.
It's not easy to know what to do, when, like so many other third world hellholes... there's a dozen villains for every decent person. -- “Unfortunately, the majority of the lower and upper houses of parliament are warlords and people with blood on their hands,” said Nafas Gul, a female senator for Farah province who voted against the resolution. “It's a betrayal of the rights of Afghans.”There...
Natural Floundering Party

There is blood in the water as Liberals begin to realise that Stephane Dion is more of a dog paddler, than a distance swimmer. In view of his less than stellar performance, even party stalwarts are looking to toss Dion the water wings. -- "The tendency must be to defer long-term efforts at party...
19 February 2007
Gazing into the crystal ball
He screwed Ontarians over with his, "it's not a tax" health care premium... how long will it take Dalton McShifty and his oh-so-green buddies, to throw up toll roads?If he goes with the flow, we could see a few a changes... -- Monday, London's controversial toll zone, in which motorists pay an £8 ($15.60) daily fee to drive, was extended westward into the upscale neighborhoods of Chelsea and Knightsbridge...
Re-inventing Shakespeare
Hope nobody's dreaming about an indefinite run on Broadway, cause I'm thinkin'... not a snowball's chance in Jedda...Britain's Royal Shakespeare Company is for the first time putting on a play in Arabic at its main theatre in William Shakespeare's birthplace, Stratford-on-Avon."What we've done is uproot the play from its Englishness and its Christian framework - and replant it in an Arab context,"...
18 February 2007
Taliban Jack craps on Canada
Yet again... -- "The tragic fact is that we lure people to come here, we give them points for their experience, and their professional credentials," Layton, speaking in front of Toronto's Union Station, said Sunday. -- Yeah Jack... we lure them, you know... like pedophiles lure unsuspecting children. Lure them... to a country where every citizen has the right to vote. To a country that doesn't...
17 February 2007
Life altering invention
This man affected the lives of hundreds of millions of people... in retrospect, perhaps not in a good way. -- Robert Adler, a US inventor best known for the creation of the couch potato's dream device, the TV remote control, has died at the age of 93.His widow Ingrid said the remote was not his favourite invention, that he rarely watched television and was "more of a reader".I wonder if, like Robert...
16 February 2007
Is Dalton letting this law die?
One of the few things the Ontario Liberals did, that I could actually support... was shutting down the use of sharia law. Now it seems Dalton is having second thoughts...A curious delay in proclaiming into law changes aimed at shutting down the use of sharia law in this province is cause for alarm for one Muslim spokesperson and an MPP demanding to know why the government is dragging its feet.Oddly,...
Quick... get Amnesty International
Here's everything you need to know about prisoner abuse in Canada... and Bloc Québécois MP Meili Faille... -- Ms. Faille stopped short of saying whether detainees had suffered ill-treatment. But she noted that the guards' habit of observing and making notes on the men's most minute movements could be perceived as abusive. -- Allegations that guards were also making silly faces at the detainees...
15 February 2007
Lloyd dismisses all charges
Just watched trained monkeys Lloyd Robertson and Bob Fife "exonerate" the Fiberals on Income Trusts on CTV's national newscast. They actually used the word "gossip", which I hadn't previously recognised as a legal term. Of course, Lloyd and Bob just read what's on the teleprompter... they're not actually allowed to think for themselves.You get a different opinion when you ask, say... a Forensic...
You want terror... I'll give you terror
I'm thinkin'... you start to make "Commie Bob" Rae look like Augusto Pinochet... all the rules have truly gone out the window. -- "For the first time in history we have a leader of the opposition who is soft on terrorism," -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper said during Question Period. -- "He is refusing to take the advice of Bob Rae, John Manley, Anne McLellan and to back the anti-terrorism...
Gearing up for the threat
So much for the bucolic image of the inoffensive, unarmed British Bobby...Armed officers will be patrolling the streets as part of a new task force set up to tackle a spate of fatal shootings in south London.It will run alongside Operation Trident, which investigates gun crime in London's Afro-Caribbean community.Exactly how long do you put up with this kind of crime before you take off the rose coloured...
Don't get sick...
If you live in Belleville, Ontario...The Belleville hospital emergency department is full and Quinte Health Care officials have asked that people seeking medical attention find alternate care such as a clinic or family doctor.Calling the situation serious, "three elective (non-urgent) surgeries have been cancelled, patients are being transferred to other QHC sites and more beds have been opened at...
Liberals accuse Harper government...
Of making partisan judicial appointments. What I found similarly interesting was another judge related matter...TORONTO — An Egyptian who has been jailed in Canada for nearly seven years on suspicion of possible links of al-Qaeda was ordered freed on bail this morning by a Federal Court judge.Mohammed Zeki Mahjoub worked on a Sudanese farm for Osama bin Laden in the mid-1990s but has faced no criminal...
Pay no attention...
To the man behind the curtain... A senior civil servant has been charged following a 14-month probe into the income trust investigation that helped turn the tide of the last federal election campaign.The RCMP began their investigation in December, 2005 following a preliminary review of allegations of Liberal-inspired insider trading in income trusts.On Nov. 23, 2005, trading of income trusts and related...
The Houdini Party
While I'm sure the Liberals are patting each other on the back today for ramming through the Y2Kyoto Bill... which, in reality, will have about as much effect on reducing global warming as sacrificing virgins to the volcano god... I was outraged to hear about a very real problem caused by the Libranos thirteen year practice of progressively filling government positions with their idealogical brethren...Records...
14 February 2007
I came, I saw, I shook...
We either deal with this or we don’t. We will vanquish or we will be vanquished. If you aren’t sure about that truth, use a Decision Tree of your own. -- h/t Alice the Ca...
The real deal
I hope the Crown Attorney who negotiated the Karla Homolka deal... dreams about it every night... especially after seeing this. -- A teenager has been jailed for at least 30 years for the murders of a woman at a christening and a student teacher.Roberto Malasi, 18, stabbed Ruth Okechukwu, 18, to death in Walworth, south-east London, in September 2005.Two weeks earlier, he shot Zainab Kalokoh, 33,...
Never mind the Great Satan...
Iran can bite itself on the ass just fine... thank you very much. -- Eleven people were killed when a car bomb ripped through a bus carrying members of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards in a sensitive south-eastern border province.An attack of this size and nature -- a bomb strike on an elite force in broad daylight in an open street -- is unprecedented in Iran.Things haven't been so Sunni lately.Technorati...
C'mon Kathy, spit it out...

Tell us how you really feel...
Blogging is supposed to be rude, anarchic and distinctly "unofficial." Hiring a "campaign blogger" is like hiring a "campaign farter" or setting up a "campaign mosh pit." Guys, I've written of Justin Trudeau that "there's never an avalanche around when you need one." I've...
There's good news and bad news
First, the good news...Winners and HomeSense customers can breathe a bit easier after a security breach was revealed last month. Company officials say Canadian banks apparently weren't affected by the problem.The bad news... well, apparently they lied...Thousands of CIBC and Bank of Montreal customers have been issued new credit cards from their banks along with warnings their old cards may have been...
13 February 2007
UNICEF nails Child Abusers

**********UPDATE: So what makes a winning country?Here's how it's done in the Netherlands..."It's almost a caricature that children are the ones that decide what happens within the family," says Mr Vangeert. "Their wishes become so strong that parents have to work very hard to give them what they want....
Bodies falling from tall buildings...
Watch for a trading panic... if Dion and the Liberal Doom-meisters ever get their hands back on the levers of power...Companies representing 40 per cent of the Toronto Stock Exchange's total market capitalization would be directly affected by a legislated system of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caps and trading, and that impact will be negative for most of them, a new report from CIBC World Markets...
And they're off...
It's only February and we have a promising contender for "Dishonourable Member of the Year."Of course, lately, nothing seems to be taking a Fiberal bounce...The latest poll shows that, on trust and competence and sleekness and teeth quality and all the usual indicators, Stephen Harper is performing way better than he did the weekend before he won the election.And Stéphane Dion is, by most measures,...
Hillary, Billary... round and round
Maybe it's just me, but when you have to invoke the memory of a disingenuous serial adulterer -- who also happens to be your husband -- to drive the vote... I'm thinkin' you're in trouble.“It helps her because we know Bill Clinton and we love Bill Clinton. We know him and his foibles. We know he loves his Dunkin’ Donuts; we know his love for burgers,” said State Representative Patricia M. McMahon,...
12 February 2007
A little off the top please...
And you thought toboggan helmet laws were going too far..."Please do the needful within two weeks and let your son report back to school with you immediately he is well," a letter to parents from the school said.Circumcision is not obligatory for admission to secondary school, but a study released in December said it reduced the risk of contracting HIV/Aids. Technorati Tags: circumcision, Kenya, surgical...
Pop goes another weasel
While the mainstream media seems determined to only cover NATO setbacks, there is continuing good news in the War on Terror. -- KABUL (Reuters) -- Several Taliban fighters were killed on Monday in an attack targeting a senior guerrilla leader closely linked to the Islamist movement's fugitive leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, the U.S.-led coalition said in a statement.There appears to have been a...
Iranian Idol
Just when you think you've figured Iran out...The key to Rajabpour’s success and why he is an unlikely modern revolutionary is that he succeeds as a pop entrepreneur by having a very good grasp of the laws and jurisprudence of the Islamic republic. He’s now working on what he thinks is the perfect rock band for Iran. “It has the usual things: drums, bass, guitars . . . but with girls!” They’re going...
This could be very bad
I'm having a little difficulty getting my head around all the possible ramifications here... -- STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- A mysterious illness is killing tens of thousands of honeybee colonies across the United States, threatening honey production, the livelihood of beekeepers and possibly crops that need bees for pollination.A recent report by the National Research Council noted that in order to bear...
11 February 2007
Little dialogue in Herouxville
I, for one, am pleased to hear that these Muslim women have stepped up in Herouxville and are willing to answer questions about their faith. -- HEROUXVILLE, Que. -- A delegation of Muslim women is visiting a Quebec town that passed a controversial code aimed at immigrants.The women were clad in traditional Muslim headscarves as they met with about 50 residents of Herouxville, where the town council...
And then the aliens...
Sorry... but if the IPCC can choose to ignore whatever science contradicts their political agenda... why would my extra-terrestrial theory be any different?And what about those crazy, whacked out Solar Physicists?Twenty years ago, climate research became politicised in favour of one particular hypothesis, which redefined the subject as the study of the effect of greenhouse gases.The best measurements...
Steffi the Safety Elephant
**********UPDATE: 14 Feb 2007 - What now, oh wise Steffi?Al-Qaeda has called for terrorist strikes against Canada's oil and natural gas facilities to "choke the U.S. economy."**********Stephane Dion and Taliban Jack know that Canada is "number one with a bullet" on the Taliban's shitlist. They know there's a pretty good chance that there will be a major terrorist incident... that will cost Canadian...
10 February 2007
Home Owner 1, Home invader 0
Forget about reality tv... let's play "Shank the Skank..."A 23-year-old man who was wanted by Toronto police on a first-degree murder warrant has been stabbed to death in Montreal during a botched home invasion.Ga-Yves Gandwimbi was fatally stabbed by a homeowner after he was involved in an early evening home robbery on Perraf St. Jan. 25, Montreal Police Const. Robert Mansueto said. Proving the old...
More stupid-ass pot stirring...
From the Globe and Mail..."PM drops puck, but won't divulge when he'll drop the writ"From the G and M comments... -- I can see the G M Sunday headline: "Harper takes a piss, but not a drop about an election -- "Then Monday: "Harper drops his car keys, but unlocks nothing about an election"Then Tuesday: "Harper takes his wife to dinner, drops his napkin. Is an election far off?"UPDATE: What about...
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