Tell us how you really feel...
Blogging is supposed to be rude, anarchic and distinctly "unofficial." Hiring a "campaign blogger" is like hiring a "campaign farter" or setting up a "campaign mosh pit."Kathy's the Jack Russell Terrier of the Blogosphere... and much like that fierce little mutt... fascinating to watch, especially when she gets hold of something soft and juicy.
Guys, I've written of Justin Trudeau that "there's never an avalanche around when you need one."
I've called Arabs "violent retards" repeatedly.
The Conservative Party of Canada would, if they thought of me at all, which they don't, dearly like me to go very far away.
Coffee and Kathy, the pause that refreshes.
RELATED: Just another Invisible Woman...

The Obama campaign is running on melanin because it can't run on track record.
Having elevated a biomolecule to the status of "political virtue", what other outcome is possible, than to provoke debate about whether it is present in sufficient purity and quantity?
The lefties are always dancing around inconvenient truths... no wonder they're always trippin' over their ballet slippers.
I'm guessin' SDA will get 30,000 hits before end of day.
Not bad for someone the leftbots have tagged as "beneath consideration."