It's the same old bunch of professional native protestors from Turtle Island... authors of such paranoid parables as, "Preparing for Invasion: A Guide to Current Threats Against the Mohawk Nation."
The Aboriginals even provide a somewhat jarring image of one of their solutions to oppression... which, to no one's surprise, is the same solution their Palestinian brothers are currently employing... albeit, against their Muslim brothers, at the moment.
Looking at the picture it's hard to imagine why the government is having such difficulty "negotiating" aboriginal land claims... I'm sure the clan mothers have some perfectly good explanation, for equipping clan kiddies with assault rifles.
So drop on in to the University of Toronto and celebrate Israeli Apartheid Week.
Just one suggestion.
You might wanna leave your Star of David at home.
ADDITIONAL INFO: Email -- Chancellor David Peterson -- or the University of Toronto -- Office of Donation Management -- to express your support for these worthy initiatives.
Technorati Tags: University of Toronto, Mohawk nation, politics of deception