A duck in the US state of Florida has survived gunshot wounds and a two-day stint in a refrigerator.Hmmmm... I'm just waiting for the local branch of the ACLU to sue the hunter for "fowl support." Still, you have to admire the tenacity of this bird.
The hunter's wife got a fright when she opened the fridge and the duck lifted its head, a local veterinarian said.
A veterinarian at the sanctuary said he thinks the duck will live, but will probably never be well enough to be released into the wild.
"This is an extremely tough duck with a lot of spirit to live," he said. "This shows how tough and adaptable wildlife are."SIDENOTE: Speaking of cute animal stories... Kate at SDA forks up an "homage to ever more liberal values."
"The love that dares not speak it's Neigh'mmm."
Technorati Tags: birdwatching, one tough duck, hunting