31 January 2007

This time it's personal

There have been times lately when I've been put off by comedian Rick Mercer. I've wondered how much of his leaning on the Conservatives has been influenced not simply by its comedic heft, but by his being gay... or because he's working for Pravda Canada, as the CBC is affectionately known around here.So it really surprised me to read his response to a columnist in the Newfoundland & Labrador...

30 January 2007

The mouths of babes

Got an email from my baby brother... he'd be good at this.A couple guys I used to work with ,, one ultra right wing, and the other polar opposite,,, (I think he's gay and he just doesn't know it) ,,,"Could you imagine what a utopian paradise we'd be living in ,, if the government actually resolved every priority they had ,, and were legitimately at "toboggan safety" on their "to-do" list,,, "That's...

Do you know someone with cancer?

I have, on more than one occasion, used the phrase "heads up their ass", regarding the Liberals marked tendency to make decisions based on optics and polls, rather than the greater good.I have also railed at the waste and stupidity of the Lib-sponsored, "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry." Interestingly enough, and forgive me if you've heard this before, the convergence of these two sentiments has a tie-in...

Maybe it's not all George Bush...

Even the comments at SDA are more thought provoking than most Liblog happy-happy...Anthropologists have long tried to close their minds to the plentiful evidence for murderous tribal warfare. When they encountered tribal wars, they pointed out that not many people seemed to get killed in any fight --- forgetting that raiding one's neighbors is often a weekly sporting event, like Monday Night Football....

The Kinsella Seal of Approval

I'm not sure how I managed to scoop E-Talk on this breaking story... but it seems that "Special K" has graciously agreed to the request of Liberal Catnip, to be the Supreme Arbiter of the "Ten Smartest Female Canadian Bloggers" extant. Mr. Kinsella was chosen, in no small part, because of his endearing...

29 January 2007

Iran has been a busy little beaver

An ongoing quest for nuclear weapons, fomenting revolution in Iraq and now, wait for it... diplomatic assassination?CAIRO, Jan. 28 — A front-page article in Egypt’s semiofficial state newspaper on Sunday accused Iranian intelligence of involvement in the 2005 killing of Egypt’s ambassador to Iraq.In 2005, in an effort by Egypt to support Iraq’s newly elected, Shiite-dominated government, Ihab Al Sharif...

And democracy wept...

Nova Scotia held a special by-election yesterday for the African-Nova Scotian seat on the South Shore regional school board. No one voted.Peter Loewen dropped by to comment on a post I made recently. Unlike a lot of the mostly anonymous "hit and run" name-callers, he made a calm, lucid, non-partisan argument... and sat back and waited for a response.He's worth the read.Political scientists have spent...

No rush to judgement here

Lately, there's been a whole lot of moaning about "Willie" Pickton not getting a fair trial. If there was a "rush to judgement" here... I sure wouldn't want see what a meticulous investigation involves...Police would eventually take 400,000 swabs from furniture pieces and from inside Mr. Pickton's buildings, Insp. Adam told court. At one point, the Pickton probe had used up the country's entire supply...

Do the Leftbot

Kathy Shaidle captures the essence of that loony leftomatic dance craze...Speaking of criticism: I'd be impressed and possibly even delighted if all the Kathy haters would at least mount actual counterarguments to my observations. Instead, they just quote me verbatim, huff and puff, toss in the word "racist" (the modern day version of "Burn the witch!") and hit "post". If that's the best you can...

Hoist by their own petard

Attack ads... you mean like "GUNS IN OUR STREETS?"Nah, looks more like a gang of inept Liberal suicide bombers to me... or maybe Steffi, Iggy and Moe. They said it... let them wear it.One ad features Mr. Ignatieff criticizing Mr. Dion on the party's environmental record during a Liberal leadership debate. “We didn't get it done,” Mr. Ignatieff says. Ken Dryden, another former leadership rival, adds:...

Good news from... uh, Iraq?

No, the 200 insurgents smoked by our guys isn't what I'm talkin' about... although that's undeniably a bonus.This is an important shift that reaches across Iraqi society...Few are aware just how important technology has become in this conflict. I'm not talking about American laser-guided weaponry and their all-seeing drones flying above Baghdad 24 hours a day. A quiet revolution has occurred since...

28 January 2007

Somebody tell me...

Which part of the Koran permits, nay, encourages... murdering children?If it's not in there... then why does this ever increasing internecine slaughter go on and on?Cementing their place firmly into history as the worlds most cowardly people, Islamic insurgents in Iraq turned their weapons on young girls....-- Baghdad -- Mortar shells rained down Sunday on a girls' secondary school in a mostly...

27 January 2007

C'mon, can't you guys take a joke?

There was an initial report out of Iran this evening, about a substantial ramping up of the country's nuclear capability...Tehran — Iran is currently installing 3,000 centrifuges, a top legislator said Saturday in an announcement underlining the country will continue to develop its nuclear program despite UN sanctions.Legislator Alaeddin Boroujerdi said the installation underway at an Iranian uranium-enrichment...

Welcome to the Alamo

Under new directions from the administration, American soldiers in Iraq are now getting "up close and personal..."The outpost sits on the fault line between Sunni and Shiite enclaves: Ghazaliya to the south, where fighters with Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia have moved in among the Sunni population, and Shula to the north, a base for Shiite militias that have been raiding this neighborhood for months.The...

Happy Anniversary Pop Quiz

What political party celebrated its one year anniversary by littering the streets with dead bodies... I mean, they ACTUALLY had... GUNS IN THEIR STREETS...? As much as it will disappoint Steffi and the Fiberals... it wasn't the Harper Conservatives. -- Fifteen people were killed in the Gaza Strip yesterday, including a two-year-old child, in the deadliest single day of fighting between rival Palestinian...

26 January 2007

Going to the front of the bus

The state of Michigan has adopted legislation banning affirmative action... That momentarily threw a wrench into the "quota system" at Wayne State University, but university officials were quick to end run the new law.Last month, the faculty adopted his policy, eliminating any mention of race, but broadening the factors the admissions office may consider. Those include being the first in the family...

I can wait a week...

If it means there really is more to this story...After a heated exchange in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales promised to release more information about the Maher Arar case.Asked when that would be, the attorney general said he was hoping to get the information next...

Something I've wanted for years

In our house, my better half has designated the upstairs bathroom as the "girls room". My young son and I are relegated to the facilities on the main floor. Now, I should say right up front, my son has come a long way from the good old days, when peeing standing up was a novel and dynamic experience......

25 January 2007

Terrorists in T.O.

It's here...The appearance of a man carrying a box and walking into a nearby intersection goes unnoticed by civilians. He heads for a police officer at a checkpoint in the centre of the roundabout, ignoring orders to stop. Pulling out sticks of explosives, he lobs them at the officer before detonating a bomb strapped to himself. They both disappear in a cloud of smoke.Welcome to Pretendahar.Technorati...

Kinsella on Pickton

Here's why you don't ever want a Liberal government again... these guys can rationalise anything.Robert Pickton cannot receive a fair trial anywhere in Canada. It is possible, in fact, that he can't receive a fair trial anywhere on the planet.Ah... Warren... he had severed heads in his freezer. Let's keep in mind here, Willie's only expression of regret so far, is that he didn't get to pencil in...

A great big steaming turd

Opposition Leader Stephane Dion stepped in it the other day, by offering to reinstate Libranos caught up in the Sponsorship Scandal... so today he's channeling Mr. Dithers... "I am not seeking to reopen that issue and there's not an application from Mr. Côté as far as I know. There is a procedure we...

24 January 2007

Deseronto developer speaks up

**********CALEDONIA UPDATE: Did Dalton cave for nothing?Land claims made by the Six Nations Confederacy near Caledonia, Ont. will not hold up in court, the federal government has said.A Department of Justice report presented to the Six Nations Confederacy earlier this week made the statement. **********Is Dalton McGuinty gonna shell out another 35 million dollars on this native protest too?A Kingston...

Who cares about the damn kids...

The homosexual express is highballin' through town, so they'd better just get outta the way...Not being a member of an organised religion since my teens, I care less about the rights of the Anglican and Catholic Churches... than what happens to the 32 percent of adoptions that are being jeopardised here. The 12 Catholic adoption agencies in England and Wales handle 32 percent of voluntary sector...

23 January 2007

Bring back the death penalty

There's an eyewitness to at least one murder... he gave it up to an undercover cop planted in his prison cell... he kept severed heads, hands and feet around, for what... to make soup? -- Defence lawyer Peter Ritchie later urged jurors to keep an open mind. He said they should not make any conclusions...

Screwing over John Q. Public...

Again...CARP study reveals politicians and bureaucrats are enjoying full coverage of drugs while failing to provide the same in public plans. -- OTTAWA, January 22, 2007 – While politicians and bureaucrats make critical decisions on which drugs to cover in public drug plans, they themselves already...

Balls... or brains?

They say courage is simply "grace under pressure." The 41-year-old professional diver from Eden, on the NSW far south coast, had gone head-first into the mouth of a 3m great white shark.As his head, left arm and torso were inside the fish, he used his free right arm to punch the shark in the eye. His thrashing caused the shark to spit him out and gave him entry to an exclusive club: those who have...

22 January 2007

Hooked on Quack

My wife is a birdwatcher, with a special affinity for ducks... and I can't resist a good "overcomes all odds" story...A duck in the US state of Florida has survived gunshot wounds and a two-day stint in a refrigerator.The hunter's wife got a fright when she opened the fridge and the duck lifted its...

Where is Stephane Dion...

On a National Sword Registry..?• Quinte Health Care emergency departments treated patients for 4 gunshot wounds and 479 wounds inflicted by "knife, sword or dagger" in the year ending March 31, 2006. • Maybe I just happen to live in the wrong part of the county, but I've yet to run into any of these swashbucklers. Nevertheless if you're almost 500 times more likely to be skewered than shot......

RCMP are the real terrorists

It is only natural that a father would want to defend his son... but Tariq Abdelhaleem is crossing over into paranoid fantasy land..."Why would he do that if he has a convertible BMW?" he asked, during an interview with The Globe at a suburban Tim Hortons. "If there is any homegrown terror, it is the RCMP," Dr. Abdelhaleem said.Abdelhaleem can't imagine where his son might have picked up any sort...

21 January 2007

A poor career choice...

If you weren't gonna be able to lay hands on half the population...LONDON — Police said Sunday that a Muslim woman officer had refused to shake hands with London's police chief during a graduation ceremony last month due to her religious beliefs, fanning a debate in Britain over the assimilation of Muslims into society.So unless she's arresting her husband or a close male relative... this woman is...

That wonderful porcelain pony

Quick, what's the the greatest medical breakthrough since 1840?Give up? Try sewers.Sewage disposal and clean water supplies, among other aspects of sanitation, were chosen over 15 key medical advances named in an international poll by the British Medical Journal (BMJ).For all you cynics out there, yelling about DNA or antibiotics, I propose an experiment... try living for a month or two without,...

20 January 2007

If you're a boring horse's ass...

You can still be a legend in your own mind. Just make shit up...Worth the read, if only to see the Globe and Mail NOT fawn over Stephane Dion.“We had a neighbour named Gaston Moisan, a biologist who was a deputy minister of natural resources. He set traps for the rabbits, to band them, and used to take me with him. He was 5-foot-7, but he was a giant for me.”A charming childhood anecdote — except,...

It isn't going to bring him back

While I understand the parents need here, to hold on to some vestige of their son's life... this still seems wrong...The lawyer of an Israeli couple who won the right to use their dead son's sperm to inseminate a woman he never met says the case is a boost for family rights.The dead man, soldier Keivin Cohen, was killed in the Gaza Strip in 2002. No mention of the legal status of the "donor uterus"...

The honesty imbalance

Got cancer? You might wanna move to Quebec.Remember Dalton McGuinty? He was the guy who wasn't going to raise your taxes. Well, except for when he did... like the OHIP "health care premium."So what has he done with his "it's not a tax" premium. He hasn't improved diagnostic medicine... that's for sure.As of Oct. 31, 408 Ontario patients had obtained PET scans through the registry and 926 patients...

19 January 2007

No wonder there's a brain drain

Turns out Iran isn't just cracking down on student protest... they're purging universities of dissident professors...The new chancellor forcibly retired 45 teachers from Tehran University. He said they were past the retirement age, although they were younger than him."It seems this is the start of a project to clean the slate - to get rid of those intellectuals who are secular opponents of the government,"...

18 January 2007

NEWSFLASH... Dion renames his dog

In lieu of actually promoting any living, breathing women in liberal political circles, Stephane Dion has instead renamed his dog Germaine Greer. -- Stéphane Dion managed not to disappoint any of his MPs today by giving 54 out of the 100 a critic assignment. So the Liberal shadow cabinet is larger than the Conservative, uh, light cabinet. -- Yet even with all those bodies to work with, Dion...

For that special someone

Here's an idea that pretty much screams, "I can't live without you."“In our society, we don’t have objects that deal with death,” he said in a telephone interview. “It’s a subject that is so ethereal and evanescent. Urns provide a reference point, allowing death to become a little less abstract.”Of course, not everyone is gonna be impressed... Ron Hast, the publisher of Mortuary Management magazine...

Better 'Club Fed' than dead

Remember Kuldip Singh Samra?You should... you've been paying for his holiday at Club Fed...A gunman who executed two innocent men in a courtroom slaying has spent almost six years in a minimum security facility dubbed Club Fed for its golf course, tennis court and organic farm, a Superior Court jury heard yesterday.Lawyer Oscar Fonseca, 51, and Bhupinder Singh Pannu, 31, both died. Amarjit Singh Tatla,...

That's some spiritual connection...

To the great mother Earth... Last May, 11 B.C. men were charged in connection with the poaching and trafficking of bald eagles after an investigation that began with the discovery of 50 dead birds in North Vancouver in 2005.Eagle parts, including feathers and talons, were sold to buyers across Canada and the United States.Or maybe these guys were just really, really hungry.However, aboriginal rights...

We have a "National Microbiology Laboratory?"

Canadian scientists are examining the 1918 H1N1 Spanish Flu... to determine what it can tell us about H5N1 Avian... -- Then, in a maximum "biosafety" facility at Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory they reconstructed a fully functioning virus, and infected macaque monkeys to see what would happen. -- It sure ain't pretty, but it's important to know what happens... -- This ability to alter...

17 January 2007

"On Ya Neez Bitch..."

Jerome Almon, the owner of Murdercap Records... says Canada just isn't playing fair... -- Mr. Almon also said that guards often appeared concerned about his music. He believes their reaction was part of a broader Canadian government desire to crack down on rap lyrics, which critics say glorify violence and misogyny. Asked whether the criticism is valid when applied to his music -- said to include...

Nato bats are hot this week

**********UPDATE: 19 Jan 2007 - Talib prisoner dimes out OmarA TOP Taliban official's claim that the movement's leader, Mullah Omar, is living in Pakistan under the protection of the ISI spy agency has threatened a new crisis in relations between Kabul and Islamabad.Of course, if you're being interrogated by Afghan Intelligence, chances are you'd confess to shooting JFK from the grassy knoll.**********It's...

16 January 2007

The Wild, Wild East

If we just stop talking about crime... it'll go away... -- Scarborough's reputation is now in the hands of Mayor David Miller. -- Toronto Councillor Norm Kelly had issued a call for city council to ask the media to sign a "protocol" in which news outlets would agree to stop identifying Scarborough as the location of crimes occurring east of Victoria Park Ave. For anyone unfamiliar with the...

15 January 2007

Are there any hot chicks in this one?

It'll be just like "Cool Hand Luke", I promise...Gotta confess... I'm having a bit of trouble gettin' past the naked part... -- Vandermaas revealed yesterday that McHale spent that night naked in his cell, refusing to wear the clothes the OPP offered him. -- This time McHale and Vandermaas hope...

A message from...

The Anonymous Friends of Dennis Kwame Oppong... Please inform us when someone in your family gets hurt or killed so we can judge and slander them... -- "You know what they say, goat dont make sheep." -- Dennis Oppong, a man who had served time for homicide in Toronto, was recently murdered himself. His friends think he got a bum rap... I don't know what goats and sheep have to do with anything......

No cutlery for you

I can't wait for Steffi and company to call for a ban -- (or at the very least, a Sharp Objects Registry) -- on knives and forks... -- Toronto -— A new study shows that injuries from guns and knives account for more than 40,000 trauma visits to Ontario emergency rooms each year. -- The study by the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Services found that knives or sharp objects account for...

No broad strata BS here

Unlike the namby-pamby politically correct yipyap we have become accustomed to in Canada, the Brits say what they mean... -- Six men planned "murderous suicide bombings" on public transport in London on 21 July 2005, a court has heard. -- The prosecution has told Woolwich Crown Court of their alleged...

14 January 2007

More Lunacy from Leftbot Central

Forced out of their own homes... by outrageous taxes... sound familiar? -- His pension does not go far. His clothes are tattered and grimy. So why does René Massé, a retired farmer of 80, have to pay wealth tax? Les rosbifs, it seems, are partly to blame for a gross injustice that could weigh in France’s looming presidential election...The "tax and spend" leftbots are at it again... but even commie-pinko...