31 August 2016

The usual suspects

Detective Dave Dickenson revealed the existence of a video which is a ‘narrative’ of the time frame in which the shooting took place.Funny how the CBC never seems to be able to come up with that information. ********** RELATED: Black Lives Matter Toronto... ...was apparently not available for comme...

CNN - the "clickbait news network

A group of astronomers says a radio telescope in Russia has detected a “strong signal” of life in a star system about 95 light-years from Earth.Except, of course, it's nothing of the sort. This is simply a way to try increase their audience. Let's ask the folks from SETI what they think...But, of course, it's been announced to the media. Reporters won't have the background to know it's not interesting....

30 August 2016

Beach Burkini Bingo

"Or look at France. Their reaction to massacres from Paris to Nice is to regulate beach attire rather than lock up treasonous imams, deport criminal Muslims en masse, and block new ones from entering."********** RELATED: Swimwear... that's the burning issue?"Many Germans are also concerned with child...

Peeping Dan, LLB

The first thing we do is hang, er... geld all the lawyers...According to his LinkedIn page, he graduated from York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School earlier this year and was the Law Journal’s managing editor from Sept. 2015-April 2016. He was also president of the Osgoode Student Animal Legal Defense Fund from May 2014-April 20...

29 August 2016

I guess Hillary & Huma both...

...like the bad boys...While his wife, Huma Abedin, travels the country campaigning for Hillary Clinton, the disgraced ex-congressman has been sexting with a busty brunette out West — and even sent her a lurid crotch shot with his toddler son in the picture.Sweet baby jebus... they're practically living...

The ever helpful CBC...

...narrows it down to a couple of hundred thousand suspects...Two young men were seen fleeing the area, northbound, towards Dundas Street East.And it's not like Toronto newspapers are any better...One woman, who asked not to be named, believes she saw the killers fleeing. “There were three of them,” she said. “I could see at least one of them had a gun in his hand.”Okay, stop right there... that's...

27 August 2016

As Canadian as Gosht Bhuna

It's not what's on your documents... it's what's in your heart...Bangladeshi authorities say a Canadian man suspected of organizing a deadly attack on a popular restaurant in Dhaka has been killed in a police raid near the capital. The country's top counter-terrorism official says officers killed three suspected militants early Saturday, including Bangladeshi-born Canadian Tamim Chowdhury.In other...

So, Kathleen Wynne would pay for...

...IVF or a new vagina... but not to remove a cancerous tumour...The long-time mayor of Trent Hills says he has been “essentially murdered by a corrupt, rigged political system” and wants the OPP “to investigate the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.”Premier Kathleen Wynne recently dumped 70 million...

26 August 2016

Let's talk Alt-Wrong

I made sure I was personally on hand in Reno to hear Hillary Clinton’s lies, wearing my Breitbart shirt. Here are the 20 worst lies in her speech, in chronological order.********** RELATED: Wait a minute...Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has received more than $20,000 in donations contributed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, a prominent member of the hate group said Monday. “For the KKK,...

That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...OTTAWA — Interception of Canadians’ private communications by the federal electronic spy agency increased 26-fold last year, for reasons authorities won’t fully explain.It's almost as if Justin doesn't trust us. ********** REMEMBER: Information is PowerThe BBC, ITV, Channel 4,...

Okay, looks like I'm going shopping

"The recipe came to us by way of Colonel Harland Sanders' nephew, Joe Ledington of Kentucky. He says he found it in a scrapbook belonging to his late Aunt Claudia, Sanders' second wife."With the oil temperature just right at 350 degrees, the chicken soaked in buttermilk and coated just once in the breading...

25 August 2016

Must've been one of those...

...high capacity AR-15 crossbows...Three people are dead and one person has been injured after someone discharged a crossbow in the Scarborough Village area. Const. David Hopkinson said it is too early to say whether the shooting was intentional or accidental.So, Constable Clouseau, what's your theory... an accidental discharge, followed by two identical mishaps? Or, maybe he loaded three arrow-thingies...

A lifetime of deceit...

...and the Clintons could be on the verge of their biggest heist yet..."Those of us who watched her rise here in Arkansas will know she's been getting away with ethical shortcuts for a long, long time and the lower she sinks, the higher she rises in the esteem of her fans - or just of those who have...

24 August 2016

Unemployed Malcontents...

...show up yet again, to shit on people in charge of investigating these events...Members of Black Lives Matter - Toronto are rallying outside the province’s Special Investigations Unit in Mississauga to protest the death of a Somali-Canadian man killed in Ottawa last month following a confrontation...

"Dave's not quantumly entangled..."

"...at this particular juncture of the space-time continuum, man..."This study aimed to explore the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide, a serotonergic hallucinogen, on semantic processing and more specifically, lexical retrieval.Perhaps, instead of medical marijuana, we should be providing weekly sheets of blotter to all those unfortunates who can't live without their medicine. Oh, wait... Calling...

What's a Zipper Truck?

I'm glad you asked...Traditionally, building tunnels is a lengthy and tedious process. Lock-Block Ltd, a construction material production company, has introduced an innovative system to make quick and durable tunnels that can be used as pedestrian passageways, wine cellars, shelters, and more.So many...

23 August 2016

Playing by Clinton Rules

Hillary learned from the master..."If fighting for women’s rights is one of Clinton’s greatest achievements, why has she retained as her closest adviser a woman who gave voice to harsh Islamist critiques of her Beijing platform?"Will anyone from the Clinton camp be answering? Let's ask the State Department?“Can...

Yeah, Skippy... you're right...

...let's just change this one to "attempted murder"...“To equate not disclosing one’s HIV status with the traditional understanding of aggravated sexual assault, we don’t think is fair.”Fair? FAIR?! Unlike... you know... infecting people with a terminal disease. ********** RELATED: The En-goobering Never mind sex... let's talk swapping spit with a rubbie..."Part of the dilemma is CPR training....

Good news... Elitist Racist Snowflake...

...has horrific white privilege resolutely checked..."Good Morning America host Amy Robach apologizes for using racial slur."Oh my gawd... what egregious crime has been perpetrated on "The Community™" today? Hmmm... a nationally broadcast TV show host being publicly shamed and pilloried... hopefully,...

22 August 2016

The Mainstream Media...

...in addition to slitting its own throat... will end up electing Trump..."Everyone they were talking to • which is themselves • agreed with them."********** RELATED: Heads will roll at Toronto Star... ...as scary Muslim article slips through... The study, titled "Lovers of the Death - Islamist Extremism in Mosques and Schools", says what worried them was not the presence of extremist literature,...

"Nothing to see here, move along"

I recall, once upon a time, Mrs Neo relating how, passing our open bathroom door she saw a toddler-ish Neophyte standing on a stool doing something surreptitious involving running water. Before she could even frame the question, he guiltily cried out... "Nothing really!" In that very same spirit...

21 August 2016

Remember, these are the folks...

...who've doubled Ontario's debt since they got in in 2003...TORONTO • Doctors on the front lines of healthcare rebelled last week, quietly but politely giving Health Minister Eric Hoskins and their own Ontario Medical Association executive the political equivalent of a colonoscopy • without sedation. In a decisive vote, physicians rejected the tentative deal hammered out between the OMA and the...

20 August 2016

19 August 2016

Showing up is half the battle

Hillary's too frail and Obama just doesn't give a sh*t...On Wednesday the Baton Rouge Advocate called on President Obama to take a break from his vacation and visit Louisiana... “The optics of Obama golfing while Louisiana residents languished in flood waters was striking."And...Democratic nominee Hillary...

Remember... Justin Trudeau...

...is way smarter than you...The professor parroted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s opinion that the issue is too complicated for a referendum, that people wouldn’t really understand what they would be voting on, and so leaving it to the politicians is the best approach.We're talking about the Justin who flunked out of two grad school programs, right? ********** RELATED: Pierre Lite's "safe spaces"...

18 August 2016

Build me a wall...

...as fast as you can...Yet much as the gun control experiment in Chicago has proven, the gun control schema in Mexico is correlating with rampant violent crime rather than a reduction in such crime. In fact, Mexico’s homicide rate is “more than five times higher” that the homicide rate in the U.S.********** RELATED:...

17 August 2016

Barry, Barry quiet

I'm from the government... I'm here to save you...It’s been more than a month since soldiers in South Sudan, a country that gets more than a billion dollars a year in U.S. assistance, singled out American aid workers for beatings and abuse amid an orgy of theft, intimidation, and gang rapes.********** RELATED: A little closer to home..."Faye accompanied Department of Human Services employees Harmony...

16 August 2016

Starring Will Smith...

...as Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis...Snowden is a white male Author: Sven B. 28 July 2016 • We know that Snowden is unfortunately Caucasian, but he could also be Black, Latino, Indian, Muslim or Gay. There is nothing in his story that prevents him from being a woman too. His story is very generic. This would also give rise to tackling aspects which are still considered to be taboo after all these...

15 August 2016

Second night of "demonstrations"...

...says CBC Radio...“Take that sh*t to the suburbs. Burn that sh*t down!” she demands. “We need our sh*t! We need our weave!” Smith’s call for rioters to stop burning down their own communities is being reported by the media as a rebuke to those behind the violence. However, in reality she is really...

14 August 2016

I blame Donald Trump...

...and the cops and the reporters and the business owners...The shooting occurred about one block northwest of the scene of a Friday evening homicide, and about four blocks west of a Saturday morning double homicide. Five people died in shooting-related homicides during a nine-hour stretch in the city...

13 August 2016

Of course, down on the Rez...

...they call that... "Tuesday"..."RCMP have arrested a 17-year-old from the Frog Lake First Nation after an altercation that involved three dogs, a sword, an ATV and a shotgun."********** RELATED: A Tale of Two ShootingsMeechance said they were attacked almost immediately upon stopping in Stanley's...

12 August 2016

What happened to being Proud & Out?

Maybe, instead of indiscriminately hooking up with complete and innumerable strangers, these "best of the best" Olympians should be thinking "proud and out the door"...“The Daily Beast should be embarrassed at this piece of homophobic trash and try swiping on some ethical journalism standards than playing games on Grindr.”Is it just me... or does dedicating the first 20 years of your life to a country...

Fear Factor

Just watching a video of Honnold climbing will trigger some degree of vertigo, heart palpitations, or nausea in most people, and that’s if they can watch them at all.I mean... just ask his mom. ********** RELATED: Check out "Beasts of Boulderi...

Hillary Clinton wants your guns...

...but watch her backpedalling to try retain all those firearms owners votes......The thing is, the evidence of her record is so overwhelming that mainstream media outlets like The Washington Post are only embarrassing themselves by denying the obvious truth.Of course, there's another truth you're never...

11 August 2016

Done and done

I'm just surprised there haven't been more of these things... and, no CBC... I don't wanna hear about his "troubled childhood"...He first caught the attention of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) in October 2014 when he was tweeting support for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria under the alias Harun Abdurahman.And here comes the Trudeaupian rationalisation..."It's shocking. Absolutely...

10 August 2016

09 August 2016

We're Number 3, we're number 3!!!!

Losing our minds over second runner up...“I feel like a superhero,” said the incandescent Jen Kish, the team captain and charter member of the core group that built this team. “What a freaking historical win for us.”Congrats on the medal, but doesn't this seem a teeny bit over the top. I mean, look at the stuff that Canadians are freaking out about. ********** RELATED: Can't fight that feelin'...

That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...OTTAWA -- The Justin Trudeau government is on pace this year to preside over the biggest-ever recorded cut to the number of federal environment scientists.********** RELATED: I'm from the government... ...I'm here to save you...The tree at the centre of a fatal accident in Trinity Bellwoods Park was flagged as a potential hazard almost two years ago, documents obtained by Metro...

08 August 2016


...explained...The CBC piles on... we're all gonna die!!! ********** RELATED: Barack Insane Obama“The president has commuted the sentences of dangerous criminals who were convicted of gun-related charges. But then, he does everything in his power to block law-abiding gun owners from purchasing firearms.” Three...

More stuff you won't see...

...on Canada's "national broadcaster"...“And that brings me to another question: Why would he ever cheat on such a wonderful woman? In fact, how could such a wonderful woman — a perfect 10, she was made out to be — how could that woman actually be the most cheated-on woman in America?Here's a hint......

A Bible Full of Cannabis

I believe Archbishop Trudeau has already given his blessing...Formed just over a year ago, Armstrong and Gordon’s congregation is essentially a small collection of followers who believe, like they do, that marijuana is holy. "We're supposed to have religious freedom," he tells the local news anchor. "We believe that this was in the Bible and that we need to do this as a sacrifice." The outdoor...

07 August 2016

Funny, how nobody ever seems to...

...accidentally visit an orphanage, or a library...Anthony was responding to questions about a TMZ report that several players thought they were walking into a spa on their day off Wednesday night, but wound up in a brothel.Hey... if it could happen to Jack Layton, it could happen to anybody, right? ********** RELATED: What's the big deal, huh? It's just sex. Yeah... it's not like it could kill......

Liberal Election Promises In... Garbage out...

Well, there's $53.8 million taxpayer dollars we'll never see again..."Aboriginal men and boys actually go missing and are murdered at a far greater rate (about three times more to be specific) than aboriginal women."Why, it's almost as if... Bev Oda ordered 3,362,500 glasses of orange juice. ********** RELATED:...

06 August 2016

The Usual Suspects

Don't be Muslim.. don't be Muslim...Two police officers have been attacked with a machete by a man shouting 'Allahu Akbar' outside a police station in Belgium.ALLAHDAMMIT!!!The cops, reportedly both female, were attacked in the city of Charleroi this afternoon.********** UPDATE: Not a LutheranThe...

05 August 2016

Professional Journalist...

...or breathless 40 year-old divorcee... you tell me...“This anecdote contains hope for us all,” exults digital magazine Slate. “The next time you see a cave, you should probably check to see if there is a hunky international statesman inside.”Not unlike former Italian Clown-in-Chief Sylvio Berlusconi...

Heads are gonna roll at CBC...

...as politically incorrect rogue quote escapes editing bay... 'Small group of people' to blame as shooting deaths more than double in Toronto, Mayor Tory says..."The incidents we are seeing here, by and large, result from the activities of a very small group of people who have issues with one another," he said. "They tend to be involved in disputes with each other, in retaliation with each other,...

04 August 2016

One man's "inappropriate" is...

...another man's Facebook page...So, what's the deal here... was Hunter Tootoo dating a German Sheppard? And I'm not the only person speculating...********** RELATED: Prime Minister "Openness & Transparency... ...caught in a blatant lie... yet not one "professional" journalist calls him on it...Prime...

Coming soon to a neighbourhood...

...near you...A 19-year-old Norwegian man of Somali descent attacked six people with a knife in central London's Russell Square at around 10.30pm last night. "The police came to the hotel and a guest was telling them what he saw. He said there was a madman running around with a knife just lunging...

The Golf Pro-in-Chief

All told, Obama has commuted 562 sentences during his presidency -- more than the past nine presidents combined, the White House said. Almost 200 of those who have benefited were serving life sentences.And I'm sure Hillary will carry on with his remarkable legac...

03 August 2016

Victimhood Inc,

"The judge set me free..."That's the end of it and I will now move on"..."I am free - that is all there is to it. I was slaughtered by the press before all the facts were known and was treated appallingly. I am not going to say anymore as me and my family have been through enough. I am free and I...

First, they came for the cartoon pictures...

...but how long before fast cars & motorcycles, skydiving, full contact sports, college debates...In addition to replacing the handgun emoji with a water gun, Apple “will also introduce new and revamped emojis that show women doing stereotypically male jobs like detective, construction worker, and...

02 August 2016

Parents place blame squarely on...

...the "Klan With a Tan"...Trenton Nace, 18, & Marquell Rentas, 17 remain jailed Tuesday on $2 million bail. The two cousins, face charges including attempted homicide. Over the weekend, Rentas' mother* issued a statement blaming the Black Lives Matter movement for "inspiring" the teens' actions. "They...

Apparently, the Intertubes are...

...finally passing through adolescence...“I think we’re seeing the death of Rule 34,” sighs Ogi Ogas, a computational neuroscientist at Harvard and the author of the first large-scale study on Internet porn. “It’s out there, if you want to find it. But it’s not easy anymore.”That's something, I suppose. ********** RELATED:...

Bros before (legally purchased) hoes

Don't hassle me babe... Religion Dude says it's totally okay.“And then, her master has relations with her because this is permissible in Islam, it’s permissible to have relations with a woman who is your slave or your wife.”Imam Ali Hammuda, Al-Manar Mosque, Cardiff, Wales. ********** RELATED: Will...