30 September 2009

The Lefty Troll-o-sphere

Even the radio waves aren't immune...Toronto council speaker Sandra Bussin is creating a minor radio-wave tempest after comments she made about conservative politician John Tory on his radio show last Friday. The caller, identified only as Sandra, said the show's co-hosts were “really messed up on statistics” they were referring to regarding the sick benefits at the centre of this past summer's protracted...

Streamlining the Justice System

As long as it doesn't involve... um, er... getting anybody in trouble...McGuinty said he couldn't comment on what might happen next... "But certainly we would want to send a message to all our mothers and sisters and daughters that we will do everything we can to protect them."Well, "everything"... short of actual prosecutio...

I guess they needed another mission...

...after they saved that big wind farm project across from the Kennedy compound... hey, wait a minute...The Hopi Nation's Tribal Council sent a message Monday to the Sierra Club and a handful of other environmental groups: Stay off the reservation.This spring, a coalition involving the Sierra Club, Grand Canyon Trust, and several Native American groups called on the Environmental Protection Agency...

29 September 2009

"The only thing I missed..."

"...about Canada was, er... Cherry Beach"...Michael Ignatieff tells us that we need to reach out to India and China, while he himself is loathe to reach out past his Toronto bunker.Ignatieff tells us that we need to create green jobs as he lectures us from a park located on an man-made island in Toronto.Oh... the IG-nominy.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:Won't increased trade with China & India create...

Yeah, c'mon CTV... let's have another...

...one of those "documentaries" about what a racist hellhole Canada has turned out to be... I dare you...Hospitals were flooded with patients on Tuesday and the death toll rose through the day after presidential guard troops opened fire on 50,000 people at the main football stadium. Some of those at the rally, upset that a military officer who seized power in a December coup might run for president...

Imagine the anguish

Vaccination is not compulsory and consent is required before it is administered to the under-16s.**********UPDATE:"A girl who died shortly after being given a cervical cancer vaccine had a 'serious underlying medical condition', an NHS Trust has said."**********UPDATE2:A girl who was vaccinated against cervical cancer died from a malignant tumour of the chest and not from a reaction to the jab, it...

Coming soon...

...to a neighbourhood near you...It was a stark reversal for Mr. Gaya – whom activists once portrayed as a wrongly accused victim of “Islamophobia” – and the latest in a series of admissions from young extremists rounded up by RCMP-led police in June, 2006.Mr. Gaya, now 21, is likely in line for a sentence nominally in the neighbourhood of 14 years – but could be paroled in a year or two. This is...

What Canadians think? The serfs?

Yeah... like I could give a crap about them... or that whatsisname... Codliver guy...“I married the right woman. That has turned out to be the most important single fact. I'm not going to die out there if people don't like me because there's someone at home who thinks I'm okay." "I can't put it more directly than that.”Yup, that's pretty, er... direct.Maybe we should send his first wife... and his...

28 September 2009

Curiouser & curiouser

The government says Suaad Hagi Mohamud gave wrong answers and contradictory information in three separate interviews with Canadian officials in Kenya last May, according to court documents filed in Federal Court. The documents were filed in response to a motion for costs by Mohamud's lawyer Raoul Boulakia.And what's up with forgetting your only child's birth date?Well... among other things...The Canadian...

Green with envy

If the consortium of TV networks doesn't include Green Party Leader Elizabeth May in the highly-publicized TV leaders' debates in the next election campaign, she says she will call on Canadians to put help reverse the move and is also threatening legal actio...

No joy in Mudville...

...Mighty Denis has struck out...Denis Coderre is expected to step down Monday as Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff's Quebec lieutenant, CTV News has learned, over a disagreement about the political comeback of one of the Quebec MP's main rivals.Coderre will hold a news conference Monday at 11 a.m. in Montreal North where it is expected that he will announce his decision, CTV's Ottawa Bureau Chief...


Your Liberal Party in action...Charest told delegates Sunday at a provincial Liberal meeting in Drummondville, Quebec that the government will be forced to curb spending and limit new initiatives.Wait a minute...Delegates gave the Charest government a blank cheque for a general hike in tariffs, from electricity and post-secondary education to a rise in the excise tax on alcohol, junk food and energy...

"Outlaw" my ass

How about "Dangerous Thug runs smack into Destiny"?Rodney Jackson was wanted for drug trafficking as well as what Wilson described as a "brutal attack on his wife."He was wanted on five arrest warrants for assault, drug trafficking and uttering threats."Sonny put his weapon down, but Rodney didn't. He said he was tired of running and was going to shoot it out."And yet somehow, the media and the aboriginal...

27 September 2009

Count Ignatieff and friends...

...ready to commence second stage of... "Operation Kick Myself in the Balls"...With polls showing the Conservatives 7 to 8 percentage points ahead of the Liberals, the Tories may want an election now, as it would be within striking distance of winning a majority of seats in Parliament.Before the Liberals decided to withdraw their support from the government, the two parties had been tied in the polls.**********FROM...

26 September 2009

Oh no... what a pity

Imagine how disappointed all the usual "Death to Israel" muppets are gonna be...Instead, Mr. Gadhafi will skip Canada altogether as he returns from his first-ever speech to the UN General Assembly last Wednesday — a rambling, disconnected 90-minute affair.The Libyan Embassy in Ottawa did not return...

Just make sure you're not...

...standing under a window at the Torstar building..."Canadians see Harper as better suited than Ignatieff to tackle the economy (33 per cent to 23 per cent), health care (23 to 16) and crime (38 to 12). The Liberal leader is more trusted by Canadians than Harper on the foreign affairs file (30 per cent to 28 per cent) but, said Shanoff, "that's not a substantive policy area that we stay up at night...

Remember when you were a kid...

...when arguments used to be settled with hot lead...Police say a man and woman were approached as they entered an apartment building by a man who exchanged words them before pulling out a pistol and shooting the man, who was sent to hospital with a gunshot wound.Investigators say Oliha was a victim in a shooting in Toronto at the beginning of September and suffered a relatively minor gunshot wound...

25 September 2009

S.S. Narcissieff hits an iceberg

My own sense is that he'll make a seriously bad candidate, due to what I'd call his narcissism. This isn't so much about adoring yourself, as being so self-absorbed that your sense of how others react to you goes missing.He told CBC Radio's Eleanor Wachtel that politics is “the most incredible adventure of all the adventures I've had in my life. … It's been unforgettable no matter how it turns out.”...

A billion here, a billion there...

...pretty soon you're talkin' serious coin...The province posted a deficit of $6.4-billion for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009, well above the $3.9-billion forecast in the budget.The new number is contained in the public accounts of Ontario, released on Friday, and raises questions about whether Mr. Duncan will have to revise his deficit forecast for this yea...


"While I’m sure all the granola eaters are gently patting themselves on the back for being so nice to the homeless for one day, let’s see how Moonbeam and Rainbow Chakra react when the urine people start camping out on their stoop for the next three years."**********RELATED: While we're on "just desserts"At the same time as Warman was a complainant, he was a defendant.At the same time as the CHRC...

Mission Accomplished

He doesn't want it to be... about his 'successes'...Until today, Mr. Miller had no sign that he would drop out of the mayoral contest. He kept up a busy round of appointments and talked up the successes of his administration when asked about possible challengers.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"As a farewell...

24 September 2009

Mayor's office, once again...

...strangley subdued... about which gun club shooter belonged to...The 22 year old was rushed to hospital in critical condition but police say the man is now expected to live.The shooting took place just after 2 a.m. on Dixington Crescent, near a basketball court located near a townhouse complex in the Islington and Dixon Avenues are...

Ask a Liberal Bigwig

-- OTTAWA -- The fierce squabble over Martin Cauchon's political comeback is symptomatic of a party that has lost sight of the most basic tenets of democracy, says a former national director of the Liberal party."We've turned into one big appointment society," Sheila Gervais told The Canadian Press. She pointed out that Ignatieff himself was not elected as leader. He was installed without a...

Coming soon...

...to a neighbourhood near you...Federal agents from Denver and New York to Pakistan are still racing to solve an Al Qaeda bomb plot, unsure whether the arrest of three suspects has put the terror gang out of business."They're still looking," a senior counterterror official told the Daily News. As to whether they have identified all the conspirators, "nobody knows the answer for sure," the official...

What's the RCMP gonna do next...

...deputise Peter Mansbridge?"What the heck a polling firm is doing with information about names, addresses and phone numbers of people who own firearms in this country so they can contact them for a poll is beyond me," said Greg Farrant of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. "It sure isn't public safety."Police say the polling was not a violation of privacy because Ekos was working as...

Mirror, mirror

"I had fun….But ooooh the irony. Everyone I talked to was like, “man, this is the most bizarre combination. I bet Michael Moore would freak out if he saw that this was happening.”….And then he showed up." "And was eating it up."(via Tim Bla...

Your money, his friends

-- LONDON, Ont. -- It's up to London hospital boards -- not the province -- to deal with millions of dollars in contracts awarded without tender, Premier Dalton McGuinty said as the London contracting scandal erupted in the Ontario legislature yesterday. A similar, but larger scandal is raging over $16 million in untendered contracts awarded by eHealth Ontario, a provincial government agency.Anybody...

23 September 2009

Sorry, folks... 19 wives notwithstanding...

...you change all the rules... so a dude can marry another dude... how could you not see this coming?**********FROM THE COMMENTS: The compassionate, intellectual left decides to rebut with some child porn..."Why not be honest? Admit that that homosexuality repulses you. Admit that you wouldn't know...

C'mon Jacko... pony up

Or is this simply more dipper propaganda run amok..."I am waiting with baited(sic) breath to see Layton 'renew' his faith in Islam.""Will he be following in the path of Cat Stevens and Cassius Clay who became Yusuf Islam and Muhammad Ali?" "Or has he already embraced the ‘Shahadah' (oath of Islam)...

MSM, for once, strangely low-key

You beat a homeless septuagenarian to death... in a cemetery... you think people might be a little more concerned...Merhawi Tekle is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of 71-year-old Donald Constantine Jackson. He appeared in court Wednesday morning and has been remanded to custody, said Detective Mike Barsky.Mr. Jackson, who police had previously identified incorrectly...

While the Democrats dither...

...Afghanistan burns.**********RELATED: Yes, Mr PresidentNo hurry... you just take your time...Seven civilians, including two young children, were killed Wednesday when their car struck a bomb in southern Kandahar province.Another roadside bombing killed five people in Farah province on Tuesday. Meanwhile, in Israel... the countdown begin...

Mayor's office strangely silent...

...on whether Toronto will be implementing a tit-for-tat program in response to Aboriginal initiative...The Elsipogtog First Nation is cracking down on crime in the eastern New Brunswick community by fingerprinting any non-aboriginal people looking to move onto the reserve.The unusual (***some might say, unconstitutional -- emphasis mine***) steps are being followed as the First Nations community...

Liberals in our streets...

...with hysteria... I'm not kidding...The poll suggests two-thirds of Canadians are still nervous about economic recovery and favour continued stimulus spending. But when they were asked which of the party leaders they would trust to manage the economy, 40.5% said Mr. Harper, against 26.8% who said Mr. Ignatieff and 10.1% who opted for Jack Layton, the NDP leader.Sorry Iggy... maybe Canadians really...

22 September 2009

Never pick a fight with an old man...

...if he's too old to fight, he'll just kill you...The hunt is on for four suspects who tried to rob a senior citizen in New Jersey. But as CBS 2 HD found out, the feisty 88-year-old fought back and stopped the thieves from taking his property."When I saw that I immediately got up like this. I ran...

Scaring our pants off... yet again

Delusional Bush Whitehouse... issues another vague yet terrifying... HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!!!**********RELATED: I'm from the McDreamy government......I'm here to save, er... knock some sense into you...When it comes to greenhouse-gas emissions, Energy Secretary Steven Chu sees Americans as unruly teenagers and the Administration as the parent that will have to teach them a few lessons.An update: Energy...

Remember when you were a kid...

...and schoolyard beefs got settled with cold steel? -- MISSISSAUGA -- One victims advocate calls it outrageous that barely three weeks into the school year, there have been three stabbings in Greater Toronto Area schools.The outcry comes after a 17-year-old male was stabbed in the arm yesterday morning in a hallway at Thomas L. Kennedy Secondary School in Mississauga, near Hurontario and Dundas...

Pop Quiz

“It's simple, it's cheap, it's indestructible,” Mr. Kahaner said. “You can fix it with a coat hanger and a piece of gum.""You can bury it for 10 years in the sand, pick it up out of the ground and it still works...

Did President McDreamy...

...just get bluffed?On Saturday Russian deputy defence minister Vladimir Popovkin said in an interview that "naturally we will scrap the measures that Russia planned to take" in response to the shield and specifically named Iskander deployment as one of them.When asked about the matter today, the chief of Russia's general staff, Nikolai Makarov, said: "There has been no such decision. It should be...

21 September 2009

C'mon now, how often...

...do you get to show someone how big your balls really are?This gave homeowner Robert E. Thompson, 91, time to jump out of bed, grab his gun, a .38-caliber revolver loaded with hollow-point bullets, and to phone the police."The funny part was I didn't have any clothes on," said Thompson, a World War...

Ignatieff -- "Recovery isn't good enough"

The Liberal Party of Canada will give you unicorns... that shit low-fat whole wheat muffins... 'cos he's a magic man.**********GLOBE & MAIL PULLS OUT THE AIRBRUSHApparently, someone at the Globe decided that they weren't giving Iggy enough props here.The headline of this web article has been changed...

"Kate Says:..."

..." -- September 21, 2009 at 6:30 am -- Mr. 'defamation for me but not for thee' Baglow should consider what wheels he may set in motion. Who knows?" "Plus, I could use a new truck."**********FROM RAPHAEL'S COMMENTS:"Being a former English major, I suppose I'm more than a little bit jealous that...

Out of sight, out of mind

Didn't the western media go just about apeshit... when the Chinese authorities "disappeared" all their Olympic vagrants? -- British Columbia -- “This comes after seven years of a lack of concern about sleeping on the streets,” said executive director David Eby.Funny how that works, hu...

20 September 2009

Prima donna political poseur...

...hides from big dogs... rains faux outrage on former kennel-mate...Michael Ignatieff turned up the heat on New Democrats Sunday, declaring they'll soon have to make a choice whether they truly believe or not in Prime Minister Stephen Harper's minority Conservative government. Looks like Jack Layton terrier isn't goin' down without a fight...“Instead of playing games, Mr. Ignatieff should look at...

19 September 2009

Fuzzy-bunny socialist Canada

Yeah, sure... let's free Omar Khadr and set him up in taxpayer funded housing AND THEN... put this guy in jail for the rest of his life.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"The late WW1 and WW2 vets must be spinning now. Anyone without a uniform in those wars would have been executed in the field...

Worth fighting for?

I wonder what Aqsa Parvez would say...In the span of about one year, the 15-year-old, named Sitara, has been yanked out of school, off a path that hinted at promise, and sold by her father for 700,000 Afghanis (about $15,000) into a marriage that, already, she has “nothing left for.”Meet the women that Michael Ignatieff and Jack Layton are willing to forget about... then tell me all about the compassionate,...

18 September 2009

Opposition catches Harper government...

...asleep at the wheel... Conservatives apparently lack crucial capability to travel through time... to prevent bad things from happening.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"The fear mongering is getting tired. We don't need the vaccine. Wash your hands folks. And keep the government away from your body...

Who says there's no death penalty...

...in Canada...A homeless man savagely beaten in a Scarborough cemetery died in hospital today after clinging to life for almost a week before dying today.The aggravated assault investigation has now become the city's latest homicide investigation.Toronto Police are hunting for the couple that ambushed...

Sure thing, Iggy...

...let's all pretend this isn't a meaningless gesture that would have pissed off most of the electorate... and got your aristocratic carcass tossed under the bus...Following today's vote, Michael Ignatieff said it felt good to vote no-confidence in the Conservative government for the first time as Leader of the Opposition.The real question is... what would you have done without the socialist/separatist...


Looks like I have a new friend... who's awfully interested in my personal life. -- IP address: -- cpe00226b8d22a1-cm00159a025956.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com.Reverse DNS authenticity: [Verified]ASN: 812ASN Name: ROGERS-CABLEIP range connectivity: 3Registrar (per ASN): ARINCountry...

Too many Chiefs...

...not enough leadership...Horrified chiefs returned many of the bags to Health Canada on Wednesday, calling them an affront toward aboriginal values that say preparing for death is akin to tempting fate.Does anybody else have a clue what that actually means?Is it "traditional values" that are driving the horrific rates of drug & alcohol abuse on aboriginal reserves? Are traditional values responsible...

17 September 2009

Canadian soldier killed

Twelve troops were wounded when the armoured vehicle in which they were riding was rocked by the bomb. Only Private Jonathan Couturier, 23, succumbed to his injuries.He will be remembered.**********RELATED: Impeccable timing, as usual -- OTTAWA -- A Liberal MP has introduced a private member's...

Count Ignatieff suddenly discovers...

...deep emotional bond with his aboriginal brothers... demands apology...The Liberal Leader accused the government of being insensitive, saying its message is simple: “We expect aboriginal Canadians to die.”So some civil servant in the Ministry of Health... likely following some protocol conjured up at a weekend conference on Disaster Planning... ships this stuff out... and suddenly we're talkin'...

And they said Billy was...

...the crazy one..."Unlike previous Democrat efforts to implement socialized medicine, if you oppose Barack Obama's form of National Socialized Democrat health care, you're a Nazi racist bastard."Of course... The most powerful man in the world is a "victim".**********RELATED: I'm sure Mrs President McDreamy......and her magic biceps will get the job done...President Obama says he will not be there...

From the guy who brought you...

..."I won't raise your taxes"... and other fairy tales..."The McGuinty government ... has an instinct to duck behind any convenient political shield it can find and is willing to put anyone's head on a stick as long as it's not their own," PC Leader Tim Hudak said.Premier Dalton McGuinty "SAID" his government has increased access to FOI by broadening it to include Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation...

16 September 2009

When you don't have anything else...

...you can always go with "hearing voices."**********RELATED: Ah, yes... the mighty MSM"How can the national news media ignore the many allegations of corruption at ACORN, which gets millions of dollars in federal funding, and allow a couple of independents with $3,000 and a bad wardrobe scoop them on the undercover story of the year...

Iggy's special place

-- “It is a Canadian forest for sure – free of Tory trolls, NDP nymphs and bad Bloquiste beasts. A veritable paradise for Liberals.” -- The smart money's on the arboretum at "Hah-vud".**********RELATED: Probation, my hairy neocon arse"The Liberals need to turn the page and start a new narrative. Might I suggest George of the Jungle...

Hooking... the victimless crime

-- OTTAWA -- The Crown is asking for 10 years for a prostitute who torched a hallway of the Radisson Hotel when a couple demanded their money back, leaving a woman with horrific injuries.Melissa White, 26, cried through her sentencing hearing for arson causing bodily harm in connection with the New Year’s Day fire.She fought tears when asked if she had anything to say. “I’m so fucking sorry,”...

Safe School Week? Seriously?

No... stop... please... yer killin' me.Gotta confess... I wet myself when I got to the part about having a board sponsored "Group Hug Day... -- TORONTO -- A fight involving knives and fists outside a high school that left three 17-year-olds injured began after a face-off between rival Asian and black youths, police said yesterday.Two stabbed students and one who was battered during a fracas Monday...

15 September 2009

Remember when Count Ignatieff...

...promised to erase the deficit without raising taxes? Well... apparently he's got another trick or two up his sleeve...Premier Dalton McGuinty says Ignatieff agreed to help Ontario implement the blended tax, which goes into effect July 1, by sending approximately $4 billion to the province.Well... that oughta brighten up every Canadian taxpayer's day. I guess worrying about actual dollars &...

A man's home...

...is his castle, er... surgical suite... -- BALTIMORE -- Baltimore police say a Johns Hopkins University medical student armed with a samurai sword killed an intruder in his garage.Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi says campus police and an off-duty city officer responding to a call for a suspicious person heard screams to call police around 1:20 a.m. Tuesday.Guglielmi says the student told...

The good news, cops say...

...is that apparently we're not dealing with anybody from Mensa......O'Keefe and Giles were garishly dressed as a stereotypical pimp and prostitute. O'Keefe was decked out in excessively snazzy flesh-peddler couture, and Giles, going by the name "Eden," wore almost nothing.The ACORN workers were not...

Back at the Dipper Shura...

...socialist heads continue to explode..."Make no mistake about it, we have no intention of giving this government a blank cheque, like Michael Ignatieff and the Liberals did."The usually loquacious NDP leader broke with precedent and took no questions after making his statement outside the Commons.Yeah sure, Jacko... because you say s...

14 September 2009

Not ready for primetime

Hon. Bob Rae: Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask the Prime Minister a very simple question. Does the government plan to launch a significant defence of the Canadian system in light of the attack that is being made on it in the United States of America? Right Hon. Stephen Harper: Mr. Speaker, we intend to let the United States make its own decisions on domestic debates.I will say that the Canadian health...