08 December 2008

Yeah right... it's uh... "logical"

So long Caspar Milquetoast... we Conservatives are gonna miss ya...
Stéphane Dion announced his departure as Liberal Leader today, paving the way for Michael Ignatieff to take over as interim chief on Wednesday.

"As the Governor General has granted a prorogation, IT IS A LOGICAL TIME for us Liberals to assess how we can best prepare our party to carry this fight forward," Mr. Dion says in his resignation letter.
Okay, Iggy... you're on deck.

And while we're at it... whatever happened to... "I'm no quitter!"?


"Rae press conference 3 pm today. Will it be 'I'm toast' or 'I will fight'?"
Hey, Bob... I've got a question... "Just how long does it take for a politician to abandon everthing he's ever believed in... and jump to another party?"
