03 December 2008

Forget about actual news...

...the Globe and Mail wants to yammer on about some old pinko's socialist pipe-dream...
NDP elder statesmen Ed Broadbent said the prospect of six cabinet seats for the New Democrats in a coalition with the Liberals is the beginning of the realization of his life's goal.

"The dream of my life is a social-democratic federal government, and this can be a very important step to that."
Funny how none of the mainstream media outlets have any time to talk about Gilles Duceppe's "dreams or aspirations."


RELATED: Speaking of diversionary tactics...
Stephane Dion, imbued with the manic energy of someone who has one last chance to avoid becoming a historical trivia question ("Name the two leaders of the Liberal Party never to become Prime Minister"), has to deal with the lies being spoken by his Separatist Coalition.

One of the most serious ones is the lie of the "Four Wise Men".