04 December 2008

"HAL... open the pod bay doors!"

Iggy was smart enough not to venture outside the airlock... but now... what's gonna happen to Spaceboy Bob?
-- OTTAWA -- Liberal resolve to bring down the Conservative government is already starting to crumble.

Within an hour of Prime Minister Stephen Harper winning a two-month reprieve, some Grit MPs were pulling back from the idea of trying to replace the Tory regime with a Liberal-NDP coalition propped up by the Bloc Quebecois.
Well... that took a little longer than most of us expected...
Toronto MP Jim Karygiannis says the coalition idea is finished and is calling on Stephane Dion to resign the Liberal leadership sooner rather than later.

Dion is scheduled to step aside as Liberal leader once a successor is chosen May 2 but many Liberals remain uneasy about the prospect of ensconcing him in the prime minister's office even temporarily.

Newfoundland MP Scott Simms says all MPs need to give their heads' a collective shake and get back in touch with what their constituents want them to do: fix the faltering economy.

Victoria MP Keith Martin says the two-month suspension of Parliament gives opposition parties a chance to open lines of communication with the government and work out a way to avert another crisis in the new year.
Baby it's cold outside.


UPDATE: Spaceboy Bob takes the plunge

This just keeps getting better & better.
