31 March 2011

Tonight's CTV Moonbat Moment

I thought I'd seen it all... but just tonight, I heard the corpse that used to be Lloyd Robertson solemnly intone... "Due to "cricket diplomacy" the fight against terror took an important step..."Which begs the question... is there absolutely any sort of Planet Pinko jibber-jabber... that these media...

30 March 2011

Remember Michael...

...if they'll do it with you... they'll do it to you... -- LONDON, Ont. -- In a move that has reignited talk of a coalition, an NDP candidate in this southern Ontario city has surprised everyone, including his own party, by withdrawing from the election race and throwing his support behind his Liberal rival.Ryan Dolby, who was running in Elgin-Middlesex-London, made the announcement in a press...


I say we let her in... but she has to wear her "I heart Hezbollah" t-shirt.**********RELATED: Because... well, just because...When asked to explain why, in his mind, Ms. May should be allowed to take part, he replied: “I think it worked out fine last time. That’s my criteria.”**********THE COMPASSIONATE...

That's some Religion of Peace...

...you've got there... -- BAGHDAD -- Gunmen wearing military uniforms over explosives belts charged into a government building in Saddam Hussein's hometown Tuesday in an attack that left 56 people dead, including 15 hostages who were shot execution-style.The five-hour standoff in Tikrit ended only when the attackers blew themselves up in one of the bloodiest days in Iraq this ye...

29 March 2011

Vote Liberal... I dare you

Finance Minister Dwight Duncan circled the wagons around education and health care in his $113.8-billion spending plan, taking a few stabs at curbing double-digit deficits that will see Ontario submerged in red ink for years to come.With 68 cents on every dollar spent on education and health care — and another $10.3 billion a year to service Ontario's massive debt — Duncan didn't have much cash to...

Bodycount 2011 -- Afghanistan...

...Canadians outraged, media goes apeshit, as 18th soldier dies... wait a minute...A man died after being shot Monday night in the Queen Street East and Kingston Road area.A police statement says at 7:21 p.m., police responded to a call for the sound of gunshots at the rear of 4 Kingston Road.Police...

Remember back... you were a kid...

..people used to kill cops without even blinking? -- Yeah... me neither. -- As a dramatic takedown of two suspected car-and-airbag thieves shattered the predawn quiet of a sleepy Markham neighbourhood almost four years ago, so did it also end with a 42-year-old York Regional Police officer dying on a suburban lawn.Detective Constable Rob Plunkett, a 22-year veteran who was part of an undercover...

You're thinking... wow, actual journalism

Of course, that was then..."The biggest strain on Clinton has been her effort, not embraced by everyone in the administration, to stave off the kind of genocide in Libya that her husband permitted to occur in Rwanda in the 1990s.""The timing of Hillary's remarks to CNN on Wednesday has raised eyebrows, coming at a critical moment in her fierce internal battle to push President Barack Obama to join...

If there is a gawd... he's sure got a weird...

...sense of humour. -- SANAA, Yemen -- Yemen's chaos deepened on Monday when people looting a munitions factory set off an accidental explosion that killed at least 78 in an area torn from government control by Islamist militants exploiting the president's rapidly dwindling power.**********FROM...

28 March 2011

Bright lights, big city...

...just another episode of CSI Toronto...An early morning shooting at an east end sports bar early Monday has claimed the life of a 38-year-old man and left 10 children fatherless.Among the crowd were the six women who have fathered children with the deceased man, whom they identified as Clifenton Ford.Homicide...

Dear CBC... you're floggin' this thing...

...harder than the Sunday night fish special at the local greasy spoon... you might wanna make sure it actually works...Or, heck... maybe I'm on their no-fly list.**********RELATED: A story you're not gonna.....see on CTV or CBC..."This Accord will expire on June 30, 2011 unless renewed."So... does...

Time for a Harper majority

"The large number of Bloc members in parliament virtually guarantees an endless series of minority governments with traitors sworn to the destruction of the country holding the balance of power. If that’s not a dysfunctional democracy I’ll eat my hat.""I don’t think we need any lessons in ethics, democracy...

Another Canadian falls

Cpl. Yannick Scherrer, from Montreal, was killed around noon Sunday by a roadside bomb during a foot patrol in the Panjwaii district southwest of Kandahar City.He is the first Canadian to to die in the Afghanistan campaign in more than three months and just the second since August 2010.He will be remembered.**********RELATED:...

27 March 2011

Way to go... Gitmo Joe

Oh, c'mon now... what's all the fuss... it's not like they waterboarded him...The incident is especially embarrassing for the administration because it comes at a time when the White House has been condemning the treatment of journalists trying to report in Libya.Just ten days ago, President Obama’s spokesman Jay Carney told reporters: ‘journalists should be protected and allowed to do their work.’The...

We saw it in Toronto... now London...

...gets a taste...Black-clad anarchists and other hardcore demonstrators have caused havoc across central London, overshadowing the more peaceful mass march which ended earlier.Ah, yes... the bright lights of Progressia... apparently it ain't all sandals, protest songs & healing crystals...Numerous shops in Oxford Street, Soho and Piccadilly were targeted as police attempting to protect property...

Stand by for breaking news... on gravity...

...holding shit down..."Mr. Gates said there were numerous intelligence reports suggesting Moammar Gadhafi's regime was taking bodies of people killed by the pro-government forces and placing them at sites attacked by U.S. planes."No surprises, here... remember "Green Helmet Guy" and "Magic Bullet Woma...

26 March 2011

And Martin Luther King wept...

FROM THE COMMENTS... At the Toronto Sun..."What about a school for Newfies? Or the Portuguese? Or the Irish? Don't these cultures have a right as well to learn about their history and culture?""Afrocentric schools - unbelievable."**********RELATED: What's the actual end result?**********THE COMPASSIONATE INTELLECTUAL LEFT REPLIES:"Me? I couldn't care less about the school. If people want it, who...

They keep saying Ignatieff's the smart one...

...but... right now... it's looking like the political equivalent of suicide by cop...As the campaign begins, the focus to a large degree is on the leaders and Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff is struggling right off the bat.His approval rating sits at 19 per cent — about the same as Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe on a national basis.That is barely half the 37 per cent approval rating garnered by both...

25 March 2011

I've always wondered... do you suppose...

...they swab the scumbag's arm with alcohol... before they hammer home the justice juice? -- Arizona Republic -- Lawyers in several states maintain that it may not have worked efficiently in recent executions, claiming that at least three men died with their eyes still partly open, suggesting they...

Bright lights, big city...

...forgive me Bill... I'd say this, uh... "young man" is plenty "engaged"...Police are urging the 16-year-old student of a Scarborough high school who fired a shot at a van Thursday to get a lawyer and surrender."This young man was identified as going outside and what we heard…a young man had a verbal altercation with people he had no inkling or history with before," Principal Bill Papaconstaninou...

I abhor Earth Hour

"Abundant, cheap electricity has been the greatest source of human liberation in the 20th century. Every material social advance in the 20th century depended on the proliferation of inexpensive and reliable electricity.""By repudiating the greatest engine of liberation it becomes an hour devoted to anti-humanism." "It encourages the sanctimonious gesture of turning off trivial appliances for a trivial...

Again... our ethical & intellectual superiors

J-school 101... bad things should only happen to the surly and unattractive...C'mon, Terry... let's get to the meat of the narrative..."We didn’t discuss things that would make us sad. Just about fun stuff. You know, being girls. Doing what girls do."Which... presumably... for most "girls"... involves...

24 March 2011

In other "Disposable Male" news

Another bonanza, ladies... a turkey baster will never criticise the way you parallel-park either..."In an accompanying article, Marco Seandel and Shahin Rafii at the Weil Cornell Medical College in New York said the work was "a crucial experimental advance along the thorny path to the clinical use of sperm grown in the la...

That scary, racist, redneck George W...

...wait a minute...Before becoming president, Mr. Obama had criticized the Bush administration for going outside traditional criminal procedures to deal with terror suspects, and for bypassing Congress in making rules to handle detainees after 9/11. He has since embraced many of the same policies while devising additional ones — to the disappointment of civil-liberties groups that championed his ...

Yes, Virginia... I remember when Ontario...

...didn't charge for healthcare or highschool education either..."In a report released Thursday, parent advocacy group People for Education found that 6 per cent of Ontario high schools charged fees for English classes, which are mandatory in every grade, and 14 per cent charged fees for science, in which one credit is required for graduation."Once upon a time... there was this fellow named Dalton......

I just don't understand...

...where people get the idea... he's an arrogant, condescending suckhole...Oh... right..."There's a blue door. There's a red door. We're going to form a Liberal government. Is that clear enough for you?" Ignatieff then abruptly ended the news conference and walked off.Yes, your highness... once again......

23 March 2011

From those same folks who brought you...

...Rwanda and Darfur...The infighting comes as a heated meeting of NATO ambassadors yesterday failed to resolve whether the 28-nation alliance should run the operation to enforce a U.N.-mandated no-fly zone, diplomats said.Yesterday a war of words erupted between the U.S. and Britain after the U.K. government claimed Muammar Gaddafi is a legitimate target for assassinati...

C'mon Giorgio... what's wrong with...

...the existing setup down at Nathan Phillips Square?**********RELATED: Politicians... what's not to trust?**********LAST WORD: The Liberal Party of Canada......all oiled up and ready to go...Forget the hunt for undecided delegates, people here want to get their hands on the sought-after "I'm Liberal"...

Don't give up hope, Ronnie...

...I'm sure Justin and Iggy are gonna be pullin' for you...A Montana lawmaker’s failed bid to have capital punishment abolished in the state has left Ronald Smith — the only Canadian on death row in the U.S. — with one less avenue to avoid execution nearly 30 years after he murdered two Americans during a drunken road trip from Alberta in 1982.Smith confessed to the crime and initially asked for the...

22 March 2011

"What is this democracy you speak of?"

Seems some Egyptians are still a little unclear on the concept...The ministry was the site of a peaceful protest Tuesday morning and afternoon, with thousands of ministry employees -- many of them police officers -- making demands, mainly for higher wages.But wait a minute, I guess there's peaceful... and there's PEACEFUL...Protesters at the building denied setting the fire, saying it originated inside.In...

"Speaking of Tomahawks..."

"...this campaign is the first time the Tomahawk Block IV or TLAM-E has been used against real targets. Both British and American ships carry this latest variant of the near-30 year-old cruise missile. The Block IV has datalinks allowing commanders to have it rerouted in-flight, take pictures of a target area and send them back to command centers and even loiter for a while over a target."(via th...

Too many Chiefs... not enough...

...obstreperous, middle-aged white guys...When MOE officers Whiting and Hutt arrived, they were confronted by an enthusiastic but peaceful crowd that blocked their entry to the premises. Hutt spoke to the Thompsons and told them that under the Environmental Protection Act he had the right to enter the property and conduct an inspection of the facility."We have the legal right to come onto this property,"...

21 March 2011

With friends like Jeremiah & Momo...

...who needs enemies? -- Tripoli, LIBYA -- "To our son, his excellency, Mr Barack Hussein Obama. I have said to you before, that even if Libya and the United States of America enter into a war, god forbid, you will always remain a son.""Your picture will not be changed."**********UPDATE: Who's that guy who famously said......flattery will get you nowhere?U.S. Army General Carter Ham said the...

Bright lights, big city...

...“Little Mogadishu” back in the news... -- TORONTO -- The slain man was found in a fourth-floor stairwell of the building, in a sometimes trouble-plagued Etobicoke highrise row west of Islington Ave. and northeast of Hwys. 401 and 427.A police source said officers are often called to the area. A Mississauga man was arrested and charged with first-degree murder last July after his ex-girlfriend,...

A Nation of Killers...

..living right under our noses...The American Bird Conservancy estimates that up to 500 million birds are killed each year by cats — about half by pets and half by feral felines.Household cats were introduced in North America by European colonists; they are regarded as an invasive species and have few natural enemies to check their numbers. “They are like gypsy moths and kudzu — they cause major ecological...

20 March 2011

The Tribe has spoken

Crush, kill destroy... just another day in the Arab Middle East...In another setback for the president, his Human Rights Minister Huda al-Ban resigned Sunday in protest at Friday's killings. She is the latest of several ministers to quit his government in recent days.But, hang on... Yemen has a Human Rights Minister? There's your real sto...

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you...Call me wacky... but I'm thinking "farm fresh" just has to be better than "month old" food factory stuff..."Check the 'Best Before' date stamped on the carton. This date is about 35 days from the packaging date."**********RELATED: Nobody works... nobody gets hurt......well,...

19 March 2011

Idiots, explosives and falling anvils, er...

...cruise missiles... ol' Muammar G learns that you have to pay to play...British submarines launched Tomahawk missiles at Libyan air defence targets, officials said, as Prime Minister David Cameron confirmed that British forces are in action over Libya.The Pentagon says U.S. and British ships and submarines...


Pro-Gaddafi forces have attacked the Libyan rebel stronghold of Benghazi and their tanks have entered the city, a BBC journalist witnessed. The rebel's leader has appealed to the international community to stop the pro-Gaddafi bombardment, but the government denies it is attacking."...OR I'LL YELL STOP AGAIN!!!"...UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the world must "speak with one voice" on Libya....

My "compassionate, intellectual" left...

...includes Helen Thomas & [insert joke here] Playboy magazine... Helen Thomas is not sorry, nor were the comments that ended her career accidental -- “I knew exactly what I was doing – I was going for broke. I had reached the point of no return. You finally get fed up … I finally wanted to speak...

QOTW -- "With Mayor Miller..."

"...still haunting that place, I’d swear an exorcism would be more appropriate..."Funny being down at the Toronto Sportsmen’s Show Friday at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre where it was moved from the CNE thanks to Miller’s ridiculous anti-gun crusade. If not letting the sport gun exhibits onto city property was designed to end the show, like a lot of stuff in the previous nightmare, it did not...

18 March 2011

"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men..."

...(not to mention the smarmy piety of social engineers)..."The renaming of the Bangs Avenue School as the Barack H. Obama School is contingent upon a cost analysis, said Myra Campbell, the city resident who pushed for the new moniker.""The resolution, approved Wednesday, calls for the new superintendent, Denise Lowe, to assess the financial impact of the name change during the upcoming school year."...

Lemme see... it only took four bloody weeks

And... oh yeah... the combined moral authority of Hillary Clinton and the Arab League... to shame him into it...Hey, Barry... whatever happened to the progressive, socialist mantra of... "If it only saves one life", huh?More to the point, what exactly does it say about the character of the presumptive...

Never mind the billion dollars...

...in hospital construction cost over-runs... what the hell is Dalton McGuinty doing cutting corners on cancer treatment? -- TORONTO -- The government’s stance to deny the drug has been a difficult position to maintain, given that British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan all fund Herceptin for smaller tumours, as do Quebec, Newfoundland and Manitoba on a case-by-case basis.The drug has turned...