30 June 2010

Obviously the Obama administration...

...likes her "flexibility"...Ms. Kagan’s responses, during a long and sometimes tense day of parrying with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, were similar to those of Supreme Court nominees past. But unlike her predecessors, Ms. Kagan wrote a 1995 article calling for judicial nominees to be more forthcoming.And speaking of flexibility... how about McDreamy himself...Three days after the explosion...

That damn nasty neocon Mike Harr...

...wait a minute...Not only did Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals place limits on civil liberties without telling anyone – but they also then washed their hands as police misrepresented and misused their new powers.The government failed to announce its new law. A simple press release could have explained what...

Playing by...

...Chicago rules...Previous witnesses in the case had testified the governor was seeking a Cabinet post in exchange for naming Obama's friend and adviser, Valerie Jarrett, to the Senate seat.Scofield testified that, in exchange for appointing Jarrett, Blagojevich wanted to be appointed secretary of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.**********RELATED: Inside the Sausage Factory...On...

29 June 2010

The next time masked Visigoths...

...start looting, burning & terrorising your neighbourhood... try calling Lisa Laflamme..."I once had my car pulled over and searched 8 times in three hours by the RCMP. We had a name for that back when I was in high school.""It was called 'Saturday night'."Anybody else tired of hearing over & over again... how we live in a police state?Is that really what sells those commercial minut...

Stop... or I'll strip!

Gives a whole new meaing to the phrase... improvised explosive devices... -- SEELEYS BAY -- De Florio has discovered that if she goes out topless, the boy's horrified grandparents rush the child into the house. She is not breaking the law, because in Canada women are allowed to be topless. "There is not a criminal charge for that ... not since 1996," said Toronto Police Const. Isabelle Cotton.Hopefully...

Giving a whole new meaning...

...to the expression... "take one for the team"...The woman even said, according to the transcript of her interview with Portland, Oregon police made public on the Internet, that her “Birkenstock Tribe” friends told her to “suck it up” and not tell anyone or the “world’s going to be destroyed from global warming.”Suck it up?Seriously?**********RELATED: Takes no questions......just a quick "in and...

28 June 2010

Paging Olivia Chow

I guess one woman's "baseless spy stories"... are another man's espionage trial... -- New York Daily News, June 28th -- Ten people have been arrested for allegedly serving as secret agents of the Russian government in the United States, the Justice Department said Monday. Eight of 10 were arrested Sunday for allegedly carrying out long-term, deep cover assignments in the United States on behalf...

Cherry-picking their Constitutional rights

Scratch a liberal... find a smarmy little hypocriteMost Court-watchers expected the decision to come out as it did, yet the dissent by the Court’s four liberals speaks volumes. How could other rights in the Bill of Rights be good against the states, but not this right? Given the quality of their argument, the conclusion that the Court’s liberals are picking and choosing their rights on political grounds...

More interminable boo-freakin-hoo

Well, lemme see... there's still Starbucks, your welfare cheque... the love & admiration of your lesbian support group...I don't remember actual hippies being such a bunch of whiners... back in the day, you just took your lumps and wore it as a badge of honour.C'mon mommy... break out the bubbl...

Walking with Kings

"So they, like, told me I should come up to the school for two days and, like, go to some dinner on the first night and then do campus activities the next day.""But I don't know. That's, like, two days of my life."So much for... "the children are our futur...

27 June 2010

I think this time around... I'm with the...

...compassionate, intellectual leftosphere... "burn, baby, burn"... -- "Given the events on Saturday in Toronto, is the nearly billion-dollar price tag for summit security any more justified?" -- And I'm just sittin' here thinking... Darwin was right..."Any city that stands aside to photograph itself...

Those damn neo-conservative thugs...

...looking to take away our.. wait a minute...Senator Joe Lieberman and other bill sponsors have refuted the charges that the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act gives the president an Internet "kill switch." The legislation would give the US Department of Homeland Security authority that...

Protests? Activism?

Seriously? Hey, Peace Moonbeam... how about you pull out your dictionary and look up the word "riot"? -- TORONTO -- With no apparent political message, the group’s members smashed windows, vandalized storefronts and burned police cars in their wake.Here's a thought... next time your boss pisses...

Two Canadian soldiers killed

Master Corporal Kristal Giesebrecht, 34, and Private Andrew Miller, 21, were attached to a unit that was on its way to deal with a mine that had been found in the doorway of a home when the vehicle they were in detonated an improvised explosive device.Master Cpl. Giesebrecht and Pte. Miller were both medical technicians attached to the 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group.They will...

26 June 2010

Yeah, what idiot spent all that money...

...on dealing with a non-existent... wait a minute...**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Sarkozy says that he can provide the same protection for one tenth of the cost."Yeah, lemme see... World War I, World War II, Vietnam... let's take strategic counsel from the "land of perpetual surrende...

"In his acceptance speech..."

"...he tried to calm the fears of the other 65.3 percent. 'No one has to be afraid of the Best Party,' he said, 'because it is the best party. If it wasn’t, it would be called the Worst Party or the Bad Party. We would never work with a party like that'.""With his party having won 6 of the City Council’s 15 seats, Mr. Gnarr needed a coalition partner, but ruled out any party whose members had not...

25 June 2010

You "question" it? Seriously?

I'm thinking even Rainman could figure this one out. -- TORONTO -- “We do question whether or not the $11.5 million represents value for money, especially since the shelter beds due to be located at Peter St. have over the past 35 months or so been accommodated elsewhere in the shelter system.”Hey Hogtowners... just one more thing to think about... you're writing out that cheque to further David...

Oh-so-enlightened Euroweenies...

...dump "My Two Dads" on their collective asses...The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that countries are not obliged to allow gay marriage, rejecting a bid by an Austrian couple to force the state to let them wed.A panel of seven judges ruled unanimously Thursday that the couple was not covered by the guarantee of the right to marry in Europe's human rights convention.I'm looking forward...

Stand by for breaking news...

...on gravity holding shit down...Adolescents who said their parents were authoritative, meaning they show high levels of both warmth and monitoring, were least prone to report heavy drinking, according to the study by Stephen Bahr, a professor in Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah's College of Family, Home and Social Sciences, and co-author John Hoffmann.Lemme see... two parent families... actually...

Bright lights, big city...

...I spit on your 15,000 extra cops...Toronto Police are on the hunt for a suspect following a double shooting at a billiards hall on the Danforth near Warden Avenue.Police are also after a man, believed to be in his 40s, who is suspected of stabbing a woman multiple times in the Lansdowne Avenue and Dupont Avenue ar...

24 June 2010

Hey, Peace Moonbeam... you think maybe...

...you could take a break from all that screaming about the sadistic cops and their deadly "sound" cannon?"Some weapons were visible to police when the looked in the car, and they eventually removed a crossbow, five arrows, a sledgehammer, a pick-axe, a chainsaw, and a baseball bat."Oh, c'mon you stormtroopers......

Unhappy with the way things are going?

Here's a thought... call up a bunch of your buddies and try blocking a four lane highway...One small caveat, though... you're not aboriginal... the local SWAT team is gonna show up... with tasers... and drop you faster than a crazy ex-girlfriend.You don't like it... tough shit. Only "special" people...

I guess it all depends on who you ask...

...an infamous, foreign, fuzzy-bunny pinko broadsheet...Or... I dunno... the people who actually live there..."Nearly half of American Adults see the government today as a threat to individual rights rather than a protector of those rights."Wake up folks... and smell the propagan...

23 June 2010

Did the Cold War ever really end?

We're so busy bending over backwards to acknowledge everybody else's cultural identities... we've started to lose sight of our own...At least five countries are surreptitiously recruiting future political prospects in universities, he said. Middle East countries are also involved.But China is the most aggressive, funding university clubs that are managed by people operating out of the embassy or consulates,...

History lesson

When a critic in Congress demanded McClellan’s firing, Lincoln asked who should replace the general. “Why, anybody,” the senator replied.“Anybody will do for you,” Lincoln said, “but not for me. I must have somebody.” **********UPDATE: It's gonna be a bloodbath......if McDreamy fires everyone who...

53 strikes... and you're out

On CTV news last night they featured Liberal MP Mark Holland screaming about how Stephen Harper's "tough on crime" agenda was "way expensive, dude"...Robert Cornish’s life of crime has been put on hold for the next decade.With 53 criminal convictions under his belt — including a current sentence of four years for a violent jewelry store robbery in Exeter three years ago — Cornish faced the music again...

22 June 2010

Federal Court decides it doesn't like...

...cut of Emperor's new suit...Judge Feldman agreed, saying in his ruling the Interior Department seemed to assume that because one rig failed, all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger.**********RELATED: Playing by Chicago RulesOn another tape just played by prosecutors,...

Hey Hans... that "diversity" thing...

...how's that working out for ya? -- "The city's police already use people posing as pensioners and gay men in an effort to catch muggers and gay-bashers." -- Geez... has anybody mentioned this to poor Helen Thomas?Meanwhile... just down the road in Stinky Cheese Land...Jacques: “Sacre bleu! You’re...

Obama... apparently not too busy...

...to declare war on Arizona..."I met with the president in the Oval Office, just the two of us," Kyl said. "Here's what the president said. The problem is, he said, if we secure the border, then you all won't have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.""In other words," Kyl continued, "they're holding it hostage. They don't want to secure the border unless and until it is combined...

21 June 2010

Irony-proof Whitehouse tweaks BP...

...do as I say..."A White House spokesman had a little fun at the expense of BP CEO Tony Hayward at the daily briefing Monday, tweaking him for taking his yacht out on the water for a race off English shores while the waters of the Gulf become ever more polluted."Not as I do..."At the same time, Burton defended the president's Saturday golf outing, which has also come in for some fire, saying, 'I...

Another Canadian falls

A Canadian soldier, on his fourth tour in Afghanistan, has been killed by an improvised explosive device in Kandahar’s volatile Panjwai district.Sergeant James Macneil, a 28-year-old from Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, had been recently promoted and honoured as the Top Master Corporal in 2 Canadian Mechanized...

A Spoonful of Bullshit

"Entitled 'strong medicine,' the 60-second television spot will run until the tax comes into effect."You have to give Dalton his due... at least he kept half a promise..."Liberal strategists clearly decided from the outset that, to minimize the HST’s negative impact on their fortunes, the best defence...

But it worked out so well...

...for Neville Chamberlain..."There was no immediate comment from the Taliban about the prisoners’ release but the militant group has repeatedly dismissed all peace overtures, saying it will continue to fight until all foreign forces have left."But hey... that's not what regular Muslims are... wait...

Wake up and smell the fission

Iran has told the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) it will not allow two of its inspectors to enter the country, state media report.The decision comes two weeks after the UN Security Council voted to impose a fourth round of sanctions on Iran.Yup... anybody who has small children can tell you exactly where this one is going.Thank goodness we don't have to rely on President McDrea...

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan...

...the backstory..."The missive — one of tens of thousands of pages of Kagan's e-mails released Friday — shows how as an aide to President Bill Clinton, Kagan's job was often to place political considerations ahead of her policy views." "Throughout her career, she has demonstrated a willingness to make legal decisions based not on the law but instead on her very liberal politics."Yeah... I'm shoc...

19 June 2010

Those damn knuckle-draggin' neocon...

...wait a minute... this was the peaceniks? -- OTTAWA -- Cops seized military-grade sniper ammo during the investigation into a trio of anarchists charged in the firebombing of a Glebe RBC branch.A cache of 50-calibre and 7.62-calibre ammunition was discovered by police along with incendiary materials.I...

Nice dress...

...shame about the brain...“I got there and they said ‘what the hell is that woman wearing? It looks like a leisure suit.’ So I figured out … they want you to go to Calgary and spend money at a western outfitter’s store. I got it now.”In 2009, she was elected best-dressed leader.If Canadian voters continue...

Well, boo-freakin'-hoo

Hang on a sec... if I get drunk and roll my car into a ditch... will the federal government spot me a new ride? -- Call me crazy... but whatever happened to personal responsibility? More to the point... why should I pay... for your roll in the hay?Of course, that's not how they see it on Planet Pinko..."Young...

18 June 2010

Maybe a couple unscripted years...

...being somebody's personal cigarette bitch at Millhaven... will teach these guys some valuable life-lessons about anarchy...Yessirree... idiots, explosives & falling anvils...Police arrested Claude Frederic Haridge, 50, on his way to work near Hunt Club Road Friday.Roger Clement, 58, was also...

Now... and I'm just spitballin' here...

...over 10 percent of your population has a terminal, sexually transmitted disease... maybe money stuff isn't your biggest issue... -- JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- Thousands of South African protesters marched on the U.S. consulate Thursday to demand the U.S. increase its AIDS funding for Africa, weeks after U.S. officials said their biggest AIDS fund would not substantially rise.Yeah... it's like nobody...

17 June 2010

Ronnie... those two "MISTAKES" you made...

...they're both still dead, right?Decades later, Mr. Gardner now says he is calmer, wiser and remorseful.Yeah... I guess 25 years in the Crowbar Motel can do that, huh? So let's have it... let's hear about what a model citizen you've turned out to be...He claims his desire is now to help young people...

The black hole of Sears

Yes folks... it's that time again. Our Sears Kenmore water heater has once again blown an element. That's three times in the 9 years we've been here.And this wouldn't be such a horrible ordeal, if you could simply drive down to Home Depot or Lowes and pick up a replacement part... but guess what... Sears uses a proprietary thread to stop that from happening.To make things worse... Sears no longer...

Your money... his friends

Ah yes... once again Dalton McSlippery's bottomless socialist teat..."The turning point in the talks came when Ontario government officials agreed to grant the exemption, according to sources close to the talks."We just keep stepping further & further away... from "one people, one law."*********RELATED: And across the pond...Ponder that last statement for a minute: a group of French people announce...

"Whatever the reason..."

"...Barack Obama gave the most depressing Oval Office speech since Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech. He didn’t just embrace defeat, he wore it on his suit as a substitute for an argyle sweater."**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"It's time for a site called 'Shitmypresidentsays'."It seems President McDreamy is even losing infamous lefty comedian Jon Stewart.Not an auspicious sign for the De...

16 June 2010

Betraying the Badge

If you can't trust a brother officer... who exactly can you trust?A Toronto Police officer is charged with stealing from a fellow cop. Const. Ganesh Balaganthan, 38, is charged with two counts of theft under $5,000, two counts of possession of property obtained by crime, careless storage of ammunition and two counts of careless storage of a prohibited weapon.Well... maybe this guy was just really...

Memo to overwhelmingly discredited...

...thoroughly disrespected Members of Parliament -- Wanna earn a huge bag-o-voter-goodwill? -- "In order to get the changes passed before Ms. Homolka becomes eligible to apply, Parliament would have to unanimously agree to keep sitting."C'mon boys & girls... time to sack up and actually serve...

Canada's very own Helen Thomas...

Meet Libby the Tank Engine.**********UPDATE: Runaway Libby shut down“No member of our caucus, whatever other title they have, is allowed to invent their own policy,” said NDP deputy leader Thomas Mulcair. “We take decisions together, parties formulate policies together, and to say that you’re personally...

15 June 2010

Scratch a Liberal... find a...

...well, you know... -- BRITISH COLUMBIA -- Premier Gordon Campbell’s chief of staff said Tuesday he could think of no good reason why Patrick Kinsella was hired as a well-paid consultant by BC Rail just four months after Mr. Kinsella co-chaired the Liberals’ successful election campaign in 2001. “I would have asked ‘why?’ because I don’t know what value he would bring to BC Rail and the optics...

Sounds like somebody couldn't wait...

...for their 72 virgins...A member of the Khadr family in Toronto has been charged with sexual offences allegedly involving a minor.Police say Abdulkareem Ahmed Khadr, 21, is charged with one count each of sexual assault and sexual exploitation.Holy Jihad... it's more than just explosives & decapitations.P.S -- Abdulkareem is the one in the wheelcha...

14 June 2010

Another culturally appropriate solution?

Sure... let's ask Aqsa Parvez...A Quebec judge has ordered a mother who allegedly stabbed her teenage daughter in the head and chest to undergo a psychological evaluation. The defence lawyer recommended the woman — a native of Afghanistan — be sent to hospital for a 30-day evaluation. Montreal police say the incident has all the hallmarks of a so-called honour crime.Hang on a second... what was...

All the money in the world

Yes... of course. Hamid Karzai would lift Afghanistan out of abject poverty & misery... the same way Robert Mugabe did for the former "breadbasket of Africa"...Because that's the way the third world usually works, right?**********RELATED: Wacky world of Hamid Karzai -- KABUL, Afghanistan --...

Remember when you were a kid...

...you had a beef with somebody... you'd settle it with cold steel? -- TORONTO -- “Words were exchanged” and one teen attacked another, Vruna said. The 17-year-old victim was rushed to hospital, where he was pronounced dead. His name wasn’t immediately released.ARTICLE UPDATED:"The victim was identified Monday as Justice Ferrigno of Toronto."**********UPPERDATE:Jonathan Cioppa, of Toronto, is...

Closing credits

So... it's been a whole week since Mrs Neo's Dad died. We're still prone to spontaneously blurting out our favourite G-Dad stories... but more often these days with a smile than a tear. The whole family traveled to Toronto and retrieved G-Dad's ashes the other day and he currently sits... once again uncomplainingly... in his favorite chair looking out on the bird feeder. Even that brings a smile...

13 June 2010

Family values?

Hastings-Prince Edward County Liberal candidate Ken Cole has apparently walked away from the party...Cole cited personal reasons in his decision to step aside. Cole, a father of two sons, said he wants to spend more time with his family."These decisions are personal," he said. "For me, family comes before country. At this time, with everything that's going on, I need to focus on my family."Well......