No tedious fact-checking required... and for what it's worth,
"professional journalists", in Toronto anyway, apparently don't cross-contaminate their uber-padded j-school cocoons by looking at each others stories.
So what earthshaking events are
transpiring in the this news cycle? There's a million stories in the naked city, right?

Lemme see... lemme see...
Oh my gawds, here's a scorcher... according to the Toronto Sun, yet another
"talented [music] producer and artist" was
brutally and inexplicably cut down in his artistic prime.
Hmm... that's weird...
I've never actually heard of Quinn Taylor... even on those those fawning CBC radio programmes that shove multiculturalism up your white-privileged patootie a nickel at a time. I wonder what will happen to Quinn's budding rap music empire...
oh, wait... here's an update from the Toronto Star...
"He was transitioning from living with his mother to living with a girlfriend..."
Transitioning, huh? That sounds way more impressive than filling a garbage bag with clothes and grabbing a bus to Rexdale.
All that said,
I've actually learned something here... apparently posting homebrew rap music videos to Youtube from your Mom's livingroom qualifies anyone and their homies to be the next
"Suge Lite." Word, bro.
Back at the Sun, the father-in-law of David Eminess, the other man killed, says that David had "
gone out for a drink" and “
some Chinese food." He was going to "bring some home for us to eat.”
The timing of the murder,
which happened way after the witching hour on a cold winters morning seems to suggest otherwise. Most of the pre-shoot reporting so far has the two dead men and a now wounded third party standing around socialising on Spadina Avenue... seemingly unconcerned about any sort of food run.
David Eminess, 26, and Quinn Taylor, 29, were out front of the New Ho King restaurant on Spadina Ave., south of College St., along with a third man when the gunfire erupted around 3:15 a.m.
It's actually way closer to breakfast than dinner time here. How long, exactly, are you gonna just sit around waiting for your hypothetical take out?
Well, if that spring roll story doesn't work for you, (
according to the CBC) the family has another one...
Christian Promesse, Eminess's brother-in-law said Eminess had gone to the area to watch a game and get a drink. He said the police told him that there was a crowd of people and a fight broke out, and that Eminess got caught in the crossfire.
Well, wait a minute, Christian... that's not what CTV & insideToronto news is saying...
"Speaking to media on Tuesday, Feb. 2, Toronto police Staff Insp. Greg McLane said it appeared the two murdered men, 26-year-old David Eminess and 29-year-old Quinn Taylor were targeted by their attacker."
Additionally, Mr Eminess is described variously by different media outlets as a student and also as someone supporting his young family with odd jobs.
Yes, it's a tragedy when anyone is cut down before their time, but instead of tugging at people's heartstrings with references to
fatherless toddlers, non-existent careers and 3am tipples... perhaps we could see a little journalism? How about a description of the shooter for starters? Oh right, this is Canada...
that's definitely off-limits.
Just colour me sceptical... Chinatown at three in the morning is not the place where anybody's dreams come true. Unless you're a junkie or a ten dollar whore you'd be way better off at home with Netflix and a cold beer. Even the cops travel in pairs in that neighbourhood. No wonder the mainstream media is going
the way of the dinosaurs.
RELATED: Toronto the not-so-good
Toronto police say a 19-year-old man suffered non-life-threatening injuries when he was shot in the eastern part of downtown Toronto on Tuesday afternoon. The man was walking somewhere in the area of Queen and Victoria streets after 3 p.m. when a vehicle drove past him at a high rate of speed and someone in the vehicle shot at him.
And there's this...
A male is dead following a violent assault in Etobicoke, a representative with Toronto Paramedic Services says. It happened in The West Mall and Rathburn Road area at around 7 p.m.
The victim is believed to be in his 20s, paramedics said. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Deputy Police Chief Peter Sloly says he wants to trim the fat to the tune of a couple hundred less line officers. Lemme know how that works out.
RELATED2: Another body dropped
On Tuesday, Behruzi was arrested alongside Mohamed Hamad Mohamed, 26, and Abad Abdi Shire, 21 — friends of Marwan.
UPDATE: Murder victim ID'd
Saed Kaylie, 17, died of stab wounds outside an apartment building located near the West Mall and Rathburn Road.
LAST WORD: J-School 101
“I misunderstood the question and therefore provided you with an incorrect answer”.
No, you just thought I was stupid.