A "16 month life sentence" is "the world pulled down over your eyes"...
Remember, folks... this guy was under a total weapons prohibition at the time of this double murder...

Christopher Husbands, the man who opened fire inside Eaton Centre’s food court has been sentenced to life in prison but he could be eligible for parole in as little as 16 months.Well, it's not like he has a history of... sweet baby jebus...
"The innocent bystanders hurt in the shooting included a 13-year-old boy who was shot in the head and survived, and a pregnant woman who was trampled in the ensuing stampede."But everybody deserves a second... what the fuck...

"Husbands was also supervising children at a City of Toronto-run facility from November 2011 to May 2012 while on $4,000 house arrest bail for the sexual assault."TIME TRAVEL WITH ME:
"Seems like incarceration (Mr Husbands is coming off a five year bit... nearly half of his total length of residency in Canada) didn't make that much of an impression on ol' Chris."Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you.