...has horrific white privilege resolutely checked...
"Good Morning America host Amy Robach apologizes for using racial slur."
Oh my gawd... what egregious crime has been perpetrated on "
The Community" today?
Hmmm... a nationally broadcast TV show host being publicly shamed and pilloried... hopefully, this isn't "
burn down a neighbourhood" bad.
what the f@ckin, f@ck?! Is this some sort of joke?"We no longer use the term "colored people", although once upon a time that was a term in use," said Deborah E. McDowell, director of the University of Virginia's Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies. "Now the preferred usage is "PEOPLE OF COLOR."
Seriously, is this really what keeps our darker-skinned brothers & sisters awake at night? And, let's be honest, is "
people of color" a phrase you're ever gonna hear in the hood?
RELATED: Meanwhile, a non-nationwide story...
AKRON, OH - A group of men chanting "Black Lives Matter" were accused of viciously beating up seven white victims in Akron early Sunday morning. The suspects started hitting them with bottles, punching and kicking the victims. One victim fell to the ground and was kicked in the head several times before losing consciousness.
Yup... very Black Lives indeed.
Now that they've got their pound of honky flesh, maybe these, er... "
people of color" could try focusing some of that outrage on the "
Chicago Shot Clock."

RELATED2: A little closer to home
Astonishing shift in editorial policy allows CBC to
publish physical description of shooter...
"A person of interest was seen leaving the scene on a bicycle. Police described him as a white man wearing a dark bicycle helmet."
Will this new guideline
apply to all future homicides... or is it a one off thing?
Curiously, not one media outlet has characterised the victim as someone who was "
always laughing" or "
turning his life around." Instead, there are numerous references to
an arrest 7 years ago and reputed "
biker" affiliations. The Toronto Star highlights a criminal conviction...
Ignagni was convicted under the Highway Traffic Act in 2005 for failing to wear a helmet at a biker funeral.
Alrighty... now that we,
the national broadcaster, have yet again boldly cherry-picked a repudiation of racial stereotypes, it's back to our nightly
roundup of puppies and unicorns.
Or maybe CBC can get Justin to take off his shirt again.