"Meanwhile on this blog NOT ONE WORD is written about the staggering over ONE BILLION spent on the G20."
"You're all fine with that, you see no need to hold our current government feet to the fire."
Nope... not true. There are any number of things that many Conservatives are really unhappy about. Go read
Small Dead Animals or
Jay Currie... or
Kathy Shaidle.
You'll get an earful.For myself, I'm way less concerned about a
one-off deal designed to show off Canada to the G20 and G8 contingents... than, say... the
12 billion dollars that we pound down the black hole of the aboriginal reservation system
every single freakin' year... to absolutely no effect, I might add.
Or the fact that the left-leaning factions in this great country are willing to piss away
2 billion taxpayer dollars pretending that
making life difficult for perfectly law-abiding farmers, duck hunters and skeet shooters... will in any way, shape or form affect inner-city urban handgun crime.
Whatever happened to
"One People, One Law?"You wanna know what really pisses me off? Warehousing
irredeemable scumbags like Clifford Olson or Paul Bernardo for the rest of their natural lives. My Conservative Party would bring back the noose.
In any case, my friend... you really think Stephen Harper was running around choosing fabrics and individual projects for this shindig? You think he personally told the various police forces how to set up security?
I think it's way more complicated than that.
Let's not forget there is a vast, securely entrenched bureaucracy in this country that pulls many of the levers that incinerate our tax dollars.
Don't even get me started on the Senate... a completely partisan payoff for political cronies of the ruling faction. You might as well call it
"Bagman U". But hey... which party is actually talking about Senate reform? I'll give you a hint...
it doesn't start with "L".
The Conservative Party, like any other political organisation, has it's own problems... but it's certainly disingenuous to equate
Jean Charest's "alleged" tampering with the judicial process to money spent on the G20 & G8 summits.
Anyway... in the interest of fairness... please
forward me the link to your blog or website and I will post it right here. Why just be an anonymous troll when you can strike a blow for the revolution?
I await your reply.
UPDATE: A reader replies... 27/09/10
Of course, not to supply the link to his blog or website... but to whinge about what a meanie (
I've toned down his actual rant) I am.
Gotta say... I should've started moderating comments years ago.
In the meantime, I leave you with the words of the
immortal sage O'Rourke...
Most government abuse of power is practiced openly, and much of it is heartily approved by The Washington Post editorial board and other such proponents of the good and the fair.
But any time the government treats one person differently than another because of the group to which that person belongs - whether it's a group of rich, special-interest tax dodgers or a group of impoverished, minority job-seekers - individual equality is lessened and freedom is diminished. 
Any time the government gives away goods and services - even if it gives them away to all people equally - individual dependence is increased and freedom is diminished.
Any time the government makes rules about people's behavior when that behavior does not occasion real and provable harm to others - telling you to buckle your seat belt or forbidding you to publish pornography on the Internet - respect for the individual is reduced and freedom is diminished.