30 June 2009

Take your damn health centre...

...and shove it...
A plan to install the De dwa da dehs neye's Aboriginal Health Centre at the Kanata Iroquois Village site beginning Canada Day has hit a snag - its presence is being protested again by a native group calling itself the Mohawk Nation.

"Nothing has changed. This is Mohawk land," said spokesman Konalonqwa Johnson. "The City of Brantford is trying to take it over and rent it to a health group and they don't have any ties to us.

It's all fun and games, until somebody...

...loses a freedom...
"They denounced me as a Zionist and told me I was not welcome in the Pride Parade which was being held in my own city of Toronto, in my own country of Canada, where my ancestors have lived since 1750."

"The sponsors of Pride should think twice about having their names associated with an event that includes such groups."
(via shaidle)


"I'll have to watch it again and count how many times I said, 'This is Canada'."

RELATED: Special rules for "special" people
"Miller also defended a decision to leave it up to residents to clean up after themselves after tomorrow's Canada Day events even though city managers and private contractors were on hand to clean up after the Pride parade."

Yes, Toronto... you're number one...

...with a bullet...
"Twenty more Toronto public high schools will each get a police officer on a full-time basis when students return to class in the fall, bringing the total number of schools with officers to 50, the police chief said Monday."
Total number of schools in the Prince Edward-Hastings County district with a full-time, armed police presence?

Well... that'd be, er... none.


"You righteous right family values left hatin' bathroom blowjob freaks get your panties all in a bunch when anyone dares question the statements made by your dear leaders."
Oh boy... somebody got up on the wrong side of the futon.


29 June 2009

Waxman - Markey

Behold the twisted, disfigured freak behind the pretty mask...
Just for the gas, the cost would be “an additional $178 billion annually, or about $560 for each man, woman and child in the U.S.”

So, lessee… What kinds of manufacturing/industry uses fuel? All of ‘em. Check. Service industries? All of ‘em. Check. Financials? All of ‘em. Check. Consumer discretionary/necessities? All of ‘em. Check. Communications? Tech? Materials? All of ‘em. Check.
Oh, oh.
So what is the actual goal?

"Carbon prices will soar as U.S. refiners compete with each other and other industrial companies for a limited number of allowances ... permit prices may top $100 a ton."

Yep. A new derivatives market for market playahs to... er, play in.

Because the last derivatives market worked so well.

Well, whaddaya know... looks like...

...the law of the land trumps "empathy"...
-- WASHINGTON -- The United States Supreme Court gave President Barack Obama's high-court nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, a legal slap on Monday, overturning a controversial decision involving a group of white firefighters from Connecticut who were denied promotions based on their race.

With Sotomayor's potential high court colleagues tossing one of her most cited decisions, it's expected the case will become central in her Senate confirmation hearings upcoming next month.
Hmmm... hiring people based on merit... instead of who their parents are... what a concept.


RELATED: In other politically correct news...
Mr. Hudak was unapologetic about his campaign, which included a pledge to disband the province’s human rights tribunal, a body that has issued some perplexing decisions in recent years, including one forcing a bar owner to post signs saying “We accommodate authorized marijuana users” after he asked the man to move from the doorway while he smoked a joint.

In David Miller's socialist paradise...

...there's no such thing as a bad boy, er... girl... well... you know...
Abused women living in a YWCA facility in North Toronto say they've been forced to share showers with transsexual tenants and cope with frequent, violent behaviour from others living there. Residents in the four-storey residence and shelter for victims of domestic abuse told the Sun repeated complaints about physical assault, harassment and verbal abuse have been downplayed, if not outright ignored by the YWCA.

"One woman on the third floor was wielding a knife to other people living on the floor and it took three years to evict her," a tenant told the Sun. "They tell us we have to show compassion." YWCA staff have refused to call police following complaints of violent altercations, and told residents they have to call authorities themselves, according to women who live in the building.

Yesterday, the Sunday Sun reported that some women living in the Riverdale YWCA assisted-housing facility are using the taxpayer and United Way-subsidized building as a base for prostitution -- even bringing johns into their apartments.

Smart money says... "Buy Candles"

Lots and lots of candles.
-- TORONTO -- The Ontario government is suspending its plans to build the province's first new nuclear reactors in a generation, citing concerns about cost overruns and uncertainty surrounding the future of Crown-owned Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.

Just last year, the government said it would have two new reactors up and running by July, 2018 at its Darlington nuclear station in Clarington, a fast-growing community about 80 kilometres east of Toronto.
Okay... Yellow Pages... generators, generators...


You can't scare me...

...I've been watching Lloyd Al-Robertson...
One of the longest running and most contentious debates in Canadian broadcasting is coming to an end with the expected approval by federal regulators to allow Al Jazeera's English television network to be carried here.

Sources close to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission indicate that Al Jazeera English, the international spinoff of the Qatar-based Arabic language news network Al Jazeera, will likely be cleared for Canada this summer, possibly within weeks.

28 June 2009

"Since the Supreme Leader..."

"...has refused to heed my powerfully worded warnings, I feel I have no choice but to raise the official Iranian Disaffection Meter to ‘gingerly chagrined’."

"I take no pleasure in doing so, but I have been backed into a corner by the inaction of the Council. Let me say further that when I say ‘inaction’, I in no way mean to insinuate that Iranians are a lazy people. Nothing could be further from the truth."

"In fact, anyone who has seen the grainy-imaged bootleg videos from the Iranian street in recent days, can’t help but be impressed by the vigorous, spirited debate occurring among this decidedly non-sedentary people."

Bright lights, big city...

...sucking chest wound...
-- MISSISSAUGA, Ont. -- Peel Regional Police are investigating this city's 13th homicide of the year after a man was shot to death at a crowded party early Sunday morning.

Homicide detectives said at around 1:39 a.m., officers responded to a report of shots fired at a house party in the Malton community of Mississauga, Ont.

Investigators believe the party was "well attended" and that many of the revellers fled when the police arrived. They are appealing to those people to come forward to police.

No arrests have been made.

RELATED: It's a killer neighbourhood
Police have sealed off Monica Dr. and a park the runs behind the house in question to Brandon Gate Dr. as homicide detectives investigate the region's 13th murder of the year.

In November of 2007, David Latchana, 23, was gunned down at a home on Monica Dr. that was allegedly operating as a booze can, known as Paulette's Place.

UPDATE: Murder victim identified...
Nicarno Anthony Wright, 22, of Brampton was gunned down at a house party in Malton early this morning.

From the voluminous...

..."criminal genius" files...
-- CORNWALL –- An online forum dedicated to exposing people who allegedly have been drug informants for Cornwall police has been unearthed on the social networking site Facebook.
There's just one little glitch... apparently the hundred plus members of this little cabal... also posted their real names and profile photos. Said one commenter...
"I don't know much about selling drugs, but if I was a dealer I probably wouldn’t advertise it on Facebook. You guys are fucking geniuses. The group was probably started by the cops, if they were smart."

The group’s members openly share drug connections and anecdotes about drug deals that allegedly went wrong because of police informants.
Good grief.


27 June 2009

Congrats, Tim

"Tim Hudak has won the leadership of the Ontario Progressives, a choice that sees the party return to its small-c conservative roots."
The CBC weighs in...
Hudak has promised to scrap Ontario's Human Rights Tribunal, which both Klees and Elliott warned would tank with voters and give the ruling Liberals an easy victory in the 2011 election.

You can do...

...absolutely everything right and still pay the ultimate price...
They wanted his cellphone so they stabbed him in the heart.

And now three young men, who callously murdered a 16-year-old Grade 12 North Park Secondary School honours student in the fall of 2007 are heading to prison after a jury in Brampton found them guilty of murder yesterday.

The courtroom was full of tears and sobbing as the jury found Omari White, 19, and Jamal Johnson, 21, guilty of first-degree murder and Eric Robinson, 21, of second-degree murder.

A fourth man, Ryan Walwin-Townsend, 22, will face a separate trial for first-degree murder this fall.

RELATED: Remember Michael Oatway?
Mr. Oatway's mistake was not to cower properly before S.M. and his three friends as they effectively surrounded him in the narrow rear confines of the bus, S.M. smartly directing him, at knifepoint, to hand over his iPod.
Bright lights, big city... is it really worth your life?


It must be true...

...I saw it on TV...
"The reportage, so called, is simply an immense static flowing out of the celebrity event. Its purpose is not to supply information but to indicate, by its sheer volume and continuousness, the rank of the celebrity concerned."

RELATED: The good news is...

...somebody dodged a bullet...
"Jackson's passing is an even better thing for the Waxman-Markey 'Cap and Trade' TAX that was pushed through the House today, without anyone reading it, or any other media objectively covering it. Even Fox News started slobberin' over the sad news about Michael at 5:55 P. M., when they cut off Beck."

"Fox's Bret Baier was to follow at 6:00 P. M., with a complete expose' on the bill and how it will kill the economy, but he was also pre-empted with the media circus that followed."

26 June 2009

Yet another dark chapter...

...in the brutal, shameful history of Toronto's horrible racist police force...
A man who returned to Canada wrapped in bloody bandages after being repeatedly shot in Jamaica in May was arrested in a drugs-and-guns investigation. Not only is he facing criminal charges after he was arrested outside a Keele St. and Steeles Ave. liquor store by Toronto Police's Organized Crime Enforcement Unit, the man is appealing a deportation order to Jamaica.
Now, c'mon... just because a man shows up at our border dripping blood from a gunbattle... does that make him a criminal?

No... but this sure does...
Police from Toronto and Waterloo executed five search warrants, including at restaurants on Jane St. and Wilson Ave. With help from Waterloo investigators, police seized 510 grams of heroin, 113 grams of cocaine, a pound of marijuana, $30,000 cash and three vehicles.

A police source said the suspect, a landed immigrant, is well known to police. Known on the streets as Skellion and Tall Man, the man has been in Canada since he was 13 and his arrest, the source said, will have "a significant impact in the criminal community."

RELATED: Racist "Red Star" wants in...
In April 2004, Moulton – also known as Tall Man – was charged with two counts of attempted murder in connection to a double shooting. He was acquitted.

In 1999, he was convicted of attempted murder in the shooting of 31-year-old Fabian Graham. He was sentenced to more than a decade in prison.

The Kingston shooting was not the first time someone close to Moulton was killed. In October 2007, his girlfriend, Rachel Alleyne, was gunned down at a house party on Driftwood Ave.


...it's a bitch...
In a news release issued today, Corrections Canada says Gleason Bennett Williams died today at Dorchester Penitentiary in New Brunswick where he was serving a life sentence for second-degree murder.

RELATED: Four measly freakin' years?

You've gotta be shittin' me...
-- EDMONTON -- The last person to be sentenced in the sex slaying of a 13-year-old Edmonton girl is going to jail for four years. The 20-year-old woman will then be under supervision for another three years.

Courtepatte was lured from West Edmonton Mall in April 2005 by several “mall rats” who promised to take her to a party in the country.

25 June 2009

It's our money...

...how come we don't get to know about it...
Canada's top court is taking on another press freedom case involving the sponsorship scandal.

Ottawa is suing Groupe Polygone for $35-million, trying to recoup sponsorship money paid by the former Liberal government.

Justice Jean-Francois de Grandpre issued a gag order against the Globe last year when it reported Ottawa and Polygone were talking out of court.

A slice of Islamic jurisprudence...

...comes to Canada with the official introduction of "blood money"...
A controversial $2-million payment by gangsters to a Toronto mother paralyzed in their botched mob hit bought them silence from police and prosecutors and could soon help them get earlier parole, prison lawyers complain.

“A prison officer has made substantial efforts to obtain updated information from the police but, unfortunately, he has hit a roadblock as none of his contacts will go on record about Scarcella,” says the four-page memo written this February by a government lawyer in Ottawa.
Oh Canada.


Wednesday night CTV...

..."moonbat moment"...
Lloyd and company went to town last night about a United Nations report that says Canada is pushing vast quantities of meth and ecstasy on the rest of the unsuspecting world.

Well, that sure brought me up off the couch. Staid, boring, law-abiding Canadians are turning into compassless, violent drug lords?


Well, not exactly. Somebody at CTV, unintentionally I'm sure, let slip some actual facts.

Turns out this is all about... and I wrote this down so I'd get it exactly right... "sophisticated Asian crime groups based in B.C."
Who knew?


"Canadians are such bad people! My TV 'news' told me so!"

24 June 2009

Hope, Change and...

...Big Mother knows best...
The president characteristically denies that he is doing what he is doing -- putting the nation on a path to an outcome he considers desirable -- just as he denies any intention of running General Motors. Nevertheless, the unifying constant of his domestic policies -- their connecting thread -- is that they advance the Democrats' dependency agenda.

The party of government aims to make Americans more equal by making them equally dependent on government for more and more things.

RELATED: So Barack, that foreign policy shit...

...you're makin' it up as you go, right?
A bomb ripped through a crowded market in Baghdad's main Shia district on Wednesday, killing at least 61 people and wounding more than 100 less than a week before a deadline for U.S. combat troops to leave Iraq's urban areas.

A series of blasts this week have killed more than 160 people, as U.S. and Iraqi officials warned they expected more violence before the U.S. withdrawal from cities.

Cowardly, dishonest Canadian Cesspool decides to forge more comments under my name.

Douche-baggery... it's just a service he offers.

Britain... just one more reason

Of boots and broken stuff...
"Three barleycorns comprising 1 inch was the legal definition of the inch in many mediæval laws, both of England and Wales, from the 10th century Laws of Hywel Dda to the 1324 definition of the inch enacted by Edward II. Used in current UK shoe measurement."

Used in current UK shoe measurement? Did I just read that? Apparently the English are currently using a unit of measure from 1066 to size shoes.

Currently, as in Today. Right now. Exactly at this second, there's some UK bastard out there lining up his fucking barleycorns.

So, Anne-Marie, you're saying what?

That there's the odd vague rumour of substance & alcohol abuse within the aboriginal community?
She said there have been "rare" cases when hand sanitizer has been problematic in some communities where people have alcohol addictions.

When asked whether the concerns were raised by Health Canada officials or by leaders in the community, Ms. Robinson responded, "Both, over the years."
You know... that sounds so familiar.


C'mon folks, what's the big deal?

It's not like she can't slam out plenty more...
-- PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. -- A Saskatchewan woman who gave birth in a Wal-Mart washroom and left the newborn in a toilet has been found not guilty of abandoning the baby.

She said the baby boy was blue and not moving, so she assumed he was dead and left the store.

"Mr. Charlette said that Ms. Halkett may seek medical help in the near future, as she is currently three or four months pregnant -- once again, she did not know right away that she was expecting."

"You left one out."

"Not only is she pregnant again, she also has one more child (which she apparently didn't abandon in a supermarket toilet) and she intends to fight for the abandoned child."

In a complete repudiation...

...of everything he's ever stood for... Toronto Mayor David Miller has declared war on scum-sucking criminals...

RELATED: Somebody finally asked
"If the mayor was on heroin and finally kicked the habit, we would rejoice, not insist he continue shooting up because that's what he's always done in the past."

UPDATE: Apparently, the first act of...

...civil disobedience is deductible...
The message from the City of Toronto is clear: those who obey the rules will be punished. Those who flout the rules will be rewarded.

LAST WORD: Thank gawd for the almighty union.


The Buck Stops...

...somewhere else...
Opposition MPPs had called on the premier to sack the Toronto-area minister for failing to curtail millions of sole-sourced contracts and lavish consultant contracts at eHealth Ontario, the agency charged with making provincial health records electronic.

But Mr. McGuinty will apparently stand by Mr. Caplan, who was also responsible for the provincial lottery agency when it was overtaken by a massive insider wins scandal.

23 June 2009

Hope, Change and...

..."Hey, Rocky... wanna see me pull a rabbit outta my hat?"...
-- WASHINGTON (AP) -- White House officials phoned a blogger from a popular left-leaning Web site on Monday evening to tell him that President Barack Obama had been impressed with his online reporting about Iran. Could the writer pass along a question from an Iranian during the president's news conference on Tuesday?

Of course. The next day, The Huffington Post's Nico Pitney got a prime location in the White House Briefing Room and was the second reporter Obama picked for a question.

"Nico, I know that you — and all across the Internet — we've been seeing a lot of reports coming directly out of Iran," Obama said without trying to hide that he knew the crux of the question. "I know that there may actually be questions from people in Iran who are communicating through the Internet. Do you have a question?"

White House officials and Pitney dismissed suggestions that the question was a plant.
I'm thinkin'... maybe the honeymoon is over.


Prez McDreamy still softpedalling...

...slaughter in Iran...
Administration officials are reiterating their call for a fair and non-violent resolution of the Iranian election conflict.

We think it is very important that if this is going to be an issue for the Iranians to decide, then all the voices should be heard -- that the process should be fair and that the people should be allowed to express their opinions.
Curiously, the Obama folks are strangely silent on gunning down teenage girls.
State Department Spokesman Ian Kelly declined under questioning to say whether the administration might be reconsidering its policy of seeking dialogue with Tehran on Iran's nuclear program and other issues.

It now appears Nada was 26, not 16. However, her death is still a tragedy, and murder by the authorities.

Turtle with a 'tude

We rescued this little guy off the road near our place. We've been picking them up off the road and placing them back in the ditch... but some recent reptile carnage has changed our game plan.

There have been at least a half dozen smashed turtles in the last week or so where the road passes through the swamp, so we've decided to open the immigration floodgates to the pond out back.

Despite our benevolent intentions... he did not go quietly... a valuable characteristic in both turtles and human beings.

Welcome Mr T.


Out fishing, my friend is sitting at the bow with a couple of pike on a chain stringer. Suddenly the chain starts to rattle so he proceeds to pull it up to see what's happening.

I then hear this girl-like scream coming from him and look up to see a snapper about the size of a grade school desk top latched on to one of the pike.

Police are working on the theory...

...that most of the 400 passengers were in the boat's washroom... at the time of the incident...
Two men are dead, two were in custody yesterday -- and police want to question many more. Toronto's 24th and 25th homicide victims of the year had spent the night on the Enterprise 2000 party boat before meeting their fate early Sunday morning.

Despite the small number of witnesses who came forward, investigators were certain yesterday that Andy James, 26, and Brandon Ramdeen, 27, were knifed in a Cherry St. parking lot after the boat docked because of an argument that started during the cruise.
That must have been some "argument", huh? I betcha something like that calls for a good, er... "scuffle."
James and Ramdeen were involved in two separate scuffles that stemmed from the same argument on the boat, Sheppard said.

James was stabbed first. Ramdeen went over to the area where James was stabbed "to find out what happened to his friend," before he became the victim of a knife attack, Sheppard said.

You just have to ask yourself...

..."What would a Liberal do?"...
-- VANCOUVER -- The provincial government may have destroyed all cabinet e-mails between 2001 and 2005, opening a huge gap in the official record despite a law that electronic files must be kept for at least seven years, the Supreme Court of British Columbia has learned.

Michael Bolton, who is defending one of three former government employees in a political corruption case stemming from the sale of BC Rail, said outside court Monday he was stunned to hear the e-mails aren't available.

“This is troubling... this potentially is a very serious matter. We never expected this,” said Mr. Bolton, who is defending Dave Basi, who was a ministerial aid in 2003 when the government sold BC Rail to CN Rail for $1-billion.
I remember back in my mainframe days... we had an inviolable 7 year rule on archiving backup tapes. Oh wait... so does British Columbia...
“The Document Disposal Act requires that electronic records be kept for seven years,” he said. “It raises incredible suspicions and someone farther up the political chain that Mr. Copley is going to have to appear in court and explain what happened.”

The government of B.C. has a detailed protocol covering both the preservation and destruction of its records.

Formal records can be destroyed, but only after the action has been approved by a public documents committee, the legislative assembly or the attorney general.

22 June 2009

Murdered teen becomes...

...'voice of the Iranian revolution'...

The grisly murder of a 16-year-old protester named Neda at a demonstration in Teheran on Saturday was captured by at least two different cameras and posted on the popular video-sharing Web site, YouTube.

The longer video, which is 40 seconds in length, has been seen by over 60,000 viewers since it was posted Saturday.

"We sit here in the safe haven that is Canada and fret over having to get off our asses and drag ourselves into a polling station to vote just because it happens to be the summer. Meanwhile, these people are dying."

"Kind of puts things in perspective, eh?"

LAST WORD: Ask a community organiser


Apparently, contrary to popular opinion...

...France hasn't surrendered... just yet.


UPDATE: Turning up the heat
France is to set up a commission to study the extent of burka-wearing in the country, after President Nicolas Sarkozy said the veils reduced dignity.

The French National Assembly has appointed 32 lawmakers on a fact-finding mission to look at ways of restricting its use.

Justice... Canadian Style

Drown Mom... score a free university education...
One of two Mississauga sisters convicted four years ago of killing their mother will be let out of prison and allowed to move to a halfway house. The woman, who cannot be identified, was granted early release so she can do university studies this fall.

The sisters were convicted in 2005 of killing their mother in 2003 by drowning her in the bathtub. The 22-year-old who was given early release was a minor at the time of the crime.

She will go to a halfway house in Barrie, Ont., and from there she will be allowed to take online courses with the University of Waterloo where she has been awarded a $2,000 scholarship.
Please tell me this story actually originated at the Onion.



In what Canadian city, and at...

...what busy intersection... can you be beaten within an inch of your life... before somebody calls the police?
A 28-year-old man remains in critical condition with head injuries suffered during a weekend fight on Yonge St.

The victim and a man argued and then fought on the city's main boulevard just north of Dundas St. around 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Toronto Police Det. Wayne Fowler said.

Investigators believe a passerby recorded the fight on a cellphone and are asking that person to call police at 416-808-5204.

No one called 911 until the fight was over, Fowler said.

Lord of the Flies

But I'll bet you dollars to donuts... "His Blondeness" will show up to take all the credit after the inevitable "settlement" is hashed out...
"I'm not going to comment on any particular issue. It’s not appropriate at this present time." The mayor insisted a negotiated settlement "not only can be reached but must be reached."

He said he has no plans to step into negotiations himself. "My role is not to be at the bargaining table; never has been, in any of these labour of negotiations. For a variety of reasons it doesn’t work."

He also refused to speculate on under what circumstances he might call for provincial mediators to arbitrate a settlement.

21 June 2009

Be still my heart

The Toronto "Red Star"... that bastion of unapologetic socialism... puts Iggy "on probation"...
One veteran Liberal communications expert said Ignatieff's basic problem was that he didn't anticipate the possibility that Harper might cooperate with him.

"Then, when he got the answer he didn't expect, he abandoned his position and – bizarrely – started redrafting his position on the fly in media interviews," the strategist said.

Farting through silk bedsheets

Maybe what Mayor Miller should be thinking about banning next... is unabashed greed...
All over North America, jobs are being slashed as companies fail or teeter on the brink. For those lucky enough to keep their jobs, many are facing pay cuts or mandatory unpaid days off. For the unemployed, finding a new job is near impossible, and most of the available jobs are part-time or contract-only.

And then there are Toronto's unionized workers, who are preparing to go on strike as early as this Monday, if the city continues to push for changes to their sick day allotment. Under the current system, employees have a whopping eighteen sick days per year.

Days that aren't used up can be used to retire early or can be cashed in at the end of their careers.
So what will a strike affect?
Household garbage, recycling, green bin and yard waste collection will be cancelled. Private garbage and recycling collection will continue in Etobicoke and at most condos and apartment buildings across city.

All scheduled meetings of Council, community councils, standing committees, advisory committees and task forces will be cancelled.

All City-run events scheduled on Nathan Phillips Square, Metro Square and other civic squares will be cancelled. All Environment Days scheduled during the labour disruption will be rescheduled.

Toronto Island ferry service will be cancelled.

Parks will be open for casual use only but all permits for parks, tennis courts, outdoor sports fields and civic squares will be cancelled.

All City community centres and fitness centres will be closed as will city pools, arenas, golf courses. wading pools and the Riverdale Farm.

All recreation programming, including camps, classes, drop-ins, clubs and city programming in community schools will be cancelled.

All child care centres directly operated by Toronto Children's Services are closed.

Five Toronto Public Library branches located in shared facilities with City services will close for the duration of the labour dispute.
Hey, it's not all bad news.

There won't be any parking tickets for the duration.

Party on, Toronto.


Unrest? Sounds more like...

...all-out war to me...
-- TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- State media reported Sunday at least 10 more deaths in post-election unrest and said authorities have arrested the daughter and four other relatives of former President Hashemi Rafsanjani, one of Iran's most powerful men.

The reports brought the official death toll for a week of unrest to at least 19. State television inside Iran said 10 were killed and 100 injured in clashes Saturday.

RELATED: Once again... he votes "present"
Yes, Mr President... what's a little unrest between friends?


20 June 2009

Toronto... another dead kid

Mayor's office reportedly working on plan to ban teenagers within city limits...
A Brampton teen is dead after a shooting last night in the city west of Toronto. Peel region police say officers found a 15-year-old boy suffering from life-threatening injuries near an elementary school just before 9 p.m.

Baden Willcocks was rushed to hospital where he died.

Homicide detectives are now investigating the circumstances around his death. They're trying to identify four young men who were last seen fleeing the scene in a gold-coloured vehicle.
Looks like i'm not the only person who gets upset about murder...Imagine that.


Yeah, folks... I know. Brampton... Toronto... they're just worlds apart.

You get it though, right?


Trish Zaremba said she saw the suspects run away from the scene. "The guy was like: 'I got him smack dab in his chest.' Like, he was proud of it and I just couldn't believe it!"

RELATED: A little stab'll do ya
Two people are in police custody following a stabbing in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Police say the incident happened outside and apartment building at Keele Street and Finch Avenue at about 12:30 a.m. on Saturday. A knife was recovered from the scene.

McSlippery Slope

The inevitable endgame of the compassionate, intellectual left...
The state should cultivate children from conception in nutrient-rich artificial wombs, care for them through college, guarantee them jobs and social security as adults, furnish pensions for their senior years and wrap things up with government nursing homes, euthanasia clinics and cremation.
(via sda)

The capricious and unknowable...

...Will of Allah...
The coach of the Iraqi national karate team has been shot dead by gunmen in the northern city of Mosul, police say. It is not known why Izzat Abdullah was attacked, although sports officials and athletes were regularly targeted at the height of the Iraqi insurgency.
I have to confess, I'm a little confused.

If nothing in this world happens that isn't "HIS" will... does this mean that Allah has a hard-on for athletes?
Four members of the previous Iraqi National Olympic Committee remain missing after they were kidnapped in July 2006. Months earlier members of the Iraqi tae-kwon-do team were seized while travelling to their training centre. Their remains were found a year later.

Others who have been killed since the invasion of Iraq include the Olympic cycling coach, national wrestling coach, a soccer federation member and a prominent volleyball player, the Associated Press news agency says.
Or, maybe... this is simply some sort of Pol Pot kinda deal?

Let's kill all the smart... or in this case, strong athletic people... and see what shakes out?

I don't get it.


RELATED: Blown to pieces... God willing
-- BAGHDAD -- A truck bomb exploded as worshippers left a Shiite mosque in northern Iraq on Saturday, killing at least 63 people and wounding nearly 200 in the deadliest bombing in nearly two months.

19 June 2009

The 6 o'clock news, hon?

"No, baby, I swear... that must'a been somebody else."
-- MONTREAL -- A commercial building housing a swingers club went up in flames Friday morning forcing the evacuation of 10 people. "They had sheets on them but they didn’t have a lot of clothes on coming down (the ladder)," said fire department spokesman Gilles Ducharme.

"I don’t know how many of them were not dressed, but there were a few of them — maybe five or six — that had only sheets on them."

"And cue the politically correct..."

"... loonies in three, two, one..."
Thousands of people are being stopped and searched by the police under their counter-­terrorism powers – simply to ­provide a racial balance in official statistics, the government's official anti-terror law watchdog has revealed.

"I can well understand the concerns of the police that they should be free from allegations of prejudice," he said.

"But it is not a good use of precious resources if they waste them on self-evidently unmerited searches."
Oh, Britannia... we're gonna miss ya.


Have Gun... Will Travel

Let's face it folks... only a total moron brings pepper spray to a gunfight....
Toronto police are set to take over safety patrols on the city's transit system — duties now the responsibility of the Toronto Transit Commission's officers. Toronto's Police Services Board voted unanimously on Thursday that the TTC's 118 special constables should come under the command of the regular police.
And this game-changer can't come soon enough...
In May, following a number of violent episodes on the TTC, 38 regular Toronto police officers were assigned to patrol the city's transit system.

The plan to have regular police patrols on public transit will be in place by the fall.

Longing for a kinder, gentler era...

...like, you know... the 12th century...
Addressing huge crowds at Tehran University, the ayatollah voiced support for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying the president's views on foreign affairs and social issues were close to his.
C'mon Crazy-Face... just cowboy up
Iran should just come out and say, "Screw you, we want the bomb... and if you mess with us, you'll have 6 dollar no-lead by next Tuesday."

RELATED: Mom... is that you?
Have you seen how many Iranian women there are on the streets protesting against the crooked re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Wonderful, isn’t it?

Do you not think that in this battle against repressive regimes and fundamentalist doctrines, women might turn out to be the Gdansk ship workers (who began the uprising against the Communist regime in Poland)?

FROM THE COMMENTS: Now that Canadian Cynic...

...has all that time on his hands, he's decided to start forging comments full-time...
'Cos that's how his cowardly, dishonest ass rolls.


As president of United States -- or, if you prefer, the Great Satan -- I have have been following with keen interest the vigorous post-election debate and vibrant political dialogue which has been taking place in your great and noble Islamic Republic of Iran over recent days.

It has been both educational and fascinating, and as a sports fan I have thrilled to the pageantry, the suspense, and the fast-paced, hard-hitting action.

18 June 2009

CTV Moonbat Moment

Apparently, it's okay to perjure yourself as long as you're a hockey legend. Guy Lafleur walks away with a slap on the wrist and Lloyd and company seem to be pleased.
In February, his son received a 15-month conditional sentence for more than 20 charges, which included assault, dangerous driving and cannabis production.
But hang on, folks... that's not the whole story. One of the charges was actually sexual assault of a minor... and that's not all. CTV seems to have played down a couple of other small details.
Mark Lafleur was first arrested last January. He faces 22 charges that include uttering death threats and sexual assault of a 17-year-old.

Mark Lafleur is also accused of kidnapping, forcible confinement, mischief, theft, possession of crack cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana, threatening to kill a Montreal bus driver, dangerous driving causing bodily harm and damaging a bus.
The best part had to be when CTV's reporter threw in a thread about Lafleuer Senior being treated too harshly.

It seems pretty obvious that Lafleur was aiding and abetting a dangerous criminal... who had himself been slapped on the wrist.
At a bail hearing that fall, Lafleur told the court that his son had not violated his curfew, nor consumed drugs or alcohol.

But a subsequent court hearing revealed that Lafleur had twice driven his son to a hotel so Mark Lafleur could spend time with his teenage girlfriend.
That'd be his 16 year-old girlfriend... 6 years his junior.

Apparently, in Quebec, much like socialist Ontario... there's no longer any such thing as a bad boy.



RELATED: Hey, Lloyd... you missed this one


The Greatest Generation...

...has to fight yet another war...
Parkin has certainly done his part for Canada. But in his hour of need, this 92-year-old great-grandfather is being treated with scandalous insensitivity.

Because he won't move out of Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital into a nursing home in Etobicoke far from his family, he is now being threatened with a daily bill of $700.

"Is this how we treat our veterans at the end of the day?" asks his angry son, Doug, 52. "I think it's a real slap in the face."

RELATED: Compare and contrast


Hey, freak... they're called curtains

If people can see your naked arse from the middle of a busy street... trust me, it ain't a Google issue...
The pledge from the head of Google Canada to have extra staff on hand should be welcome news to Robert White, who has been fretting about unwanted exposure since April.

That's when he stepped naked in front of an open window after taking a shower just as a Google camera car rolled down the street.
How about we check in with all the neighbourhood moms... and see if Google is their biggest concern here?


Well Lloyd, I call your pissy little...

...swine flu and raise you some "Black Death"...
The World Health Organization (WHO) is sending an expert to Libya to look into a reported outbreak of bubonic plague not far from the Egyptian border.
Hey, news-flea... you wanna actually do some good?
The U.N. reports that last year 1 million African children died of malaria, 1.5 million African children died of pneumonia, 800,000 African children died of diarrhea and dehydration, 500,000 African children died of measles.

These deaths were preventable.
You ever wonder what else CTV has up their sleeve?

Say, Lloyd... ya missed another one...
The bullets continue to fly in a violence-plagued section of the city's west end -- an area that is home to almost half of the murders this year.

Three more young men were wounded Tuesday night in an apparent gunfight at a bus stop on Lawrence Ave. W., a block east of Keele St.

17 June 2009

Maybe he should be asking...

...what's behind door number three? --
“How did the Official Opposition fail Canadians so badly? Did Michael Ignatieff get steamrolled or does he just agree with Harper’s policies?”
Yup... "just visiting."


RELATED: Another CTV poll goes horribly wrong
"Who comes out looking better after the 'deal' that averted a summer election?"

LAST WORD: Iggy just phones it in
The Liberal leader defended the lack of specific agreement on isotopes, saying, "I've done my job, which is to go to the prime minister and say to him on behalf of Canadians 'You've got to have a plan, it has to be public, you have to tell Canadians what you're telling me.'"

Unlike the rest of those...

...warm, affable murderers...
Police have identified an "extremely dangerous" man as a suspect in the city's latest murder. A man's body was found at the foot of the Barrymore Furniture parking lot by an employee around 7:25 a.m., police said.

Edward Scheniman, 41, is wanted in the case. He's described as white, balding, 6-foot-2, 200 pounds with blue eyes.

RELATED: Brampton cops get on the board
Two more men have now been charged in connection with the shooting death of a Brampton father more than 2 1/2 years ago. Mervyn "Mikey" Spence, 41, was shot to death on Nov. 4, 2006 just after 4:00 a.m. In a parking lot near a Brampton after hours club on Steeles Ave. E.

Courtney Benjamin, 42, of Toronto has now been charged with first-degree murder. Also arrested is Anthony Campbell, 38, of Toronto, who has been charged with accessory after the fact to murder. Marlon McLean, 26, of Toronto was charged in April with first-degree murder in connection with Spence's death.

English revealed at the time of McLean's arrest that investigators alleged Spence was "chased down" by members of the gang and executed.

It's not easy...

...being Michael Ignatieff...
"It is very difficult to respond to an ultimatum that contains no ultimatum... Usually you say 'do X, or else.'"

"You don't just say 'or else.'"
I will, however, give Iggy this... he actually earned HIS credentials.


"As it now stands, it looks like as if Iggy has placed Harper and the Tories are on double ULTRA super probation."

16 June 2009

Where's Barbara Hall...

...when you really, really need her?
A man from Lower Sackville, N.S., says he will take Tim Hortons to the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission because he can no longer get his coffee.

Dave Matthews needs a motorized scooter to get around because of a physical disability. He used to get his coffee at the Tim Hortons drive-thru in Lower Sackville. But at a new location, in Bedford, he ran into trouble.

Matthews said it's a matter of rights, arguing that he should be able to use the drive-thru.

RELATED: The Lynch Mob
"Yet here we have, in effect, the Government of the Dominion of Canada complaining that Blazing Cat Fur is being mean to it."

Remember when you were a kid...

...and you'd settle a schoolyard beef by trying to sever someone's aorta?
An 18-year-old is in hospital with serious stab wounds after a fight broke out at a Markham high school this morning.

The teen was on the ground suffering from a serious stab wound to the upper chest, sources at the scene said.
Yeah... me neither.



As many as four people have been stabbed at a Mississauga school this morning. St. Joseph's Secondary School, near Creditview Rd. and Eglinton Ave., has been placed under lockdown while police investigate the 8:30 a.m. incident.

It appears students were involved in an altercation on school property, Peel Regional Police said. At least one victim was transported to hospital via air ambulance.

Police are looking for multiple suspects.

POSTSCRIPT: Seems Mayor Miller's knife ban...

...is gonna need a little tune up...
An elderly man was found murdered in a west end apartment this morning after a man allegedly confessed to his killing at a downtown homeless shelter.

Toronto Police say they were called to the Good Shepherd hostel on Queen St. just east of Parliament St. around 11 a.m. after 23-year-old man "confessed" to a brother the slaying of a man believed to be 72.

The man directed officers to the grisly scene soon after, police claim.

"Give me your tired, your poor..."

"Your disease-riddled hookers"...
-- TORONTO -- A former Thai stripper who was jailed for giving her former husband HIV may have found a way to dance around deportation from Canada.

Suwalee Iamkhong, 40, of Toronto, had a bid to reopen her case thrown out last Friday by the Court of Appeal but she did win a reduction of her two-year sentence to two years less a day, allowing her to appeal a deportation order.
Of, course... this is exactly the kind of immigrant we should be looking for. I mean, she's got that entrepreneurail spirit, right?
Anna Pape, of the Canada Border Services Agency, said Iamkhong will receive a stay of her removal order until an appeal is heard. "Serious criminality in Canada is considered as two years and over," Pape said.

Meanwhile, Whiteman said he sponsored Iamkhong and under immigration laws is financially responsible for her until 2011.
Thank you Pierre Trudeau.


FROM THE COMMENTS: The usual leftbots descend...
"What a friggin' Nancy-boy!"
Sounds like somebody's got issues, huh?
