31 January 2012

Apparently, the sky isn't the only thing...

...that's falling...“The state of air quality in Canada has improved significantly since the 1970s, in most regions, with respect to all major pollutant types,” said Joel Wood, Fraser Institute senior research economist and author of Canadian Environmental Indicators – Air Quality.“Yet environmental and health care organizations continue to scare people into thinking that air pollution is increasing...

30 January 2012

Dear Peter Mansbridge...

Let's see you rock your all too-predictable regular demographic right outta their Birkenstocks... and devote 5 or six minutes to something completely off the usual Planet Pinko manifesto..."Through the magic of Reverse-The-Terms, let’s imagine if food being shipped to Saudi Arabia turned out to be Kosher?...

All in favour of movin' the CBC...

...lock, stock and steamin' pinko pulpit to beautiful downtown Kabul...raise your right hand...**********RELATED: More apologetic softball bullshit......from the mighty Globe & Mail..."A caller-in to a discussion about the Shafia case said, as a Muslim, he could not condone the murders. He said...

29 January 2012

CBC Radio reporting...

...apparently with a straight face... "There were no victim impact statements filed." -- KINGSTON, ON -- "There have been other murder charges involving so-called "honour killings" – homicides of women slain out of a perverse desire to "purify" families of disgrace created by supposedly immoral conduct – but not on this scale, and not involving parents who were willing to wipe out half their...

24 January 2012

Where are all the eco-freaks...

...on Dalton McGuinty's repeatedly broken promises to shut down the coal-fired generating stations?"If you’re worried about climate change, stop ranting about the oilsands, which account for one-10th of 1% of global carbon dioxide emissions, and start worrying that you generate almost half your electricity from coal, which has an impact on the planet up to 70 times greater than the oilsands."On the...

When law enforcement fails

As the New York Post put it, telling the NYPD "I'm in an elite military unit, you can't arrest me," doesn't help much when the city's draconian gun laws are at issue.Twenty-nine-year-old Shaun Day was on a leave from his duty as a Navy SEAL when cops nailed him for running a red light in Manhattan, New York on Thursd...

23 January 2012

I just don't get it

The Liberal Party of Canada spent 2 billion dollars to keep track of farmers, deer hunters & skeet shooters and their murderous long guns... and we still have all this violence... • TORONTO • Investigators have determined 23-year-old Anthony Spencer, an aspiring rap artist, who died after friends dumped him at a Scarborough hospital early Saturday, was gunned down at a recording studio. But...

22 January 2012

Oh, c'mon... you were expecting, what?

This just in... • CAIRO • Egyptian authorities confirmed Saturday that a political coalition dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, the 84-year-old group that virtually invented political Islam, had won about 47 percent of the seats in the first Parliament elected since the ouster of Hosni Mubarak. An alliance of ultraconservative Islamists won the next largest share of seats, about 25 percent.And...

21 January 2012

An ill wind blows

• LONDON, Ont. • In a major blow to Dalton McGuinty government’s controversial green energy plan, the largest farm lobby group in Ontario has pulled the plug on its support for wind turbines.The Ontario Federation of Agriculture, which represents 37,000 farm families, issued a call Friday for the province to suspend wind turbine developme...

20 January 2012

Or, as it's known...

...to the rest of the population... "leadership"...Ah, yes, the inevitable "seizing." You can almost picture the Prime Minister's rough dirty hands closing around some completely inoffensive treehugger's throat.Funny how, if you're a "professional" journalist and it involves Stephen Harper... events...

19 January 2012

Just something to consider...

...as you're filling out your tax return this spring...The C.D. Howe Institute says the pension plan that secures retirement benefits for members of Parliament and senators is underfunded by up to $1 billion.The institute's plea for reform echoed a similar call issued Wednesday by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, which exhorted MPs to surrender their pension plan and adopt a more modest system..Like...

The unfailing wisdom of Saint Suzuki

The compassionate, intellectual left just wants to have a conversation... but, as usual, the question seems to be... are the hateful, conspiratorial, dumb as dogshit Conservatives willing to listen? • "Their increasing attacks on charitable organizations and Canadians from all walks of life show that if they can't win with facts, they'll do everything they can to silence their critics." • Yikers......

18 January 2012

Forget about bilingual...

...perhaps future Prime Ministers of Canada should have a mandatory degree in economics...With a certain amount of sullen resentment, Canada's premiers agreed Tuesday to do pretty much exactly what Prime Minister Harper wants them to do: Continue working on innovation in health care to drive costs down, or at least, keep the rate of growth from rising.But they made it clear they're still unhappy at...

17 January 2012

When being a Canadian...

...simply isn't enough..."As the spouse of a French citizen, Mulcair, who was born in Ottawa, was entitled to apply for French citizenship himself."And, predictably... Mulcair & company turn this into a diatribe against the PM.More malarkey from those same folks who apparently can't differentiate...

Perhaps the actual headline should be...

...what reasonable person wouldn't be?Raving madman at the wheel... imminent nuclear weapons capability... what's not to like, huh?"In my judgment, these are people who have a particular, you know, fanatically religious worldview, and their statements imply to me no hesitation of using nuclear weapons...

16 January 2012

Yet again, the Libertine Party of Canada...

...lays claim to the "higher" ground...Just something else to ponder the next time you're sitting anxiously on the edge of the living room couch at two in the morning... waiting for your teenager to waft through the door..."And after the resolution on marijuana today, it’s going to be a group of even...

14 January 2012

So what's next...

...seizure of any Dodge Neon... that sports a wing or hood scoop?Just before Christmas, owners of certain firearms were informed by letter that their rifles had been reclassified as prohibited weapons in Canada and they must be turned over to police officials.Failure to comply would mean the weapons would be taken by force and the owners thrown in jail. The reason for the change: The rifle looks scary.The...

13 January 2012

12 January 2012

Ask a Liberal Cabinet Minister

Look who wouldn't recognise the "high road" if they had to plow it themselves...Making Daddy Dalton proud... yet again..." • TORONTO • Ten people – most of them teenagers – die within 10 days on northern highways.""And apparently, it’s all Mike Harris’s fault."I can't believe Chiarelli didn't toss...

Now, I'll admit I'm no religious scholar...

...but please, somebody show me that shura... you know... where the Prophet doesn't give a cockroach's crap about teenage girls having pre-marital sex..."Not a big concern", huh? Seriously?Thing is, Toobs, call me a prude... and hey, never mind religion... I find condoms littering my teen's domestic...

11 January 2012

I get Clinton & Marc Rich... a huge payoff

But, seriously... somebody explain this to me...Altogether, Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi granted 203 full pardons over his two terms, including 17 to convicted murderers.The news that another five had gained full pardons, and were released on Sunday, angered victims’ families, who said they were not consulted beforeha...

Friends like this... who needs the IMF?

Our modern world...While Italy's new prime minister sweats to fix Italy's dire economic situation and Italians are hit with increased taxes, there are some in Italy who are doing just fine in the country.A report released today by an Italian employers association states that organized crime is the biggest business in Italy generating an annual turnover of 140 billion Eur...

10 January 2012

Ask a Liberal Cabinet Minister

Obscene, out-of-control spending of three successive McGuinty governments... where you gonna start? • QUEENS PARK • “It really came down to priorities,” Brad Duguid, Minister of Economic Development and Innovation, said in an interview on Monday.Priorities, Brad?You mean like..."Crack addicts in...

In other "Don't need a Weatherman" news...

Yeah, lemme look into my crystal ball...Asked if constituents in her riding voted for her or the NDP leader, Ms. St-Denis replied bluntly: • "They voted for Jack Layton. Jack Layton is dead." • **********UPDATE: Changing headlines midstream......yeah, let's hold that Mulcair thing...Mr. Rae...

And Audie Murphy wept

"However, if the charges against King are true — that she was a shabby paper tiger who never should have gotten the job — the MSM will work tightly with the Army to keep this story out of the public eye." "For the Army, the appointment is an embarrassing example of stupid; for the media, it’s a glaring failure in their affirmative action world vie...

09 January 2012

In other "crime is down" news

Ah, yes... bright lights, big city... • Toronto • "A man is fighting for his life in hospital and several others were hurt after a stabbing and two shootings around the city Sunday night."Meanwhile, Steel City strives to live down to it's reputation...... • Hamilton • "An Ontario man is facing charges after allegedly taking a woman's purse as she lay dead following a hit-and-run." "Jason...

08 January 2012

07 January 2012

05 January 2012

So Dalton... you wanna tell me...

...what happened to those pre-election pie-in-the-sky promises about doctors making house-calls in Ontario...However, speaking at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Mr. McGuinty strongly suggested the Liberal government will not follow through on all of the several hundred recommendations Mr. Drummond is expected to make later this month.“Mr. Drummond’s responsibility of course is to advise and...

Battling murder & assorted mayhem

Not sure how they do it in the big city, but back in Hobbema, they're breakin' out the... wait for it... bylaws..."We have a lot of work ahead, but we've taken that important first step," he said following the vote."This will hopefully make people accountable for their actions."You mean like all those...

04 January 2012

These are the Insite people, right?

Maybe they could leverage their existing infrastructure... and start dishing out government-supplied heroin in those nice clean syringes...“At the beginning of the study, we expressed our concerns that the pipe supply is a tiny number ... but we were told the number’s staying the same,” Townsend said.“To meet the demand we would need around 1,000 per day.”A shortage of taxpayer subsidised crackpipes......

03 January 2012

Ask a "Liberal Supporter"

In other... "just you wait, you meanies" news..."Despite the CPC majority, looks like you are all scared out of your wits. You know the Liberals will come back, and send Steve packing.""Lots of teeth gnashing from hosers here who could never get published in the Globe.""The rest of Canada is just wondering how badly Steve will lose the next election. Will he surpass Kim Campbell? He could sit next...

02 January 2012

Everybody's sayin' Toronto crime is down

I'm guessin' Jamahl "Wizzle" Franklin & Michael "Biff" Pimentel might disagree..."The two murders were part of a violent start to the new year in the GTA that included numerous shootings and stabbings."Maybe I'm just getting old... but why exactly is it, so many of these homicide victims seem to have way-cool "street" names?Anybo...

01 January 2012

Words of comfort & wisdom...

...from the narcissistic aristocrat who planted that poisonous, life-altering dagger... smack in the middle of Stéphane Dion's shoulder blades...Hmmm... fairness, fairness... that sounds so familiar...But, heck... don't take my word for it... let's ask the wife of a former Liberal Leader..."The party...