30 December 2012


...the enemy within, that's the one you really need to worry about...“We’ve been working overtime trying to come up with ways to terrorize the American people and wreck their economy,” said the statement from Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. “But even we couldn’t come up with something like thi...

29 December 2012

Why the smart money is buying...

...beans & bullets..."A couple of years back, Andrew Biggs of the American Enterprise Institute calculated that, if Washington were to increase every single tax by 30 percent, it would be enough to balance the books — in 25 years."But you already knew that, right? ********** RELATED: Orwell was right"Guns protect. We buy them as taxpayers for our politicians' bodyguards. As long as we don't...

23 November 2012

Don't worry... be Democrat

The recent re-infection of scrutonium into the body politic has been a harrowing turn of fortune for Axlerod and his scientific team. In November 2008, they had declared scrutonium "all but extinct," although they kept small amounts of the strain for use in laboratory experiments with Republican tax returns. It was thought to be in containment as recently as five weeks ago, with scientists citing...

22 November 2012

A little unclear on the concept...

...Democracy, that is... Disappointingly, in this part of the world, functional democracy is defined as "not chucking your political adversaries off 10th floor roofs"..."The Egyptian leader also decreed that all decisions he has made since taking office in June and until a new constitution is adopted...

21 November 2012

From the folks who brought you the...

...siege of Caledonia...A pair of Six Nations activists told Hamilton councillors they will stage a violent protest if need be to fight against the Enbridge pipeline plan. “We are paying attention to what they're doing and we don't like it,” Montour said. “If you think we can't do anything about it, you're badly mistaken.”No fear, you sociopaths... we believe y...

20 November 2012

Sorry, Doc... when the drug is taken...

...as prescribed, by responsible human beings, it's a godsend... just ask anyone with a ruptured spinal disc... "Dr. David Juurlink, of Toronto’s Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, said generic Oxy is much more dangerous than the current version available in Canada -- and the government needs to take...

That ignorant blunderer George W...

...wait a minute...It is rather embarrassing, as well as sad, that the leader of the free world can’t even pronounce the name of the most famous human rights activist on the planet. Or that he is so quick to appease Burma’s authoritarian regime by calling it “Myanmar”.Take away the teleprompter and you get to see the real Barack...Barack Obama’s gaffes demonstrate not only a marked lack of attention...

19 November 2012

I blame Henry Hudson...

...and his damn fur company...Three teens pleaded guilty to manslaughter in a Wetaskiwin courtroom Wednesday for the killing of a five-year-old boy shot in his Hobbema home. Ethan Yellowbird was struck in the head by a stray bullet on July 11, 2011, as he slept inside his Samson Cree Nation home, about 90 km south of Edmonton, and police say he was a victim of a botched drive-by shooting. The three...

18 November 2012

Somebody's gonna have to go shopping...

...for new hats...“People are not just going to vote for flash, they are going to vote for substance,” Mr. Trudeau told reporters Saturday at a Liberal meeting in Sorel, Que., the first since the race officially began on Wednesday.If that`s true, Justin... you`re screwed. Let`s just say it... this guys last name was "Smith"... people would be rolling in the aisles. He`s got a one page CV that lists...

12 November 2012


And, an added bonus... a couple of caring, committed morally-aware adults don't pick the taxpayer's pockets...Unlike, say... the government administered poverty bureaucracy...Over the past seven years, the city has poured an extra $210-million into programs designed to help Toronto’s “priority” neighbourhoods. What...

Apparently... Kabul self-defense classes...

...emphasize making sure your assailant is "down"..."Afghan immigrant Peer Khairi has been found guilty of second-degree murder in the brutal near-decapitation of his wife Randjida. The blood-drained body of Randjida, 53, was discovered in their Etobicoke apartment on March 18, 2008 with her throat slit and five knife wounds to her tors...

10 November 2012

Who doesn't love...

...a good home repair story?"He crawled through a leach field, a tank full of excrement, six feet of 4" pipe, and twenty feet of 1.5" pipe that dead-ended at my washing machine trap, where he probably died trying to turn around. Then he was hooked with an auger and partially pulled through a hole smaller than his head. What a way to go."Yike...

09 November 2012

Canadian values...

...more flexible than you might think...A Toronto mosque that runs an Islamic school cleared of hate crimes charges this week said Friday it was disappointed at the “rush to judgment and harsh comments” it faced over the controversy.Rush to judgement, huh? You be the judge...Teaching materials on the school website not only encouraged boys to keep fit for jihad, but also referred to Jews in disparaging...

That was one heckuva...

...children's party...Staff-Inspector Greg McLane confirmed that the violence was the result of an altercation between members of the Malvern Crew and the Galloway Boys, notorious Scarborough street gangs. A Malvern Crew member was denied entry to the party - which the officer said had been taken over by the Galloway Boys - and went to get reinforcements. Shaquan Mesquito, whose street name is Bam...

From Greece to the Governator...

Moneyball & Blind Side author Michael Lewis hits another one out of the park... Read this book and then try to justify "spending your way out of a crisis.""Yet in his new book both the details of Lewis’s reportage and the big picture look unanswerable. Few who read Lewis’s account of his trip to...

07 November 2012


"Surrounded by children that have voted to have "candy" for dinner for the next 4 years."********** AND MORE HERE:"Mitt Romney and his family would have been the essence of exactly what this country needs. But what was Romney's recipe? Romney's recipe was the old standby: American route to success,...

06 November 2012

Ask a Journo-Canadian

NEWSFLASH: Stephen Harper orders jewel-encrusted throne made of human skulls... Oh my gawd... "Back in the late 1980s, the purchase of this jet was criticized by opposition politicians who charged the plane was too extravagant. They dubbed it the 'Taj Mahal.'"I'm shocked and appall... wait a minute...The...

05 November 2012

03 November 2012

CBC Exposed

"As a former National Reporter for CBC Television News, I can confirm Brian Lilley’s book is right on the mark. We used to call the executive building on Jarvis St. ‘the Kremlin’ for a good reason; the place was full of leftists."********** RELATED: Need an example?Lilley describes how the CBC, in the name of “freedom of expression” and “public interest,” destroyed the reputation and living of a...

01 November 2012

Because cutting government spending...

...is a bad thing...New year-end numbers reveal the federal government quietly cut spending by $8-billion after Canadians handed the Conservatives a majority mandate.The real story here is in the comments. Get a close-up look at the rabid political left. ********** FROM THE COMMENTS:"Consistency is never a Progressive trait. They screamed for "stimulus" spending, they screamed because the "stimulus"...

31 October 2012

In contrast to Barack & Hillary...

...whose initial stance was to blame it all on a shoddily made Youtube video..."A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy SEALs. When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained...

30 October 2012

Ask a Journo-Canadian

Alright... statistically anomalous "weather porn" fatality goes front page, above the fold...A woman in her 50s has died after flying debris hit her on the head near Keele Street and St. Clair Avenue, according to Toronto EMS.Three homicides in three days, including brutal beating death... not so much...The unidentified woman’s body was so badly injured that the cause of death must be established...

25 October 2012

"I did not have sex..."

"...with that woman, er... terrorist group..."(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show. The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under...

24 October 2012

If only there wasn't that whole...

...murdering & wounding thing looming in the background...Not dwelling on the bad stuff... I guess it's just part of the service...“I believe he has the tools and the potential to turn his life around,” said Husbands’ lawyer, Moshe Micha, who sought a six-month jail sentence.Yeah... if only someone...

23 October 2012

A Reader writes

LOST AND FOUND... yet another tale of the incivil service...I'm a fan of your blog, and I've contacted you once or twice before. I wanted to share my gun registry story with you, as I spent about an hour on the phone with them yesterday. My license expired on August 1st. Six weeks before that I dutifully filled out the paperwork to renew it, got a passport-style photo, etc and mailed it off. Everything...

Here's an interesting juxtaposition...

...Prime Minister Harper speaks up for Jamaican-Canadian community...“It has come to my attention that since July, many in this community, Toronto’s Jamaican-Canadian community, feel that they live in the shadow of criminality arising out of incidents like the Danzig Street and Eaton Centre shootings,” Mr. Harper told a packed hall at the Jamaican-Canadian Association, in a multicultural suburban...

22 October 2012

Why bother with all the fuss of...

...reporting actual "NEWS"... when you can allow the great unwashed to suckle on the unbearable misery of other people's grief? ••• It's right there in front of you..."Don’t I have any compassion?" "Do you mean tossing cheap carnations onto the 'makeshift' memorial piled high with teddy bears and...

19 October 2012

Why I vote Conservative

Reason #114..."For good or ill, Canada has now chosen to defect from the diplomatic travesty that has obliged ordinary Canadians to put up with Khomeinist thugs in their midst and to abstain from the diplomatic obsequies that require Canadian diplomats to smile when Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khameini’s appointments secretaries spit in their faces." "Of course it’s not enough. It's merely an act of...

How do criminal defense lawyers...

...sleep at night? • TORONTO • After Wiwchar's arrest in the Little Italy shooting, his lawyer Christopher Avery refuted police claims that he was from B.C. and said he was "shocked" to be charged with first-degree murder. "He has no idea why he's been charged. He finds the entire experience surreal,"...

Another poor, oppressed "holy warrior"...

...thwarted in his quest for justice...A Bangladeshi student who allegedly planned to blow up the US Federal Reserve is the son of a prominent banker. He was arrested on Wednesday after he allegedly tried to remotely detonate a fake 1,000-pound car bomb outside the building in lower Manhattan. His family, from a middle-class neighbourhood of Dhaka, wept as they called the arrest "a racist conspiracy"...

Viscious premeditated gang murder...

...they'll be out in a year... • TORONTO • Three teens who murdered a pal by shooting him (4 times) in the back and then dumping his bullet-riddled body in the Humber River have been handed the maximum sentence. As he lay on the ground suffering from the gunshot wounds, he was also stabbed by a pair of scissors several times in the neck.Yup... that "justice" system is a real brute... look at...

16 October 2012

I'm with Terry Nelson...

...let's just stop pumping billions of taxpayer dollars into these hellholes every year...A former Manitoban First Nations leader has raised the ire of Canadian officials with his appearance on Iranian television comparing aboriginal reserves to concentration camps. Terry Nelson, former chief of Manitoba's Roseau River Anishinabe, made the comments during an interview on Sunday with Iranian Press...

He looks you right in the face...

...and he lies...“We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system, but we also passed a historic law to end taxpayer-funded Wall Street bailouts for good,” Obama said in Miami. According to the Congressional Budget Office, however, the government will lose about $24 billion on the bailout. CBO reported that as of now $65 billion in TARP funds remain outstanding.It gets better. Yet...

Ask a Toronto City Councillor

In these troubled times, it's only natural to look to our political leadership for wisdom and direction...While most of her colleagues on the Toronto and East York community council slammed a casino, Bailao gave a speech that left the door open to the idea and called for more information. “I’m definitely keeping an open mind on the issue,” Bailao told colleagues toward the end of the five-hour meeting....

Scratch a Liberal leader...

...find a humble, unassuming hero..."Before he took over the party, he said in his resignation announcement on Monday, the Liberals had won only a single election in 50 years."So after three terms & almost 10 years... does this mean they'll stop blaming everything on Mike Harris? I doubt ...

15 October 2012

What's a murder or two...

...among friends...Tensions between community members and the police, however, may make it more difficult for homicide investigators to do their job. McLane said they are trying to do what they can to improve their relationships with the public. "I think what we have to do is prove that we’re worthy of trust."Yup... there you have it. Two dead, 23 maimed and it's the fault of the police. Thank...

13 October 2012

No [fill in the blank] left behind

In Dalton's "Dare to Dream" Ontario, there is no goal so lofty, no ambition so ethereal, we cannot slavishly pander to it...Ontario has become the first jurisdiction in Canada to allow transgendered people to change the gender on their birth certificates without sex-change surgery. “It’s a huge decision. It’s a remarkably positive decision. This is an important victory,” Susan Gapka, chair of the...

12 October 2012

The whole world is watching...

...and still, he looks you right in the face AND LIES... Apparently, he just can't stop himself... hell, maybe by now the ol' whoremonger actually believes it...Then Sen. Biden voted for the Afghanistan resolution on Sept. 14, 2001 which authorized “the use of United States Armed Forces against those...

That why we call him...

...Premier McSlippery...Ontario electricity users are on the hook for more than $700 million in extra fees because of the McGuinty government’s decision to move a gas-fired generator out of Oakville. Provincial officials say that number is much too big. However, one provincial source, who did not want to be named, concedes that the cost of moving the plant from Oakville to the site of the Lennox...

Never a Bernie Farber around...

...when you need one..."The Chiefs who were scared of the Jewish media lined up to condemn an old man who made a mistake but never once did I hear those same Chiefs condemn the Jewish writers who penned hate filled articles against our people. My question to the Chiefs who condemned Ahenakew is what...

11 October 2012

I always get a little nostalgic...

...when I see San Romanoway in the news... I lived in one of the buildings for a year back in the 80's...Toronto Police were called just after midnight to 25 San Romanoway, an apartment building at Jane St. and Finch Ave. W., and found the man suffering from a fatal gunshot wound in an 11th-floor apartment. It’s...

All You Need Is Love

At Canada's nationally subsidised broadcaster, it seems a murder (and putting a stray slug in a 13 year-old's noggin) is merely the subtext..."I haven't given up on my brother, I never have and as much as people would like me to I never will," she said. "I've been trying to do as much as I could, to like just influence him even in this time right now and just to basically remain positive."Yup......

Supreme Court of Canada legalises...

...possession of hand grenades... provided you double-dare pinky swear not to fiddle with the pin...The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network said it is unhappy the court's ruling continues to require that HIV-positive people lower their viral count to avoid prosecution for non-disclosure. "We are shocked and dismayed that even the responsible use of a condom does not protect a person living with HIV from...

10 October 2012

Not a single taxpayer dollar will...

...be left unspent...More schools will get drop-in resource centres as part of the Ontario government’s response to last summer’s killings on Danzig St. in Scarborough, the worst mass shooting in Toronto’s history. The new locations will go in “high-needs communities” to be identified by local school boards . The July 18 shooting on Danzig St., near Kingston Rd. and Lawrence Ave., left two dead...

Dear Occupant

"For the past several years, possibly throughout his term, Barack Obama has sent the same form letter to the parents of all fallen soldiers, Marines and Navy SEALs." ••• "But Obama did send rapper Heavy D’s family a personal letter of condolence." •••Hope, change... teleprompter & autopen. ********** RELATED: Those lyin', cheatin' Tea Part... ...wait a minute...The video then cuts to a...

09 October 2012

08 October 2012

Grappling with "authenticity"...

...I mean gawd forbid anyone actually uses the words "fraud" or "hypocrite"...It was only the other night that CBC National's bucket-o-punditry... including Andrew Coyne & Chantal Hebert... actually said... out loud... that the Annointed One's continuing habit of making one set of remarks to the...

05 October 2012

Unlike the rest of us, who are...

... apparently just fine with... and I'm quoting verbatim here... "a legacy of oppression, imperialism and racism."Now... I'm no fan of the monarchy... but would I give up my Canadian citizenship to stick a thumb in Prince Charles' eye? I think not."A man who refused to take the oath of citizenship,...

Ask a "Professional" Journalist

Well, I guess that explains why every media outlet in Canada has a full-time "Justin" cheerleader/correspondent... Okay... brace yourselves...For Asher Anidjar, the arrival of fall isn't marked by turning leaves or a chilly breeze, but a steaming seasonal drink. Recently, though, when he headed to his...

04 October 2012

Ask a Journo-Canadian

I remember when "news"papers weren't all about deifying the offspring of political hacks and mounting monumental "mellow yellow-like feats" of social engineering... And remember... if poor little waif Omar touches off a rush hour nail bomb on the Yonge-Bloor subway... it's all on you Canada..."When...

03 October 2012

You feelin' safer yet?

'Cos you're sure as shit payin' for it...It started small in late 2004 when former mayor David Miller was pretty much embarrassed into dealing with the rash of guns and gang violence in the city. Back then, the city’s Community Safety Plan had a mere 10 staff and less than $600,000 in operating funds attached to it to deal with seven priority neighbourhoods Nevertheless, it took no time to ascertain...

01 October 2012

Compare and contrast

Just something to remember the next time you hit that voting booth... -- OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Bob Rae made the following statement today on the repatriation of Omar Khadr: “Omar Khadr’s return to Canada is long overdue. Mr. Khadr, a Canadian citizen, was a child soldier. It is extremely unfortunate that it took the Conservative government this long to fulfil its responsibility to bring him...

30 September 2012

26 September 2012

That Moderate Mommy Dearest

I guessin' she didn't say... "Darlin'... this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you"...I'm thinkin' mom might just be on to something... I by-Allah betcha this kinda thing does modify your behaviour... not to mention your ability to turn your back on another human being... ever again... • Montreal...

Your money... Dalton's friends

Don't blame me... I didn't vote for him...Bentley had resisted releasing the documents to a legislative committee, arguing publication would compromise the government's chance to get a good settlement with TransCanada Corp, the company that won the contract to build it.Wait a minute...During the announcement earlier in the day in Toronto, Bentley said that the provincial government's unrecoverable...

25 September 2012

I guess the first two dead kids...

...are deductible... -- MONTREAL -- Guy Turcotte, the Quebec doctor found not criminally responsible for killing his two young children, is allowed to take unescorted bike rides from a mental hospital, QMI Agency has learned. He leaves the Pinel institute nearly every day despite the fact a review board and his ex-wife insist he's still dangerous. Turcotte stabbed five-year-old son Olivier son...

24 September 2012

I remember when they used to...

...call it "Toronto the Good"...“They believe that they can walk in there and do that in front of all these people and get away with it.” Homicide unit commander Greg McLane on the Danzig party shootersNot to rain on your parade, Greg... but they're right...“The people who know the information they could tell, will never tell the police, ever. They’ve been harassed so much. Put it this way: The people...

23 September 2012

22 September 2012

Ask a Journo-Canadian

I remember a time, long, long ago... when the needless death of a small child was universally condemned as a terrible thing..."Islamic faith ensures that an Edmonton toddler, allegedly abused and starved for most of her young life by her parents, is on her way to paradise."I swear... I'm speechless. Is there any way this thing could be spun to further deflect the horrific reality here? Of course...

21 September 2012

Stand by for breaking news...

...on gravity holdin' shit down...Let me toss three small words into the ring here... "obstruction of justice"..."The statute of limitations has now passed . . . so I can now say . . . yes, he did it," Kaelin told Cindy Adams of the Post. Asked why his testimony did not help convict Simpson, he replied,...

20 September 2012

Ask a Journo-Canadian

Seriously now, Ian... what statistically coherent methodology did you apply here to take the temperature of the community at large?Oh that's right... you had an expert-witness...Abdifatah Warsame hasn’t been able to speak with immediate families of the latest victims, but said the community is reeling...

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save, er... rebrand you...Rather than rural Alberta being a home to a large number of same-sex couples, the census may have misidentified transient workers with roommates. "We believe there is a likelihood we would put people together as a family when they're not. We obviously need to look at our processes in a way to update them and make them better."Heck... close enough for government...

19 September 2012

The actual cost of social engineering

Just something to think about Toronto... as you're signing that outrageous municipal tax cheque... Total enrolment.... six students. Makes you wonder what would have happened if the entire "community" hadn't been up in arms ramrodding this thing through.“We haven’t given up on the program,” said Spence...

Ask a Liberal Education Minister

I just wanna know... if the transgender Prom Queen accidentally enters the "prayer room"... do we get a rip in the space-time continuum?********** RELATED: Broten, Broten... that sounds so familiar"Liberal Environment Minister Laurel Broten was previously dumped from cabinet after she irked neighbours...

18 September 2012

If only the police would start...

...cracking down on these lawless Scottish clansmen... wait a minute... • TORONTO • Toronto police are on the scene of a shooting in the northwest end of the city that has claimed the lives of two men. Residents on Jamestown Crescent near Finch and Martin Grove called police at about 1:30 a.m. after hearing gunshots.Ah, yes... the "northwest end" of the city... Toronto's mysterious Bermuda Triangle...

In other "Crime is Down" news

Livin' fast & furious...Toronto police are seeking information about a weekend shooting in which shots were fired from one vehicle at another. Police say they were called to the McCowan Road and Ellesmere Road area at 7:47 p.m. on Saturday, after reported gunshots. 174 shootings have occurred in Toronto since the start of the year, as of Monday morning. That's an increase of about 10.8 per...

17 September 2012

What's a little torture murder...

...between friends? -- OTTAWA -- Iran has had no ambassador in Canada since Iranian security forces raped and murdered Canadian photographer Zahra Kazemi in 2003. Canada has been a leader in imposing sanctions on Iran to halt Iran's nuclear weapons program.Never mind all that, forget about hurtful words... the only party line today... is let's party...“Absolutely not. I’m a senator. I’m free to...

Those darned Journo-Canadians...

...it's weird, they always seem to be able to drown you in never-ending, incoherently speculative reportage regarding unclothed members of the royal family...Toronto police say they are treating the discovery as “suspicious.”Hey, Lois Lane... you mean the anonymous, lifeless, bullet-ridden corpse you briefly mention in this blurb? When you do get around to actually reporting this guy's name... please...

15 September 2012

Swimmin' pools... movie stars...

Benghazi, Benghazi... that sounds so familiar..."Look for the State Department to continue to stonewall this request, and resist release of the document until after the election. Its contents will be just too damaging. In effect, the country will be able to see Hillary Clinton's signature on the document...