Lloyd, yet again, gushes over the impending coronation of the Puffin King... and features Iggy's latest pronouncement on his latest adopted homeland..."We are rebuilding the greatest national institution in Canadian life."Not to be outdone... check out how the CTV website handles the bloody coup that unceremoniously dethroned the previous monarch...Not long after the historic showdown, Stephane Dion...
30 April 2009
That's funny... nobody's talkin' about...
..bailin' out Canadian farmers... and they produce stuff we all buy on a daily basis...Chrysler will be in default of the loans if its auto production in Canada falls below the 20-per-cent threshold, meaning the federal and Ontario governments can demand repayment.Yeah... like that's gonna happen.**********RELATED: Obama calls it a victoryOf course... it ain't comin' out of his bottom line...Discussions...
Worth every penny
The dark downside of Canada's much vaunted "free" healthcare system...Three young Port Perry women who are Ontario's first confirmed cases of swine flu returned from Cancun on Friday with symptoms but spent the weekend at the local casino and visiting friends because their local hospital never advised them to stay home.And even after 21-year-old Justine Stevenson was informed on Tuesday afternoon...
What convention?

It's more like this guy descended from heaven on a beam of bright light...Yeah... you can just smell the democrac...
Hope, change and...
...deadlier than Dick Cheney...The US is on pace to exceed last year's total of 36 airstrikes in Pakistan. Today’s strike is the fifth this month and the sixteenth inside Pakistan this yea...
29 April 2009
More Liberal corruption... yawn
Stand by for breaking news... on gravity holding stuff down... -- QUEBEC CITY -- Jean Charest's government was groping to explain a potential conflict of interest scandal Wednesday in which public funds were allegedly steered to companies owned by provincial Liberals.Documents released by the official opposition showed that a regional economic development fund set up to boost the economy of the...
When prison...
...just isn't enough....
Oh gawd... pandemic goes international
Is it time to pull up the drawbridge and hunker down? Government officials confirmed the first U.S. death from the new H1N1 swine flu today - a 23-month-old child who died in Texas. It is the first death from swine flu reported outside Mexico, the country hardest hit by the influenza outbreak.Well, not quite... -- HOUSTON -- A Mexico City toddler who travelled to Texas with family to visit relatives...
One time biker chick...
...gets all philosophical on yer ass...“What happened with this dress is just the living proof that sexism is still out there and very healthy and it’s only politically correct to just say that we have equality among the sexes — but we don’t.”“It’s still a man’s world,” she added.I dunno, Julie... that's not what everybody was sayin'... when you were flashin' the paparazzi.**********RELATED: More...
Paging Sid Ryan
Looks like CUPE's good friends in the Middle East are still pursuing that "restorative justice"...A Palestinian military court has condemned a man to death by hanging for treason for selling land to Israelis. Anwar Breghit, 59, was convicted by a court in the West Bank town of Hebron. He sold property near his village "that he did not own", prosecutors said.Only two people have had death sentences...
Last night's CTV Moonbat Moment

Anybody else see the graphic on CTV last night as they breathlessly reported on the... count 'em... 13 cases of "swine flu" that apparently have the capability to bring this country to a screeching halt.For those of you that missed it... all of North America was painted blood red. The CTV website has...
And scaring the crap...
...outta thousands of people... that was just ice-cream...The flight by the VC-25, a modified Boeing Co. 747, and two F-16 fighter jets cost $328,835, Air Force spokeswoman Vicki Stein said.That includes $300,658 for the larger plane, which flew a three-hour mission, and about $28,178 for the F-16 jets, which flew 1.8 hours each, Stein said in an e-mailed statemen...
28 April 2009
Tell me, Dylan...
...how exactly is this about Canadian citizenship... and not Dalton McSlippery's flagrant mismanagement of the Ontario healthcare system..."It's gone beyond frustration into absolute rage. I've been treated better by the people of Mexico than I have been by my own country," Pazzano told the Star from the intensive care unit of Hospiten Cancun in Mexico. "I am, in all honesty, disgusted to be called...
See... that's how evolution works...

Big Mother says... "It might be a good idea to avoid heading for ground zero of emerging pandemic."Maybe this could actually work out to the good. See... if you're not bright enough to figure this one out without government intervention... we probably don't want you passing on your genes anyway.**********UPDATE:...
"Yet if in one breath she appeared..."
"...to be suggesting she left before she could be given the results, in the next she said she had finished the test and said again that, 'I'm sure if I didn't pass my test, I wouldn't be standing right here with all of you now, guaranteed'."[*]RELATED: Yeah... weird is one word... -- WOODSTOCK, Ont. -- The mother of Victoria Stafford is recounting her mysterious journey in a limousine to a Toronto...
"If anyone were to write..."
"...that he thought that rapists should not be locked up because they have had a difficult childhood, have psychological problems and aberrant personalities, including a tendency to take drugs and too much alcohol, and because prison does not work as evidenced by the fact that they often commit the same sorts of crimes on release, he would be (rightly) regarded as a moral idiot."**********RELATED:...
Give yourself a shake
This is Canada... we don't wanna hurt anybody's feelings..."If these screening measures are considered appropriate for agriculture workers, logically they should also be used to screen all travellers from Mexico," says UFCW Canada national president.[*]RELATED: Sometimes, you just gotta do......the right thing...The second lesson is that leading can be lonely. When Canada first pulled out of Durban...
27 April 2009
"He don' need..."
"...no steenkin' badges..."The White House defended the administration's ability to respond to a crisis that is coming so early in its tenure and while it still lacks a health and human services secretary, a surgeon general and a CDC director.**********UPDATE: Look... it's Mr Golden Sunshine...For Team Obama, it’s always 9/10....
This, my friends, is why...
...we mock you... -- MONTREAL -- It's a minor scrap that's opening old wounds from 160 years ago.A Quebec sovereigntist association is demanding an apology for a tract published in 1849 by the Montreal Gazette that the group contends incited 1,500 anglophone Montrealers to burn down the city's parliamen...
"Nah, we're cool"... says Mr Ten Percent
From the oft-quoted... "I did not have sex with that woman" files...Pakistan asserted on Monday there was no danger of the Taliban getting hold of its nuclear arsenal and said the country's "nuclear capability was in safe hands”. “I want to assure the world that the nuclear capability of Pakistan is under safe hands,” APP quoted President Asif Ali Zardari as telling a group of international journalists...
The really scary thing is...
...Saudi Arabia is often touted as being one of the more enlightened, western-friendly countries... in the entire Islamic world...Many women-only sports clubs and gyms in Saudi Arabia face closure under a government clampdown. Women in Saudi Arabia are banned from driving, must wear a head-to-toe cloak when out in public and must obtain permission from a male relative to work, travel, study or marry.But...
Who can't appreciate...

...a little Monday morning tailfeathe...
It's actually the least he could do

Apparently Iggy's picking up the cheque for all burial expenses...Ignatieff will be formally crowned leader Saturday at the Vancouver convention, which was originally supposed to be the culmination of a vigorous leadership race.But first, Liberals must pay ritual respects to the man they couldn't get...
26 April 2009
BAD KARMA... it ain't just...
...a way cool name for a band...**********RELATED: See... my Canada doesn't include......lawless mobs...A key thoroughfare in downtown Toronto remains closed to traffic because of a demonstration by hundreds of Tamil Canadians.The crowd began to gather outside the U.S. Consulate on University Ave. at about 7 p.m. Sunday and grew larger throughout the evenin...
The CBC...

...just another reason...[*]RELATED: Those heartless Conservative bastards... wait...Hang on a second... turns out she's NOT being "denied re-entry" to Canada after all......apparently, this is about hospital beds..."None of the hospitals in the metropolitan area or the areas outside Toronto will accept...
Strengthening the Gene Pool
Remember when you were a kid... and you'd settle disputes with swords and baseball bats?Yeah... me neither.He admits that he and his friends lived a life of crime in the past few years."We always just jumped people, robbed people ... it turned into a habit," he said. "Something violent happened in my life almost every day."Still, he's shocked and saddened by losing a friend to such violence.I know,...
So whatever happened to...

..."iron men and wooden ships"...His said "our security started shooting in the air... and also we started spraying some water" to beat off the attackers. Samantha Hendey from Durban, South Africa, told the BBC that her sister Tabitha Nicholson was on board the ship during the attack and the situation...

The NDP's research team has carefully examined Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff's new book and found the personal pronoun "I" is mentioned 164 times. Bob Rae, Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin, Stéphane Dion and the carbon tax are not mentione...
25 April 2009
Bright lights, big city...
...rapacious thuggery...It was a busy night for Toronto police and paramedics with a shooting and two stabbings. Police have three men in custody but they're still working to determine who pulled the trigger. Further south along Bathurst Street, police are on the hunt for a pair of suspects after a stabbing outside a Dominos restaurant north of Bloor Street.The driver was approached as he pulled...
You choose to stay married...
...to the world's most infamous serial philanderer AND you expect people to take what you say seriously?Mrs Clinton's visit comes in the wake of two days of suicide bomb attacks in Iraq which killed at least 155 people.This isn't about the greater good... it's about getting your hands on the levers of power at any price. Hillary sold out whatever principles she might have had... a long, long time...
Looks like Osama might get...
...his nuclear-armed Caliphate after all... -- ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- As the Taliban tightened their hold over newly won territory, Pakistani politicians and American officials on Thursday sharply questioned the government’s willingness to deal with the insurgents and the Pakistani military’s decision to remain on the sidelines.“The government is too worried about its own political survival to...
24 April 2009
"Live by the sword..."

"...don't be too surprised... somebody skewers your brisket..." -- TORONTO -- A shooting investigation has turned into a homicide probe after a man shot while waiting at a bus stop in the city's west end died, police announced this afternoon.Omar Waite, 29, was shot at a TTC bus stop on the southwest...
Lions and tigers... and bugs...
...oh, my...According to Agence-France Presse, Mexican authorities on Friday confirmed a swine flu outbreak and said they were probing 45 possible deaths and 943 possible cases.Mexico's Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova urged people to avoid large crowds, shaking hands, kissing people as a greeting, or using the subway."This afternoon the epidemic was confirmed by Canadian and U.S. labs to be a new...
Hope, Change and...
...aw, screw it....
"Oh my gawd, Hezbollah is..."

"...storming Queens Park... wait a minute..."**********UPDATE: Now you see it... now you don't"Hmmm... it was there a minute ago.....
Bring Omar home...
...my ass...**********RELATED: He's got all these mad skillz"Last night, we were able to see television footage of Mr. Khadr's alleged building and planting of explosive devices that are actually planted in Afghanistan," Cannon said."Those devices are the devices that basically have taken away the lives of young Canadian men and women."He went on to remind the Commons that Karine Blais, the young...
23 April 2009
What say we just...

...do the math....
Saving precious Mother Earth...
...9,000 gallons of fuel at a tim...
His blessed will be done
Apparently, Allah hates the homeless...At least 48 people, among them Iranian pilgrims, died when a suicide bomber blew up a restaurant in Baquba, in the north-east, officials say.In Baghdad, a suicide bomber killed at least 28 people - detonating a belt of explosives as police distributed aid to a crowd of homeless familie...
"Unprecedented burden on taxpayers"

Oh, baby... you had me back at "bend over and grab your ankles"....
"Thank you for calling the RCMP..."
"If you are in fear for your life... Press 1... If you wish to report a property crime... Press 2... If you are calling to set up an appointment to be arrested..." -- EDMONTON -- RCMP spokesman Cpl. Wayne Oakes said the Crown prosecutors' office is not going to pursue Dewald's out-of-province apprehension provided Dewald makes good on his word by turning himself in at the end of the summer.Oh...
And yet another shooting...
A young man was rushed to hospital Wednesday, after being shot several times.Ambulance officials told 680News that the victim is about 20-years-old, and was shot in the head and leg.The incident happened just before 7 p.m. in the area of Jane St. and Eglinton Ave.[*]UPDATE: Tuesday's shooting victim identified...A residential laneway splashed with gang insignia was the scene for Toronto's latest...
22 April 2009
It's obvious the Tamil protesters...
...are unfamiliar with the "law of unintended consequences"...Like Hamas in Gaza, cowardly LTTE fighters are hiding behind the women and children they claim to be protecting. (In fact, the Tigers are actually killing civilians who try to flee the combat area — something even Hamas never did on a large scale during the Gaza combat.) The Tigers’ goal appears to be saving itself — and we would not be...
"Regrets, I've had a few..."
"Oh, c'mon guys... can't we just forget about Rwanda... and Somalia... and Darfur... and the Middle East... and start over...
Maybe he should have been...
...a little more specific...A teen was shot and killed in a west-end Toronto laneway earlier this evening."Don't disrespect me," witnesses heard the 19-year-old shout before a series of shots were fired at about 6:30 p.m. Police said the two fleeing suspects should be considered armed and dangerous. One was described as a black male, about six feet tall, 16 to 18 years old and skinny with hair in...
Is the Puffin King about to...

...cut loose the tone deaf narcissist... that one Liberal apparatchik recently referred to as... "Human Shrapnel"?[*]FROM THE COMMENTS:"Mind you, WK could argue that he's not *doing* cheap shots. What with all those lawsuits and all, his are very *expensive* shots."And..."Don't you love how the interviewer...
21 April 2009
The Canadian Justice System

Apparently... it's not about truth...Frank D'Angelo was found not guilty Tuesday of sexually assaulting a longtime friend's daughter by a judge who nevertheless said the former brewery owner is "probably" guilty.Hamilton said there was little evidence for him to consider other than the two stories."I...
As the world edges closer....
...to a wild-eyed, nuclear-armed theocracy...Taliban fighters in the region have not put down their weapons. Armed militants have spread into nearby areas and the mediator of the agreement is now denouncing lawmakers and judicial officials as infidels.This is gonna be interesting.I keep trying to imagine Defense Minister Bin-Laden giving the new Islamic state's keynote address... at the United Nations.Diplomatic...
Just another reason...
...I don't really give a shite about the media-manufactured Tamil Tiger frenzy in Ottawa.A close family member gears up for a real fight..."I am going to just get on with it and get the treatments I can get and hope for the best. I'm scaring all sorts of people, the kids are very scared. It is cancer after all." "My best friend put it out plain, she says, 'I don't want you to die.' She and I can...
Paging Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Dear Mr "Push Israel into the Sea"... maybe you forgot a few small details...In addition to the 32 killings mentioned above, the relatives of one suspected collaborator shot him to death "to restore the family's honor." "Of particular concern is the widespread practice of maiming people by shooting them in the legs, which Hamas first used in June 2007, when it seized control of the Gaza Strip."**********RELATED:...
Dick or no dick?

"Should health coverage fund sex change operations...
20 April 2009
Hope, Change and...

...stay Steffi stay...Despite leader Michael Ignatieff's vow that his party would no longer sit on its hands during votes in Parliament, Liberal MPs have missed three times as many votes in the House of Commons so far this year as Conservative members.Three cheers for the Puffin King... just look at...
Yeah, who could have possibly...

...seen that coming, huh?"With that, the 23 European Union countries who had not yet boycotted the conference abandoned their seats and streamed out of the hall."[*]UPDATE: A nation of haters..."Iranian state media described Mr Ahmadinejad as the superstar of the conference...
Dear Balbulican

Exactly how many whiskies does it take to get that disgusting taste outta your mouth?[*]RELATED: And Balbul brought a brainy friend...The much-vaunted CC Lickspittle Brigade in actio...
“I still remember the first time I got served,” he reminisced. “I was in my first year of law school...
19 April 2009
Trust the fuzzy-bunny, socialist...

...Vancouver Sun... to make this story all about diversity...It's just a shame she didn't O.D., huh?They could have tossed in a couple of graphs about Insit...
Bright lights, big city...

...drippy plumbing...Yet another chapter in the never-ending demise of personal responsibility.Don't miss the various other map...
From the people who brought you...
...lead-painted baby toys....
Dave's not here, man

The usual incoherent anonymous trolling oughta be a little lighter this afternoon..."It's our first awakening," said Toronto Hash Mob founder Davin Christensen. "We're getting out of the house and showing everyone that the stoners haven't gone away."And hey... I'm guessing their moms will be happy to...
18 April 2009
"Heaven forfend..."

"...we simply shoot 'em..."Modern pirates are creating a market for modern pirate repellents.The owners of ships that ply the dangerous waters near Somalia are looking at options including slippery foam, lasers, electric fences, water cannons and high-intensity sound.**********RELATED: More "catch...

"...raise your right stump.....
Hope, Change and...
...same old, same old...Obama knows it's going to take some strong garlic to ward off the vampires on his side of the aisle and restore a sense of integrity in government. Unfortunately, his intended reform is driving stakes through the hearts of innocent bystanders only. The problem isn't that his rules are too strict. It's that they miss the crucial distinction between the kind of lobbying that's...
Funny how the compassionate leftosphere...

...just glosses over the war zone in Southern Ontario...A 22-year-old woman is expected to survive after being shot during a wild melee at a Scarborough bar that sent six to hospital this morning.Toronto Police said a fight erupted inside J and G Bar and. Eatery on Danforth Rd. east of Birchmount Rd....
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