05 July 2008

So tell me again...

How the Liberal government is gonna sink hundreds of millions of dollars into public housing in Ontario...
Lucy Candoni sleeps on her box spring because her mattress is so infested with mice.

The 75-year-old recent widow doesn't think of a slum landlord as a man with dirty fingernails and a sweat-soaked tank top -- but as a local MPP in a designer suit. That's because her landlord is the Sorbara Group, which includes Vaughan MPP Greg Sorbara.

"I am so upset. I wait and wait and they don't do anything. The superintendent tells me to call the office and the office tells me to talk to the superintendent," Candoni said.

Her mattress is so infested that mice can be seen moving about inside.
So what does Mr. Sorbara have to say about all this?
Sorbara could not be reached yesterday.

"Greg wouldn't know anything about it. He wouldn't even know what building it would be," Sorbara's wife, Kate, said yesterday.
And apparently... wouldn't much care either.


UPDATE: Scratch a Liberal... find a Scrooge
Edward Sorbara acknowledges one of his buildings is mouse-infested but defiantly refuses to admit he needs to do anything drastic to resolve the rodent invasion.

"I'm going to continue to run my buildings the way I have run them for 30 years," said Sorbara of the Sorbara Group, which includes local MPP Greg Sorbara.

RELATED: Garth Turner... movie star?
Starring in remake of "I am Legend."