31 July 2016

30 July 2016

Strangely, Black Lives Matters Toronto...

...was not available for comment...Toronto police have released surveillance video and are appealing for the public's help in an attempted murder investigation in which shots were fired through the window of a North York restaurant. Police describe the suspect as a black male in his twenties to thirties, five-feet-seven to five-feet-nine inches tall, with a thin build and neck-length braided hair.And...Toronto...

29 July 2016

And I'm guessing she spits fire...

...every time someone mentions "affirmative action"...********** RELATED: In other law enforcement newsMeanwhile, back at the ranch, CBC fans the flames of racial injustice and gets plenty of eyeballs for their website..."Many members of the Ottawa Muslim and Somali communities have serious concerns...

The most trusted name...

...in search engine "gerrymandering"...Googling the presidential candidates Wednesday morning didn’t produce the exact results some people would expect. Donald Trump wasn’t included. Neither was Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson. NBC4 reached out to Google to ask about the issue. Around noon Wednesday, Trump and Johnson were both added back to the Google search results.Bias? What bias? ********** RELATED:...

"Let them eat shrapnel"

Never a Nobel Peace Prize winner around when you really, really need one...Increasingly, it appears that the Obama administration has written off Aleppo and with it the popular rebellion against Syrian strongman Bashar al Assad. The question of the moment, however, is why Washington seems to have no...

28 July 2016

With the installation of a flux capacitor...

...police officers will be able to travel back in time to prevent the murders of Harvey Milk and Matthew Sheppard...Less policing... more ruby slippers!!! ********** RELATED: United States Marine Corps... ...set to adopt pink battle rif...

Because it's 2016

...right, Justin?I mean, you must've admired ol' Hunter enough to appoint him to Cabinet, right?Asked several times why he would not simply deny the accusations if they were not true, Mr. Tootoo continued to repeat what sounded like prepared remarks.Yessirree, it's like a breath of fresh air... a welcome...

27 July 2016

How come it's not called...

..."Black Lives Ended by Black People Don't Count"... Somali Canadian and Black Lives Matter supporter Hana Jama said although “we don’t know ANYTHING” about what happened, “at the same time, we do know that the man who was beaten up by police was a black man, was a Muslim man, was a Somali man and...

The enemy of my betrayer...

...might just have to be my new best friend...Sanders, at times, struggled to calm his most ardent supporters, as TV cameras highlighted delegates in tears as he urged them to support Clinton. "Not for sale," some delegates screamed... "It's not over."What did Bill's wife offer Bernie to make him roll...

26 July 2016


"One of the extremists who stormed into the church was a French 19-year-old named Adel K., who was being monitored by electronic tag after TWICE attempting to join fanatics in Syria. Unbelievably, his bail terms allowed him to be unsupervised between 8.30am and 12.30pm."Two words... Inspector... Clouseau...Beyond...

That's the worst kind of discrimination...

...the kind against me... Vehicle stop, dark night... all alone and seconds to decide if that's a gun or a cellphone. Too late, you're dead."The reporter asked BLM's Jarrett Maupin what conclusions he’d drawn from the experience. 'I didn’t understand how important compliance was,' said Maupin. 'But...

25 July 2016

Ask a "Professional" Journalist

"Tut, tut, old boy... it's bloody obvious you cannot trust the dastardly Hun"...If only there were some alternative way to learn about... wait a minute...********** RELATED: The "New Normal""Well this is all going very well isn’t it? I refer of course to the totally unforeseeable, impossible to predict...

Just another proud moment...

...in Democratic National Party history...From: Rivard, Chadwick Subject: RE: Donor Vet Good morning all, Finance asked us to vet as potential POTUS host/donor. George Lindemann - convicted of three counts of wire fraud in 1995 and received a 33-month term in federal prison; Investigation stemmed from a federal investigation where over 50 horses were killed in a 20 year period in acts of insurance...

24 July 2016

Lone wolf here... lone wolf there...

...pretty soon you've got a pack... The explosion occurred near the Ansbach Open music festival. The festival has now been cancelled.No official word as this is happening right now, but... It's confirmed... you can lay this at the feet of the "72 Virgins Dating Service"™..."Ansbach Mayor Carda Seidel...

The "Evil Cop shoots Black Man" story...

...you'll NEVER SEE on the CBC..."But damning surveillance video obtained by The Post paints a much different portrait of the July 4 shooting — showing Delrawn Small falling back almost immediately after approaching Isaacs’ car."Curiously, not a single spokes-victim from "Black Lives Matter" could be...

23 July 2016

Unadulterated, premeditated slaughter

Sorry to spoil the narrative, CBC... but this is the textbook definition of a terrorist act... Ali Sonboly was an 18-year-old who held dual citizenship of Germany and Iran.The gunman who opened fire inside a Munich shopping center Friday killing 9 people sent out an online invitation about a bogus free...

22 July 2016

Those annoying, inconvenient "road blocks"

Remember... when you need a good nights sleep after a really stressful day..."Hey Mohammed, can I get another pillow? For some strange reason, I just can't seem to close my eyes and relax."I blame the Public Works department. ********** UPDATE: Don't be Muslim, don't be Muslim......gawddammit...MUNICH...

Mutti Merkel's New, Improved Germany

"Mass Shooting at Munich shopping mall, SEVERAL DEAD, ISIS CELEBRATES on social media.""A major police operation is under way in Munich after a gunman opened fire in a shopping centre, killing at least three people and injuring several more, police have said. There are unconfirmed reports of shootings...


Answering that age-old question... "What sort of degenerate pimps out a 16 year-old girl?" "Meet Semere Netzereab, Minyaal Wur, Elyas Yusuf, and Yonis Osman."Apparently, these budding criminal geniuses forgot to read the relevant chapters from "Prostitution Rings for Dummies."Last month, the same 16-year-old...

Bag-O-Hammers Inc.

Tweedledum just got tweedledumber...There's no way anybody could be this... wait a minute...How could he not? With the Supreme Court in the balance, how could Ted Cruz not swallow hard and endorse the only man who can stop Hillary Clinton from choosing two and possibly five Supreme Court replacements? This...

Ask a "professional" Journalist

Watch what happens when you upset one of Killery Kankles Kommandos...********** UPDATE: Twitter's leftwing teabaggeryPredictably, Shoals was not sanctioned by Twitter for the blatant violation of their terms of service, despite the company’s decision to permanently suspend Breitbart Tech editor Milo...

21 July 2016

His original plan to wear...

...pink leather chaps & body glitter was vetoed by hospital administrators..."I'm optimistic that the patient will get better and I DON'T HAVE TO WEAR THEM for too much longer."Sure thing, Doc... it's a burden, but SOMEBODY HAD TO DO IT, right? Meanwhile, in other "look at me, look at me" news......

Don't worry Justin...

...I'm sure the United Nations simply shipped all the child-abusing refugees to Germany..."The issue may be a hard one for law makers to tackle after a landmark ruling last month by a judge in Bamburg, Bavaria, recognised the marriage of a 14-year-old Syrian girl to her 20-year-old cousin. The vast majority of the underage brides are from Syria. Iraqi child brides come a distant second."This could...

20 July 2016

Dear "professional" journalists...

..."NEWS WORDS MATTER TOO"...PARIS (Reuters) - Armed protesters fired at police, LIGHTLY WOUNDING FIVE, during overnight confrontations in an area north of Paris over the death of a young man in police custody, local officials said on Wednesday.See, Skippy... this is exactly what I'm talking about. The...

The capricious & unknowable "Will of Allah"

Remember back in the day, you'd see an eight year old girl wearing shorts and your thoughts would turn to murder? YEAH... ME NEITHER"According to local reports, the motive of the attack is unclear but the man had allegedly made references about the females being ‘too lightly dressed’. It is believed...

Brought to you by the folks...

...who have... in the short space of 12 years... actually doubled Ontario's indebtedness...Toronto is now well established as the bastion of left-wing politics in Canada. The most obvious symptom of it’s capture by left-wing ideology is how media elites and the intelligentsia (most of whom live off the public payroll) have come to believe that their perspective is no longer a point of view but an...

19 July 2016

The only phrase that comes to mind is...

..."Indian Giver"...Abandoning the UN declaration is the Liberals’ first broken promise to Canada’s aboriginals, but it’s a whopper. It will have to be followed by others. The best-intentioned government [which no one is suggesting we have here] couldn’t possibly deliver on it all. So Trudeau will...

I've never really understood...

...the utility of Twitter ••• until just now...It wasn't just MSNBC that tied itself in knots trying not to use the words Muslim, Islam or terrorist that night. I was watching the CBC coverage and almost fell out of my chair as their talking head likewise laid the blame squarely on the evil truck......

18 July 2016

If you build it... they will come...

...and come... and come... and come..."None of the estimated 400,000 refugees who have entered the United States since 2010 were screened for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in their overseas medical screenings, thanks to a change in federal regulations made by the Obama administration that year." "More...

Warning... leaping off high buildings...

...could have POSSIBLE ADVERSE health consequences..."It is especially disturbing when we see such a large number of paralyzing spinal injuries in a short period of time, and even more concerning when it requires significant amounts of surgical intervention to try reverse them,” said Chief Medical Health...

17 July 2016

Hussein Obama's coming race war

More dead cops? Let's party...The suspect has been identified as a black male named Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City, Missouri, sources tell CBS News.And like the Dallas cop-killer, Long is a vet...According to CBS News, Long was honorably discharged from the Marines in 2010.Black Lives Matters™ wants...

Ya feelin' lucky, punk?

At a national board of review dinner in New York City in 2005, Eastwood joked that he would kill Michael Moore if he ever showed up at his house with a camera. The crowd roared with laughter, but when the laughter quieted down, Clint simply said, “I mean it.”********** RELATED: Michael Moore, Michael...