Things are looking up, ladies... in the New Improved Egypt... they don't simply assume you're a prostitute... there's a field diagnostic..."We didn't want them to say we had sexually assaulted or raped them, so we wanted to prove that they weren't virgins in the first place," the general said. "None of them were virgins."**********RELATED: Ask a "spiritual advisor"The senior cleric was responding...
31 May 2011
Yup... an exciting new paradigm...
...cyber riots...Police said the gang members are part of a group of more than 1,000 youths who have used social media sites like Facebook to plan unruly gatherings on the beach on three of the past four nights. The beach falls under the jurisdiction of the State Police, who have been unable to prevent the violence.And it isn't just Boston that's being torn apart..."It has nothing to do with racism,"...
So, Doc... what you're saying is...
...the first severed head is deductible..."After passengers scrambled to escape the bus Li attempted to exit too but was stopped by the bus driver, who closed the door behind him, trapping Li inside... where he continued to mutilate McLean's body and severed his hea...
Here's a thought... we could call it...

..."Omar's Law"..."It’s one of a multitude of proposed changes to the Conservative Party’s official policies up for debate when Tories from across Canada converge in Ottawa for a June 9-11 conventio...
You wanna spread terror across the land...
...who needs suitcase nukes..."We have 61 adults hospitalised, 21 in intensive care," a spokeswoman for the Eppendorf University Clinic in Hamburg, where most cases are being treated clinic, said Monday evening.The clinic has appealed for blood donations."We are using between 500 and 700 bags of plasma per day, compared to 60 normally. We're running out of supplies," the spokeswoman said.Rolf Stahl,...
30 May 2011
So, I've been in maintenance mode...
...all day long -- first, we had to play silly buggars (as in, retard the timing) with Mrs Neo's car to kludge it through Drive Clean... then it was off to the Doc to set up an appointment to surgically scope my failing left knee.The backhoe is also getting some new hoses... and I'm contemplating the pros & cons of welding up the leaky loader arms (which also function as a reservoir for hydraulic...
Remember back... you were in Grade 9...
...your biggest worry was gettin' blown away by gun wielding thugs? -- TORONTO - A 15-year-old boy has died after being shot multiple times in the courtyard of Rexdale townhouse complex.Toronto Police homicide Det. Peter Trimble identified the victim as Andrew Naidoo, who lives in the area of the shooting at 1801 Martin Grove ...
29 May 2011
I imagine the Toronto police...
...are rounding up farmers, duck hunters & skeet shooters as we speak...Toronto police are hunting for suspects after three men were shot in Kensington Market early Sunday morning. Emergency crews were called to the scene around 4:30 a.m. outside what police say is an after-hours club at Augusta Avenue, near Denison Square.This violence comes on the first day Kensington Market begins its annual...
Yeah... if only Canada was as civilised...
...and enlightened... as Uganda... -- HAMILTON, Ont. -- A man convicted of killing two women by infecting them with HIV does not accept that he was responsible for their deaths and believes he was only found guilty because the jury was racist, court heard Frid...
The New Separatistes
It didn't take Jacko any time at all to bow down to his new Overlords..."The NDP is determined to adopt measures to better protect Quebec's linguistic and cultural rights," Layton said.The NDP's deputy leader, Thomas Mulcair, said the NDP recognizes Quebec needs to be treated differently than the rest of the country when it comes to certain issues like culture and langua...
This just gets better & better
-- TORONTO -- Ontario Conservatives would force high-risk sex offenders and other dangerous criminals to wear GPS monitoring bracelets, Sun Media has learned.A PC government would also make the entire sex offender registry — including names and addresses — available to the public online.These measures will be part of a strong anti-crime program in the Ontario PC election platform, Changebook,...
28 May 2011
It's like having a little puppy...

...who just can't stop piddling on the kitchen floor... 6 minutes, three trolls... perhaps you need a refresher...And, nonny... bear in mind... this is just one tiny slice of your waking... (and I use the word loosely)... "reality." To recap... you don't know my name, you've never even seen a picture...
The Wrong Stuff
The American soldier at the centre of the WikiLeaks revelations was so mentally fragile before his deployment to Iraq that he wet himself, threw chairs around, shouted at his commanding officers and was regularly brought in for psychiatric evaluations.Two months after his arrival, the bolt was removed from his rifle because he was thought to be a danger, his lawyer, David Coombs, has confirm...
Michael Who?
"He found someone bent on seeking redemption and a man who aspired to be a winning politician, having only ever led one revolution – a protest against a pajama party at Upper Canada College."**********RELATED: Prime Minister Srephen Harper......think of him as the Anti-Jack... -- DEAUVILLE, France (Reuters) -- Group of Eight leaders had to soften a statement urging Israel and the Palestinians...
27 May 2011
A failure to communicate
It’s a fundamental part of the Airbus philosophy about automation that pilots should not be able to assert individual control outside of a defined envelope that guarantees the stability of the airplane. As long as the autopilot and engine auto-thrust are engaged, the computers inhibit pilots from superseding the commands of the system. Boeing, in contrast, within its own version of a fully automated...
That evil, controlling George W...
...wait a minute...President Obama used a machine that holds a pen and signed his actual name to approve an extension of the Patriot Act minutes before it was set to expire.I guess, this way... he can claim he didn't actually do th...
No doubt, the Toronto homicide squad... rounding up farmers, duck hunters & skeet shooters as we speak... -- TORONTO -- John Kang, 21, was approached by the in a plaza parking lot near Victoria Park and Finch Aves. around 10:15 p.m. , police said. One of the men pulled out a gun and shot Kang in the chest.Both suspects are described as black men, about 18 to 19 years old. One is about 5-foot-6 to 5-foot-7 with a slim build....
What exactly is the deal here?

I don't remember the media being fixated with Sirhan Sirhan's grade eight graduation picture...
Meanwhile... in other...
...child soldier news...
They take away your devils... your angels disappear as we...
26 May 2011
Sledgehammers, picks... turning big rocks...

...into little rocks... In what's being billed as a Canadian first, inmates in Ontario prisons would be forced to perform 40 hours of manual labour a week to earn rewards like coffee and gym time.Under Premier Dalton McGuinty, prisoners get yoga lessons, cooking classes, writing workshops and premium...
And so it begins...
...New Dipper frat party... announces it forgot to actually order in those kegs..."Mr. Layton is backtracking on positions he took during the election campaign,” said PQ leader Pauline Marois. “The choice of Quebecers will be respected at 50 per cent plus one vote."**********UPDATE: Backtracking on backtrackingNDP Leader Jack Layton told reporters Thursday his party believes that a simple majority,...
No, not a question...
25 May 2011
Yup, no argument here... snatching people... the street and testing them against their will... wait a minute...
I dunno... maybe he was a terrible person... a previous li...
In other "China's economic miracle" news...

From those wonderful folks who brought you... lead-painted baby toys...You can't say you haven't been warned..."Made in Canada" simply means that 51 per cent of the production cost was incurred in Canada; the ingredients could come from anywhere, and increasingly they come from China.Go clean out your...
Oh Canada
Beautiful British Columbia... where, apparently... there's no such thing as an unbailable bad boy.Hmmm... maybe they're just taking their cues from California.**********RELATED: Yeah, Peace Moonbeam, I know......but you still haven't given me an answ...
I'm from the government... I'm here... dose you...**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Lithium was once an ingredient in 7-Up. That was during the Depression, and 7-UP was an EXTREMELY popular soft drink during those year...
Welcome Back Khadr
"It's not clear where Khadr will serve his sentence, but a facility in Western Canada is a good bet, considering his lawyers are based in Edmonton and teachers from King's University College in Edmonton have been supervising his education while he¹s been locked up in Cub...
24 May 2011
President McDreamy's...

... magical Middle East outreach program -- he overlooks just one tiny detail..."The only truly free Arabs living in the Middle East are the one million who live in Israel."**********UPDATE: That evil, racist Rush Limb......wait a minute...U.S. President Barack Obama’s Palestinian Authority-Israel...
So I guess... "culture"...
...does trump education...In India, the practice of aborting female fetuses increases as women become better educated and wealthier, defying the predicted decline of a widespread cultural preference for sons.And as many as 12 million girls have gone “missing” from the population since 1985 because of the practice, according to new research released Tuesday by the leading medical journal The Lanc...
"It began as a offhand remark..."
... "hey, what if we just didn’t tell?" -- And then Stocker found a book in his school library called X: A Fabulous Child’s Story by Lois Gould. The book, published in 1978, is about raising not a boy or a girl, but X. There’s a happy ending here. Little X — who loved to play football and weave baskets — faces the taunting head on, proving that X is the most well-adjusted child ever examined by...
23 May 2011
We now return to... "As the Village Turns"
Be careful what you wish for... 'cos you just might get it all...The three widows of Osama bin Laden are turning on each other in custody, with two older Saudi women blaming a much younger Yemeni wife for leading American intelligence to their hideout."It's vicious," said a Pakistani official briefed on the interrogation of the widows. "The older wives think the younger one tipped off the Americans...
Paging Dr Dawg
Is it just possible, my friend... the answer "isn't blowing in the wind?" -- "Almost half of Spaniards aged 18-25 are out of work, more than double the European Union average." -- C'mon, Peace Moonbeam... even the starry-eyed Euroweenies are starting to suss it o...
22 May 2011
I dunno, Abdul... you let them drive cars... thing you know... they'll be demanding the right to just walk around without male supervision. -- RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) -- Authorities detained a Saudi woman on Saturday after she launched a campaign against the driving ban for women in the ultraconservative kingdom and posted a video of herself behind the wheel on Facebook and YouTube to encourage others to copy h...
Religious Zealots... never afraid to ask...
...the really hard questions... -- Q: -- Isn't the world going to be totally collapsed after the Rapture? -- A: -- When all the Christians on the planet disappear, there will certainly be massive confusion. However, the majority of people will still be on earth, and communications will be their first priority to maintain. Therefore, I believe it will not be a problem to coordinate activities...
21 May 2011
So, Peace Moonbeam... let's be honest... about you tell me how much safer you feel since the Liberals decided to drop two billion taxpayer dollars to chase after farmers, duck hunters & target shoote...
That evil, controlling Stephen Harp...
...wait a minute..."Once he goes nuclear and e-mails the [education] minister, e-mails the chairman, e-mails the CEO, suddenly now this becomes an example of a Liberal operative putting pressure on a public broadcaster to drop a guest." "If we did, how the hell would that have looked – buckling to the request of somebody who basically works for Ontario Premier Dalton McGuint...
How the Medieval Theocracy wages war..., "holy war"... that is... -- KABUL, Afghanistan -- A Taliban suicide bomber targeting NATO medical trainers infiltrated Kabul's main military hospital on Saturday and blew himself up in a tent full of Afghan medical students eating lunch, killing six and wounding 23.Once again... the capricious & unknowable "Will of Allah."**********RELATED: A History of Violence"After a wave of suicide...
20 May 2011
The thing is... Majority Government... really a double edged sword...So, Tony... what this actually means is... there aren't any more excuses..."Mr. Clement was the founding president of the Canadian Alliance, a political movement in favour of smaller government that ultimately morphed into the Conservative Party of Canada.""Yet after...
/bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/
Will President McDreamy's most memorable achievement be turning decades of U.S. foreign policy inside out? -- WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama is endorsing the Palestinians' demand for their future state to be based on the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war, in a move that will likely infuriate Israel.But, heck, never mind those war-mongering Israelis... Barry's obviously...
"We finally went with drawing straws..."

"...and, look... I just don't wanna talk about i...
19 May 2011
It bears repeating... guns have still killed fewer people than former Liberal Attorney General Michael Bryant's car..."This is a diverse group. Young and old, male and female; among other occupations, members include school teachers, doctors, bakers, and lawyers. Under federal law, the minimum age for membership is 18. The oldest member of the Forest Hill club is approaching 80 years of age."Remember... these are...
It's nice to know they're not all...
...colourless, humourless bureaucrats..."It's likely that an investigation of this scenario would seek to accomplish several goals: determine the cause of the illness, the source of the infection/virus/toxin, learn how it is transmitted and how readily it is spread, how to break the cycle of transmission and thus prevent further cases, and how patients can best be treated.""However, their suggestions...
Let's just be thankful she doesn't have...
...uncontrollable urges to tear heads off kittens..."Anytime you have a coworker, friend or family member with a medical anomaly, the proper response is to avert attention, and don't call attention to it."Yup... sure wouldn't wanna embarrass anyone with the chutzpah to litigate for the right to watch porn & masturbate... AT WORK.Hey CUPE... time to sweeten that benefit package. I'm guessin' you...
That evil, controlling Stephen Harp...
...wait a minute..."The White House Press Office has refused to give the Boston Herald full access to President Obama’s Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails objecting to the newspaper’s front page placement of a Mitt Romney op-ed, saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the news 'fairly...
18 May 2011
I could be wrong...
...maybe there is a gawd...The hotel maid, a West African immigrant, has occupied the fourth-floor High Bridge pad with her 15-year-old daughter since January — and before that, lived in another Bronx apartment set aside by Harlem Community AIDS United strictly for adults with the virus and their families.The Post has not been able to ascertain whether the maid, 32, has HIV/AIDS because of medical...
Go ahead and make Jack Layton...
..the next Prime Minister... I dare you... -- NEW YORK -- Two leading makers of lighting products are showcasing LED bulbs that are bright enough to replace energy-guzzling 100-watt light bulbs set to disappear from stores in January.Their demonstrations at the LightFair trade show in Philadelphia this week mean that brighter LED bulbs will likely go on sale next year, but after a government ban...
17 May 2011
I get that there are people...
...who can't function unless they're pinned under a heavy institutional thumb, but... maybe if Canadian jails were a little closer to their American analogues... we'd have a few less career criminals..."Everyone must go through the bullpen. Everyone gets his picture taken, his fingers printed, his height and weight measured, and his urine sampled. The AIDS test is optional.""Strauss-Kahn would also...
$437 million dollars... that's why we... him McSlippery...You can be forgiven if you’re unfamiliar with the term “economic development adder.” It means subsidy. The government didn’t want to admit it was paying $437 million to sweeten the deal and make it worth Samsung’s while, so it chose a term no one would recogni...
A whole new twist... that familiar ol' saw... "baby boom"...Asked by a dumbfounded Mr. Eldar whether she would let Mohammed become a shahid, or martyr, if he recovers, she replies, “Absolutely. If it’s for the sake of Jerusalem, I would.” Life, she says, is not precious.Chalk up another one... for that unconditional mother lo...
From the folks who brought you Caledonia
Once again, too many gutless politicians... not enough common sense..."The city has had archeologists go and test, they’ve had about 40 test pits, and it does not show it to be a burial mound." -- C'mon, Toronto... you never wanna let any of those pesky facts get in the way of a politically-correct cultural fairy tale... let's get this faux-cultural carnival on the road...They affixed three red...
In other "Reality TV Show" news
Dear Premier McSlippery... I eagerly await the inevitable announcement... of your somewhat derivative "Severing Shoplifters Hands" initiative.**********RELATED: It's true, you mostly get... ...what you pay f...
16 May 2011
More of those damn, gun-happy Alber...
...wait a minute... -- CALGARY -- On Thursday, May 12th, RCMP in Fort McMurray arrested 26-year-old Ahmed Mohamed of Brooks, Alberta on unrelated drug and weapons charges.After speaking with Mohamed, police have now charged him with second-degree murder in connection to Worku’s death.Hang on... rednecks, Alberta, rampant homicides... that sounds so famili...
Hope, change and... cat food on crackers
And looky here... the Car Salesman-in-Chief has just redefined the phrase "Old Age Security"...If Congress does not vote by Aug. 2 to raise the debt limit, Geithner says the government is likely to default on some of its obligations, which he says would cause enormous economic harm and the suspension of government services, including the disbursal of Social Security funds.**********RELATED: Scratch...
But, but, but...
...he's just so McDreamy...When President Barack Obama took office, in 2009, he championed the cause of government transparency, and spoke admiringly of whistle-blowers, whom he described as “often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government.” But the Obama Administration has pursued leak prosecutions with a surprising relentlessness. Including the Drake case, it has...
More "Caviar Socialists" in the news
I'm no mathematician... but let's try calculate the odds of Stephen Harper being -- (a) -- found butt-nekkid in a triad-run bawdy house... or -- (b) -- arrested for sexually assaulting a a maid in a ritzy hotel.Even the lunatic left-leaning Huffpo, can't resist piling on...For demolishing the Socialists' claim to speak for the common Frenchman and woman, it's hard to beat an accusation of...
13 May 2011
So... with Blogger being down...

...the last 24 hours, I decided it was time to venture... once again... into the wonderful world of home repair. We've been having some off & on water pressure issues lately... and the last couple of days the H2O was actually shutting itself off.Now, for all you big city folk, this would simply...
11 May 2011
I imagine GTA farmers, duck hunters...
...and target shooters are being rounded up as we speak...In what police called a “double drive-by” — the two cars involved were both moving at the time — shots were fired from one moving vehicle into the other near the intersection of Gosford Blvd. and Secroft Cres.No need to be alarmed though, folks... looks like the world-famous Inspector Clouseau Crime Unit is on the job...Staff Sgt. Lamond would...
Merriam-Webster... in an effort to keep up...

...with our ever-changing & increasingly technological world... issues redefinition of the word "pathetic"... "You’ll meet more people than ever, just because of the wow factor," said Jason Healy, the founder of Blu, who did not appear to be making friends as he exhaled the odorless vapor of an...
You mean the way all the Dippers...

...are overinflating that whole "buck-nekkid community clinic" massage parlour thing? -- "When her bio was posted on our website, a party staffer inadvertently changed the wordin...
What's life...

...without a dream, h...
10 May 2011
Oh, c'mon now... International Law...

...that's just for little people...The usually oh-so-vocal "principle of the thing" left-o-sphere... seems to have silently slunk away into the ethical shadows.I don't get it.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:Dear Sons,We are sensitive to your concerns.Please let us know where you are living and we will certainly...
Catering to junkies... the consequences

Pay attention folks... to the hard-learned lessons of Detroit...
A Brief History of Courage
I don’t have much positive to say about motor neuron disease. But it taught me not to pity myself, because others were worse off and to get on with what I still could do. I’m happier now than before I developed the condition. I am lucky to be working in theoretical physics, one of the few areas in which disability is not a serious handic...
The New Separatistes

Now that the Dippers are a Quebec-based party... Jack has to sing for his supper...NDP Leader Jack Layton promised Quebecers, during a weekend appearance on a popular talk show, that he would immediately try to apply the principles of Quebec's language laws to federally regulated industries.Some political...
09 May 2011
A dead terrorist by any other name...

...smells just as sweet...
The Lizzie May... "kiss of death"
In the 2008 election, the Greens attracted 937,000 votes, an increase of 237,000 over the previous election. Last Monday they gave it all back, and more, dropping to 576,000 votes. That’s less than they polled in 2006 or 2004, under then-leader Jim Harris. You have to go back to 2000 to find a worse result.So much for the "big picture", h...
Perhaps he's not as McSlippery... he thinks...The Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the New Democrats and the Progressive Conservatives have all called on McGuinty to apologize for the secret law his government passed regarding police powers during the G20 weekend.Ever notice how Stephen Harper takes all the heat in the media for being an evil, controlling dictator?Here we have a case of Dalton McGuinty secretly ramping...
Toe-may-toe... tom-mah-to
"The Rewards for Justice pays rewards for information," Edwards said. "It does not pay bounties. In fact, the Department of State strongly discourages bounty hunters and other non-governmental individuals from pursuing the capture of terrorists."Whatever works, sweetie.**********RELATED: Understanding Pakistan......the short answer is... you won't...So how is the army both at war with al Qaeda and...
It could be way worse... right?
I'm just trying to imagine what it would be like... if they hadn't embraced democracy...Egypt's justice minister has warned that those who threaten the country's security will face "an iron fist".Abdel Aziz al-Gindi was speaking after 12 people died and more than 180 were wounded during clashes between Muslims and Christians in Cairo.More than 190 people detained after the fatal clashes will face...
08 May 2011
Do you have what it takes... be a successful politici...
That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...
...wait a minute...In her first interview since getting elected, the elusive New Democrat who made headlines for going to Las Vegas during the campaign admits she's never stepped foot in her riding but says she is looking forward to visiting soon. In a halting phone interview conducted almost entirely in English, Ms. Brosseau sounds nervous and at one point takes more than 20 seconds to answer a...
07 May 2011
Here's the pictures... really wanna see...In a White House briefing on Monday, counterterrorism chief John Brennan said that he and the rest of Obama’s team were “able to monitor the situation in real time” and were given “regular updates” as the operation proceeded, but wouldn’t say whether there was a live video feed. Even though the government won’t confirm that the SEALs were wearing cameras, a military spokesman...
So... how about it, Peace Moonbeam?

That whole "moral relativism" thing... I'm thinkin' maybe you could explain that to us... one more time..."The pro-bin Laden 'funeral' took place as relatives of the 7/7 terror attack on London - which claimed 52 lives - wept at the inquest into the atrocity just three miles away."A funeral, huh? That's...
06 May 2011
Prove it, prove it... chimes whiney NDP
Liberal candidate Francine Gaudet said a formal complaint has been made with Elections Canada by a voter in the riding alleging there are at least 90 invalid signatures on the elected NDP candidate's nomination papers. Ms. Gaudet explained in an interview that when voters were asked to endorse the NDP candidate’s nomination papers, her name did not appear on the voter consent nomination form. The...
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