CC is actually my most avid linker, though, strangely, there never seems to be that much resultant traffic from his site. I'm guessing the fact that he feels obligated to use the word c@nt in every other sentence, may be a bit of a gagger for some folks... especially the fairer sex.
With his rudimentary social skills, I'm guessing he doesn't really have much of a social life... but CC has managed to turn even that... being a "rude, moody loner"... into a sort of hobby.
So tonight, as per usual, it seems he's simply winging it... making up offensive cant... and talkin' smack about people (and I'm certainly near the top of his list) he believes may have sullied his name.
Anyway... CC now claims that he has unearthed my identity and, wait for it... that I am actually Richard from, who I believe, resides in Calgary. He's also saying that people are gonna have to wait for the "punch line"... but you know something, my little friend, it's actually your puerile, uni-dimensional personality... that is the punch line here.
Of course, anyone who has followed my stuff over the last two years knows that I'm a 7 year resident of Hastings Cty., Ontario... and a former (never to return) resident of Toronto. But hey... CC isn't actually that interested in facts.
And that's really the only thing you need to know about him.
I probably should have just ignored the little pest.
I just went back into Sitemeter and there has been just one additional hit originating from CC's little rathole. So, counting the one I noticed earlier... we have a grand total of two visitors.
Now you really know everything about sad-sack Canadian Cynic.
I almost feel sorry for him.
"I'd rather be called a 'c@nt' (cute, tres effective) than a member of 'the fairer sex'."Right on sistah!!!
You try that out for a day or two and get back to us.
RELATED: Maybe I'll ask Ezra for a legal opinion
In the comments, Langmann points out that Cynic is accusing me of being the person who hacked the wireless router in the HRC case...

But let's ask Cynic's Co-Blogger Lindsay Stewart... who is not so publicity-shy... to back up CC's assertion.
After all, Lindsay likes to express bold opinions on other public forums...
"Written by Lindsay Stewart on 2007-12-13 10:48:56"Whaddaya think, Lindsay... you got some time to talk to a lawyer?
"I've been keeping an eye on our site meter over at where I write as pretty shaved ape. About 7% of our traffic this morning has been from government."
"We normally get that many gc hits in a day if we've been totally snotty. I suspect that they are seeing whether we'll let up. And thanks R. Bassett for the "vocal Minority" idea, I'll be including that in my letter to ACTRA later today."