28 February 2017

To be perfectly fair...

...Monica Lewinsky was actually under the desk... not on top of it...Shorter lunatic left... blowjobs - fine... feet on couch - end of the world...Apparently Ms. Conway's ten little piggies are the most important thing happening in this picture..."Lost in all the Conway faux fuss was President Trump’s...

The Obama years... those pesky little details...

...nobody really wants to talk about...The IRS has discovered more than 1 million Americans whose Social Security numbers were stolen by illegal immigrants, but officials never bothered to tell the taxpayers themselves, the agency’s inspector general said in a withering new report released Tuesday. Investigators first alerted the IRS to the problem five years ago, but it’s still not fixed, the inspector...

27 February 2017

The cookie crumbles

Some doctors who have helped the gravely ill end their lives are no longer willing to participate in assisted death because of emotional distress or fear of prosecution if their decisions are second-guessed, according to their colleagues. In Ontario, one of the few provinces to track the information, 24 doctors have permanently been removed from a voluntary referral list of physicians willing to...

24 February 2017

There must be a sh!tload...

..of sick people in Canada...The most recent Health Canada figures show that at the end of last year, almost 130,000 Canadians had signed up with the country’s 38 licensed cannabis producers. That’s a 32-per-cent jump from the more than 98,000 registered at the end of September 2016 and up from the 7,900 granted access to medicinal cannabis in mid-20...

23 February 2017

Descendants of Mongol Empire victims...

...encouraged by social justice movement, launch massive class action lawsuit...The clamor for a segregated space for students of color to organize social justice efforts comes even as the public university builds a $10 million center for black students in the center of campus. In their demands, students explain why the new black student center is not enough.********** RELATED: They ain’t making...

22 February 2017

Journalism 101

"This mis-framing is made all the more disappointing by the fact that the reporting in this piece is very strong, but obscuring that good journalism is a conceptual framework that is so weak, so full of holes, so lacking in serious, practical understanding of the world that it makes a shocking impression on the reader."********** RELATED: The CBC piles on..."Millions of people living in the United...

21 February 2017

Ask a Lefty

“On Monday, Senator Ted Cruz went on Ellen to confess that he, of course, killed Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster in 1993,” reads one recent article, which refers to Cruz as “the Republican front-runner to take on President Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2020.”And, of course, there's this...They misquoted Trump and ran hit pieces all day on the American president. Unbelievable.It's how they roll. ********** UPDATE:...

Next... 10,000 new cops...

...for Chicago...Department of Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly ordered the director of ICE to immediately begin the process of hiring an additional 10,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and enforcement officers to effectively enforce the immigration laws in the interior regions of the U...

20 February 2017

Truth AND Consequences

Doesn't Islamophobia actually mean......a fear of Islam?"They will literally call Christians “terrorists” for not wanting to bake a cake for a gay wedding, while completely ignoring the many Muslim countries where being gay is a CRIME and sometimes one whose penalty is death!!"So, that Liberal motion...

19 February 2017

18 February 2017

Says the guy who just gave...

...375 million taxpayer dollars to a company that shed 14,000 jobs over the last couple of years...Justin Trudeau is blaming corporate and government leaders for the spike in global anger rocking world politics, warning that low wages and the shift to precarious part-time work is at the heart of why citizens are opposing traditional powers.No hypocrisy at all. ********** RELATED: Ontario's energy...

17 February 2017

Trump's new strategy: Hulk smash

Trump's [cabinet appointment] policy should be simple... go get a shovel and dig up General Patton's dead body and slam him into place. By the time we are done, I want to see the entire cast of The Expendables in Trump's Cabinet, with Chuck Norris riding a Tyrannosaurus Rex down 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...

16 February 2017

51 Genders

Just another reason people voted for Donald Trump..."Unfortunately for the Harvard Computer Club , they included only two genders in Datamatch’s options — and now they’re in big trouble."********** RELATED: Silver lining... ...every unnecessary death is a tragedy... it doesn't have to be a complete...

That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...The Liberals campaigned on a promise to run a more transparent government than the Conservatives, but we still don’t know what the Liberals’ long-term plan is. The Conservative plan, on the other hand, was crystal clear: steadily lower taxes and spending. You may not have liked the plan, but at least you know what it was.********** RELATED: meanwhile, back in Ontari-owe...Ontario’s...

15 February 2017

Welcome to Battlefield America

Desensitize them to violence, acclimate them to a military presence in their communities and persuade them that there is nothing they can do to alter the seemingly hopeless trajectory of the nation. Before long, no one will even notice the floundering economy, the blowback arising from military occupations abroad, the police shootings, the nation’s deteriorating infrastructure and all of the other...

14 February 2017

Live and Learn...

...just not at this hotbed of senseless violence...Speaking of Hitler, I’m ending my support of UC Berkeley, where I got my MBA years ago. I have been a big supporter lately, with both my time and money, but that ends today. I wish them well, but I wouldn’t feel safe or welcome on the campus. A Berkeley...

Fifty Shades of Dumbstick

London’s firefighters have had to get their bolt cutters out to free 23 amorous men with rings stuck on their manhoods and 102 men and women stuck in handcuffs or chained to the bed in the last five years since the books appeared. Each call out costs taxpayers at least £326 - a total of £40,750 - and with the next instalment of the erotic trilogy hitting cinemas fire brigades are bracing themselves...

13 February 2017

The "N" word

The political left considers us irremediably evil and dangerous. Thusly do they justify engaging in violence, sending their version of "Brown Shirts" onto college campuses to prevent our side from even speaking. It's Kristallnacht 2017.Time to wake up and smell the insurgency. ********** RELATED: Red State, Blue City The United States is coming to resemble two countries, one rural and one urban....

Silence of the BLMs

Another story you won't hear about on CBC...Sources familiar with the city’s street gangs say six fatal shootings in the past 11 months — one of which was an innocent grandmother — are believed to be the result of a war between the Regent Park-based gang Sick Thugz and a newer splinter group called Halal. One anonymous source described the conflict as an “internal cleansing,” with Halal picking off...

12 February 2017

Bringing a Mountain...

...of camel-sh!t to Mohammed...Swedish city Gothenburg is building a camel park which it hopes will create jobs for migrants, but the plans have been slammed as racist and “absurd” by a charity boss. The city hopes the camel centre being built in the migrant-dominated suburb of Angered will be able to provide jobs for foreign residents who are otherwise struggling to find a place in the country’s...

11 February 2017

True Colours

In her own words...••• TORONTO ••• Co-founder Yusra Khogali of Black Lives Matter Toronto argued that white people are “recessive genetic defects” and purportedly mused about how the race could be “wiped out.” “whiteness is not humxness,” the statement begins. “infact, white skin is sub-humxn.” The...

Culture don't buy me love

"Actually, perhaps the story that tells you everything you need to know about France was the poll last decade revealing that more than half the population would flee to America if they had the opportunity."And why wouldn't they? ********** RELATED: So Mexico wants a war?“In Mexico, we don’t have any opportunity, we don’t have any education, and you can’t get a job unless you have connections......

10 February 2017

Speaking of Canadian values

A new theory of causality... brought to you by... but of course... the CBC...Mohamed Huque, executive director of the Islamic Family and Social Services Association said the suspect's immigration status is not relevant to the crime, and journalists had a duty to keep those details out of their coverage. Media reports must take into account the everyday discriminations newcomers to Canada often face.That's...

Yeah, Ron... pull the other one

"Toronto Police Supt. Ron Taverner said the neighbourhood is 'outraged' by the acts."But, but, but..."Taverner said the first round of gunfire was never reported to police. Investigators became aware of the series of events after obtaining the surveillance camera footage."This is one of Toronto's infamous "Snitches get Stitches" neighbourhoods. The only outrage I've ever seen being exhibited is BLM...

My personal feeling is that...

..Canadian euthanasia legislation was long overdue... but obviously there's many more facets to that conversation...When the Supreme Court decreed that euthanasia was permitted by Canada’s charter of human rights, it launched the country into deep waters. If medical journals are already advertising how much money could be saved if people choose euthanasia, how much incentive will the government have...

09 February 2017

Who you gonna believe, asks media...

...me, or your damn lyin' eyes...The partisan divide is clear throughout the poll’s findings, with 89 percent of Republicans calling the Trump administration truthful, while 77 percent of Democrats find the administration untruthful. Conversely, 69 percent of Democrats find the news media truthful,...

TORONTO: It's been a killer of a week

The victim, identified as 19-year-old Haozhi Wang, succumbed to those injuries at the hospital a few hours later. A suspect identified as Toronto resident Boqiao Fan was charged Wednesday with one count of second-degree murder.********** RELATED: What else is in the news? Just 7 years for killing Annie Li...With his hands shoved in his pockets, standing in the prisoner’s box, the man who killed...

From the folks who brought you...

...the miracle of medical marijuana...A Nova Scotia doctor has lost her privileges to treat opioid users at an inpatient detox unit in Pictou because she refuses to prescribe methadone, or what she calls a "medical monster."Hmmm... instead of supplying junkies with free methadone for the rest of their lives, she's been weaning them off junk in one week. Apparently, that isn't official government...

Justin's chickens coming home to roost

A man allegedly "both followed and inappropriately touched at least six teen girls while swimming in the park," said police spokesperson Scott Pattison. Soleiman Hajj Soleiman has been charged with six counts of sexual assault, and six counts of sexual interference. Soleiman is a Syrian refugee, two sources told CBC News on Wednesday. Pattison said he believes there may be more complainants.Perhaps...

08 February 2017

Your CBC... where never is heard...

...a discouraging word... about Toronto's vibrant multicultural communities...A 25-year-old man is facing multiple charges after allegedly shooting an Uzi 9mm gun at an apartment door — and later throwing the gun off a balcony.Yup... just some mysterious unnamed male... who probably wears camo, drives...

Brought to you by the guys...

...who toss people in jail for selling raw milk to artisanal cheesemakers...Health Canada, which is facing a growing controversy over tainted medical marijuana, cannot say with certainty how widespread the use of banned pesticides is within the industry.I don't get it... I mean this stuff is obviously...

07 February 2017

Never a Community Organiser around...

...when you really, really need one..."A man whose life sentence for drug distribution conspiracy was recently commuted by former President Barack Obama is back in jail after allegedly crashing his vehicle while fleeing from a (kilo of cocaine) drug deal." "In a signed notification approving the commutation application, then-President Obama wrote that Gill deserves it 'because you have demonstrated...

"The election has turned out to be..."

"...a milestone of corruption, one of the most fraudulent political events in Somalia’s history — and that’s saying something, given that the country is already ranked by Transparency International, a global anticorruption organization, as the most corrupt on eart...

Another story you'll never see...

...on the CBC..."Dr Bates said: ‘They had good data from buoys. And they threw it out and 'corrected' it by using the bad data from ships. You never change good data to agree with bad, but that’s what they did – so as to make it look as if the sea was warmer."********** UPDATE: That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp... ...wait a minute...OTTAWA - Federal finance department officials have calculated...

Silence of the BLMs

FACT: It ain't the people with the proverbial "privilege" who are shooting all the people who are allegedly without...A boy in his early teens has been rushed to a trauma centre in serious condition after being shot in the abdomen outside Yorkgate Mall, (translation: Jane & Finch) paramedics, police and witnesses say.And, wait for it...A teenage boy hit by gunfire in a drive-by shooting in...

06 February 2017

Seems it's always the guys...

...with the way-cool names...Police have identified the victim of a shooting near Greektown early Sunday morning as Tyrone Tomlinson, 21, of Toronto. We'd give you a physical description of the shooter, but we're the Toronto Star. The shooting marks Toronto’s seventh homicide of the year.********** UPDATE:...

04 February 2017

Magical Marijuana

Everybody knows it cures disease...and bonus... makes you smarter and better looking...“There is an increased perception of the safety of cannabis use, even in pregnancy, without data to say it’s actually safe,” said Dr. Torri Metz, an obstetrician at Denver Health Medical Center.FWIW... Mrs Neo cut back on coffee & tea when she was pregna...

03 February 2017


Somebody really needs to translate that "knife to a gunfight" saying into Arabic... ••• "The BBC news report on this incident, on UK television, noted that the perpetrator shouted 'god is great' in Arabic. Presumably it was a multilingual KKK member."And... ••• "Just read the article on CBC. NO mention...

Everyone a Wynner...

...well, except for people who use electricity...TORONTO -- Ontario Power Generation did not publicly consult on a maximum $3.8-million salary for its CEO or up to $8 million in raises for about 80 executives. But the Liberal government says it won't order the nuclear operator to redo its public consultation, including the dollar figures, as it acted "in good faith."My last months hydro bill was...

02 February 2017

I'm just happy he didn't try...

...to blame it on President Trump.Leston Lawrence made $130,000 from the 17 pucks he sold, which he sent abroad to build a house in Jamaica and buy a boat in Florida, among other transactions. Defence lawyer Gary Barnes, meanwhile, said his client should receive an 18-month jail sentence, arguing lax security measures made it easy for Lawrence to smuggle the gold.I'm guessing somebody graduated with...

Do what I say...

...not what I do...“Look, this is also not unprecedented, by the way,” Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel said. “I mean, Barack Obama put a pause for six months on refugees coming from Iraq back in 2011.********** RELATED: Smell the "professional journalism"Efforts to make long-term weather predictions through the behaviour of rodents fell into discord early Thursday, as groundhogs...

Angela Merkel's real legacy

The statistics, which come from the Bavarian police, show the number of non-German criminal suspects has increased over the past year from 46 to 48 per cent and the crime rate overall has risen six per cent in the city. The report is the first time that asylum seekers have been recorded separately from other non-Germans and account for one in five non-German suspects or 8.6 per cent of total suspects,...

01 February 2017

Watch as media manufactures news

“He seemed weird,” said Desveaux, who admitted it was a superficial assessment since he had never really spoken to Bissonnette.Oh, yeah... he "loved guns as a kid," says another busybody from 15 years ago. Except it wasn't an actual gun, it was an air-fired pellet rifle, like me and every one of my friends had when we were kids. These a-holes should be ashamed of themselves. Where was all the Sherlock...

The first thing we do...

...is kill all the lawyers...Manitoba Tory MP James Bezan said Baker's request (Vince Li — who now goes by the name Will Baker) for a discharge should be denied and Bezan expects it will be. "Will Baker, regardless of the name that he goes by, still beheaded and cannibalized Tim McLean."But wait, it gets better...The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 1999 that a review board MUST ORDER an absolute...