30 November 2016

Oh, Margaret... you didn't...

Mind officially blown. WELCOME SDA READERS:  And your comments..."Sure, Castro was a torturer and murderer but look at what he did for cheap Canadian vacations."Suddenly, that whole eulogy thing is a little less perplexing. RELATED:   Forget about Justy and all those... ...whiny millennial...

29 November 2016

Silence of the BLMs

The PMO has not yet revealed whether Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be penning Mr Gibson's eulogy...Marcus Gibson, aka Ruckus, was one of two men charged with first-degree murder for the November 2014 shooting of Tariq Mohammed, 31, at Garden restaurant in Chinatown. Ceylon Carrington, Mr Gibson's co-accused in that killing was gunned down in Leslieville eight months ago. A relative, Glenton...

You can just smell "the journalism"

OSU student newspaper apparently baffled by behavior of Abdul Razak Ali Artan...Yeah... it's a mystery..."Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan posted on Facebook that he was 'sick and tired of seeing my fellow Muslim brothers being killed and tortured' shortly before he went on a slashing rampage at...

More pavilions at...

...oh...my... gawd...A new study reveals what is really inside that greasy treat we buy at the end of a night out - and the vast majority doesn’t even qualify as Döner meat. “Adding turkey or large quantities of sausage meat and undeclared additives is not allowed in classic Döner meat,” Dr. Volkmar Heinke, a government researcher, told NDR. “Sausage meat is something that can include skeletal muscles,...

28 November 2016

Since this is addressed to liberals...

...spare me the usual nonsense about “Victim Blaming”. We don’t have time for silliness. If you’re banking on the goodwill of evil people to keep you safe, you are a sucker. If I urge you to look both ways before crossing the street, I’m not victim blaming, I’m trying to keep your stupid ass from getting hit by a bus. Unarmed self-defense is great, when it works. I’m a fan. Less-lethal devices...

27 November 2016

Very publicly b!tch-slapped by Twitter...

P'tit-P'tat pumps the brakes on the "kiss a commie for mommie" train..."Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Fidel Castro was a dictator and he did not intend to minimize the former Cuban leader's human rights abuses."Of course, Justy couldn't bring himself to reel it all back in...“He certainly was a...

Toronto the (well, sorta) Good

(At the event’s Facebook page, over 3,000 Nazi-fighters vowed to show up, but hey, it rained…)Perhaps the usual suspects had other things on their collective plate..."Soft drinks were the top commodity bought by food stamp recipients. By contrast, milk was the top commodity bought from the same retailer by customers not on food stamps."And then there's lottery tickets and panhandling at the Eaton...

26 November 2016

PM Care Bear in official mourning

Ol' Fidel did his part for world population control... I'll give you that...Dear Justin... is it possible, just possible... you're overlooking anything here?Castro isn’t responsible just for the deaths of 100,000 Cubans, but also responsible for training terrorists and guerrilleros responsible for thousands...

25 November 2016

That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...The Liberal government has brought in an unprecedented gag order that prevents 235 Canadian military personnel and federal workers from ever talking about the program, now underway, to replace the country’s fighter jets. Defence industry executives and retired public servants say they have never seen such secrecy surrounding an equipment program.Something to hide, Justi...

24 November 2016

Dear Professor Michael... problem solved

Just follow in Barack's moms footsteps and eventually..."A white Ivy League professor has taken to the pages of the Huffington Post to condemn her own race, declaring that she chose never to reproduce because her children would simply inherit white privilege."Of course, that sounds a bit like eugenics......

"That’s just what ISIS wants."

"You know, you raise an interesting point there, Brayden. I’ll tell you what, why don’t you invite one of your ISIS pals around the house and we’ll see how much he likes it when I slash his guts out with the turkey knife." "You think that’s what he wants? They want us to crush them?" "Tell me something, how did you feel when your Little League team got mercy-ruled by those country boys in the district...

23 November 2016

Apologies be damned...

I say we... "burn the witch"...I didn't understand how black women are constantly told their natural hair is inappropriate/ unprofessional for the work place, or how young girls are told they can't go to school with natural hair. I'm so glad I've educated myself and surrounded my self with people to teach me what is right and wrong. I constantly am learning and becoming more and more informed. It's...

Snowflake U.

Case Western Reserve University also hosted a pre-Thanksgiving debriefing for its students, informing them that “away from the university, our families and friends often talk about issues differently than what we experience in our on-campus discussions.” The event, called “Talking with Family About the Election,” was billed as a means of teaching students “what to say to people who have fundamentally...

22 November 2016

Your sex tape was a disappointment...

...but you still want all that attention...No records are available for 2016, but Brandon Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr and publicly castigated Vice President Pence, didn't even vote during president Obama's reelection bid in 2012.Drama Queens, huh? You see your Miley Cyrus moment... I guess you gotta...

Nothing good, I'm thinking

Remember, the provincial Liberals have already doubled Ontario's debt since being elected in 2003..."Ontario’s experiment will show what would happen if people between the age of 18 to 65, living below the poverty line, received a monthly income of $1,320 ($1,820 if they are disabled)."Just something to think about as you sit in that Emergency Room for 6 or 7 hours waiting to see a doctor. ********** RELATED:...

21 November 2016

CBC has been unable to uncover...

...whether the murdered man had an "evolved primate permit." I do have a question for our friends in the media. Exactly how many dead bodies do you need before "clashes" can be reported as mass murder? Apparently, the magic number is "more than 16." ********** RELATED: Libya, Libya... that sounds...

20 November 2016

I'm looking forward to the...

...followup production... "Oppenheimer"... a story that “valorizes dead white scientists” and replaces it with black, Latino and multi-ethnic performers playing America’s seminal theoretical physicists...The press representative for the show told CBS2’s Aiello the language in the notice, “seeking non-white...

Silence of the BLMs

"Police say that a 17-year-old boy is dead after he was shot in front of his North York home on Saturday morning. The shooting took place in front of a Toronto Community Housing complex on Shoreham Court near Jane Street at around 11:50 a.m."********** UPDATE: Black Lives Matter... ...was apparently...

19 November 2016

Did Barack Obama tell a very public lie...

...or is Hillary Clinton truly out of luck...“I can’t pardon somebody who hasn’t gone before a court and presented themselves, so that’s not something that I would comment on at this point,” Mr. Obama told the German newspaper.As it turns out, Barack Hussein is lying. Perhaps he thought, "It's Germany,...

'I realize that all of this..."

"...is going to make me sound like a crazy person and put me completely at odds with every respectable thinker in the media, but luckily, being a crazy person at odds with every respectable thinker in the media has been a pretty good ticket to predictive accuracy lately, so whatever."********** RELATED: Obama "takes a timeout"...The administration has already taken the first step to accommodate...

18 November 2016

Unlike all these crybaby Millenials...

...I remember the last time some German politician wanted to "manage and steer" society..."It took a while until societies learned to find the right kinds of policies to contain this, to manage and steer this."Didn't some Austrian dude once put I.G. Farben in charge of Germany's wartime industrial Human...


"Where is our $1.8 billion being invested? Whose Swiss bank account? I want some."Note that not a single Canadian "professional" journalist has asked Prime Minister Care Bear for his definition of "investment." ********** RELATED: The Silence of the BLMs“News stories tend to not mention the race of the officer when the officer is black, because most of the black officers we found we found by looking...

17 November 2016

Yeah... I'm sorry, you lost me at...

"...hiking in a fashionable sports bra..."Dunham expressed love for her fans and described how she had “whispered some wishes for you into the big red rock” after asking “the Canyon for some guidance.”How about you give me a shout when even one of these spoiled, millionaire self-referential celebrities crosses the border and runs headlong into Canada's incredibly punitive tax code. Cos' that just...

16 November 2016

Another story you're not gonna see...

...on the CBC...Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage. Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage. Her aides could not allow her to come out...

Yeah, ABC news... we get it...

...under a Trump administration, like in Planet of the Apes... soon rich old white guys will be hunting women for sport...But when Hillary Clinton lost the election, Elderkin took a more serious tone with her napkin art. "The Monday before the election, I had drawn a ‘celebratory’ napkin, anticipating a Hillary win," she recalled. "It was of a dancing squirrel in a leotard, a la Beyoncé in the...

Three million votes...

...in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the VoteFraud.org organization. If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.Scratch those millions of dead voters and Trump's triumph is even more startling. And then there's the question of whether or not to...

15 November 2016

The Way the Baller Bounces

Oh, man... looks like Canadian journalists won't get their homegrown Gandhi after all...HALIFAX • A rapper who made a heartfelt plea for an end to violence after a series of killings in Halifax earlier this year has been charged with murder in a weekend killing. Carvel Clayton, 21, was arrested Sunday...

Okay, okay... I admit it...

...the MSM didn't get it all wrong...********** RELATED: They simply cannot help themselves...The PacketSled Board of Directors accepted the resignation of President and CEO Matthew Harrigan, effective immediately. We want to be very clear, PacketSled does not condone the comments made by Mr. Harrigan,...

14 November 2016

Rahmbo... I don't think that word means...

...what you think it means...“To all those who are, after Tuesday’s election, very nervous, filled with anxiety: you are SAFE in Chicago; you are SECURE in Chicago; and you are SUPPORTED in Chicago.”Well... not exactly.Gun-controlled Chicago is fast-approaching 4,000 shooting victims year-to-date for...

CTV turns "bait & switch" headline...

...into "switch & switch" nonsense... "Mom Skeptical of Investigation into Son's Deadly Overdose at Centre"I dunno... sounds pretty black and white to me...Text messages on Brandon's phone showed he arranged to have a dealer drop off fentanyl to him at the centre in the hours before he overdosed and died alone in his room.We then move from the journalistically ridiculous to the ironically sublime...Angry...

Social Justin Warriors

Canadian special forces troops have been told to keep an eye out for possible human rights abuses and sectarian score-settling as the battle to liberate Iraq's second largest city continues to unfold. "It is a concern," said Christina Marcotte, a civilian policy adviser with the Canadian task force...

12 November 2016

You can wrassle... or you can shoot...

...let's call it the "Forcillo Principle"..."The suspect subsequently abandoned the weapons and began making his way to the exit. He grabbed hold of a customer, an 82 year old man, and held him hostage. As he came out the doors to the rooftop parking lot of the Canadian Tire holding this hostage at knife point, he was confronted by responding police officers." Palmer says one of those officers...


"Michelle Obama would make a GREAT President! I love her toned arms! I think she would win in 2020 because the country will be tired after 4 years of that ugly classless manly-looking Melania Trump!"********** RELATED: Scenes from the Liberal Meltdown"Meanwhile, the CEO of Grubhub, the online food delivery service, demanded that employees who agree with Trump resign, because 'you have no place...

11 November 2016

Crazier Together

The students missing midterms with PTSD and the Democrat Capitol Hill staffers requesting on-site therapy dogs are starting to look like the sane ones.Deplorable Angry Aunty replies...Yup... that @BankRollGreg is one classy dude. Hillary must be so proud. ********** LAST WORD: Rum, sodomy and the...

We Remember

Do you know someone who enlisted in World War I in Canada? -- Search the WWI CEF database -- Do you know a Canadian killed while serving his country? -- Search the Commonwealth War Graves database -- My wife's grandfather, a member of the Canadian Cyclist Battalion, (pictured, in the kilt)...

The part-time drama teacher just blinked

Looks like President-elect Trump has already started to "drain the swamp"..."The Trudeau government has offered to renegotiate the North American free-trade agreement, a gesture of goodwill to Donald Trump." "The immediate effort to curry favour with the president-elect less than 24 hours after the U.S. vote is a significant move to develop a co-operative relationship with a leader who is Mr. Trudeau’s...

10 November 2016

Trump's best bet for Press Secretary

I see these dumbstick protests and all I can think is... bigger hill, better death. I mean, seriously... you're gonna take a bullet for Katy Perry, Lena Dunham or Lady freakin' Gaga?"My observation of the anti-Trump protests is that it mostly involves young people. This is their first fake-Hitler...

T.O. Diversity Chronicles - snitches, stitches

Sure, sure... it's all fun and games until somebody, uh... loses their johnson..."Since there are no snitches, the shooter and stabber are both at large. “About 20 witnesses were right there and said they saw nothing,” said Det.-Const. Chris Hominuk, of Toronto Police’s 52 Division. “Some said they were sleeping on the bus, but it is kind of hard to sleep through five gunshots.” Or to enjoy a peaceful...


The first thing we do... is burn the neighbourhood to the ground...“We can’t just do rallies, we have to fight back,” said Lily, a Latina woman from Los Angeles. “There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world,” she continued.Ah, yes... the old reliable fallback... the "Ferguson Defence." Meanwhile, back at the ranch... I say we...

09 November 2016

Contrary to CBC's nightlong narrative...

...the first actions of a Trump presidency will not be to tattoo barcodes on "differently-abled", Muslim lesbians foreheads... and ship them all off to a gulag in Alaska..."To be really historic...we have to do a great job..."Of course... some folk beg to differ. FROM THE SDA COMMENTS:Looks like Donald WAS prepared for that call at 3AM. From Hillary. Delicious.********** LAST WORD: Is this Obama's...

We're gonna have to build a wall

"Immigration Canada’s website has had so many requests in the last hour that the site has completely crashed and is giving users an error message."Ah... the lunatic left. I, for one, am content to drink their bitter tears...“If the outcome sees Mr. Trump elected, measures are in place to maintain calm, if need be.”All those wise & gentle progressives are suddenly calling for blood. ********** RELATED:...

08 November 2016

A very welcome election break

Let's see what else is going on in the world...A pedestrian who narrowly missed serious injury or possibly death when he walked into a Toronto fire truck with its sirens blaring is being scorned on social media. A dashcam video posted on YouTube on Monday appears to show a person attempting to cross the median at St. Clair Avenue West and Caledonia Road when he bangs into the side of a fire truck...

"The affordable boat act"

Government officials are exempt from this new law. If they want a boat, they and their families can obtain boats free, at the expense of tax payers. Unions, bankers and mega companies with large political affiliations ($$$) are also exempt.********** Hmmmm....The Arab public opinion prefers Clinton’s win by 66 percent while 11 percent prefer Trump’s victory.********** UPDATE: News from the trenches..."Pollster...

EDWARD SNOWDEN has demonstrated...

...how easy it is to hack into an electronic voting machine still used in several states where voters go to the polls today. He showed his 2.4 million Twitter followers a video in which experts were able to change the number of votes for each candidate in the computer memory – and also alter the paper-trail backup.But stuff like that'd never happen... right?The affidavit by Chelsey Marie Smith accuses...

07 November 2016

"If voters choose Clinton..."

..."I can live with that for six months..."...until Kaine takes over..." But I wouldn’t feel good about myself if I didn’t at least try to help people see the Trump option for what it is – an opportunity to 'drain the swamp'.********** RELATED: Maid in AmericaBill Clinton described Santos as the...

Just another reason, folks...

Or you can go with Hillary's plan to increase Islamic immigration by 500%...ISIS has called for the "slaughter’ of Americans voting in Tuesday’s Presidential election. The terror group has called on its followers to attack voters in the election and has told Muslims not to cast a vote. The new ISIS threats, reported by terrorist monitoring group SITE, were made in an essay published by the terror...

05 November 2016

Who's all "crush, kill, destroy" now?

Democrat strategist and President of the Center for American Progress (CAP), Neera Tanden insisted that Hillary should give as many interviews as possible so that, with practice, she would eventually “sound like a human.”********** COMPARE & CONTRAST: Here's the real argument ********** RELATED: Bias? What bi...

Yet again, I feel irresistibly compelled......

...to stand with Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel...Temia Hairston and Michael Grace Sr. are speaking out against legally armed employees and self defense after their son was killed while attempting an armed robbery.********** COMPARE & CONTRAST: R.I.P. Patrick GormanA senseless, unprovoked attack...

What could possibly go wrong?

Call me a naysayer... but this seems eerily analogous to how the CIA ended up creating the Taliban...In a push to hire minority police officers, the Obama administration is asking the nation’s 18,000 law enforcement agencies to forgive drug use, disregard the criminal records of candidates from “underrepresented communities” and lower standards on written and physical exams. It’s part of the administration’s...

04 November 2016

Hillary Rodham Jolson

Lawdy me... it do seem dem coloured folk might not like bein' talk down to...The apparent trend of unenthusiastic black voters comes despite Clinton’s pandering to the constituency through repeated visits to soul food restaurants and black churches in those key states.Oh, keep reading... it gets folksier...

03 November 2016

The sweet tangy fruit...

...of capitalism...“After you have smashed your BlackBerry, don't forget to wipe the fingerprints from your email server with this non-abrasive, soft microfiber 'Cloth or Something',” the site says. “Don't wait for a subpoena: order now!”Of course no coverup is truly complete without Bleachbit's patented...

City of Lights...

...piles of human shit...“Life here has become unbearable. More than 2,500 squatters were evacuated in September, and now, less than two months later, they’re back. And now that the ‘Jungle’ camp has been closed, things are about to get even worse.” “The streets are littered with rubbish and faeces....

02 November 2016

Nuff said

Hillary Clinton will lie her ass off... even while standing on sacred ground...As a United States Senator she was in Washington D.C. at her home in Whitehaven when the first plane hit the World Trade Center.Two words... BOSNIAN SNIPER. ********** COMPARE & CONTRAST:Compared to the flame-throwing...

01 November 2016