31 January 2009

And this little Iggy...

...went wee-wee-wee... all the way home...I’m also aware that Ignatieff didn’t want to govern in a coalition with socialists and separatists. It’s common knowledge that he was the Very Last Liberal™ to sign this all-important document. Give him a big round of applause, folks. But seriously, while his apprehension was well-founded, Ignatieff ultimately signed the document. He may not have initiated...

Yeah... like World War II

It was worth it.“I will wait here until the night. I must vote before I die,” he said. “Maybe they are trying to steal my vote. But I will not allow it. I am still alive. I am not dead yet.”Perhaps Iraq is actually turning a corner here...Iraqi officials say provincial elections Saturday in the country...

Drugs... the victimless crime

-- TORONTO -- Four marijuana growers were sentenced to 18 years in prison yesterday, only days after they directed police to the body of a rival which has lain at the bottom of Lake Ontario in a nylon luggage bag for more than four years.Ka Bon Chu, 29, Ji Yang, 26, Jin Seo Park, 33, and Wei Feng, 33, all pleaded guilty to manslaughter, aggravated assault and forcible confinement in the abduction,...

Okay... I'm out

As to the procedure itself, well, I'm not going to kid you. There's nothing pleasant about it. It depends on what version you undergo, but other men have written, for example, about the horrible moment when they look down and see a puff of smoke appearing above their groi...


It's all you really need...As of this week, Gmail has reached perfection: You no longer have to be online to read or write messages. To get offline access, you first need to download and install a small program called Google Gears (except if you're using Google's Chrome browser, which comes with Gears built in). Then, after you enable Gmail's offline capability, the system will download two months...

How perfect is this?

He's gonna get a ruling from "the tyranny of nice"...As Conservative MPs called for the national anthem to return to a rural New Brunswick school's morning rituals, the principal of the school says he is taking the matter to a human rights commission.In a statement to CTV News Friday, Millett wrote "The only thing I really have to say at this point is that I have contacted the New Brunswick Human...

30 January 2009


What federal political party leader is "getting all medieval"... on his discontented minions asses?“Trudeau said MPs are nobodies 50 yards off Parliament Hill. This guy wants to make us nobodies on Parliament Hill. It’s outrageous and he’s heading toward a mutiny in six to eight months, unless he’s high in the polls.”And that's not all... look who's wagging the d...

In Dalton McSlippery's Ontario...

...there's no such thing as a bad boy.Back when Neophyte was about 4 years old... and we lived in the Heart of Darkness that is downtown Toronto... Mrs Neo had occasion to take him along to a dental appointment in North York.While Mrs N was lying in the chair, she happened to mention that we were looking to find a home out in the country. It was at that point that Neophyte cheerfully piped up and...

So Dawg, your big theory...

...about the Jehovah's Witnesses putting the kibosh on the national anthem... it kinda skips over that whole Green Party thing... -- Upper Belleisle, N.B. -- School district superintendent Zoe Watson said the decision was made by principal Erik Millett after two parents complained about their children having to sing the anthem."Sometimes we have students whose parents, because of their beliefs,...

Yeah, sure... that sounds good...

...maybe it was the "ethernet fairy"...In dismissing a complaint by Ottawa resident Nellie Hechme on Thursday, the Privacy Commission said it could not explain why a Bell Canada representative identified her last year at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal as the owner of an Internet account that was used to access stormfront.org under the pseudonym Jadewarr.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"I know the...

29 January 2009

A rose by any other name

...might not end up at Attica... so says the Social Science Quarterly...We examine whether a relationship exists between juvenile delinquency and first names by answering a basic question: Are juveniles with unpopular names more or less likely to become juvenile delinquents?We add to the literature...

"Who can turn the world on with a smile?"

"Who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?"Well, ah... that'd be infamous thug, Curtis John... -- TORONTO -- John is being charged with attempted murder and several firearm related charges. But as it turns out, police are well aware of him - he's wanted for a large number...

So I guess a "spring wedding"...

...is out of the question... -- OTTAWA -- New Democrats have produced a series of scathing radio ads lambasting the Liberals for propping up Stephen Harper's minority Conservative government.The ads claim Mr. Ignatieff has failed his first test as leader and has thrown in his lot with Mr. Harper; they argue that the NDP's Jack Layton is the only leader strong enough to stand up to the Prime Minister.(h/t...

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you... -- TORONTO -- An economic development agency for beleaguered southern Ontario will do little to create jobs and is likely to become an exercise in "pork-barrel politics," critics said -- Wednesday, despite Premier Dalton McGuinty's enthusiasm about his province's share of the federal budget."Regional development amounts to corporate welfare and the government is terrible...

28 January 2009

Jack and Gilles...

...should take a pill...By contrast, Mr. Ignatieff's move provoked outrage from New Democratic Party Leader Jack Layton and Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe, who wanted the Liberals to defeat the government over the budget as early as next week. Mr. Layton immediately slammed Mr. Ignatieff, saying...

Well, Iggy... the good news is...

...at least you guys have had plenty of practice... -- OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said his party is prepared to “swallow hard” and support the Conservative government, provided they agree to table regular updates outlining how they are living up to their commitments outlined in the federal budget.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"'Swallow hard'? Is that like 'Hurray hard', or do i...

Wanna see Dr Dawg...

...and Canadian Cynic lose their collective minds? Ask them to read today's Toronto Sun... (pls note... no names have been changed to protect the guilty).Anyway, let's get right to it... "Remember when you were a kid and people settled arguments with two ton automobiles"? -- TORONTO -- An apprentice electrician admitted yesterday he killed a teenaged kitchen cabinet painter by driving over him...

Hey Iggy, you get all kung-fu...

...on the neighbourhood poodle... that doesn't necessarily mean you're ready for the wolfhound challenge... -- OTTAWA -- Liberal MPs emerged from a meeting last night saying they expect their leader, Michael Ignatieff, will demand changes to yesterday's Conservative budget in return for their support.It's unclear whether the Liberals would demand substantive changes or more minor concessions.Unclear?I...

27 January 2009

"Then they threw tax credits..."

"...at everything but the kitchen sink. Wait a minute. Even the kitchen sink qualifies for tax relief under the new Home Renovation Tax Credit designed to keep the trades in high demand."Now we just have to watch Iggy's stylised and elaborate courtship dance...Shortly before Ignatieff asked for the...

Dumber than...

...a bag of hummus...An Israeli soldier has been killed and three others injured in a bomb attack on their patrol near the border with Gaza, the Israeli army has said.Israeli troops entered Gaza backed by helicopters in response and one Palestinian was killed, medics said. Israel has closed the border crossings into Gaza because of the attack on the patrol, Israeli officials said, stopping the flow...

Iggy's tyin' himself up in knots...

...trying to make Stephen Harper look bad, but as a taxpayer... I only have one question about today's budget... "If this puppy doesn't actually fix all our economic problems, when do we get that 34 BILLION DOLLARS back?"Just askin'.**********RELATED: What would Warren Buffet say?"And people, they do not know exactly what the effects are. Economists like to talk about it, but in the end they've been...

Chalk up another one

Spent casings littered the street outside a Subway restaurant just north of Jane St. and Eglinton Ave. W., where police said a man was a victim of a drive-by shooting on Denison Rd. E., around 8 p.m.The man was shot six times in the lower body and several bullets hit a nearby house, Det. Gord McNeilly...

26 January 2009

Forget about that Gitmo thing...

...let's deal with the real threats to our safety and security..."The Crown says it will disclose evidence of a clandestine, undercover investigation in 2006 into the illegal sale of dangerous substances stored on the farm, sometimes on clear display."Oh... my... gawd...**********RELATED: Where the...

Maybe there's a reason...

...the crime stats are through the roof...Police in the Windy City are red faced after a 14-year-old boy infiltrated the force, posed as a cop, and actually got assigned to a squad car as a rookie before anyone caught on.The kid managed to secure a replica of a real police uniform, showed up at a local station on Saturday and even got assigned to a squad car. To make matters worse, he was on patrol...

Hope, Change and...

"Well... we can always dig up the backyard and plant turnips."By some estimates the leverage of U.S assets is as high as 50:1. It will take a lot more to buy fictional assets with fictional money.By the way, Democrats are already indicating that they will funnel "stimulus" into their political programs. Welcome to the making of revolution.Posted by: xiat at January 26, 2009 11:31 AM...

I guess you can't be too careful

The thing is... if stuff like yoga is on your "theatens my belief system" list... where exactly do you rank the rest of the many scary facets of the non-Islamic world?Although the ruling is not legally binding, most devout Muslims are likely to adhere to it — as they consider it sinful to ignore a fatwa.The...

I guess Orwell was right...

...some animals are more equal than others...If all of the NDP MPPs decide to work against the legislation, a filibuster – speaking to the motion at great length – could extend that indefinitely.Looks like the Dippers... like their Liberal colleagues... are flexible...The philosophical reasons for this NDP opposition are moot. Last year, the NDP acquiesced to back-to-work legislation for the TTC after...

25 January 2009

The next best thing...

...to having Steffi driving that Big Red Bus...Opposition parties are threatening to vote down this week's much-anticipated Conservative budget because it contains a potentially contentious proposal to permanently slash taxes for middle-class Canadians.Yeah... holy crap... who'd be in favour of that?But hey... it gets better... "they stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't kill the beast"...Meanwhile,...

Obambo - First Blood

Apparently, the new American President... is just as megalomaniacal & bloodthirsty as the last guy...Angry demonstrators at a big rally in eastern Afghanistan on Sunday condemned a U.S-led raid against Taliban insurgents in their area they say killed 16 Afghan civilians. President Hamid Karzai also has criticized the operation, saying civilian deaths in anti-terror raids are helping the cause...

Mayor's office... yet again...

...strangely silent on which gun club these folks belonged to...A Toronto Police officer was shot in the head last night after a Beer Store robbery in which several people were threatened with a shotgun. The officers first on the scene tried to arrest one of the suspects when there was a confrontation that led to the shooting, police said.Police nabbed one hiding in the backyard of a Campbell Ave....

24 January 2009

"How does a child..."

"...who's been in the U.S. since he was 4 or 5 become convinced to leave his parents and go to war in Somalia?" A number of families across Minneapolis are wondering the same thing.**********RELATED: The new regime commences..."Operation Punch Yourself in the Face"**********LAST WORD: I have just one question..."Whether it's for religious or family value reasons, this is a public education system,...

Yeah, it looks like a urine sample...

...but it can't be that bad for you, right? I got about half way through it and decided to look at what was in Dole "100% Juice." I figured it was from concentrate and I wasn't wrong, but I did get a surprise.Concentrate from ten different countries? Holy crap. Looking at that list, I probably wouldn't even drink the water from seven out of the ten. Seriously, why would Pepsico need to get apple concentrate...

With all this "stimulation"...

...we're talkin' "multiple Obamagasms"...1. The House Democrats’ bill will cost each and every household $6,700 additional debt, paid for by our children and grandchildren.2. The total cost of this one piece of legislation is almost as much as the annual discretionary budget for the entire federal government.3. President-elect Obama has said that his proposed stimulus legislation will create or save...

Come for the 'Clubbin'...

...stay for the trauma team...One man was shot in the leg and arm while a woman suffered a minor injury when a gunman opened fire in a crowded Entertainment District nightclub this morning, Toronto Police say.A 21-year-old woman was hurt in the face by flying shrapnel, police said.Just another reason wh...

Saudis not happy with Bush-lite

Where's OUR "hope and change?", cries Middle East. A senior member of Saudi Arabia's ruling family has warned the US that it needs to change attitudes over the Arab-Israeli conflict.Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief and former ambassador to the US, said a failure to alter policies could threaten links.**********RELATED: OTOH... if HAMAS is pissed......he's obviously doing...

23 January 2009

Tonight's Moonbat Moment

CTV's Robert Fife is decrying the Conservative Party's... wait for it... "classic media spin."Apparently, after weeks of angrily demanding to hear what the government is planning to do about the "financial crisis" they've been hysterically decrying... CTV has decided they don't want that information after all.Strangely and coincidentally, Iggy is on a tear about it too.Do these guys ever listen to...

He's so utterly magnificent...

...he can have it both ways...Yesterday, Mr. Obama put out a statement reaffirming his support for abortion rights. He also called for steps to be taken to reduce the number of abortions.It's true... he's a magic man.A week ago... these numbers would have been 99-1 against."Given Barack Obama's desire...

Hope, change and...

"Hey, Rocky... watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat."**********RELATED: Yeah... I BET they didPakistani leaders had expressed hope Obama would halt the attacks, more than 30 of which have been launched since the middle of last year, reportedly killing several senior militants.Hope, change and... "rest...

22 January 2009

Maybe Windsor taxpayers...

...should think about hiring the Amazing Kreskin...“That’s really troubling,” said Coun. Alan Halberstadt. “You have two years of no documentation of what went on? Is that what they are telling you?”Four of Enwin’s original six board members are still in charge today, including Mayor Eddie Francis, who did not return phone calls for comment.In the June 21, 2000 minutes, Edwards said, “the company...

You learn something...

...every day..."Arar was never cross-examined on his allegations because he did not testify at the commission that bears his name."Yeah, yeah... we're all shocked.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"What do you expect for $33.5 million?""We have a legal system. Not a justice system...

Odiously historic

A reader writes...Yesterday at work, the entire hospital was "dead" between 12 and 1 when Obama gave his speech. So many people interested. And when I kept working, people said to me: "aren't you afraid of missing history?".The number of people walking around saying things about how the economy is now saved or how terrorism and Israel/Palestine will be solved, poverty, Health Care for all etc. etc.There...

Three weeks... five murders

Perhaps, instead of harassing law-abiding members of Toronto gun clubs... Mayor Miller should be considering "a surge"...A 19-year-old man found shot to death on Keele St. Tuesday night is Toronto’s fifth homicide victim of 2009.Emergency workers were called to Keele St. and Donald Rd., just south of Eglinton Ave., around 10:45 p.m. by a TTC bus passenger who heard gunshots.They arrived to find the...

21 January 2009

"Uh, no pressure, dude"

What pisses me off is how grateful all these expats sound, how relieved they are they can finally stop pretending they’re Canadian. I’m not grateful; frankly I profoundly resent the implication that my own personal worth has anything whatsoever to do with who half the American voters chose.I have to be honest with you, at this point, I almost feel sorry for the guy. Whenever I had a few minutes today...

"Hope, Change and..."

"...kiss my ass you evil neocons."**********RELATED: Whatever happened to critical thinking?What if a Republican president submitted for cabinet confirmation...1. A Treasury Secretary with supervisory powers over the IRS who failed to report and pay taxes on over $100,000 in personal income?2. A Commerce Secretary who had to withdraw because of an investigation into "pay to play" allegations in the...

"The 2005 Bush inauguration..."

"...despite occurring in boom times, was, I remember, deemed by the media as crass and a rich man’s fest, insensitive to the general poverty around." "The more than twice as expensive 2009 Obama inauguration, despite occurring in a severe recession, is a measured and proper celebration of diversity and landmark progress. Annuit coeptis indeed...

Hope, Change and...

...what the hell happened to my "peace train"? -- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- Construction is underway at a frenzied pace at the main NATO military base in Kandahar province to prepare for the extra U.S. soldiers deploying to the country in the coming months as part of U.S. President Barack Obama's troop surge.Obama, inaugurated Tuesday as the 44th U.S. president, intends to add more than 20,000...

20 January 2009


Being out and about today... getting cars and computers back on their respective highways... I missed the most egregious moments of the all-too-predictable media slobberfest about this most miraculous of days.And tonight, a mere 10 minutes of CTV gush-master Lloyd Robertson convinced me that I had indeed made the smart choice.Strangely enough... the best line I've heard about the BIG DAY came from...

Well, I've been computerless...

...for most of the day and it's not a nice feeling.Something snuck past my anti-virus last night and hammered Vista into a coma. I've just spent an afternoon with a friend putting Windows XP Pro onto this machine instead.The most interesting part of the exercise is finding XP drivers for my Acer laptop... it doesn't seem to like walking backwards down the operating system footpath.Ah, well... almost...